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  1. #1326
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Kinship Exilados da Terra Média conta com diversos players ativos e com lv Cap (lv mais alto do jogo) e tem por objetivo unir todos os brasileiros, inclusive os de outras kinships, pra que possamos acabar com o regionalismo e com a criação de tantas kins brs num jogo gringo. Unir os brs para fazer raids, Big Battles, corridas de tp, ou só pra conversar etc..

    A missão é meio utópica e meio difícil de se concretizar, mas já começa a dar seus primeiros passos, já unimos uma antiga kin com a nossa e agora já temos mais de 7 abas de players.

    Se vc tiver interesse em se juntar a nós para elevar o espírito da diversão, independente do seu tempo de lotro, estado, etc, junte-se a nós.

    Líder: Grimtiadric

    Nosso facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/7405...group_activity
    Nosso raidcall: 9591530

    Vítor - Arekoth, The Champion, Officer.

  2. #1327
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.

    Your name, or character name and race:Cedhalvoth, Elf.
    Age: 16, I know I'm a bit younger than most, but I'm mature for my age.
    Preferred server(s), if any: I've only ever played on Gladden, I'm happy to switch servers but I'd need to look into how to do that.
    Location: GMT time UK.
    Play-style.: would like to play in groups, never done PvP, casual, up for RP but never done it. Fairly new to the game. I'm level 19 if that matters.
    MMO games you’ve played: None apart from this really.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Don't know if I can offer anything tbh but just looking for people to quest and socialise with, so if that's what you're looking for pm me
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Basically people who are doing the same playstyle as me, chilled-out people who can help each other out and make LOTRO a less lonely experience

  3. #1328
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    I just returned from being away for an extended length of time. I must admit I am a bit of a newbie now in the game as everything seems new and have changed. I am looking for a kinship that has active people, basically to make friends and to talk to in game and occasionally outside game too if you like I am an open person friendly but a bit shy. I recently got crushed by a huge incident irl that left me half dead and broken, but I am healing and getting better I just want to enjoy life again. I hope we can all be friends.

    -IGN: Gunstar Metal Beard
    -Role Play a bit, PVE mostly, I can try PVP too, I grind and explore a lot, I am a self proclaimed Lore-Addict xD, I am a Bearded Dwarf at heart. and I like making things and helping people
    -I play as long as I can Tuesday to Saturday I can go online mostly 4-6 hours unless I need to rest but on Sundays and Mondays I am mostly on except perhaps when I fall asleep on the keyboard (in which my face will be imprinted with letters again
    -Play style? I guess Explorer and Manufacturer
    -RL info...hmm well I am in South East Asia, Timezone will be Near Tokyo timer (a bit late I guess of 1 hour) I love cooking, baking, and gardening. I am a hopeless Romantic and a bit old fashioned (guess I was raised that way, there are good and bad points on it I guess) I am a bit slow so please be patient with me I love helping others as that's my job but I have very low tolerance for injustice (so please don't do nasty stuff to others in front of me, I get agitated and may go berserk...just kidding xD, just don't do it.)

    I guess that's all I have to offer, I would like to learn more about the game, its people and everyone that enjoys it. I hope we can be in 1 joyfull family Thanks a bunch


    I have found a Kinship, Lets all have fun together
    Last edited by Khalariel; Dec 10 2014 at 01:02 AM.

  4. #1329
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Interested in joining kinship

    I have one main character Denfrith level 65 man - Hunter My user name is asarum1952.
    I am 62. I am basically to gaming. I have done the majority solo and feel I am missing a lot
    not using the social aspects of the game. I am not very good with things like chat, plug-ins, game speak,
    emotes, but want to learn more than what I have figured out on my on.
    I am working on Westfold scholar, Supreme Farmer, and Expert Weapon smith.
    Live in Washington state and am on most days usually between 6 -12 PM Pacific time.
    I am VIP but have not bought expansions yet but probably will when I have some extra money.
    A bit concerned about not meeting others expectations since I have so much to learn . Needs someone to sell
    me on a kinship.

  5. #1330
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sequining View Post
    I have one main character Denfrith level 65 man - Hunter My user name is asarum1952.
    I am 62. I am basically to gaming. I have done the majority solo and feel I am missing a lot
    not using the social aspects of the game. I am not very good with things like chat, plug-ins, game speak,
    emotes, but want to learn more than what I have figured out on my on.
    I am working on Westfold scholar, Supreme Farmer, and Expert Weapon smith.
    Live in Washington state and am on most days usually between 6 -12 PM Pacific time.
    I am VIP but have not bought expansions yet but probably will when I have some extra money.
    A bit concerned about not meeting others expectations since I have so much to learn . Needs someone to sell
    me on a kinship.
    What server are you on?

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  6. #1331
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Can't believe I forgot that. I am on Gladden.

  7. #1332
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    LF Kin on Brandywine

    I am a returning adult (36 yo) player after a few months break due to RL.
    I am looking for a kinship with a fun adult social bunch of people.
    I am still fairly new to the game but tend to learn things on my own or asking about it in game.
    I am a social/casual mostly solo player and not into RP tho I do respect people that do.

    I am on all hours mostly late night early mornings 4 or more days a wk.
    If you know of a kin like this please reply to this post and tell me the name and about the kin.
    Thanks for reading

    You can pst me in game

    or on this thread.

  8. #1333
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I just returned to playing LOTRO after about a year or so break. I had been playing before that since release up until mirkwood consistently.
    Kinship: Looking for a kinship that overall is friendly and helpful, but also offers some end-game raiding/grouping along with pvp.
    Age: 18, currently a freshman in college
    Playstyle: I enjoy PVP the most once I hit 100, currently 85 Champion, and would like to earn some good gear before heading to the Moors.
    What can I offer?: I just hope to be a positive, friendly member of a kinship where I can play with and help others.

    If there is any information I forgot or you would like to know feel free to message me in game: Seregthol

  9. #1334
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    What server are you on, Seregthol?
    LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.

  10. #1335
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I'm an experienced player with toons on several servers (Brandywine is the one I have been playing on the most). I am seeking a friendly and social Role Play friendly Kin. While I have toons on Brandywine, I am willing to roll a new one just for the right Kinship. I am heavy into crafting, as well. If you think your Kinship fits the bill, please drop Qimba a note on Brandywine or drop me a private message on the forum. Thanks!

  11. #1336
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Question Any kins with comms on Imladris?

    Jonamir, (29)Man Captain. Mazragog, (8)Dwarf Champion

    Age: 25

    Server: as I said Imladris, I am open to swapping servers but the couple of people I play with might be harder to convince. :/

    Playstyle: I want to experience everything there is to do in the game, PvMP, raiding, skirmishes, The epic quest-line, all that good stuff, and I guess I'm a little picky about doing stuff the "intended way" like fellowship quests, it bugs me that I can never someone around my level to do them. I really enjoy leveling in a group, so its a little disheartening to hear that most people are 100 and all the way in Gondor. A long way away from my lvl 29 self.

    MMO exp: I've trialed trialed everything there is a trial for, I've played a bit of Guild Wars, SWTOR, idk if Warframe and Vindictus count. EVE online would have to be my favorite but i can never reliably afford a subscription since I'm a broke college student As far as LotRO, I have been playing off and on since the beta My brother and I *wispers* shared an account, cause back then we were just broke kids
    The game went F2P and I made my own account, I got to about LvL 24 and then stopped for a long time, a lot of negativity I read about the game kept me from coming back. But right now I would like to continue playing and try to invest some more time in the game and maybe conduct some multiplayer in this multiplayer game.

    What I would like in a kinship: They gotta be friendly and acknowledge that my schoolwork comes first, other than that I'm really only looking for comms, I play a lot of console games where voice chat is a must, and XBLs party chat was just wonderful for talking to people and getting to know friends of people I played with. So having a place to hangout and talk is I think important, not just for communication when playing together in an instance or something.

  12. #1337
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Looking for a new Kin

    Andagis and Aranborlas (Andagis is a Beorning and Aranborlas is an elf loremaster)
    Age: 41
    Preferred server: Windfola
    Location: EST
    Playstyle: Mostly solo mixed with some very light RP,though I do enjoy grouping as well
    MMO games you’ve played: You name it I've likely tried it out at some point
    The kind of kinship I'm looking for would be more of a friends/family type that is casual in it's play (I'm not hardcore and don't have the time to devote to it),also a kin that does not take itself nor the game to serious.

  13. #1338
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm looking for an active, heavy RP kin in Laurelin. I'm from the USA, but I chose Laurelin because I heard it was the server specifically made for roleplay. So I'm a number of hours behind the Europeans on their server. I'm not a fantastic roleplayer, but I'm trying to find something new and interesting to do on LOTRO.

  14. #1339
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tavindir, Elf, LM, R6 ENG. (if knows does apply, I am a forgetful!!! lol)
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): Tavindir is really old... and my daughter is in her 20s, so I'm not so young either. (she introduced me to Lotro years ago)
    Preferred server(s), if any. : Brandywine
    Location.: VA/USA EST
    Playstyle. : PvE, group, solo maybe PvP soon too
    MMO games you’ve played: I played games before MMOs!! Only other MMO I've played a lot in is STO (Star Trek Online)
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I play a lot. Love the game. Love grouping. Have TeamSpeak on my cpu.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: I need to find Tavindir a good kin where he can do end game. I'm just back into the game pretty recently, and haven't started the whole DA grind for essence armor. I have been doing BB/RP and am R6. I would like to find a kin where I can join in and do these things on a regular basis. I also have a lot of alts that can do runs of different levels, deeds, etc. Please send Tavindir in game mail/tell if your kin has room for a LM that likes to PvE, raid... but needs to grind out some gear! Thanks!

  15. #1340
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    looking for a kinship on withywindle


    age - 41

    location - UK

    Played many mmo's over the years eve,eq2 etc im looking for an active social kinship i prefer voice coms so i can chat while i play i find u get to know people better that way

  16. #1341
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Chad29 View Post
    I'm looking for an active, heavy RP kin in Laurelin. I'm from the USA, but I chose Laurelin because I heard it was the server specifically made for roleplay. So I'm a number of hours behind the Europeans on their server. I'm not a fantastic roleplayer, but I'm trying to find something new and interesting to do on LOTRO.
    Landroval is the US based Roleplay server, so if you have no luck on Laurelin maybe roll a character on Landy and look around as well.
    Holris of Landroval

  17. #1342
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Lonely Hobbit looking for a RP kinship.
    Level 54 on Laurelin server.
    Mature gamer, just about played all MMO's there is.
    Although I'm looking for a RP kin, at the moment I would like to level up before starting to RP but still have a friendly kin to chat to on the way

    Oh and the name's Meriduc btw
    Last edited by Grimbaldorf; Feb 04 2015 at 01:10 PM.

  18. #1343
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Name:Melyadal(11 Brandywine) Mellisande(38 riddermark), Relior(23 riddermark)
    Age: 24
    Preferred server(s), Riddermark, Brandywine
    Location: East Coast USA
    Playstyle: Any
    MMO games you’ve played:Too many to list
    Looking for a leveling/casual guild since my characters are all relatively low leveled.

  19. #1344
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Name: Arathylas (81, Champion, Riddermark) Caehl (83, Captain, Riddermark)
    Age: 40
    Play style: any
    Server interested in: Landroval, Brandywine

    Long time player who is looking for a new home. I originally started on Brandywine and Landroval but migrated to Riddermark when it opened. After a year break I am ready to return. I have characters already on both servers that I am looking to transfer too, but I would like to finally consolidate onto one server. I have mainly soloed over the years but am looking to expand and do more group stuff. Looking for a kin who is active, doesn't mind doing older instances, and is friendly and social. If any kins are interested please contact Arathylas (Lvl 65, Champion, Landroval) or Rivaal (Lvl 86, Hunter, Brandywine) in game. I log onto both daily.
    Last edited by Tyrol; Feb 07 2015 at 09:36 AM.

  20. #1345
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Looking for Kinship on Firefoot.

    I just returned to the game about 2 weeks ago after a year or so break. I have a lvl 70 minstrel named Illustrated and a lvl 69 Warden named Flipwick; I play both of these daily. I was in a kinship quite a long time but when I returned it was defunct.

    Server: Firefoot

    Age 40

    Lotro and WOW have been my mainstays, but also dabbled in eq and eq2 over the years.

    I am looking more for an adult social crowd. I am not hardcore but have been in the past in other games. At present I mostly just solo all the content which can get a bit tedious.
    I am also a night owl and tend to be on late.

  21. Feb 10 2015, 01:25 AM

  22. #1346
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Kinship offer

    Imperial Assassins would love too hear from you because we have a good mixture of ages our lowest is age 14 and on up too our 50's.Please drop me a line and we shall talk.(server EVERNIGHT)

  23. #1347
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Looking for Kinship

    Age: 33

    Preferred server: Any

    USA EST: Random Hours

    Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, casual, RP, crafter - I love light to medium grade RP, I am open to Hardcore level of RP too but I have never experienced it.

    MMO games you’ve played: Too many

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    - I am a proactive member who loves to work with others. I like to foster new people up and have a relatively high level of patience. I also love the lore of LOTRO but I do not know it by half.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for.
    I am looking for a sizable kinship that has people at all hours usually, who is looking for someone to RP/Group/Socialize with. I hate playing MMORPGs without the MMO or the RPG part. I'm an original EQ player from its RP servers... meaning I love to role-play. I have all of the expansions, paid sub... just looking for a good place to call home.

  24. Feb 18 2015, 10:26 PM

  25. Feb 19 2015, 12:59 AM

  26. #1348
    Join Date
    May 2007

    We've sent you an email in game with some information. Based on your list of preferences, I think our kin would be a good fit. You would certainly be welcome with Shadowbane. Our website is at http://www.shadowbanekinship.com

    Check it out and feel free to send me any questions. I hope you find a good kin home. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadalarion View Post
    Name: Aethaebryn [Man Warden/Main Level 100], Aethornth [Beorning/Alternate], Elthalanth [Elf Hunter/Alternate]
    Preferred Server:Lanroval [US-RE]
    Location:Current Location is Mountain Timezone, preferred timezone for kinships Mountain/Pacific
    Playstyle:Casual PVE, Instances/Epic Battles (depends on how long or have time to play them)
    MMO games you've played: Earth and Beyond, SWG, WOW, (currently playing) LOTRO
    What kind of kinship you are looking for:
    LIFETIME Sub gives me the option of taking my time to play.
    What sort of kin am looking for, Casual, PVE focus since am not interested in PVP, Tolerates/Allows Deaf Gamers.
    Raids/instances will depend on if have time to play or how long the raid/instance will last.
    Not looking for a immature kin or a kin that uses naming conventions that is outside the LORE of Lord of the Rings & RP aspect of Landroval. KinRank: Max Rank, or at least Rank 7.
    NON-Negotiable Kin must be acceptable/tolerate Deaf Players and not require them to use/install voice software like Teamspeak/Vent & Etc -(have been mislead in the past and frankly am sick of it, if a kinship cannot accept the fact that deaf gamers cannot use voice software do not bother contacting me for invite to your kin)
    Functional Website is optional, though I preferred not to registered on a kinship website due to bad experiences where had to change my email address.
    Kinship Facebook (maybe/depends)/(am a very private person, my facebook is not open to the public just for close friends and family).
    RP Optional, am not a RP'er, I play on Landroval due to it's community being more mature then other non-RP live servers.
    Been enjoying Crafting, have three crafting proffessions currently working on Jeweller, Tailor and Woodworking (though am just crafting for myself and alts and not for community at large (might for a Kinship if there is need or have the time for it).

    Elenia, Minstrel /Aelinithir, Captain / Miriele, Hunter / Gudrig, Runekeeper
    ****************************** ****************************** *************************
    Founder, Shadowbane of Landroval, est. 2007 as one of Landroval's oldest continuously active kinships.


  27. Feb 19 2015, 05:10 AM

  28. #1349

    LFKin on CrickHollow

    Hello, I am an old-timer that has returned to the game from a very long hiatus.

    That said I am looking for: an East Coast Kin that has new or old members who a) does not mind running with low level characters with no gear yet or experience and b) it not tired of the game and going to move on in a couple weeks. I've played ALOT of MMOs and I'm pretty unhappy with our choices. A friend mentioned to me recently that he'd heard that LOTRO has added a bunch of new content and indeed I'm finding the game is ALOT different than I remember. Thus I am started anew and ignoring my high level toons that I'm not sure even how to play.

    When I played last I maxed out 3 toons and ran most or all of the content before I stepped away. I plan on hanging around for quite some time. I'd rather do this with others to complete goals and have fun in the evenings and on weekends. I'd consider myself Casual/PVE with interests in Crafting, Instances and Raids as well.
    Last edited by Casdegere; Feb 19 2015 at 11:07 AM.
    [center] [color=darkred]"Death is Certain, Life is not."[/color]

  29. #1350
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    brandywine kinships !

    : i prefer to be called ferus, not sure why i didn't pick that as my display name upon joining. the only character i'm going to have is my daedroghiel, elf hunter, low 20's for her level right now.
    age: 20
    server: brandywine
    location: ohio, usa. but my sleep schedule is completely unpredictable (thus why i'm writing this at 6am) so i could be online at any time.
    playstyle: usually solo only because most people don't have the patience to play with me. xP pve, casual. i don't do much crafting. and i like to complete everything before leaving an area.
    mmo games you’ve played: this is the only one i've ever played consistently.
    why kinships should be interested in you: i'm helpful and patient. willing to stop what i'm doing if another player needs help to complete something. and i'm sociable. even like to think i'm mildly entertaining. ;D
    what kind of kinship you are looking for: i need something that i can enjoy my relaxed gameplay style in but still have plenty of people to socialize with. i do have voicechat capabilities.


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