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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have wanted to post my list for about a month now but I only recently was able to actually log in on the forums.
    My name spelling is horrible, fyi.


    LM: Alydia, only LM who plays how the class should be played - support.
    Burg: Gorrlok or Ish
    Gaurd: Uh, are there any gaurds who even PvP anymore?
    Champion: Arrodir, Aravyl, Turine. Lots of good ones but those three are probably the best.
    RK: Duh.. Askir. Though, Impel is very good as well.
    Hunter: Crytical
    Mini: Maerseron
    Warden: Hustypoo
    Captain: I only group with the best sooo.. Bareden, Theodred, Grim's cappy, though I can't remember the name atm.


    Warleader: Shakanos
    Defiler: Again, Oskir.. Many of the defilers are good on this server, but they just dont reach his level.
    Warg: Hahaha well with people like Fnak setting the bar so low I think it will have to go to Treerockbridgewater. Dont let you appearing on my list three times go to your head, scrub. Edit: Forgot Asagie or w/e. He is pretty dang awesome.
    Weaver: Raelith
    Reaver: Munja, Rigs, Swordmonkey
    BA: Arrowzs
    Last edited by Jsufka; Sep 17 2012 at 05:28 PM.

  2. #127
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    When I first posted my list, I was a noob, heh still am but here's the updated list




    Weaver- I HATE EM ALL, hehe jk, Raelith

  3. #128
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    My input:


    Warden: Invoke
    LM: Kate/Wake
    Mini: Mae -come back soon!-
    Hunter: Crytical/Brandon
    Champ: Turine/Aarodir
    Guard: Ashendoon
    Cappy: Ruinerr
    Burg: Feowise
    RK: Wivits gotten alot better, so ima say him


    Warleader: Shakanos/Gulzguruth
    Defiler: Tarburz/Thrak/Guenk/Cryo
    Warg: Luzhou
    Reaver: Sword/Mac/Blish/Rigs
    Ba: Soul/Rash/Arrowzs/Spidermanba
    Weaver: Raelith/Trollie/Krelweb/Para

    Vilya: r11 Hunter, r11 Reaver, r7 WL r7 Defiler
    Snowbourne: r3 Warg
    Imladris: r7 Spider

  4. #129
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    There are forums? ...

    Who put my name up there...tsk tsk tsk.

    Warden: Invoke. Raid v Invoke, who wins? We don't know, the fight hasn't finished yet.
    Loremaster: Alyada. Only LM I've consistently lost too.
    Minstrel: Maerasson. Can't beat him. Not even close.
    Hunter: Coldfells Elite. Seriously, WB needs to help these pew pew guys.
    Champion: Cornbread. Most improved player of the year, and the only true soloer. The guy's come-back attitude just wins.
    Guard: Sprug. But only when he remembers to shieldwall his brother.
    Captain: Holydiver. He's a youtube sensation.
    Proctologist: Agonize. He hits like a TRUCK. And has the balls to not camp his CDs.
    Runekeeper: They're all good. Doesn't seem to take much.

    Reaver: Rigs/Swordmonkey. My only slashie. Cuz their post-RoR spars were orgasmically EPIC.
    Warleader: Ertz. Always has a bubble for me.
    Blackarrow: Spidermanba. Beastmode.
    Weaver: Raelith. He can roflstomp any two freeps, by himself, with one hand, while tabbed out and eating popcorn.
    Defiler: Laid. He's only like r6 but he pulls off some intense stuff.
    Stalker: We all fail. Some in a more epic fashion than others.

  5. #130
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    My opinion, based on experience in the moors and not who I like/dislike the most.
    Also based on who's active regularly on each respective side.

    Burglar - Feowise/Falcobar
    Lore Master - Alyada/Wakelee
    Ministrel - Zaralynn/Hesstia
    Gaurdian - Sprug/Ashendoon/Grimsom
    Champion - There's a lot of really good ones.. Turine/Aarodir/Manvett/Mmagnus/Danston(beast for being ardour)
    Runekeeper - Bustyhusty/Bothvi/Askir
    Hunter - Luthiendal/Brandonthorn
    Warden - Hustypoo/Invoke
    Captain - Ruinerr/Holydiverj(or some formation of holy's weird alt names)

    Weaver - Haltheweb/Raelith
    Defiler - Tarburzthenice/Defilerdan
    Stalker - Blacarrow/Luzhou/Sashlicha
    Warleader - Gulzguruth/Ertz
    Reaver - There's a lot of really good reavers too... Swordmonkey/Rigs/Munja/Blishka/Muhgluk(when he's not /ruding )
    Blackarrow - Rashkosh/Lunmaz/Soulthresher
    [center][url=http://www.youtube.com/user/PerishableOath]Burglar 'Moors Videos[/url][/center]

  6. #131
    Join Date
    May 2007
    When will Turine be kicked from Team F? I didn't know they allowed members to rise to the top.

  7. #132
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I'm the best, eff you all.
    Silense r9 Champion
    ----- Valhalla ----- Chaven r7 Loremaster Narcolyst r7 Hunter

  8. #133
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Agonize View Post

    Reaver - There's a lot of really good reavers too... Swordmonkey/Rigs/Munja/Blishka/Muhgluk(when he's not /ruding )

    Its Mughluk!
    Retired from lotro since june '14. Currently kicking other noobs on gw2.

  9. #134
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    I haven't been around long enuff, but...

    My two cents from what I've seen in the last (approx) 6 months, based on active ppl (and especially since RoR)...

    Burglar - Feowise/Agonize
    Lore Master - Wakelee/Kithiara
    Ministrel - Hesstia
    Gaurdian - Sprug (I know there are some good guards out there but they don't play much as of RoR, like Ashendoon)
    Champion - Personally I think the class itself lends to OPness but there are those who stand out. Mmagnus, Aarodir, Turine
    and Manvett come to mind, too many others use their bubbles and sprint to run away.
    Runekeeper - Askir/Bothvi/Bustypoo
    Hunter - Brandonthorn/Luthiendal
    Warden - Wardenman/Invoke/Hustypoo...although there are a lot of good wardens, I detest the heal trait and think it shoud
    be banned from the moors, neener.
    Captain - Ruinerr/Holy

    Weaver - Mysister/Raelith/Haltheweb/Trollie (the original one lol)
    Defiler - Cryotron/Defilerdan
    Stalker - Blakarow/Luzhou/Salsicha
    Warleader - Urukmamba/Gulzguruth/Ertz
    Reaver - Almost too many to mention, but... Rigs/Swordmonkey/Munja/Blishka/Reavous
    Blackarrow - Rashkosh/Jedigovna/Spidermanba (Arrowzs and Holy {Breakmeh} but they don't play very often on creep side now)

    Again, this is just a n00b's (to the server, well, I'm prolly a n00b period ) opinion and based on who I see on more often then not (again, especially since RoR).
    Last edited by Skydawg; Dec 06 2012 at 11:18 AM.

  10. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Menathradon View Post
    Zank, who were your MTI's at basic?
    Just a tad bit late, but it was SSgt Ramirez and SSgt Harris in the 322nd SQ.

    and oh hai thar. How are you people still playing this god awful game?
    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000][B][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/1320c01000012e8c6/signature.png]Tornsoul[/charsig]

  11. #136
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hey Torn, it's Bele...if I had GW2 I'd definitely be over there with you and Toebite.

  12. #137
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by skydawg View Post
    my two cents from what i've seen in the last (approx) 6 months, based on active ppl (and especially since ror)...

    Burglar - feowise/agonize
    lore master - wakelee/kithiara
    ministrel - hesstia
    gaurdian - sprug (i know there are some good guards out there but they don't play much as of ror, like ashendoon)
    champion - personally i think the class itself lends to opness but there are those who stand out. Mmagnus, aarodir, turine
    and manvett come to mind, too many others use their bubbles and sprint to run away.
    Runekeeper - askir/bothvi/bustypoo
    hunter - brandonthorn/luthiendal
    warden - wardenman/invoke/hustypoo...although there are a lot of good wardens, i detest the heal trait and think it shoud
    be banned from the moors, neener.
    captain - ruinerr/holy

    weaver - mysister/raelith/haltheweb/trollie (the original one lol)
    defiler - cryotron/defilerdan
    stalker - blakarow/luzhou/salsicha
    warleader - urukmamba/gulzguruth/ertz
    reaver - almost too many to mention, but... Rigs/swordmonkey/munja/blishka/reavous
    blackarrow - rashkosh/jedigovna/spidermanba (arrowzs and holy {breakmeh} but they don't play very often on creep side now)

    again, this is just a n00b's (to the server, well, i'm prolly a n00b period :d) opinion and based on who i see on more often then not (again, especially since ror).
    noooo salsicha noooo remove that ahuasdaasda21221312

  13. #138
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Rise of isengar list.
    This is a 1v1/solo list so no raid players like askir and bla bla.
    Champion: Turine
    Guardian: ashendoon
    RK:OP class no one did much to be actually good. but bothvi was the best.
    Hunter:Brandonthorn(solo player only.) , Ailious(sigh.. i hate this guy, but his hunter is scary.)
    Minstrel:aldro,hessina,juppy(O P class but at least they are better than the RKs.)
    Burglar:Agonize, Ishal(i will only list ishal once because he is in almost all classes since he is a TOP Tier player.)
    Loremaster: Wakele ( still need to improve but... yeah the best in 1v1s/solo)
    Weaver:Paracidic ,Raelith
    Defiler: Tarburzthenice ( best solo player of all classes)
    WL:Fooborz, Shakanos
    BA:Rashkosh , Justanalt ( i know rash is like 1000x better than justanalt... but justanalt in 1v1s was pretty strong)

    Other good players wich i dont want to list: X was a strong in all classes.
    Mughluk dat guy was so strong at emotes fights. we did a 1v1 for like 20 mins in TA lawn and he won, i just cant do ./rude for more than 20 mins.
    Rigs used too much store.. every fight vs him was a brand , sometimes double brand so... yeah if you think store and brand are fairs in 1v1 rigs is one of the reavers in the list.
    *sorry for my bad english and all stuff, it must be painful to read everything but if you did thx.

  14. #139
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by zclabaugh View Post
    Just a tad bit late, but it was SSgt Ramirez and SSgt Harris in the 322nd SQ.

    and oh hai thar. How are you people still playing this god awful game?
    My MTI's were SSgt Norris, SSgt Calloway, SSgt Pena in the 323rd...
    Rank 10 Hunter, Rank 9 Warleader, Rank 9 Weaver, Rank 7 Reaver, Rank 6 Guardian, Rank 6 Warg, Rank 5 Lore-master, Rank 5 Blackarrow, Rank 4 Champion, Rank 3 Reaver, Rank 2 Rune-keeper, just to name a few.

  15. #140
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by landrau View Post
    Can't get 5 stars without being the best in da world!

  16. #141
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tabtargetftw View Post
    Hunter: Coldfells Elite. Seriously, WB needs to help these pew pew guys.
    so much win
    85 Cappy - 85 Burg - 85 Champ - 85 Hunter - 85 Warden - 0 Life

  17. #142
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Here's our New Years list


  18. #143
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    No... Here, I'll make a New Years list

    Quote Originally Posted by antdom5 View Post
    Hunter- yelk. Keep the points coming
    Rune keeper- bothvi and bustyhusty, is there anything u guys can heal
    Champion- Mmagnus, aarodir, and halri... No comment
    Warden- wardenman and killianor
    Guardian- ashendoon and sprug, always here to lend u our morale
    Burglar- agonize, no contest
    Lore master- our beloved Canadian who is almost rank 15... Hurry it up friz
    Captain- ruinerr&
    Black arrow- soulthresher and Spider-Man's
    War leader- ertz
    Warg- digga
    Reaver- the hacking slashing sword monkey along with the one man army rigs
    Defiler- laid and muzlink
    Spider- raelith

  19. #144
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by giquinto55 View Post
    Hunter- yelk. Keep the points coming
    Rune keeper- bothvi and bustyhusty, is there anything u guys can heal
    Champion- Mmagnus, aarodir, and halri... No comment
    Warden- wardenman and killianor
    Guardian- ashendoon and sprug, always here to lend u our morale
    Burglar- agonize, no contest
    Lore master- our beloved Canadian who is almost rank 15... Hurry it up friz
    Captain- ruinerr&
    Black arrow- soulthresher and Spider-Man's
    War leader- ertz
    Warg- digga
    Reaver- the hacking slashing sword monkey along with the one man army rigs
    Defiler- laid and muzlink
    Spider- raelith
    And for Minnie's- cugstolivar and agonizing

  20. #145
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by giquinto55 View Post
    Hunter- yelk. Keep the points coming
    Rune keeper- bothvi and bustyhusty, is there anything u guys can heal
    Champion- Mmagnus, aarodir, and halri... No comment
    Warden- wardenman and killianor
    Guardian- ashendoon and sprug, always here to lend u our morale
    Burglar- agonize, no contest
    Lore master- our beloved Canadian who is almost rank 15... Hurry it up friz
    Captain- ruinerr&
    Black arrow- soulthresher and Spider-Man's
    War leader- ertz
    Warg- digga
    Reaver- the hacking slashing sword monkey along with the one man army rigs
    Defiler- laid and muzlink
    Spider- raelith

    who's muzlink?

    edit: your standards must be really low when you add wardenman and killianor as best wardens
    Last edited by ulza; Jan 09 2013 at 11:38 AM.
    Retired from lotro since june '14. Currently kicking other noobs on gw2.

  21. #146
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    since being back i havent been able to play much when the majority play but i have seen a lot of new toons up and coming and a lot of bad ones.


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