Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Othrongroth
I remember going there for the first time with my Guardian main. I was feeling pretty cocky. I had soloed nearly everything else up to that point. Heck, I was wearing heavy armor! What could hurt me?
I went into the instance by myself the first time thinking I would have a look at the place. I got smacked down by the 2 elites waiting outside.
Next, I went in with a friend (read: 1 friend). Deja vu. Hey, sometimes I'm a slow learner. 
Finally hooked up with a full Fellowship. Did I mention that I'd pretty much soloed everything up to this point? I wasn't very good at working with a group. I wasn't the only one. Even with the help of a Min30, there were a couple of times we got our butts handed to us. I got too far ahead of the rest of the Fellowship and got ganked. Someone in the back kept trying to loot the bodies while we were in combat, and I couldn't see what I was doing for all the loot pop-ups. Critters charged past me, because the Hunter got trigger-happy. And we didn't have a Burgler...
I think it took us an entire afternoon to get thru 1.11 and the first half of Ancient Story of Evil. By that time, I was tired and hungry and feeling almost as if I had really been in that stygian barrow the whole time. I never did go back for the second half of ASoE.
So, now I have started bringing my Hunter up. She's at level 22, now. She's also staring at the GB with the proper amount of dread, I think. Maybe I can use the knowledge I've gained over the last year to help her make it thru without dying a half-dozen times. 
That Gandalf; he can pronounce anything!
Last edited by d00dguy; Apr 09 2008 at 08:46 AM.
[SIZE="2"][color=yellow]Othyra:[/color] [color=red]Lvl 50: Human Guardian[/color] [color=orange]"Tank, tank, tank..."[/color]
[color=yellow]Eloridreth:[/color] [color=red]Elven Champion[/color] [color=orange]"Stab, stab, stab..."[/color]
[color=yellow]Ealucardha:[/color] [color=red]Lvl 50: Human Hunter[/color] [color=orange]"Buries the cloth-yard shaft in its wishbone!"[/color]
[color=yellow]Dwyna:[/color] [color=red]Hobbit Burgler[/color] [color=orange]"Sneak, sneak, sneak..."[/color][/SIZE]