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  1. #1
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Riders of Rohan Known Issues (Updated 8/22/12)

    • Players who pre-purchased the Legendary bundle do not currently have access to the Horse Session Play quests.
    • Entering the Homestead Provisions store or the Abandoned House in Stangard currently causes the player to be teleported into a "restricted area" and then immediately teleported to their starting location.
    • Cloak of the Equine is now being rewarded from the deed Discovering the Descendant instead of Horsing Around. Players who have already completed the Discovering the Descendant deed prior to the launch of Rohan are not being given the reward.
    Classes General

    The following skill inductions are currently breaking on hit:
    • Sticky Gourd
    • Sticky Tar
    • Warding Lore
    • Press Onward
    Mounted Combat (Only applies while mounted)

    • Strategic Strike skill mistakenly bestows Mounted Fervour.
    • Strategem skill works inconsistently with the Spur On skill.
    • When using the Mounted Strike skill on enemies to the left, the player character animates as if attacking to the right.
    • Tooltip for the Storm-lore debuff incorrectly states that it lasts 20 seconds; it actually lasts 3.

    • Animations between rider and steed are out of sync when trotting and galloping
    • 'Poison Gourd' effect cannot be cured by pots and applies a flame FX to the character

      Sound & Graphics
    • Various NPCs throughout the world are no longer playing sound FX.
    • There are issues with farview and seeing towns/landscape from long distances

    Classes (While un-mounted)

    • Some skills occasionally grey out, despite being usable
    • Having the trait 'Barbed Hinderance' slotted causes the DoT for the 'Barbed Arrow' skill to do 0 damage
    • If four Protector of Song traits are slotted and then the player goes into War-speech, 'Anthem of the Third Age' will not become 'Anthem of the Third Age (War-speech)'
    Monster Play
    • Defiler - Plague of Flies debuff is not stacking
    • Delving of Fror - Bosses can drop loot items that should only be for the opposite faction Items
    • Class specific off-hand equipment has not been adjusted to level 85

    • Most of the Rohan Medium and Heavy endgame sets have mismatched default colors
    • 20% Mount Speed (1 Hour) tooltip gives conflicting info about its effect on War-steeds
    • Due to an issue with quest completion, we are temporarily closing the Siege of Gondamon skirmish.
    • Sutcrofts: Snowbourn: Superior crafting facilities are not working as intended. Those facilities should be allowing access to Foresters, Prospectors and Farmers regardless of craft level. Currently they do not.
    • Rohan - Rohan Awaits - If you've already completed the Langhold quest line, there's no way to complete 'Rohan Awaits'. Completing Rohan awaits before completing the Langhold quest line will prevent this from happening.
    • Epic Book - V3B7C1 - Luidhros will occasionally encounter issues such as falling through the flet and never appearing on the flet
    • Quest - Rohan - The Unruly Stallion - There is piece of DNT text in the Unruly Horse's tooltip
    World Join
    • Isengard instances can't be selected in the Simple or Advanced tab; only the specific tab allows you to create Isengard instances
    Legendary Items
    • When you deconstruct a Legendary Item, the tier of the relic is not listed in the results window
    Shared Wardrobe
    • VIPs were incorrectly awarded an additional 20 shared wardrobe slots with Update 8. Due to this error several store offers for shared storage are not working correctly for VIPs and have been disabled. This issue will be resolved in Update 8.1. The additional slots will be removed from VIPs and the correct store offers returned to the LOTRO Store. We strongly encourage all VIPS to not use the additional slots as items stored in those slots may become unavailable when 8.1 goes live.
    • French and German - Rohan maps have numerous links that take you to the Eregion map, and the Eregion map has several links that take you to the Rohan map; also, there is no map for East Rohan
    LOTRO Store
    • French/German clients are unable to try on War-steed cosmetic sets in the Store
    Last edited by Celestrata; Oct 22 2012 at 02:20 PM. Reason: Added the Siege of Gondamon closure



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