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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    A Prisoner to Stangard

    Any plan to fix this quest soon so we can move on through the quest line?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    What problem needs fixing? I've run 2 toons through the Great River and most of a 3rd. I haven't had any issues with any of the quests.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I haven't had this problem, but one of my kinnies has.


    After the instance where you take the Uruk to see the Stangard leaders, you have to talk to Gadda after the instance to finish it, outside the Mead hall like all the rest quests there. The problem is that some times Gadda isn't there, nor is his ring. She can see his ring on the mini-map, but not in person (game?). So, she can't continue the quest chain, it sends you to the camp north of the Cuthstan after that.

    Not sure why this is occurring. She found the very large npc on the north edge of the Wailing hills and did those quest out of order, so she thinks that may have caused the disconnect. No way to know really. She tried a GM, but they couldn't/wouldn't help. Seems like this is basic game mechanics, and it should be fixed ASAP.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I had something similar when handing in the Sawmill quests in the Limlight Gorge. A relog fixed the problem there.
    Knight of Iluvatar - Gilrain. Playing LotRO since july 2007.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Right, there is another thread about this in the Quests forums, but wanted to bring it to more people's attention who may not find it there.

    For me, after i left the instance where i am told to talk to Gadda, i can see him standing there, but he has no ring over his head and will not speak to me.

    I also did the quests with the eagles before continuing on in Cuthstan. The eagles send you back to Stangard. After completing the quests in Stangard, i moved on to Cuthstan to work on Wailing Hills quests. If these quests had to be done in a certain order, the eagles' quests should not have been accessible to me.

    I submitted a bug report, as did many other people according to the posts on the other thread.

    Link to other thread: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...lls-quest-line
    Last edited by Kolde; Mar 27 2012 at 11:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Re-logging doesn't fix this. Neither does canceling and going back to pick it up again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Also still have this problem, I was hoping that last hotfix/mini patch would fix this....

    Like others, my problem is I did the eagle quests first, as I ran across the eagle first (not knowing I wasnt supposted to do his quest yet)

    EDIT: It looks like MrSleepy replied to the other thread, a fix will be pushed out in an upcoming patch. yay!
    Last edited by CraZYMuffin-IPC; Mar 31 2012 at 02:43 PM.
    Players Council 2013

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    If you cant wait for the fix in the patch forthcoming you can try to rephase the npc over and over. Re-logging never worked for me but I ran back and forth over a few days when I could remember to do it and eventually both versions of Gadda were standing there and I was able to turn the quest in. The thread linked above also mentions this and has the screenie to prove it. Good luck to all those that have it bugged.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Friend of mine and I have the same problem on our mains. We always run around exploring new zones before starting quests and did the Eagles when we found them. We figured that's what caused the bug.

    Just as a warning, there is a similar bug in the Brownlands, if you find the traitor and do his quests before starting other Brownland quests, you also get a bug with a Ring in town with no npc when you start doing the Brownland quests.

  10. #10

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Yep, I've had the same issue and I also did the eagles quests "out of order" (forgive my inquisitive exploring, Turbine). Rephasing and relogging have proved nil, and I even attempted a quest drop and re-do to no avail. I have gotten zero in terms of response from Turbine, although they have to be aware of this problem by now.

    I just want to be able to finish the Wailing Hills quests .
    "There is some good in this world, Mister Frodo, and I believe it's worth fighting for." Visit Echad Wound

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    After you do the quests from our large feathered friends, there should be a letter that you need to pick up. The letter is to the left, at the friends left foot. Go back and look for the letter. Also, check to make sure you have completed the quests from our friends. They are rather large and the quest ring may not be in view if you are standing too close. I had this problem at first, was stuck on 17/20 quests. Going back to our friends fixed the issue for me.
    Gungus - Captain

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Doing the eagles out of order only allows you to finish the deed. It doesn't seem to open up In the Shadow of the Stone, which starts the rest of the quest line, opening up dailies.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardineck View Post
    Doing the eagles out of order only allows you to finish the deed. It doesn't seem to open up In the Shadow of the Stone, which starts the rest of the quest line, opening up dailies.
    Yes, I don't think it matters whether you do the eagles first or not.

    Myself and two other friends had NOT done the eagles when we got this bug. An ingame ticket resulted in the GMs putting us back on track after the instance and speaking to Byrnstan. GM intervention resulted in a blue ring over Gadda's head and instructions to move on to a different npc at another camp.
    Must remember to engage brain before using keyboard

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I am so frustrated with this bug - called a GM the other night and he said there there was no issue with this quest line. Yeah RIIIGHT. I had no ring over Gadda after Prisoner to Stangard. I have done the Eagles - no ring. Done the other quests, Gadda goes to abandoned farm. finished that. Now Gadda is back in Stangard as a transparent NPC!!! Still no follow up possible. Bug reported it - not holding my breath though. Oh and I have logged out/in loads of times. No change.:-(

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Guil1984 View Post
    She found the very large npc on the north edge of the Wailing hills
    + rep for classy spoiler-avoidance language.

    She tried a GM, but they couldn't/wouldn't help.
    Couldn't. Either because (a) the GM hasn't got the tools to fix it, or (b) fixing that kind of situation is against Turbine's rules. Either way, couldn't.

    Seems like this is basic game mechanics, and it should be fixed ASAP.
    Absolutely. Has your kinswoman /bugged it in-game? I mean, submitted a bug report via /bug, rather than talking to a GM? Using /bug will get the report directly to the QA people, who will put it on their fix list.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Prof-Moriarty View Post
    I am so frustrated with this bug - called a GM the other night and he said there there was no issue with this quest line. Yeah RIIIGHT. I had no ring over Gadda after Prisoner to Stangard. I have done the Eagles - no ring. Done the other quests, Gadda goes to abandoned farm. finished that. Now Gadda is back in Stangard as a transparent NPC!!! Still no follow up possible. Bug reported it - not holding my breath though. Oh and I have logged out/in loads of times. No change.:-(
    May I ask- did you try to talk to Brynstan?
    This questchain was modified with Update 6.1, maybe only the questtext is incorrect?
    There was another thread with the same problem today but no answer from the OP...

    The quest 'Prisoner to Stangard' will end with speaking to Byrnstan, instead of Gadda. This should resolve any issues where Gadda could not be talked to if other quests were done prior to this instance quest. Anyone who had the quest underway will have it removed from their quest log and will be able to pick up the quest from Odda in the Wailing Hills.
    (Quoted from Lorebook "Update 6.1 Official")
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Guil1984 View Post
    I haven't had this problem, but one of my kinnies has.


    After the instance where you take the Uruk to see the Stangard leaders, you have to talk to Gadda after the instance to finish it, outside the Mead hall like all the rest quests there. The problem is that some times Gadda isn't there, nor is his ring. She can see his ring on the mini-map, but not in person (game?). So, she can't continue the quest chain, it sends you to the camp north of the Cuthstan after that.

    Not sure why this is occurring. She found the very large npc on the north edge of the Wailing hills and did those quest out of order, so she thinks that may have caused the disconnect. No way to know really. She tried a GM, but they couldn't/wouldn't help. Seems like this is basic game mechanics, and it should be fixed ASAP.
    happened to me last week. my first toon went through this last week. i ran around stangard for 15 minutes trying to find gadda. i almost logged out from frustration.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwenryth View Post
    May I ask- did you try to talk to Brynstan?
    This questchain was modified with Update 6.1, maybe only the questtext is incorrect?
    There was another thread with the same problem today but no answer from the OP...
    (Quoted from Lorebook "Update 6.1 Official")
    Thanks for the feedback. I did try Brynstan but he has no ring over him, nor can I interact with him

    I've lost count the number of times I have been all over Stangard and the Wailing Hills trying to find the next quest giver(just in case). But with no luck.
    Last edited by Prof-Moriarty; May 18 2012 at 03:04 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I've had this problem yesterday. No quests anywhere except the eagles after finishing A Prisoner to Stangard. Proceeded to finish the eagles and followed that chain back to Stangrad. After finishing, Gadda transformed into a mish-mash of Shades. Sent a ticket and the GM bestowed the missing quest in about 10 seconds.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Just to add: I served the eagles a few days ago. Yesterday, I completed the quest line up to "A Prisoner to Stangard". Now, there are no quests left in the wailing hills shown to me. At least, I cannot find any quest giver. Is this related to those problems?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I have the same issue earlier today. However, I just filed a ticket, and got a GM within 5 seconds of closing the help tab. Within 3 minutes, the quest was automatically added to my log and I was able to go on with it. Was even able to share it with my fellowship partner who couldn't get it either.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallmund View Post
    Just to add: I served the eagles a few days ago. Yesterday, I completed the quest line up to "A Prisoner to Stangard". Now, there are no quests left in the wailing hills shown to me. At least, I cannot find any quest giver. Is this related to those problems?
    I really think it is. Put in an ingame ticket explaining you finished the instance and have no follow up quests. This surely is a known issue to all GMs by now and the people I know who have ticketed this have had no problem getting a GM to put it right. Many people on here have found the GMs to be good at resolving this too, I think this is what you need to do.
    Must remember to engage brain before using keyboard

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    I tried opening a ticket the other day but all the GM said was there was no issue and I should read the Lorebook.

    Guess I should try again and hope to get another GM who is more helpful.

    UPDATE: The GM I got today was very helpful and got the quest activated for me. Very happy now
    Last edited by Prof-Moriarty; May 18 2012 at 11:00 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    We got word in last night that there is officially an issue with Brynstan not appropriately bestowing the quest "In the Shadow of the Stone" after the completion of "A Prisoner to Stanguard." We're going to fix this in an upcoming update, however if you want to continue the quest line, please contact a GM. They will be happy to bestow the quest upon you!
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  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: A Prisoner to Stangard

    Quote Originally Posted by Prof-Moriarty View Post
    I tried opening a ticket the other day but all the GM said was there was no issue and I should read the Lorebook.
    I find this kinda funny tbh. Telling people to read the lorebook that is apparently far from being up-to-date, is really strange. It seems to be quite consistently behind the current date in many bits of information, such as any item details from latest updates.

    As some examples, any bartered gear from Stangard/Limlight vendors doesn't show up, Roots of Fangorn loot can't be found, nor any of the armour set pieces bartered in Ox-clan camp, et cetera. I don't really trust the information shown in Lorebook even the slightest bit these days, and I definitely don't like the idea of GMs advising players to look there for false or non-existent information.

    That's nothing but bad customer service, I'd say. Glad you finally got it sorted though.
    Last edited by Elaida; May 18 2012 at 02:22 PM.
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