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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Rekka/Guka/One last time on Vilya

    On Thursday Sept 10 around 4 Pm to 5 Pm PST Guka will stand on the cliff overlooking the little Hobbit Village in remembrance of my good friend Rekka and all the others we have lost since this game has started. I still talk to his widow and watch his daughter grow on facebook from time to time. You can come and join me but I will not fight. Just a remembrance for the last time on Vilya as this was Rekka's final playing field. If anyone wants to throw a name out of other players we have lost over the last 7 years please add them and I will say a prayer over the cliff for them as I do for Rekka.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    A remembrance for Syldor (Silydor on E) would be appreciated. A young man with a big heart, it just did not function near long enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    +1 for Rekka, Quiznos (Quentoz/Syl), and Lathandria (Tayawen/Pweep)... I'll try to make it out there Guka, out of remembrance, before this server goes.
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Thanks guka for organizing this once again, it was good to see some old names out there, and I could actually hear the names being said in rekka's voice as I read them. Also enjoyed reminiscing about Lathandria/taya and Syl. It was also a fitting send off for vilya which was the setting of so many good memories. Follow the paw...
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  5. Sep 11 2015, 01:23 AM

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    Glad I could make the memorial this time around, good to see you again Guka... glad you and Brood had some notion of respect for Rekka, Syl, and Lathandria... sadly, Smegg and his Smegglodites acted just as ####ty as those they demonize constantly in OOC. Kinda sad to see what the moors is now, I suppose the hilarious irony and hypocisy that is creep OOC should've made it clear then, as it is now. Unfortunate that this server has become what it has, way to piss on their legacy #######s... hopefully it closes soon before you ####s can tarnish it further.
    Indeed. I thought it was kinda ###### that the warg pack started attacking afkers at the memorial spot once they decided they were done with the memorial. Shouldn't have expected anything more out of that bunch though. Anything for easy points, and if they can't get those sweet sweet points they log.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    What I find really funny is the feigned indignation smegg had when hanadan supposedly insulted rekka about a week past. Apparently that's reason enough to get him kicked from kin, but ganking all the afk freeps who came to pay homage to rekka's legacy at the memorial is totally fine!?

    I saw it coming a mile away, mapped out 10 minutes before things ended. Respect to those who truly came to honor their friend and refrained from participating in the gank. You know who you are.

    To those who decided to use his memorial to score points and enrich themselves: talk about spitting on his memory. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Trash.
    Last edited by TuorofDor-Lomin; Sep 11 2015 at 12:09 PM.
    Lieutenant Ungorthul, Weaver; Chief Guard Fakhmud, Reaver; Master-at-Arms Siaranna, Rune-keeper

  8. Sep 11 2015, 02:44 PM

  9. Sep 11 2015, 03:19 PM

  10. Sep 11 2015, 03:51 PM

  11. Sep 11 2015, 04:08 PM

  12. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanadan View Post
    Indeed. I thought it was kinda ###### that the warg pack started attacking afkers at the memorial spot once they decided they were done with the memorial. Shouldn't have expected anything more out of that bunch though. Anything for easy points, and if they can't get those sweet sweet points they log.

    I find it pathetic that you had the nerve to show up there with your little friend after sitting at grams for nearly a week with two greenie reavers named RekkasGhost and CarCrash all the while trash talking Rekka in ooc and the vu. I'm fairly certain you didn't even know the other two if you even knew Rekka at all.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  13. Sep 11 2015, 04:22 PM

  14. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    It's vested in the side (opinion) you're defending...I don't care about dying, the manner in which I die is another thing... had they ganked us all after the memorial that would've been one thing, I would've laughed my ### off had 24 wargs ganked me at the bottom of the hill, but no... and to tell me they'd all be laughing had freeps decided to zerg them all while they were obviously in the middle of memorializing their friend, please... if your head is that far up your butt then there's no point discussing this further.
    I wasn't there, wish I had heard about it.
    Anyway, I guarantee Rekka would think ganking freeps "after" the deal was not only funny but a requirement.
    If it was "during" the deal, that is lame.

    To the OP, Cool deal Guka, wish I'd heard. I rarely log in anymore.

    Now, GO KILL SOME DAMN FREEPS! /salute /rude
    Angarain Erain Kinship, Vilya
    Mikros 100 Guard, Chumli 100 hunter, Oggo 75? burg, Wasape 100 beorning (and a bunch of other alts and creep-side toons)

  15. Sep 11 2015, 04:30 PM

  16. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TouTheou View Post
    I wasn't there, wish I had heard about it.
    Anyway, I guarantee Rekka would think ganking freeps "after" the deal was not only funny but a requirement.
    If it was "during" the deal, that is lame.

    To the OP, Cool deal Guka, wish I'd heard. I rarely log in anymore.

    Now, GO KILL SOME DAMN FREEPS! /salute /rude
    Which, is what I was trying to say, thanks Tu-tu... I'm just pissed (panties > wad), at what occurred during an open memorial... again had they ganked us after, I would've expected it and laughed.
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  17. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    Which, is what I was trying to say, thanks Tu-tu... I'm just pissed (panties > wad), at what occurred during an open memorial... again had they ganked us after, I would've expected it and laughed.
    lol well no worries, and it's a great touch for this thread to add a bit of Snowlock drama, really makes It feel like the old days

    (Love ya Snow.... I miss you nuking my poor wargy, would hate to know how many of your kb's came from tutu lol )
    Angarain Erain Kinship, Vilya
    Mikros 100 Guard, Chumli 100 hunter, Oggo 75? burg, Wasape 100 beorning (and a bunch of other alts and creep-side toons)

  18. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TouTheou View Post
    lol well no worries, and it's a great touch for this thread to add a bit of Snowlock drama, really makes It feel like the old days

    (Love ya Snow.... I miss you nuking my poor wargy, would hate to know how many of your kb's came from tutu lol )
    Lol no drama, I'm just irked... and lashed out at Snow's comment... apologies Snow, idgaf anymore... it is what it is, I'll keep the fond memories I have of those that have past... I'll always have those, unblemished.
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  19. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hi Tu-tu, good to see you man :-)
    Last edited by Snowlock; Sep 12 2015 at 12:45 PM.
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  20. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    I'm just irked... and lashed out at Snow's comment... apologies Snow
    No worries Turine, I never meant to offend you either, so apologies as well, I should've quoted the folks I was referencing..
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  21. Sep 11 2015, 05:04 PM

  22. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowlock View Post
    No worries Turine, I never meant to offend you either, so apologies as well, I should've quoted the folks I was referencing..
    I don't want this to become circular, I responded earlier to your post, but it does nothing ultimately -deleted-, no offence taken... take care, and to those that are gone RIP.
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  23. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate00 View Post
    I find it pathetic that you had the nerve to show up there with your little friend after sitting at grams for nearly a week with two greenie reavers named RekkasGhost and CarCrash all the while trash talking Rekka in ooc and the vu. I'm fairly certain you didn't even know the other two if you even knew Rekka at all.
    First of all, I have nothing to do with those freavers. Smegg has convinced all of creepside it is me, without any actual proof to back it up. On the flip side, there is no way to prove that it isn't me, so we are just stuck in this he said she said loop of bull####. Oh wait, I forgot creeps know everything about everything, so it must be true!

    Second, I never trashed talked Rekka. I said something to the effect of him being a better leader than Smegg ever would be and how he would be disappointed in what Vilya moors has become, and that got Smegg's panties in a bunch. His reaction in OOC was so insane, "we do not speak of dead friends that way blah blah blah", followed by him flipping to his freep officer and booting me from kin in violation of the kin procedures. Give how he flew off the handle in such an epic and public fashion, I am not surprised someone did that to troll him - he's built up a lot of enemies over the years of zerging and then logging when even numbers beat him back. You weren't even there when it happened, so all you have to go off of is what other people tell you, tainted by their displeasure that I flipped to be a main freep and became one of the more visible leaders after creeping for 3 years.

    The memorial didn't require me to know anybody, it was an open memorial dedicated to people who have passed, those three just happened to be the most visible ones that's all.

    Go back to doing what you're best at, hiding in oneshots til you get enough to zerg solos (only takes 6+) and lurking on VU to see the messages you have your lackeys post there (because you're too much of a coward to actually speak there, you need your CoC/ToS safe spaces so you can report people!). Maybe if you grow some balls, your cop husband will give you a good pounding again...oh wait he doesn't actually exist.

  24. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanadan View Post
    First of all, I have nothing to do with those freavers. Smegg has convinced all of creepside it is me, without any actual proof to back it up. On the flip side, there is no way to prove that it isn't me, so we are just stuck in this he said she said loop of bull####. Oh wait, I forgot creeps know everything about everything, so it must be true!

    Second, I never trashed talked Rekka. I said something to the effect of him being a better leader than Smegg ever would be and how he would be disappointed in what Vilya moors has become, and that got Smegg's panties in a bunch. His reaction in OOC was so insane, "we do not speak of dead friends that way blah blah blah", followed by him flipping to his freep officer and booting me from kin in violation of the kin procedures. Give how he flew off the handle in such an epic and public fashion, I am not surprised someone did that to troll him - he's built up a lot of enemies over the years of zerging and then logging when even numbers beat him back. You weren't even there when it happened, so all you have to go off of is what other people tell you, tainted by their displeasure that I flipped to be a main freep and became one of the more visible leaders after creeping for 3 years.

    The memorial didn't require me to know anybody, it was an open memorial dedicated to people who have passed, those three just happened to be the most visible ones that's all.

    Go back to doing what you're best at, hiding in oneshots til you get enough to zerg solos (only takes 6+) and lurking on VU to see the messages you have your lackeys post there (because you're too much of a coward to actually speak there, you need your CoC/ToS safe spaces so you can report people!). Maybe if you grow some balls, your cop husband will give you a good pounding again...oh wait he doesn't actually exist.

    All you are is full of excuses. You cry all the time don't you?

    Every creep knows what you have done in our ooc reguarding Rekka. You bragged about it so I'm not sure why you are on these forums lying about it. It was brazen for you to show up, and for freeps to allow you there shows how far they have fallen in respect to those players that have been lost. Nothing more.

    Your obsession with me is lol. You obviosly have nothing better to do with your time and for that I pitty you.

    I'm sorry if I'm confusing your obsession with me with that of my husband, if so well I didn't know he was your type.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  25. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate00 View Post
    All you are is full of excuses. You cry all the time don't you?

    Every creep knows what you have done in our ooc reguarding Rekka. You bragged about it so I'm not sure why you are on these forums lying about it. It was brazen for you to show up, and for freeps to allow you there shows how far they have fallen in respect to those players that have been lost. Nothing more.

    Your obsession with me is lol. You obviosly have nothing better to do with your time and for that I pitty you.

    I'm sorry if I'm confusing your obsession with me with that of my husband, if so well I didn't know he was your type.
    ROFL...bragged about what? That i made smegg rage so hard he booted me from freep kin (which was LOL). Freeps know i had nothing to do with, that's why they "allowed" me there. It seems to be only creeps that started this rumor about me, and the only ones that continue to make that accusation. You seem to be obsessed with me, not the other way around. Can't do anything without you commenting on it, and creep OOC is full of your comments about me. In fact a large chunk of creep ooc QQ these days is about me. Creeps need to get over the fact that I flipped and just fight instead of crying behind one-shots until freeps get so bored they leave, which happens to be right when the creeps come back from their red rooster break, just in time to have 2x-3x freep numbers.

  26. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanadan View Post
    Creeps need to get over the fact that I flipped
    what you have failed to realize is no one cares you flipped but you. You are the one that stays around on creepside hanging on their every word, its not creeps hanging on freepside.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  27. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    sorry i never knew any of them, nice to see so many people from both sides there in peace out of respect for whatever amount of time I was on.

    remember, we're all just people playing a video game. When vilya closes, hopefully people remember the good times.

  28. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    this thread... what the original thread was about.... and how it morphed... is a nutshell of what Vilya PvMP is/was.

    I can't believe it's almost over....

    I hope you all had as much fun as I did.

    Now back on topic....

    Tayawen/Lathandria was one of the better PvP'ers in Vilya. It didn't matter where YOU were in the map.. It was likely Tayawen was lurking and waiting to strike. My favorite memory of her was in one of my earliest fraps videos. Me and Guwano were killing darktide scrappers for fun and along comes Jaedien, an LM. well he dies, because he doesn't know how to play his class, and then when that is all over with.. TAYAWEN STRIKES!!!! A couple of rare WL heals from me and Guwano lives long enough to kill Tayawen, but only because Guwano had to bust Dying Rage. The vid is on YouTube, search for Vilya Freeps Fail or something like that... lol

    Rekka made Red Maw, and gave us the infamous RED MAW FLANK, but all kidding aside, he was a good person to be in a raid with. I still don't agree that the one dude can have his Spider living on at south TR, but Rekka and others don't get anything.... #thanksObama

    Anyways, keep frapsing out there, you never know who's going to be in the video, and later on down the road you can re-watch/re-live all the good times you had.
    Rank 10 Hunter, Rank 9 Warleader, Rank 9 Weaver, Rank 7 Reaver, Rank 6 Guardian, Rank 6 Warg, Rank 5 Lore-master, Rank 5 Blackarrow, Rank 4 Champion, Rank 3 Reaver, Rank 2 Rune-keeper, just to name a few.

  29. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Both of ya'll derailing this thread is stupid. Take it to somethin personal like vu message. Sorry i missed memorial I have not been vilya forums in abit..wish i was there. Anyway I remember taya always saving my lil greenie guards ### from wargs she was awesome and i miss her, I always enjoyed rekkas raids he even took my first creep toon,,my warg into his raids...they were always fun. And for syl I was only in a few of his raids on freepside and all i had was fun Rip to the good people of vilya that should be here to see its end. Love you vilya and all its creeps and freeps foreva <3 All issues ive had with people aside..i wouldnt want it with anyone else. Dont mind my ####ty grammer and typing skills lil drunk and just saw this thread. <3

    Tyrant Swordmonkeyy Rank 15 Reaver ~Vilya~ now ~Arkenstone~
    High Warden Maldrian rank 9 guardian

  30. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Menathradon View Post

    I still don't agree that the one dude can have his Spider living on at south TR, but Rekka and others don't get anything.... #thanksObama
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  31. #23
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hetweith View Post

    Back when Rekka died, I messaged Orion, who was the head dev and the creator of PVMP. I asked him for the memorial, even if it was a title on a rock (recall, most were asking for "Rekka's Rock"). He told me that he had heard of Rekka and his passing, and agreed that a memorial was warranted given his standing on the server. But, they couldn't give memorials to every player who tragically passed. Made sense to me.

    Nidor, I didn't know other than the forums, but knew alot of people that knew him. Like Rekka, they said he was a good person, he passed tragically too.. young, from cancer. By the time Nidor died, Orion was long gone as was the entire dev team, and the new less experienced devs obviously didn't hold to the principles Orion did. Nidor also had the advantage of having a Turbine QA guy very devoted to Brandywine PVP who played it as a regular player in secret for years bringing attention to his passing. Rekka didn't. I'm sure that helped.

    I still think of the woods south of old EC and west of Bear Valley as "Rekka's Woods".
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  32. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sorry I missed it.
    Running with Red Maw was the best time I ever had in the moors, and I haven't gone back very often since. *Toast* to Rekka and the rest.

    Jaylaxel - 140 LM | Moiron - 140 Champ | Aedush - R5 Stalker



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