Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.
Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)
You have been playing for many years, and this forum is for tips for new LMs. Thus, I just don't get it; was that a tip? Should they try to tank? Additionally, I was unaware I am so nefarious that people know my /played time, thank you for that notice. Moreover, please...please, don't bother with ad hominem attacks; it is truly a wasted effort and you should know better. It is far better that new LMs learn to use their Bear or a Guard/Warden... to tank; don't you agree?
Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.
I would suggest otherwise. If the bear/Guard/Warden gets taken out (and I've seen it happen), that LM now has any number of angry mobs to contend with. If they don't know how to handle them all, they're up a certain creek with no paddle. The best solution is to teach both tanking (or as much 'tanking' as can be done with a LM) and how to use pets, so that they have tips for any eventuality.
With all due respect, if your guard/warden gets taken out, you won't have to worry about LM tanking as you are dead tooAt lower levels, pets can/will die, but that is their role (the bear), i.e. to tank. Additionally, there are different foods you can give you pet to be more hearty, and this can help immensely to keep them alive. Moreover, an LM can pass morale/heals to the pet to assist in keeping them up. An LM's role is difficult (to play) as we are so versatile, but a good LM will make the difference in staying alive in any raid/instance/group. I just would not want my LM tanking. When I say this, I usually run 18-22k morale, 8k power, and 52-55k tac mastery, so I am often one of the last men standing; until the tank dies. After that... it's about 3 seconds more until I am too
, lol. See you in the rez circle.
Last edited by whosjgalt; Dec 27 2013 at 07:56 AM.
Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.
I play almost every night after 10pm est on Vilya, so you are welcome to inspect me for my build. However, I just realized I misstated, I did not mean will, I meant 8k power. Please forgive my error. We used to be able to inspect each other's gear out of game, but I do not know where that functionality is anymore...sorry.
Last edited by whosjgalt; Dec 27 2013 at 07:57 AM.
Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.
1. Turn on auto-loot
2. Summon Pet and set to Aggressive
3. Walk around until your bags are full.
4. Sell at vendor and repeat.
The /played is in your signature. You're hardly that popular that I would otherwise even notice.
I think they should learn to play the class to be able to deal with every situation they could possibly encounter. A well-timed root gives a healer time to rez a tank (per the situation described above).
Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)
How new we talking about?
To get a good feel for how well you can do as a new LM, when doing say Epic (Vol I Book 2) instances (at or near level) that can be group or solo, opt for the GROUP version. Weathertop is much more challenging and you might actually have to work a bit in the Augumar one. You will definitely learn crowd control, mob priority and pet use.
I am a casual player who plays (mostly solo):
Blue (Human) level 102 (Pet usage: Mostly use bog lurker, but I ran Moria before those were around with a polar cub)
Red/Yellow (Elf) level 50 (Lynx is my go-to pet. Red line is beneficial for it I think. I also use the lurker and sometimes bear.) If I get overwhelmed and my lynx dies, I will summon a bog-lurker for dps or a bear to pull aggro (if mez on cool I can escape?, sorry pets...)
After playing the blue line for so long, I am now raising a red line LM. My goodness can they destroy things. Blue line, you just have to be patient and let the pets do all the heavy lifting.
MY red line LM uses the pet mostly for distraction...then...BOOM (lightning)...or...WHOOOSH (fire)....
Still tinkering with the yellow line but it would seem yellow is better in groups.
Kinships: Fifth Star Vagabonds on Crickhollow (Dotswith); Random Access on Arkenstone (Dottiel)