Coincidental. We are currently testing things and as a result some players might be able to get into the words. No changes are needed on your end (nor will they help) at this time. If there are changes required we'll let you know.
Also, be aware that this may be a temporary resolution while we are testing things. We do not consider this issue resolved.
Last edited by Sapience; May 13 2013 at 05:58 PM.
Just about to post the exact same thing, worked for me too.
this is the most pathetic performance in a long list of pathetic performances from turbine.You should be ashamed of the way you :-
A, continue to release the poorest of products to your customers
B, continue to treat them with utter contempt
C, completely fail to take anything on board that comes from your customer base
and D, fail to acknowledge let alone apologise for any of the above.
hope you all get back in the game ASAP.
Try it now, i just managed to log in.
If it lets you go to the server select part and then throws up an internal error then A) change your language to another language then back again, and B) change your connection settings to no proxy and try again.
See, I think I'm done sticking up for Turbine (and shall refrain from making further ill-advised attempts at pointed humor. . . it can be taken more personally than intended). . . but then I read a post like this above and its level of condescension compels me to see Turbine's side of things again. . .
How exactly do you provide redundancy for a service that is essentially altogether new on launch day? The launcher and patching system are the source of the issue. And they were essentially replaced this morning. So even if they have "redundancy" measures in place for those new systems. . . the means of providing that "resiliency" and "redundancy" would merely exhibit the same problem as the live patching/login service.
It's essentially a launch-day glitch and will be worked out in due time. No amount of "resiliency" or "redundancy" short of rolling back to the old launcher/patching service (leaving those already patched in the lurch) would have fixed this issue any sooner.
meh double post lol
I can't argue that technically, but I have a feeling this is all the fault of Lalia. I know her from the Barrow Downs, now she is said to have a shop in Bree... that has to mean trouble
You don't need a twitter account to read twitter posts from a specific user though.
But it's up to you if you want to use the options available though. As they said, they update here, on twitter and on Facebook - unfortunately the forums were having issues today as well, so there you go.
Also - to the one going all "redundancy lol". Yes, any decent server has redundancy, but this is not a server down issue, it's an application issue related to the new launcher/patcher. There's nothing to be done at server level except sit around and wait until the application guys solve the issue.
I'm sure their first move was trying a failover and/or restart - but obviously that's not going to help on application problems..
Actually, all you need to do is to go to the following links:
No account required.
You're welcome.
Still Too Soon to mention CoH being sunsetted.
But since you did, I thought NCSoft did less than average job at software QA and integration (and yes I've worked in the field for many years and on larger, mission critical, systems that these games. You know the kind that come with an SLA.), but now that I'm playing LOTRO, I miss that level of service and customer care.
Well changing the proxy setting worked for me, and that was over 4 hours ago.
It was posted by a few people in earlier threads. Threads that rather unhelpfully were relegated to the windows techincal section of the forum. Shame, could have helped people get in game a lot earlier.
As people who are more familiar with coding know that code can act very unpredictably even though after testing so if you are rushed like that and what it really seems to me that this update was rushed out means we are gonna run into some issues. Though I don't really want to defend them as this is kinda starting to get old.
As some people have mentioned in this thread before that they'd rather grind deeds or run through old content than deal with these bugs that seem to be piling up and not being fixed. There's plenty of stuff to do for people who like to quest as they move through it at much slower pace than raiders, there's plenty of stuff to do for roleplayers as they generate their own content, don't think PvPers are running out of stuff to do, though they could use some love too... only people really who don't have much to do are raiders as there isn't that much content to keep them busy. I know there are people who are going to step in and ask if I have completed all the new raids on T2C, no, no I haven't, but atleast in RoI you didn't get bored of ToO T1 or Foundry T2 or Roots T2 after first few days. I wouldn't be complaining here about the hold up if there was a new raid or atleast a 6man coming with the update. So only people I really see having problems with lack of stuff to do don't really get anything with the new update.
I'm very sorry for getting little off topic there, but I haven't shared my opinion about that before so here it is...
Got on.
Computer programs often don't work right. Thanks to all for work to get this fixed which we all hope it is or will be soon.
I would rather be silly than grumpy.
lotro forums is still messin with me when i load another page its just says site is down for maintenance and then works 1min later....lucky i got to post this
Maybe team Sauron actually won...and there is no more Middle-earth
BTW, everything works fine for me atm, as ir has been all day since i found out about the proxy those *coincidences* looks awfuly similar to messed up base configuration of the launcher itself...
Anyway, i hope once this is resolved for everybody, we will get some sort of explanation what went wrong - i would like to find out, just out of curiosity
P.S. it couldnt be that hard to make a system that would let ppl with already patched clients into the game. It would be possible (i think, i dont know really - maybe the LOTRO sources are a complete spaghetti by now) for client to check patch servers - if it responds with a error code, check against a different server that just confirms game version - if it matches the latest one, let the client trough, if not - then the client would have to wait. Anyway, as i said, i dont know anything about LOTRO's code organization, but if launcher would be kept separate from the game as much as possible, there really shouldnt be a reason why this couldnt be implemented.
Here's the problem. We turned off the patching and login servers to do some testing. During that time it would not have mattered what you did, there was nothing for you to connect to. We made one small change to make sure we could check/log performance and re-enabled the patch and login servers. Once we did that, you were able to get in.
I just want to make the point that we do NOT consider this issue to be resolved at this point. We are continuing to investigate.