A small cog in a big machine.
Life has no "Undo" button, only "I'm sorry". Thinking before doing is a good thing.
Ticket opened today upon logging in at [16:57] contained the following description under Gameplay/Quests/Other:
Please bestow the quest "In the Shadow of the Stone" from The Great River. Gadda is a ghost and we are to ask a GM for help, according to the official forums: (http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...60#post6176960).
I waited quite some time, but finally, before giving up hope, I was contacted in game.
[17:49] +GM+: Greetings! I am a Game Master for The Lord of the Rings Online In-Game Support and will be with you momentarily. You can reply to my messages by typing /r and entering your message.
[17:49] Player: thank you
[17:50] +GM+: One moment please while I check your logs.
[17:52] +GM+: Ok, I have bestowed the next quest for you.
[17:52] +GM+: Is there anything else that I can assist you with today?
[17:52] Player: thank you.
[17:53] Player: am i able to share this quest with others?
[17:53] +GM+: I do not believe so.
[17:53] Playert: okay. thank you for your help.
[17:53] +GM+: Ok, have a good afternoon.
[17:53] +GM+: tells you, 'This request is closed and your Game Master is unable to receive any further messages from you through this request. Please submit a new help request for any additional questions. Thank you for contacting In-Game Support. Enjoy the rest of your day in Middle Earth!'
As you can see, Celestrata's suggestion helped with this quest. Unfortunately, I won't be able to share it with other people to save GMs work, according to the one that helped me. Try it yourselves, just make sure you have a long play session ahead of you.
I also had a GM help me last night. It took 15 minutes but I got a response and he/she bestowed the quest.
Sarik - Warleader // Jacin - Champion // Aiden - Minstrel
Had this problem the first time with my 4th char I bring through the Great River area. I wrote a ticket, get a GM within 3 minutes and he "share" the quest to me.
Officer of Radix Lecti @ Laurelin (the only real taters)
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The wise & sociable 2012
Hero of the small folk 2013
Original Tundra Cub owner 2014
The kinship that brought the hobbit to Isengard :)
I spent longer in the forums looking for a solution than I had to wait for the GM. I hope they fix this before my next character gets here , though.
Can you please start handling this in a proactive manner? Some of us are sick of wasting hours on top of hours in the game waiting for GMs who tell us they can do nothing about a problem only to find out days later that yes, GMs are supposed to be resolving the issue.
The problem was probably not on the known issues list and GM's therefore probably didn't have the clearance to bestow the quest to people until around the time of Celestrata's post on the 18th. Looking the issue up and getting a GM to help obviously isn't an answer as I'm sure it's a lot of extra workload for GM's, not to mention that people who haven't run through here previously probably have no idea that there was even another quest to pick up. This'll probably get a fix in 7.1.
This was bugged for my RK today in the same way as others have described recently, with no quest available. GM replied within 5 minutes of ticket submission, and it took him about another five minutes to bestow the quest.
Ulver - 85 Runekeeper | Grevling - 85 Burglar
The problem is that this existed *for two months*. It would have taken not 30 seconds for a GM to look and see that, hey, the quest just before the chain had been completed, and there's no NPC in Stangard to provide the new quest.
If they're not going to empower GMs to do anything but a specific set of items on the list, they need to post that list so we stop wasting our time waiting for GMs who can't provide any assistance.
We had this issue in DDO, as well, where you could wait two hours for a GM only to be told that they weren't allowed to spawn quest items that were eaten by known bugs.
Having tried on and off for months to finish this quest line I was overjoyed to read the above - I raised a ticket and within seconds - with no in-game contact at all - got the reply below and my case closed:
The issue you have described is either not a currently known issue that the In-Game Support team can assist with, or cannot be resolved with the information you have provided. I do apologize for any inconvenience and frustration with this issue. However, we recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report by typing /bug. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled.
I raised a second one saying I had read on the forums that they could do this and that was just closed - no response.
Fortunately some kind soul took pity on my ranting and offered to share the quest - this worked for me - although I know it has not for others.