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  1. #1
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    data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Hey developer types, with the launch of the update Lorebook comes a new data.lotro.com API method - item XML!

    The basic URL pattern is described at http://data.lotro.com/ and looks like this:

    And the result XML will look something like this (pardon the poor indent formatting):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <item id="1879094683" name="Doom-hunter's Helm" level="50" type="Medium Armour" quality="Incomparable" unique="1" isItemAdvancement="0" stackSize="1" bindOnAcquire="1" bindOnEquip="0" consumedOnUse="0" cooldown="" iconUrl="http://content.turbine.com/sites/lorebook.lotro.com/images/icons/item/head/eq_head_med_rift_set_1_hunter.png" decoration="" instrument="">
    <level minimum="50"/>
    <class name="Hunter"/>
    <value baseCopperValue="1320" gold="0" silver="13" copper="20"/>
    <durability points="50" type="Tough"/>
    <armour value="218"/>
    <effect value="+30 Will"/>
    <effect value="+8 Might"/>
    <effect value="+22 Maximum Morale"/>
    <effect value="+30 Agility"/>
    <effect value="+30 Vitality"/>
    <set name="Doom-hunter's Armour" level="50">
    <piece id="1879094678"/>
    <piece id="1879094679"/>
    <piece id="1879094680"/>
    <piece id="1879094681"/>
    <piece id="1879094682"/>
    <piece id="1879094683"/>
    <effect pieceCount="6" value="25% Disperse Shadow Chance"/>
    <effect pieceCount="6" value="-18% Penetrating Shot Power Cost"/>
    <effect pieceCount="4" value="-50% Heart Seeker Power Cost"/>
    <effect pieceCount="4" value="10% Disperse Shadow Chance"/>
    <effect pieceCount="2" value="+15 Agility"/>
    <effect pieceCount="2" value="3% Disperse Shadow Chance"/>
    <description><![CDATA[This armour was granted as a reward for defending Eriador from the terror of Nûrz Gâshu.]]></description>
    </item><cache_info cached_until_gmt="2009-12-10 20:02"/></apiresponse>
    The response will vary depending on the type of item. We do not have full documentation of the XML tag structure for each type of item but it should be fairly self-evident when looking at various types.

    If you use this API, please make sure you only retrieve XML for an item once a day (or even less since these items will not be changing except for Lorebook updates). Additionally, if you want to do many lookups of lots of different items, make sure your script does not perform more than one request per second. Any developer or application that abuses these limits will find that their API key no longer works.

    Please post here if you run into any problems, incorrect data, or have issues with the service.

  2. #2

    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Excellent, thanks!

    Now if we could only get a list of all the items a character had (instead of what they happened to be wearing when they logged out) that would be great.

    Hopefully gear in the character's packs will be available someday - though I understand that gear in the character's vault, shared vault, house, or escrow would be much harder.

    FWIW, my hope would be able to produce a list of characters (in my kin) with how much Radiance they have. I can do this now, but only based on what they happened to be wearing - so it's not very accurate. Many people don't wear the radiance gear, except while raiding.
    Mosby, Founder of The Palantíri kinship (Landroval) - LotRO Charts Tumblr - Runes & Translations

    As glides in seas the shark, Rides Mosby through green dark. -Melville

  3. #3
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beleg View Post
    FWIW, my hope would be able to produce a list of characters (in my kin) with how much Radiance they have. I can do this now, but only based on what they happened to be wearing - so it's not very accurate. Many people don't wear the radiance gear, except while raiding.
    This is exactly the type of thing I've been trying to conceptualize as well. The best idea I've had this far is to keep track of the highest radiance I've seen a character with historically. Not that great still, but one step better than just using the number they happen to have at the moment you make a request. A great addition nonetheless and I'm glad there's continual developer support on this feature - thanks!
    Crystanor | Orothalion | Zithamir | Qillien

  4. #4
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beleg View Post
    Excellent, thanks!

    Now if we could only get a list of all the items a character had (instead of what they happened to be wearing when they logged out) that would be great.

    Hopefully gear in the character's packs will be available someday - though I understand that gear in the character's vault, shared vault, house, or escrow would be much harder.

    FWIW, my hope would be able to produce a list of characters (in my kin) with how much Radiance they have. I can do this now, but only based on what they happened to be wearing - so it's not very accurate. Many people don't wear the radiance gear, except while raiding.
    Ya this is hard to track. Basically I just keep track of the highest radiance value recorded each time I query for characters. Although, occasionally I will see a radiance value of 280 or some such.

    However, I can't imagine that there would be public access to anyone Inventory but your own. I have been hoping that this would be done on my.lotro.com at some point.
    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
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  5. #5
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    As for item ID numbers, they are not easily found anymore. These used to show up in the search results page on Lorebook, but now they do not. Is there an easy way to get a list of ID numbers?
    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
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  6. #6
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    I have to second the request for a way to determine the ID itself. Perhaps something like:


    I realize it's likely you're, at least currently, exposing this API specifically for my.lotro character sheets, but some of us are chomping at the bit to be able to do stuff with recipes, etc.

    I was able to find that if I looked in the history of a lorebook page and compared the last version, I could grab the item id from there, but that id doesn't seem to work for recipes (nor does /recipe/id/xxxx).

    It's a great start Bracket, here's hoping to see more in this direction!


  7. #7
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    In the lorebook thread, it was pointed out to me that the ID numbers exist, but it's not easily found. If you go to an item's lorebook page, click the 'View Source' link at the top to view the lorebook source for that page (*not* the HTML source code). The ID number can be found there. Or of you are logged into the Lorebook site, click the 'Edit' link.

    Also, I have a list of at least 1011 items that give me errors. Some errors look like this (e.g. 1879087802):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <error message="Unknown error encountered." code="unknownError"/></apiresponse>
    Some look like this (e.g. 1879078831):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <error message="Unable to retrieve item data." code="ItemFetchError"/><cache_info cached_until_gmt="2009-12-16 03:34"/></apiresponse>

    Is this a known issue? Would you like the list of IDs?

    Last edited by Harlinator; Dec 19 2009 at 11:14 PM.
    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
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  8. #8
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    I've done some investigating and it looks like items that have 'clickable' effects like the Amber Ring (ID= 1879115750) give error responses. Is this a known issue?

    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
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    Mis-adventure is better than no adventure at all!

  9. #9
    Duwis's Avatar
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlinator View Post
    Some errors look like this (e.g. 1879087802):

    Some look like this (e.g. 1879078831):

    Is this a known issue? Would you like the list of IDs?
    For both examples, the issue is the data is not properly flagged as being publicly visible. You can PM me the list of IDs if you like, but we likely already know about most of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlinator View Post
    I've done some investigating and it looks like items that have 'clickable' effects like the Amber Ring (ID= 1879115750) give error responses. Is this a known issue?
    It is now; we'll add it to the TODO pile.

  10. #10
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    That TODO guy gets a workout! Thanks for looking into these

    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
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    Mis-adventure is better than no adventure at all!

  11. #11
    Duwis's Avatar
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlinator View Post
    I've done some investigating and it looks like items that have 'clickable' effects like the Amber Ring (ID= 1879115750) give error responses. Is this a known issue?


    OK, we've sorted out the Amber Ring issue; we'll try to get that fix out "Sapience Soon". We'll check other clickie items for similar issues, but if you have other examples, please drop them here or to me in a PM.


  12. #12
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Sapience Soon!?

    That'll take forever! Can we get it Net Ops Soon?

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  13. #13

    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    I know I am dense (yes flame away).. but how do I get the API key?

  14. #14
    Duwis's Avatar
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandolff View Post
    I know I am dense (yes flame away).. but how do I get the API key?
    See this post and this post by Bracket.

  15. #15
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandolff View Post
    I know I am dense (yes flame away).. but how do I get the API key?
    Developers are beyond flaming... we go straight for lasers

    Very cool to see this added, Duwis and friends (that's assuming he didn't get stuck soloing). I've always appreciated how Turbine interacts with their community, it shows your dedication to your fans (we power you, after all!)
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  16. #16

    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    If only we could get a Deed XML feed, my life would be complete.

    And so would be my offline roster.

  17. #17
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bracket View Post
    If you use this API, please make sure you only retrieve XML for an item once a day (or even less since these items will not be changing except for Lorebook updates). Additionally, if you want to do many lookups of lots of different items, make sure your script does not perform more than one request per second. Any developer or application that abuses these limits will find that their API key no longer works.
    How would it be possible to distribute a desktop application that conformed to that rule?

    Even if a given instance of an application is designed to be religious about caching and the one-query-per-second rule, multiple end-users, running on different machines with no knowledge of each other, could easily cause near-simultaneous requests with the application developer's API key to be received (and if you follow through on the threat to disable the key, all installations of the application anywhere would then cease to work...)

    Edit: On a slightly related subject, I am seeing a 1-hour server cache-time indicated in the XML data I'm getting back from the server. Have I muffed the GMT time conversion somewhere? Or is the cached_until_gmt field wrong? Or is the period between updates shorter than 24 hours?
    Last edited by LagunaD; Jan 09 2010 at 11:04 AM.

  18. #18
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by LagunaD View Post
    How would it be possible to distribute a desktop application that conformed to that rule?

    Even if a given instance of an application is designed to be religious about caching and the one-query-per-second rule, multiple end-users, running on different machines with no knowledge of each other, could easily cause near-simultaneous requests with the application developer's API key to be received (and if you follow through on the threat to disable the key, all installations of the application anywhere would then cease to work...)

    Edit: On a slightly related subject, I am seeing a 1-hour server cache-time indicated in the XML data I'm getting back from the server. Have I muffed the GMT time conversion somewhere? Or is the cached_until_gmt field wrong? Or is the period between updates shorter than 24 hours?
    One way around it would be to host the feeds yourself and have your app talk your your storage. Also include a basic copy of the items with the app already of the items would be ideal because it would lighten your load etc.
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  19. #19
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bracket View Post
    Hey developer types, with the launch of the update Lorebook comes a new data.lotro.com API method - item XML!

    The basic URL pattern is described at http://data.lotro.com/ and looks like this:

    Bracket and Duwis,

    Is there an easy way to get a list of all the LOTRO item IDs? I was wondering if you could create a special API method to return the ID list to rule them all. Something like:

    Where the XML result might look something like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cache_info cached_until_gmt="2009-12-10 20:02"/></apiresponse>
    This list would only need to be updated when new items were added, etc. This would be a great help!

    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
    Ain't no mountain high enough...
    Mis-adventure is better than no adventure at all!

  20. #20
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by LagunaD View Post
    How would it be possible to distribute a desktop application that conformed to that rule?

    Even if a given instance of an application is designed to be religious about caching and the one-query-per-second rule, multiple end-users, running on different machines with no knowledge of each other, could easily cause near-simultaneous requests with the application developer's API key to be received (and if you follow through on the threat to disable the key, all installations of the application anywhere would then cease to work...)

    Edit: On a slightly related subject, I am seeing a 1-hour server cache-time indicated in the XML data I'm getting back from the server. Have I muffed the GMT time conversion somewhere? Or is the cached_until_gmt field wrong? Or is the period between updates shorter than 24 hours?
    You could even have all your users get their own API key. Then you would not have to worry about this at all.

    Harl - Minstrel - Cliff Divers of Middle Earth - Arkenstone
    Ain't no mountain high enough...
    Mis-adventure is better than no adventure at all!

  21. #21

    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by LagunaD View Post
    Even if a given instance of an application is designed to be religious about caching and the one-query-per-second rule, multiple end-users, running on different machines with no knowledge of each other, could easily cause near-simultaneous requests with the application developer's API key to be received (and if you follow through on the threat to disable the key, all installations of the application anywhere would then cease to work...)
    I would be willing to bet that they would probably allow one request per second per IP with the same API key without shutting off your access. Just a thought.
    Howard Griffith
    Creator of the LOTROHerald and DDOHerald iPhone apps.

  22. #22
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!


    I'm very excited to have access to data.lotro.com, having just discovered its existence. It is going to prove very useful to myself and my kin, many of whom are developers in their day jobs.

    May I please have a developer name and API key?



  23. #23
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    I have PM'd Bracket a couple times in the last month requesting an API key with no response. Is there a better way to get an API key?

  24. #24
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    Quote Originally Posted by LagunaD View Post
    Edit: On a slightly related subject, I am seeing a 1-hour server cache-time indicated in the XML data I'm getting back from the server. Have I muffed the GMT time conversion somewhere? Or is the cached_until_gmt field wrong? Or is the period between updates shorter than 24 hours?
    The time in the field is current GMT (not UTC, be sure to watch out for daylight savings time which UTC does not use, probably the source of your 1 hour discrepancy) but the attiribute name is "cached_until_gmt" which implies it should be the time when the cache expires. I reported this to Bracket, not sure if the time is wrong or the attribute name is misleading.

  25. #25
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    Re: data.lotro.com - Now with items!

    It seems that the Class LI slot items are not coming across. This might be an underlying data issue since I don't seem to see them on my.lotro.com either - for instance, my Mini's Songbook doesn't show in the data.lotro feed or my.lotro.com even though he's had a songbook in that slot months. The same for my Captain's Emblem and my LM's book. Not sure if this is a previously known issue but I went back a couple of pages on the forums lists and didn't notice any posts (doesn't mean it wasn't there and my bleary eyes just missed it... now, where's my coffee gone to?)


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