my two cents from what i've seen in the last (approx) 6 months, based on active ppl (and especially since ror)...
Burglar - feowise/agonize
lore master - wakelee/kithiara
ministrel - hesstia
gaurdian - sprug (i know there are some good guards out there but they don't play much as of ror, like ashendoon)
champion - personally i think the class itself lends to opness but there are those who stand out. Mmagnus, aarodir, turine
and manvett come to mind, too many others use their bubbles and sprint to run away.
Runekeeper - askir/bothvi/bustypoo
hunter - brandonthorn/luthiendal
warden - wardenman/invoke/hustypoo...although there are a lot of good wardens, i detest the heal trait and think it shoud
be banned from the moors, neener.

captain - ruinerr/holy
weaver - mysister/raelith/haltheweb/trollie (the original one lol)
defiler - cryotron/defilerdan
stalker - blakarow/luzhou/salsicha
warleader - urukmamba/gulzguruth/ertz
reaver - almost too many to mention, but... Rigs/swordmonkey/munja/blishka/reavous
blackarrow - rashkosh/jedigovna/spidermanba (arrowzs and holy {breakmeh} but they don't play very often on creep side now)
again, this is just a n00b's (to the server, well, i'm prolly a n00b period :d) opinion and based on who i see on more often then not (again, especially since ror).