Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
-currently thinking of the best female 6v6-
Not enough woman in the dps hero freep version.. My brains farting right now, I can't remember any.
All I see is a man characters chasing you.
Last edited by SalloeRamaros; Jun 24 2015 at 03:59 AM.
Dushuak Rank: 12 Galathia Rank: 6 Salloe Rank: 7 Ramaros Rank: 6 Amoris: Rank 6 (Haven't pvp in years)
Evil People Lead To Evil Intentions
Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
Thats the thing said bear wasnt traited redline. I fought Illy enough to know the difference between the trait lines.
You very well may be the worst hunter Vilya pvp has. I could have auto attacked you at aeop and killed you. I showed mercy and ended it quick. I had other more proficient freeps to fight. Nilmade might show you a trick or two. Wait... did I just say that nilmade is a better hunter than you?![]()
Its obvious he has gotten the better of you. Can someone call a medic,we have an emergency here!
Its a good thing you aren't afraid to die because it happens oh so often.
1 warg attacking 1 player doesn't = a warg pack
2 wargs attacking 1 player doesn't = a warg pack.
A warg pack is several wargs grouped together working to take down one target.
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler
This thread had potential, but it would appear the trash talk / forum pvp on this server is just as poor as the actual pvp.
Last edited by TuorofDor-Lomin; Jun 24 2015 at 12:43 PM.
Good thing there was 5, although I think the term "several" is a falsity, more than one is all it takes to be considered a pack as it is a common plural term for animals who run in groups... In the very least I would accept 3, but since both situations involved 5 I guess I have nothing to worry about.... But than again at least it wasn't a band of monkeys or a crash of rhino I might have something to worry about then.
How large is the pack size?
Packs can range from 2 to 36 wolves. Average pack size is six wolves. A pack usually consists of an alpha male, alpha female, current offspring, and a few yearlings. There also may be a few adult subordinate wolves in the pack. Wolves will usually stay with the pack until 2-3 years of age. At that time, they may choose to disperse to find a new pack or to start a new pack. Pack sizes depend on the available prey and territory.
Wolf Facts - California Wolf Center
"There are things that go bump in the night. We're the ones who bump back." -BPRD
I hope this broad at least puts out with all the emotional investment you guys are contributing into this thread.
How large is the pack size?
Packs can range from 2 to 36 wolves. Average pack size is six wolves. A pack usually consists of an alpha male, alpha female, current offspring, and a few yearlings. There also may be a few adult subordinate wolves in the pack. Wolves will usually stay with the pack until 2-3 years of age. At that time, they may choose to disperse to find a new pack or to start a new pack. Pack sizes depend on the available prey and territory.
Wolf Facts - California Wolf Center
Obtuse and oblique is your comparison to a LotRo Warg. The link you posted was about wolves not wargs. Its like saying a Saber Tooth Tiger(Wolves) is comparable to a (Fictional Warg)Cheshire Cat,from the story of Alice in Wonderland.
There is no evidence,a wolf pack can be compared to a warg pack anywhere. I repeat ANYWHERE.
The Roont man who plays a RK is grabbing for anything at this point. Stick to what you know. Wait... That would leave you with nothing to do with the remainder of your life.
I'll proceed to educate you on a Wolf,since what you know is incorrect concerning your comparison.
This link has many errors and incorrect statements. https://www.californiawolfcenter.org/learn/wolf-facts/
The Alpha Wolf is a falsity. The link I provide below describes how the term came to be used in today's description of a wolf in it natural setting vs captivity.
The author who coined the phrase Alpha wolf has taken back his original belief upon further study and peer review.
In this page is a secondary link continuing to the heart of your mistaken proof as to why a warg pack is defined by you in terms of wolves.
To elaborate further on why you are incorrect about your comparison,is this. Wolves and their packs don't have an Alpha male and can never be tamed. When a dog gets away from its master it is called a stray dog. When a Wolf gets away from its captors it is called "Returning to the wild". A Warg can and are obviously tamed. Reason being,it is a product of captivity and depends on its owners for it survival. To contribute more,a Warg is used by orcs and ridden by them. Is the bridling of a Warg by consent? I don't recall Tolkien mentioning anything about this. Nonetheless Wargs are tame.
Wolves can only be held as captives. They can never be tame. As provided by the info in this link. http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/can-wolves-be-tamed/
In this Tolkien world,tame Wargs do run in packs. Though it cant be defined by your comparison to Wolves.
I would suggest you stop whining and QQing about Wargs and what constitutes a warg pack.
Last edited by Christian.S; Jun 24 2015 at 05:42 PM.
Thanks for all that information!
Unfortunately TL;DR... sorry, I just don't care....
But to go back to the subject, it was 5v1 I dont care if you call it anything.
Last edited by Zanishi; Jun 24 2015 at 05:58 PM.
"There are things that go bump in the night. We're the ones who bump back." -BPRD
there are girls on Vilya?
Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
TEAM F ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags
LoL Kate really has some issues, For someone that is so bad to think they are that great and to think they know all about everything and is so uber, One would instantly think you are Splays other half. But we know that is not the case just ask Snowlock. Then again she could just be playing the same games with Splay as she used to with Snow and that would clearly make one understand all the fiction she types on here. Remember Kate loves you!
posting on a trash account lol
I do think I'm great and OFC I know everything.
What does Splay have to do with all girls groups on creepside? Go derail a thread somewhere else.
I don't know if you know or not but that guy doesn't play on Vilya anymore. I'm not sure what he has to do with pvp here.
Are you being smart? I can't tell. Its clearly obvious I play games with lots of people, I mean you are posting on a gaming forum so I also play with you apparently.
Not true. I don't love everyone.
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler
One of the kiddies climbed out of the forum sandbox. Frelorn might have to spank you and tell you to get back there. 1 post and its a troll post ROTFL!
Since you are here,why don't you tell us who you are. Did you die in a pvp zone?
20 people stand in a line and the 1st whispers something to the 2nd and on down the line. By the time it gets to number 20,many times the 1st whisper is totally different than the 20th. You must be number 19.
Anyway have fun with that.![]()
Speak of the devil, Hello Splay. And yeah sorry I have never felt the need to post on the forums and today I felt like doing so. As far as trolling nope I am not trolling one bit. Calling it as it actually is rather than reading anymore posts from the know it all. I remember a few years back A certain someone getting corpse jumped on her creep. Instant logs out and logs in on freep side to tell the freeps in ooc that they do not have the right to corpse jump her because she out ranks them lol.
And I want to apologize to Splay She is not acting like him she is acting more like Smegg.
That is all.