Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
I'd like to chime in and say what others have already said in other words. Being open and sincere is what matters most (even if saying that is sort of a generalisation). Not the corporate-level stuff that requires breathing every 1/4 years in order to see if we are still going to be alive in the following 3 months. During the years, LotRO players have shown that they do understand if the update gets delayed by a week or two - most people understand that resources are limited, especially when new content is about to launch.
Well the Harvestmath estimated date is October 18, 2016. The estimated release date for U19 is October 17, 2016. If the devs delay to fix that bug they mentioned above +1 day, they still may release Harvestmath on time. I sincerely hope they get able to fix it on time without lost all the weekend, they earned the day off for working overtime.
The Lonely Mountain Band
:: Lhinnthel :: Laerelwen :: Wrenlhin :: Avlina :: Briare :: Iaroel... and many more (=
Far Apart, Never Alone!
FWIW I much prefer it to be more open. When you say something like "we're aiming to release it by next Monday" I think it's clear that it's not "carved in stone" and could be subject to change (especially when you further caveat it by saying "if nothing unexpected comes up"). Also much prefer to have it pushed back a few days / a week and have as much as possible fixed. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop, to the extent that you're able to.
p.s. FWIW I also prefer to have one downtime, for both the festival launch and U19.
Seriously, everyone is just happy that you're communicating. Honestly it doesn't matter in the slightest if things are delayed, I think everyone holds quality of content over speed of release. I personally would be happy for the dev team to take as much time as possible to polish this update, even if it's delayed for a week or two. Since 105 has come out I've been extremely impressed by how the team has been putting out content as well as your management of the forums/communication. I think in comparison to previous updates you've really stepped up your game, and the community is responding more because of that. Kudos.
If you have to shift the festival back by several days, please make sure that both the beginning date and the end date are adapted accordingly. I remember a Yule Festival (was it two years ago?) when the start was quite rough, the devs had to stop it, they rebooted it one and a half days later; yet after ten days of collecting festival items, the NPCs vanished on an early Monday morning as if they had completely forgotten about the missing days.
Of course the community was not amused, and in the end we had another Yule Festival in January, which finally worked as intended.
Greetings, Polymachos
Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
Awkward Anomalities Arena in Breeland Homesteads, 6 Long Street, Ersward (Landroval) - Elderslade under attack!
Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
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Thanks for the update Cordovan. I really appreciate the new level of open communication.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
I was wondering if there is any place one can find out how many TP the U19 quest pack will cost. And if so, can someone kindly point me to said place (or post the answer here)?
(This article: says that the Quest Pack: March of the King will be free to VIP, therefore I'm assuming everyone else has to buy it.)
It will cost 795 TP as usual
LotRO player and Doer of Great Deeds on Sirannon [FR] since August 15, 2011.
Officer of the Children of Arda (Les Enfants d'Arda) kinship on Sirannon and of the Cronos kinship on Evernight [EN], Editor on the French Lotro-wiki (
Compiler of deeds since U16 Beta (2015)
I will always try to give praise when praise is due. The communication we've had lately is very welcome. You're doing a great job, Cordovan!
Today is a good day for Pie.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Burglars, for they are subtle and quick to shank you.
No worries. The better you guys communicate, the better its all received. Polish that update till it's so shiny I can eat my dinner off it!
That said, might have been an idea to also just have posted an Edit to the Update 19: March of the King Release Notes post when you knew this would be the case as thats where some people would naturally be looking for info.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
Just wanted to add my voice to the voices above, though they all say it a lot better than I can Anyway, yay for good communication! Thank you Cordovan!
;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb
Yes, much better communication.
Some rough timeframe is much better than nothing. Even if it is shifted, as long as this is also communicated.
More information is always appreciated. I'm an adult and can adapt to changing news.