New to Laurelin and seeking some information on Kins
Hi there,
I have returned to LOTRO after an absence and starting out new on Laurelin as I previously played on Landroval but only got to the mid fifties on my Warden (a class which I really enjoy playing). I've made a group of three characters not only to maintain a variety but also to have a good mix of vocations (woodsman, armsman and armourer). The three characters are all brothers who were born and raised on the outskirts of Bree. The Donnelley's are modelled on an Irish family with the father being in the Bree watch and their mother running (and ruling) the home.
Finnen Donnelley is a Warden and as that is my favourite class he is my main character - his twin brother is Sionn Donnelley and he's a Captain. The eldest brother is Mairtin Donnelley and he's a Guardian. All three have copper hair, fair skin and mind their manners around the ladies (especially if their mother happens to be within ten miles of them).
As for me I am what is described as a casual player. I'm mature (*cough* *cough* in my forties) and I get time to play only in the evenings and weekends when I am not doing the many other things needed around the home. I'm not a great follower of the lore and by that I mean I do not know everything and by heart. I have of course read the books a few times since I was introduced to them about twenty-five years ago. I'm the sort of person who tries to avoid involving themselves or their story in lore for the simple reason that I admit I do not know it all. I'm pretty sure that if it is ok to have Dwarves with Scottish accents (as all Dwarves seem to have now) then it's ok to have some humans with Irish accents too?
Anyway getting to the point...
Whilst I have only been back in LOTRO for a couple of days I have missed being in a Kinship and I'm at a loss as to how to go about finding one as there does not appear to be any lists or search facility. Is there a place which lists which Kins are out there, which are recruiting and what they get up to? I'm interested in role-play as well as progressing through the classes and vocations. A word of warning though - I'm a bit of a completionist so I only move on from an area once I have done all the deeds etc. (yes I out level the area often by this but it's a shame to miss out of all that great content by rushing through to the end). If there are lists, resources or even other (external) forums out there that list the Kins available then please let me know.
Yes as the above posts suggests the Archives has a long list of kinship on Laurelin but the entries are only as up to date as the kinship keep them. A good way to see how current a kin is is to look as how recent any stories have been with the associated kinship you are looking at. On the archives members can attach their storylines to their kinship profiles.
Of course feel free to contact myself or one of the team in game and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction. There is no one channel the role-play community has which could help you at this time so it comes down to simply word of mouth.
The thing you need to think about is the background you are associating with your characters and where you would like to roleplay. I would say from your OP that because you are a completionist that you will desire a kinship which embraces all game content to the level cap.
Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; Aug 30 2015 at 10:52 PM.