Posts a Lot
Nanci - 115 Captain / Hirandiel - 115 Hunter / Hildimar - 115 Minstrel - "Weekend at Bill Ferny's" - Arkenstone (formerly of Windfola)
Nimgarthiel - 75 Captain / Gliriel - 50 Minstrel / Hereniel - 25 Hunter - "Succulent Meats" - Arkenstone
Counter of Stairs
lol ok but my statement still stands i know plenty of people who use facebook and twitter on their cell phones
No worries folks I will post as much stuff as i can get on the forum the coming days in my thread about my Gamescom trip for this year.
Sadly I'm bound to 4 pics per reply so I will keep it a bit short at first but when i get home and have full power of my home PC I'll post any photo that might be of interest to you guys that I missed out or have come up to twitter on that day already.
Last edited by BonkilEU; Aug 17 2011 at 07:09 PM. Reason: added link
~Bonkil Oakenbow of the Lonely mountain~
<The Rangers> ~<(officer/official cookie ambassador)>~ {Laurelin EN-RP}
[URL=""]The Rangers on Twitter[/URL] & [URL=""]The Rangers Webpage[/URL]
Defender of the Hornburg
And everything you put up on Facebook, Twitter and a myriad of other social network sites will come back and bite you with you current or next employer...
Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)
and Star Citizen…
Here's what I see when I try to load facebook, decently often:
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Townsperson says, "I'm having an adventure. I've paddled all the way from Frogmorton!"
I'm such a geek but there is still nothing as exciting to me about this expansion as Saruman's multi-colored robes
Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
Message moondog548 here, on Steam, Twitch, and Discord as moondog548#6830
Moondog on Landroval, Isilroa on Anor, Reckless on Bombadil
Defender of the Hornburg
your choice just don't expect me to posted here also
[COLOR=olive]Lyriell, Elf Guardian of Carpe Jugulum [/COLOR]
[COLOR=olive]6 Fairwood Lane, Pel-e-Maenas, Falathlorn (Silverlode)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]- Comfrey (Minstrel), Lomeloth (LM), Galmiriel (Captain), Melanna (Hunter), Curubrindal (Warden), Collinsia (Burglar)[/COLOR]
Grand Poster
Social media sites are far more accessible and faster to update, plus the expectations are simple, clear cut feeds of information as and when it is released. If they want to write a page long spread on what the latest information is then they should take the time to construct it properly, not jot it out in 30 minutes after it's been released. Expect to see recaps of all information released on the website after the event anyway.
Also if you want to hate on them for doing it this way then you should probably see the official website first. They posted a section on Champions and how they plan on changing them for the expansion. Looks like they did want to keep people up to date through their own websites; I imagine they wrote up this stuff in preparation.
For those who don't follow them on Facebook or simply expect the information to be posted exactly where they look, I present the only official information to have come from Gamescom thus far (I don't include screenshots as 'official information', and I ridicule those who do):
Last edited by Gelfleen; Aug 17 2011 at 09:52 PM.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~ Jim Elliot
Social media is there for those who get their (news) updates fast.
You could compare to the flash headlines on TV. If you want more in depth information you mostly have to wait a little longer for the main headlines or for the printed content in a newspaper (if you still know what that is).
All the information that will come out today from us players you will be able to check it out later for your self when the expansion go's live or when you visit PAX later this month.
Question is can/will you wait for it?
I rather like the idea my self for logging into the expansion with no ahead knowledge at all to make that experience that little bit more adventurous.
Ok off to breakfast now and than its of to Hall 8!
~Bonkil Oakenbow of the Lonely mountain~
<The Rangers> ~<(officer/official cookie ambassador)>~ {Laurelin EN-RP}
[URL=""]The Rangers on Twitter[/URL] & [URL=""]The Rangers Webpage[/URL]
Thanks goes to
Overall map depicting 3 REGIONS (Friendly request.. can you make it so the name Dunland isn't overlapping a stable point?)
Detail map of Dunland
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler
Any idea as to the size of the maps?
so no official announcements?
all hope lies on you then Bonkil
[COLOR=yellow]Steinskaldir Bloodhand, Son of Caraorn[/COLOR] |R5 dwarf champion|
[COLOR=yellow]Belegechtor[/COLOR] |man warden| [COLOR=yellow]Estelrian[/COLOR] |elf runekeeper|
[URL=""]The Rangers[/URL] on Laurelin (EU-RP)
So much for 3 ZONES That’s like calling Breeland three zones cause it has Archet, Town of Bree, and the wilderness surrounding it… I think people are gonna be less than happy when they learn that this expansion is starting to look smaller than any other expansion before. Atleast with Mirkwood we got some new instances. Still no word on new instances and with a month to go it’s unlikely.
Last edited by phillbvi2; Aug 18 2011 at 01:32 PM.
classic instances will be scaled to 75 - so something we will have as end-game. But yes map is underwhelming a bit.
[COLOR=yellow]Steinskaldir Bloodhand, Son of Caraorn[/COLOR] |R5 dwarf champion|
[COLOR=yellow]Belegechtor[/COLOR] |man warden| [COLOR=yellow]Estelrian[/COLOR] |elf runekeeper|
[URL=""]The Rangers[/URL] on Laurelin (EU-RP)
I see many of you are concerned that we're using Facebook or Twitter in lieu of the website for official information. These are flash bits of news that Sapience is posting and coming across while at GamesCom. Basically, it's the things he's currently seeing at the convention.
Additionally, no one has to create an account on Facebook or Twitter in order to read our posts. You can just visit the page, see what's up, and enjoy whatever you may find!
When we have bigger pieces of news, of course the website is still going to be used! You know... like when we post developer diaries on the Burglar class.
So don't worry so much everyone. The website isn't going anywhere.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
Don't forget about our Facebook page! and Twitter page! =^_^= Questions on our policies? Read the community guidelines!
I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
So did you bother to actually look at those maps linked in the post above yours? Between the two maps there are at least 8 horse stables, 3 campfires, plus Isengard itself. That's more than Mirkwood. The quest numbers they have released also put it on a par with Moria as far as numbers of quests.
And just because they haven't said there are a certain number of instances doesn't mean there aren't any. You're assuming a lot based on a lack of information instead of actually looking at what information there is.
Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)
Yeah, well, when you just happen to be perusing the forums and you just maybe happen to be at work and for some reason the firewall at work just happens to allow but not any of the social sites, it happens to be, well, not very happening that all the news is out of reach! :-)
P.S. I'll note here, that's just supposed to be a funny post, and not a troll post, but sometimes emotions are lost over a written medium.
Radian- Champion- Landroval
Last edited by Hildilas; Aug 18 2011 at 03:45 PM.
My guess is those maps actually only show Dunland in whole.
I think the Gap of Rohan will contain more land to the south and east. And even Nan Curunir could have more land to the east and north into the mountains.
* crosses fingers