RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
Landroval: LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL
[color=grey]Meneldor[/color] [color=silver] Prim Reapers [/color]
[color=silver]Naion- Lore-Master Level 52[/color] ~ [color=grey]Naori - Ministrel Level 36 [/color] ~ [color=silver]Nabras- Burglar Level 34[/color] ~ [color=grey] Nairos - Rune-Keeper Level 25 [/color] ~ [color=silver] Naidon - Warden Level 16 [/color]
[color=red]Soultwister ~ Warg ~[/color]
The new hunter's cloak
Ramiros 66 (HNT) + Romiriel 85 (MNS)
Educate yourself in the matters of reality for they have no precise line between good and evil.
[B][COLOR=magenta]Ryee Whiskee ~Goddess Of Hugs~[/COLOR][/B]
[B]~Proud Leader of Tul Acharn~[/B]
[B][U]In Elvish Tul Acharn means [COLOR=magenta]*Vengeance Comes*[/COLOR][/U][/B]
[B][COLOR=magenta]Namarie[/COLOR] my friends...[/B]
RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
Landroval: LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL
[color=grey]Meneldor[/color] [color=silver] Prim Reapers [/color]
[color=silver]Naion- Lore-Master Level 52[/color] ~ [color=grey]Naori - Ministrel Level 36 [/color] ~ [color=silver]Nabras- Burglar Level 34[/color] ~ [color=grey] Nairos - Rune-Keeper Level 25 [/color] ~ [color=silver] Naidon - Warden Level 16 [/color]
[color=red]Soultwister ~ Warg ~[/color]
and the rest of us lie about it!
[I][COLOR=#40e0d0]Slamfist of Landroval and Silverlode - Slamwise - Slamburger - Slamrat - and Joe[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=#ffff00]< [URL=""]a Hobbit's Tale[/URL]> < [URL=""]Behold the Chinchillas![/URL] > [/COLOR]
[color=grey]Meneldor[/color] [color=silver] Prim Reapers [/color]
[color=silver]Naion- Lore-Master Level 52[/color] ~ [color=grey]Naori - Ministrel Level 36 [/color] ~ [color=silver]Nabras- Burglar Level 34[/color] ~ [color=grey] Nairos - Rune-Keeper Level 25 [/color] ~ [color=silver] Naidon - Warden Level 16 [/color]
[color=red]Soultwister ~ Warg ~[/color]
Les Strout dude he is WAYYYY better than bear!
[center]Elendilmir - Rimsilval[/center]
[color=green][center]Arness Hunter; Ashuri, Champ, Rozie LM, Velan Minstrel; Kynra Captain; Ryssa RK;[/color][/center]
Nice thread.
This is my rejected cloak :
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="1"][CENTER]Khulak, guardian, Dwarven hoard defender -- Meriak, hunter, Hobbit [i]par excellence[/i]
Vivia, minstrel, Muse of the Hall of Fire -- Valyerie, burglar, Bilbo's secret admirer
Matane, loremaster, Turtle friend -- Habs, captain, Protector of the [i]sainte flanelle[/i] - Landroval- [URL=""]QBC[/URL][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
Wow that last one really messes with your head lol...
Tolbluegar - 50 Guardian R6 | Tolbludar - 50 ####### R5
Tolbluedar - 50 Burglar R6 | Tolblueroc - 37 Lore-Master R0
Arrowss - Blackarrow R5
Officer of Legends on Nimrodel - Thog on AoC
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][charsig=]Porkrinds[/charsig]
This looked like a lot of fun so I made you guys two. One with a little humor for the MPvPers. =)
I figured this fine washcloth would work for some of you...
Skrull, 50 Champion, [color=red]I Defeated Thorog 2.0! :) [/color]
Happily Kinless
Gah!! This thread is so amazing! I wanna contribute but I have no clue how....
[CENTER][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Mirrah - 65 Human Guardian, Mirrieth - 17 Human Warden, Mirrabella - 22 Hobbit Minstrel
Demonic Angels Kinship
Happy Hunting!!![/COLOR][/CENTER]
heh I love thisbut where are all of the other "[insert class] does it from [insert position] cloaks?"
I know I wasn't the only one in the ooc chat .... oh months ago now... that read that awesome conversation.
Went something like:
Burglars do it from behind.
Loremasters do it with pets.
Hunters do it from across the room.
Minstrels do it to music.
(and I'm not sure about the others but it might have been something like this: )
Guardians do it with a shield. (*edit* now that I think about it I think it was Guardians do it ON their shields...maybe... memory so bad)
Champions do it with both hands.
And I honestly can't remember the Captain one at all...... though I'm sure it was something about the herald.....
Anyways! I think those cloaks need to be made as wellhehe
Last edited by Snakey_Nie; Aug 15 2007 at 10:13 AM.
"You do know you could find yourself charged with being a dominant species while under the influence of impulse-driven consumerism, don't you?"
~Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman~ "Good Omens"
It's probably:
"Captains let thier heralds do it for them and just watch."
Dak 48 Captain
Dakeyraz 31 Hunter
Con 20 Burglar
The Circle, Landroval
*Talchilla sneaks in...
Then sneaks back out...![]()
[CENTER][COLOR=darkolivegreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkolivegreen][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#0000ff][B][U][charsig=]Talason[/charsig][/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][URL=""][B]Band of Hope[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=cyan]"Indecision may or may not be my problem.” - Jimmy Buffett. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=#00ffff][COLOR=orange]"habidabldieblaysalamabla" - Sylexis.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[color=gold]Men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their opinions of the things that happen. - Epictetus (55-135)[/color]
[b][color=steelblue]Silverlode[/color][/b] - [i][color=blue]Anakerie (Burglar)[/color], [color=royalblue]Abelaard(Capt)[/color], [color=dodgerblue]Trevalin(Champ)[/color], [color=deepskyblue]Rheanys(Hunter)[/color][/i]
[b][color=darkred]A Touch of Evil[/color][/b] - [i][color=firebrick]Zharkon (Warg)[/color], [color=crimson]Mangorath (Black Arrow)[/color][/i]
[URL=""]Austin H [/URL]- Because I don't just troll the Landroval coffee house. • [URL=""]Berít New York[/URL] - New York's finest steampunk couture!
[COLOR=cyan]Osten[/COLOR][COLOR=cyan][SIZE=1](M/LM/58)[/SIZE][/COLOR] - [COLOR=plum][COLOR=red]Seaneen[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=red](E/CH/20)[/COLOR][/SIZE] - [/COLOR][COLOR=red][COLOR=lime]Fenn[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime](M/CA/16)[/COLOR][/SIZE] - [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Britniel[SIZE=1](E/HU/13)[/SIZE] -[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Hethrengel[SIZE=1](E/GU/15)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=silver] - Wahnsingr[SIZE=1](E/RK/17)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=Black] - Arsanvenga[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=Black](C/WL/R0)[/COLOR][/SIZE][URL=""]