Originally Posted by
I'm quite interested with what you've all discovered here, and hoping it will make item gathering easier for Tulkas. Equendil, would it be possible to get the lua files you are using to extract this data? I honestly have no idea how you coded it all lol. If you are able to examine LIs to get legacy info I'm wondering if other equippable items will also contain info for the stats etc. If so then that could eliminate the need to manually enter the stat information.
But if not, I'd happily settle for the generic item ID.
Thanks all of you for the hard work in slowly unravelling this mystery
Awesome job!
Data stored in item links is mainly whatever data can't be derived by the game client from the generic item ID alone. That means most of what's on a LI (LI name, legacies and their ranks, LI title, relics, additional stats on two-handed LIs, points spent etc), but little data on regular items. At best, you'll find storage location, player ID if item is bound, current durability, quantity, crafted name and crafter name, occasionally I think also the worth of the item and its 'true' level.
Sadly, that means item stats are not exposed in any way. Besides, if they were as they are on two-handed LIs, that would be in the form of IDs and you would have to figure out which ID is what for each stat/value pair.
Anyway, I'll wrap up some code relatively soon (TM), free of needless dependencies, and post it on lotro-interface.
Edit: As far as I know, you can only get all that stuff from item links in the chat, *not* items in quickslots or drag&drop data.
Last edited by Equendil; Jun 30 2013 at 05:29 PM.
[size=1]Freeps (Snowbourn): [b]Equanor (R11 MNS)[/b] - Equendil - Orlo - Equadoc - Quaolin - Oshia - Kaolin - Equaric - Equorn
Creeps (Snowbourn): Veloch (R9 RVR) - Velrow (R10 BA) - Velkro - Oruk - Velrot - Velreth
Author of the [url=http://tiny.cc/2zm50w]Legendary Item Planner[/url], [url=http://tiny.cc/m1m50w]Bootstrap[/url] and [url=http://tiny.cc/41m50w]Baruk[/url] plugins.[/size]