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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    as of this point i have not put any time into upgrading any of the legs but starting to think about it and just dont want to waste any skirmish points since each scroll is not cheap. I also would not mind input as to what other people think i should replace with stats.

    ok for some reason cant att picts so

    all weapons are 65
    bow lvl 29/60
    Tier Leg
    3 foc bow crit mult
    4 foc bow pow cost
    3 ind bow crit mult
    3 ind bow pow cost
    3 inc bow threat down

    xbow 51/60
    Tier leg
    4 barb arr bleed
    2 dis shot res pen
    3 str quick shot slow
    4 rng skill evad chan mod
    3 foc bow crit
    2 inc bow crit

    hammer lvl 60/60
    1 Des fligh cd
    2 ned has dur
    4 crit mag in prec
    3 find the path mov
    5 agi rej heal chance
    3 pwr res by trait int conc

    club lvl 32/60
    3 ned haste
    4 des fligh cd
    2 find the path mov
    3 imp str of earth morale
    3 blind side crit
    2 agi rej heal chance

    thanks in advance for the feedback
    Last edited by eastland; Mar 30 2010 at 10:04 AM. Reason: add pictures

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    The bow is very nice. The only legacy I personally would get rid of is the induction bow threat down. I am a firm believer if you pull aggro your guard is bad. I won't group with bad guards that cant get and hold aggro. I have run SG many times on my hunter in STRENGTH stance the whole run and never pulled aggro from the guard. In fact we run 2 hunters in strength stance and neither of us pull aggro. Again my point is if you have a lot of aggro, chances are your guard is lousy. The other legacies are very nice and a total keeper.

    THe xbow is junk and while I am at it the 2 hand weapons are ok at best. The very important legacy you are missing on both your hand weapons in my opinion is "beneath Care" cooldown. Especially with this skill upgraded at level 64, this is nice to have and use all the time, reduces your threat and gives you power. I use this all the time, even if I do not have aggro. For me, I won't look at a hunter hand weapon unless it has benath care cooldown AND needful haste duration.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Get the bow to 30 and pray for Barbed Arrow Bleed. If you get it you've got a winner. The crossbow is good too, but with no -Power Cost legacies it's definitely second place...if the bow gets BA Bleed of course. If the Bow doesn't get BA Bleed I'd be inclined to keep both weapons. Level BA Bleed, Induction Crit, and QS Slow on the crossbow and swap it in for BA or when you need the extra move reduction on your QS; use the bow as your main weapon.

    The melee choice is easy. I'd take the hammer, S:P Crit Magnitude is nice to have.

    Regarding Beneath Care: My opinion? Meh. It's nice I guess, and it's definitely better than getting +Melee Crit yet again, but it's not vital like Needful Haste.
    [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]7 Level 65s: Champ, Hunter, Guardian, Captain, RK, LM, Burglar[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] [B]All of them are sick of grinding Scrolls of Empowerment[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    DOH, got heart seeker dmg at 30, was praying for barbed but i suppose it could have been worse, oh well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Quote Originally Posted by eastland View Post
    DOH, got heart seeker dmg at 30, was praying for barbed but i suppose it could have been worse, oh well
    [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]7 Level 65s: Champ, Hunter, Guardian, Captain, RK, LM, Burglar[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] [B]All of them are sick of grinding Scrolls of Empowerment[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    I like the bow a lot, but Bleed would be nice. You neglected to mention whether these are 1st, 2nd, or third age weapons. While I believe a hunter should be using a level 65 bow or xbow, a strong case can be made for using a level 60 melee first age weapon. That is the fact that all First age weapons get 160 more points to spend on legacies than a third age weapon if both are fully leveled. To me, that is more important than the additional DPS you get with a level 65 Third age melee weapon.

    I'm guessing that they are all Third Age since you said they are all 65. Might want to look into level 60 First ages for Melee weapons.
    Last edited by Wyelde; Mar 30 2010 at 11:59 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Even without BA Bleed the bow is still solid. 4 out of 6 of my top legacies. You might have trouble maxing out all 4 legacies + DPS though, even with everything at Tier 6. Definitely a keeper for PVE. Drop the threat leg for a stat.

    The xbow looks to me like more of a PVP bow, if that's something you like. QS Slow, BA Bleed, -Evade, both crits make it pretty good, and you won't notice the lack of Power legacies unless you're in a stupidly long pitched battle. Even the DS resistance leg could come in handy in the moors.

    For melee, keep the hammer but drop DF cooldown. Only keep IC power restore if you trait it a lot, obviously. Max out NH immediately. If this had AOE targets it'd be perfect.

    You might consider holding on to the club as a swap weapon for cooldowns/run speed/SOTE. You wouldn't have to level the DPS, just max out the DF, SOTE, FTP legacies.
    Nemesis - Brandywine
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    so how do i get the scrolls that swap out the leg for a stat?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Barter Exchange Trader in Ost Galadh. I think it's 25 DG Medallions per stat scroll.

    Also some of the V2B9 epilogues and V3B1 quests give them as rewards.
    Nemesis - Brandywine
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    Gjorn 65 Champion || Anavel 65 Burglar || Thissis 100 Warden || Mezimus 70 Loremaster

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    where else can you get the DG medalions?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    The 4 Instances (Warg Pens, Dungeons, Sword Halls, Sammath Gul) and some of the Book 2 Epilogues give Mirkwood medallions. Some of the Vol.2 epilogues and some of the Epic 3, Book 1 quests give the actual scrolls.

    The new epic is your fastest route if you haven't completed V2, Book 9. You can pick up a Vitality, Agility, and Will/Fate/damage title scroll (pick one) from 3 separate quests.
    [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]7 Level 65s: Champ, Hunter, Guardian, Captain, RK, LM, Burglar[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] [B]All of them are sick of grinding Scrolls of Empowerment[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    I think barbed arrow bleed is a very nice legacy but to a certain degree in my opinion it is overrated. The base barbed arrow bleed is 94 damage every 2 seconds. When you level up the barbed arrow bleed to max level 9 you gain 50%, so that is a whole wooping 47 more damage every 2 seconds. I realize over 10 seconds it is another 200+ damage, but to me, there is way better legacies like quick shot crit , quick shot slow, and the 2 crit legacies over barbed arrow bleed. Even merciful shot cooldown I like better. Barbed arrow to me is a nice option, but not a priority to me... now if my bleed went from 94 to 200 damage every 2 seconds yes, but a whooping whole 47 more damage every 2 seconds isn't worth a priority over crit shots. Keep in mind you will only be able to max out 3 or 4 legacies and for me barbed arrow bleed is my 5th choice.

    I never have power issues ever, even in strength all the time. I like:

    induction crit
    focus crit
    quickshot crit
    merciful cooldown
    barbed arrow
    focus power savings
    induction power savings

    In that order for me

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Forgotten_Legend, The Baconnaire
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Quote Originally Posted by Anier View Post
    I think barbed arrow bleed is a very nice legacy but to a certain degree in my opinion it is overrated. The base barbed arrow bleed is 94 damage every 2 seconds. When you level up the barbed arrow bleed to max level 9 you gain 50%, so that is a whole wooping 47 more damage every 2 seconds. I realize over 10 seconds it is another 200+ damage, but to me, there is way better legacies like quick shot crit , quick shot slow, and the 2 crit legacies over barbed arrow bleed. Even merciful shot cooldown I like better. Barbed arrow to me is a nice option, but not a priority to me... now if my bleed went from 94 to 200 damage every 2 seconds yes, but a whooping whole 47 more damage every 2 seconds isn't worth a priority over crit shots. Keep in mind you will only be able to max out 3 or 4 legacies and for me barbed arrow bleed is my 5th choice.
    From all indications, QS Crit is going to be wasted for most hunters. Since it's a +rating modifier, it is presumably subject to the cap. If you're near the cap to begin with, the +302 rating you can get goes from an unimpressive increase of about 0.8% to your crit chance, to a pitiful 0.25% increase to dev crit chance. And don't forget, that only applies to a single skill.

    A standard crit is 150% of a normal hit. So at best the QS Crit leg gives you just under 1% chance to increase you QS damage by 50% per use. How could that possibly be better than a leg that gives you +50% on your bleed every time?

    Not to mention, like most ratings-based legacies, putting points into the QS Crit leg offers very little gain. If you want to keep a QS Crit leg on a LI, do yourself a favor and don't put any points into it that could be used elsewhere.
    [b][size=1][color=#7C8FA2][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/brandywine/dahm"][color=#7C8FA2]Dahm[/color][/URL] [color=#2C3F52]65H[/color] | [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/brandywine/thuli"][color=#7C8FA2]Thuli[/color][/URL] [color=#2C3F52]65G[/color] | [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/brandywine/Dudarian"][color=#7C8FA2]Dudarian[/color][/URL] [color=#2C3F52]20W[/color] [color=#6C7F92]::[/color] [URL="http://my.lotro.com/kinship-brandywine-grey_wanderers/"][color=#7C8FA2]The Grey Wanderers[/color][/URL] of Brandywine[/color]
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    47 extra damage per BA pulse is an additional 23.5 DPS at zero cost, and BA is spammable enough to keep it up indefinitely.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find another bow legacy that, by itself, equates to over 20 DPS.
    Nemesis - Brandywine
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  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Quote Originally Posted by rawlingsst7 View Post
    47 extra damage per BA pulse is an additional 23.5 DPS at zero cost, and BA is spammable enough to keep it up indefinitely.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find another bow legacy that, by itself, equates to over 20 DPS.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: trying to decide on some weapons, would like input

    Quote Originally Posted by rawlingsst7 View Post
    47 extra damage per BA pulse is an additional 23.5 DPS at zero cost, and BA is spammable enough to keep it up indefinitely.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find another bow legacy that, by itself, equates to over 20 DPS.

    Exactly right.... BA legacy IMHO is a must.
    Playing since 9/11/2006



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