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Thread: 2.6.8 cloak

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    2.6.8 cloak

    Any mechanic for drop or random?

    I have my thoughts but this is a post for someone else to see.
    [COLOR=Red][{Satele & Carnrage 65 Guardians +5}][/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][{Gilgilreth & Gilgilraen 65 Hunters}] [/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][{Melanthiel 65 Warden}][/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta][{Morgileth 59 Minstrel}][/COLOR][COLOR=Pink] [{Carnatia 58 Captain}] [/COLOR][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][{Anfusa 58 Rune-Keeper}][/COLOR]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    I am pretty sure it is random. At one point I was convinced both grims had to be up when the boss died because on several consecutive runs doing it that way, the good cloak always dropped. But then I saw the other cloak drop on a run where we kept both grims alive so that killed off that particular theory.

    I haven't done the instance in a while, you can only lose the roll on something so many times before you decide it isn't worth it to keep trying.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    I've run that instance far too many times to count, both for the cloak and because it's such an enjoyable play environment. If there is a mechanic, after 100+ runs, I haven't found one. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    lol there was a loooong time there, after Moria came out, that pet theories abounded: both grims must be alive...must kill him while he's in transition from shadow to flame...must kill the fire grim just before he dies (so the cloak doesn't get singed)...and on and on and on...

    ...and each time I'd hear one of these theories, of course, it would be while we were running the instance...so we'd apply the theory...and the theory always failed. Oh, maybe it worked once or twice, but the next attempt it would fail.

    Never saw _any_ theory hold up to repeated attempts.

    I think it's entirely random, with about a one-in-six chance of dropping. As someone very insightfully pointed out on these forums not long ago, human minds are attuned to seek and find patterns, even when no real pattern exists. I think that happens a lot in 2.6.8 runs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    The biggest tip off for you on this question should be the fact that you loot this boss. There is no mob in this entire game in any instance (that I can recall) where the loot is defined by how you beat it; if you kill the mob, you get loot from a set loot table, and there is a chance to get anything on the loot table. The only time "Hard Mode" is gained or lost, a chest is involved, and since there is no chest at the end of 2.6.8 there is no guaranteed way to get the teal cloak to drop.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Make sure throw feathers to the wind on the solstice before the next total solar eclipse. On the day that you go get the cloak, be certain to attach a negative node from a car battery to your left pinky toe (the one that goes wee wee home). Right before the boss dies make sure you eat a raisenet that looks like Richard Milhouse Nixon. Only then will the find the treasure you seek.
    [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"]If Middle Earth doesn't take a moment to understand [I]why[/I] Sauron was able to draw tens of thousands of disenfranchised individuals to his cause, then they're destined to fight the same war all over again...as soon as the next Sauron shows up.[/SIZE][/FONT]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Kill it then loot it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Ok, it has been long enough since this instance came out that I can reveal my secrets to obtaining this cloak. Follow these steps and you will get it every time!

    1. Make sure you aren't wearing any cosmetic clothing
    2. Equip your level 1 starter weapon(s)
    3. Make sure that every time you enter combat, you are killed
    4. Wait for the Resurrection Timer to expire before releasing
    5. /smoke during every "conversation" in the instance
    6. Kill the two Rogmul without dying
    7. /slap the boss when the final scene plays out
    8. Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.

    If this doesn't work, you did something wrong.

    If you don't WANT to do any of this, then good luck with the random die roll that everyone else has to deal with.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    So what you're saying is.... It's random. Really? I'm disappointed.
    Nerves, of the Brandywine.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Amlug = Win

    No pattern to see here, people. Move along.
    Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    This is an MMO, last I checked, right?
    There is no pattern.
    There is only, ever, The Grind.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by amlug View Post
    Ok, it has been long enough since this instance came out that I can reveal my secrets to obtaining this cloak. Follow these steps and you will get it every time!

    1. Make sure you aren't wearing any cosmetic clothing
    2. Equip your level 1 starter weapon(s)
    3. Make sure that every time you enter combat, you are killed
    4. Wait for the Resurrection Timer to expire before releasing
    5. /smoke during every "conversation" in the instance
    6. Kill the two Rogmul without dying
    7. /slap the boss when the final scene plays out
    8. Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.

    If this doesn't work, you did something wrong.

    If you don't WANT to do any of this, then good luck with the random die roll that everyone else has to deal with.
    OMG! I spit coffee all over reading that! Classic and major kudos to the staff.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Dangit maintenance cannot load + rep screen >

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by amlug View Post
    Ok, it has been long enough since this instance came out that I can reveal my secrets to obtaining this cloak. Follow these steps and you will get it every time!

    1. Make sure you aren't wearing any cosmetic clothing
    2. Equip your level 1 starter weapon(s)
    3. Make sure that every time you enter combat, you are killed
    4. Wait for the Resurrection Timer to expire before releasing
    5. /smoke during every "conversation" in the instance
    6. Kill the two Rogmul without dying
    7. /slap the boss when the final scene plays out
    8. Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.

    If this doesn't work, you did something wrong.

    If you don't WANT to do any of this, then good luck with the random die roll that everyone else has to deal with.
    You forgot:

    9: Equip the lucky horseshoe (which if you don't know about you will shortly after the update)

    Gorliandor - 65 Champ | Faewyne - 65 Hunter | Findur - 65 Burg | Morlach - 65 LM
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Talking Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by amlug View Post
    Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.
    Oh good, now my fellowships will stop laughing at me!
    [url=http://thedarkblade.net]The Dark Blade[/url] - [i]Landroval Server[/i]


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Funny post, thanks for the info

    Warden- [URL]http://my.lotro.com/character/gladden/metalslayer/[/URL]
    Champion- [URL]http://my.lotro.com/character/gladden/ashtray/[/URL]
    Hunter- [URL]http://my.lotro.com/character/gladden/thwappy/[/URL]

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by amlug View Post
    Ok, it has been long enough since this instance came out that I can reveal my secrets to obtaining this cloak. Follow these steps and you will get it every time!

    1. Make sure you aren't wearing any cosmetic clothing
    2. Equip your level 1 starter weapon(s)
    3. Make sure that every time you enter combat, you are killed
    4. Wait for the Resurrection Timer to expire before releasing
    5. /smoke during every "conversation" in the instance
    6. Kill the two Rogmul without dying
    7. /slap the boss when the final scene plays out
    8. Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.

    If this doesn't work, you did something wrong.

    If you don't WANT to do any of this, then good luck with the random die roll that everyone else has to deal with.
    Well, somehow... I managed to do all that on at least one character...
    Last edited by NuclearTonic; Sep 07 2010 at 02:23 PM.
    "Shepherds of the Forest" -- RIP

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by amlug View Post
    Ok, it has been long enough since this instance came out that I can reveal my secrets to obtaining this cloak. Follow these steps and you will get it every time!

    1. Make sure you aren't wearing any cosmetic clothing
    2. Equip your level 1 starter weapon(s)
    3. Make sure that every time you enter combat, you are killed
    4. Wait for the Resurrection Timer to expire before releasing
    5. /smoke during every "conversation" in the instance
    6. Kill the two Rogmul without dying
    7. /slap the boss when the final scene plays out
    8. Jump into the portal in the back of the instance.

    If this doesn't work, you did something wrong.

    If you don't WANT to do any of this, then good luck with the random die roll that everyone else has to deal with.
    You're totally going to be at fault when the GMs get assailed with hundreds of tickets requesting a /reclaim on their level 1 weapons
    [url]http://nemesis-kin.com/news.php[/url] / [url=http://www.lordofthelogs.com]Lord of the Logs.com - A CStats Parse Sharing Service[/url]
    Viros 63 r5 Mini/ Virgon 65 r7 Hunter/ Virodir 65 Champ/ Virogon 65 Warden
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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by Virogar View Post
    You're totally going to be at fault when the GMs get assailed with hundreds of tickets requesting a /reclaim on their level 1 weapons
    LOL thatd be hilarious!!! I wanna do it now just for fun
    Zekorr hnt-r9 (brandy) ~ Backstabzz burg-r8 ~ Cashout grd-r7~ Arkorz warg-r7 ~ Zekor ba-r6 ~Bashr rvr-r7


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Good news to me. I took the blame once with 5 others shouting "Noooo!" when I killed the guy on my minstrel with my puny little Echoes of Battle. I think quite a lot of other players have taken the blame for this as well.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: 2.6.8 cloak

    Quote Originally Posted by KenR View Post
    the lucky horseshoe
    I wonder what happens when you rub the white rabbit with the lucky horse-shoe?
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  22. May 27 2011, 12:02 PM



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