I agree the orc emote is offensive and wish it were removed.
I agree the orc emote is offensive and wish it were removed.
ROFL! Thrusting hips simulates an oral sex act? Ummm, on which planet?
This is one emote that makes me really want to kill that creep. I typically will kill a noob by the slugs for such actions. That and being Warg packed.
Arrival <Guardians of the Dagorlad> - Retired
Warden on the Landroval Server
"I kill these kids like an abortion then go sport fishin"
Sure...no problem...next time you get killed in the 'Moors and an orc (or several orcs) thrusts their crotch in your face a few times, let me know how it makes you feel. I don't like it IRL when people get up in my face, and I don't like it in-game either, especially when they're doing a sexually derogatory move.
Remember, no one can offend you. You have to choose to be offended. Don't make that choice.
Cmalberg - Elendilmir
-Stickygritz, Gritzwarr, and all those Gritz. Greblam
Rock is OP, nerf rock. Paper is balanced.
I mean everything I ever say, ever.
Just /ignore /report and move on. I know some may have serious issues with this because of abuse suffered in real life but the problem is, not everyone knows this and you can't expect the world to conform to your views. Just move on, knowing that you are a better person than that obnoxious brat who did that. This post is going absolutely no where and the same is happening with so many other things in the world.
tl;dr: MOVE ON! We understand you have real life issues but you can't control people controlling virtual chars other than reporting them! REPORT->>>MOVE ON>>> ENJOY THE GAME
Originally Posted by mrfadedglory
"What I don't like is when People call pressing a few buttons on their computers in a video game "work". I think you need to go out and dig a ditch or build a fence before anything in Lotro can be considered work".
Wouldent happen to be a planet we know of would it? I mean hell is it in the milky way at least?
perhaps another galaxy far far away...................
is it carbon based forum posting? or perhaps troll based forum posts?
i know not what this planet could be...........
/sarcasim off
great point mentioned above, you cant expect everyone to know whats happend in your life, and obviously it was a pretty bad situation, but the ability to ignore it is always there, You dont have to go down to that level. no matter what game you play, your going to encounter people who dont jive with your sence of right and wrong, does that mean there the ones at fault? no if your incapable of mixing with the bad personalities, how do you expect to enjoy the good personalities? Everything balances eachother out, and unfourtunatly you cant have one without the other.
There is no solution for your problem anymore, if there was one, the solution is long gone, the only valid solution to this problem is to report the abuse move on, and get on to enjoying the good parts, stop dwelling in the negative.....
The removal of the emote wont happen or it would have already... but to my current knowledge the OP has yet to name a suitable replacememnt that will complete the same objective the /rude emote did
The /rude emote was designed to be offensive, and to be used as a symbol of dominance, it was as stated ment to be rude. What suitable offensive replacement would you offer us? what suitable rude gesture would you have us do?
because simple fact is, if we lose teh /rude emote, then they need to replace it with something equilly usable in a taunting situation.
The OP suggested it be replaced himself, i ask now, what is a suitable replacement , i cant find one that would suit me, i like the /rude emote, and teh moor cowbell emote as well
Ember Syndicate - Gladden Kin, founded by the remnants of Massive Dynamics, from the Dwarrwodelf Server.
Abuser of amusement and Original Founder Of Massive Dynamics.
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This is what was said if you cared to read it....sounds like the same thing lol
This is what you said:
I think if a person can release to avoid it then pride shouldnt stand in the way of prudence. No-one has to stand there and take it if they dont want to. Heck lets clear all the emotes and then there wont be anything to use to cause trouble. Sorry but this has turned silly with no-one convincing either side.
Its been awhile since I was in the moors but there are still no damages or dread right? So release and quit it already. Get even on the battlefield.
Oh come on, stop being such a sensitive sally and suck it up, nancy. I find it HILARIOUS that people do that, it's too funny. Don't go PMS-ing everywhere just because somebody decided to make light of your defeat.
I can't believe this thread has lasted 15 pages...
Seriously?? Move on..
Games are suffering enough from the nanny brigade atm.. latest MK was just totaly banned in my country with $110,000 fines for importing.. and i blame folks like the OP.. oversensitive types that shouldn't be playing anything heavyer than my little pony..
Man up.. or move along.. plenty of fluffy kitten harvesting games for your enjoyment.. the devs added this emote.. so somewhere in TB dev-land they were happy with it and it passed there regulations.. END OF STORY, report the emote abuser.. and get your grubby little hands off my game.. so SICK of being told whats "wrong or right".. that's...
Last edited by Nairax; May 02 2011 at 01:42 AM. Reason: Grammar!
I would like to ask"What part of pvp do you not understand"?
I get mad too easy so I don't do it. Even I feel it shouldnt be turned into Hello Kitty Land.
I get so sick of people trying to decide for others what's wrong and what's right.
Enforcing Decency=Loss of freedom.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
There is of course the possibility that said perpetrator was the stereotypical acne-pocked, overweight, greasy nerd living in his mother's basement. Rude gestures with his orc character are probably the most action he ever gets to see.. in real life or in-game.
Perhaps everyone should feel sorry for him...send him to self help groups...
More seriously
Last edited by ArtemisNoir; May 02 2011 at 04:30 AM.
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
There have been several attempts in this thread to make this a freedom issue.
While I appreciate your attempt to wrap your crusuade in the flag it is a misplaced effort.
First, Turbine provides an environment that is privately funded and operated. Concepts like Free Speech and so forth don't apply on private message boards nor do they apply on private property. It isn't a freedom issue because as a consumer you aren't forced to play the game. Maybe I suggest www.mortalonline.com for you? They have full frontal nudity - it seems to be your kind of game.
Secondly, in addition to the wrong-headed appeal to freedom in a private environment the idea that enforced decency is an affront to freedom is also hopelessly flawed. It is moral principles that make it "indecent" for Turbine to over charge your credit card and then cancel your account. It is moral principles and decency that make the game world possible in the first place. If Turbine were to rip you off you'd be the first making an appeal to decency to get your money back. You cannot play both sides here.
In short, the appeal to freedom is an over blown response to a simple request.
Please stop with the drama-queen routine.
I think this thread has run its course of discussion, everyone. Thank you to all who participated in it!
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
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