Only care about keeping KB's above deaths, occasionally I go for a high rating but that's pretty boring on a reaver.
Only care about keeping KB's above deaths, occasionally I go for a high rating but that's pretty boring on a reaver.
There may come a time for valor without renown, for those without swords may surely still die upon them.
I'm sure I'll get flamed for my low amount of deaths but meh.
Last edited by Pusher; Jun 16 2009 at 12:16 PM.
Darkrain / Ghostdog / Bettyford
Pouncing Pwny - Landroval
Michaelian Rank 9 Warg Silverlode
Last edited by XavierBlak; Jun 16 2009 at 04:16 PM. Reason: Updated image link.
Meneldor kinship francophone : Québec Raiders
Doldir lvl 65 minstrel rank 4/Ostras lvl 54 hunter rank 6/Hamdir lvl 60 captain rank 6/Halbar lvl 52 Guardian /Abrakadabra LM lvl 60/ Cutman Warden lvl 53
Rank 6 reaver war-tab, for what little its worth :P
[RIGHT][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ffa07a]Babou + Tyrannosaurus [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]/ [/SIZE][COLOR=#afeeee][SIZE=2]Zapdos[/SIZE]
[/COLOR][/SIZE][B][COLOR=#ee82ee][SIZE=3]Acta Non Verba[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/RIGHT]
Lieutenant Hydrain
Task Master Hydran
Ussually solo/small grp during off-peak hours (I'm Australian). Occasionally raid up on weekends.
Last edited by Narandia; Jun 18 2009 at 08:27 AM.
Canislupus, rank 7 wargs with kind of a suicidal mind (lots of deaths)
Bridgess, lvl 60 hunter; Kurit, lvl 59 RK
Canislupus, rank 8 Stalker, Officer of The cool kids
Myriam = Free infamy
Goatrida Rank 9 Reaver of Firefoot!
[Tribe] Bushwak: 'If there's one thing these idiots are great at it's doing emotes'
Dont really farm stars...I destroy them.Ive got a thing for blowing things up.../shrug Also give credit to about half those deaths to the days of the hunter...right after moria. (Still a little bitter about getting killed mid charge behing walls)
Last edited by ellestone; Jun 21 2009 at 07:31 PM.
[COLOR=red]Ulygar, rank 8 blackarrow, Nimrodel server[/COLOR]
[URL=""]Bored? Come Play Here![/URL] [URL=""]Join my clan![/URL]
My skillbar seems weird, but that's because I'm using an n52te. It's arranged like a num-pad.
Last edited by Rainyman; Jun 22 2009 at 03:40 AM.
Playing on JQ in GW2
Holy suicide spiderman. Although it isnt as bad as my friend who had like 1.5k by r5.....
Dirtyblonde 65 Burg (Nimrodel) | Notblondie (Nimrodel) | Scratchs (Elendilmir)
[OOC] ****** : 'except blondie, hes already GM smartass'
Blame the players.
Battlefield Heroes is really fun!
Just after I hit rank 7.
[RIGHT][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ffa07a]Babou + Tyrannosaurus [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]/ [/SIZE][COLOR=#afeeee][SIZE=2]Zapdos[/SIZE]
[/COLOR][/SIZE][B][COLOR=#ee82ee][SIZE=3]Acta Non Verba[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/RIGHT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=fixedsys][COLOR=#FF0000]Aldamire**Captain Of The Company**Rank 8 Pre MoM(Retired)
Killerpup**Warg of Legion**Rank 8 Pre MoM(Now Rank 9/Retired)
Notblondie of Nimrodel
Scratchs of Elendilmir
Dirtyblonde 65 Burg (Nimrodel) | Notblondie (Nimrodel) | Scratchs (Elendilmir)
[OOC] ****** : 'except blondie, hes already GM smartass'
Blame the players.
Battlefield Heroes is really fun!
me, just hit that r9 today.
Yes, I solo and small group a lot :P