Couldn't happen to a nicer warg , off to the races for rank 12!
Couldn't happen to a nicer warg , off to the races for rank 12!
Congrats Flump! A well deserved rank - here's to more freep chomping and hopelessly outnumbered fights :3
Gath Group Inc.
Grats! One of the few wargs on crick that deserves anything above r0.
Zaghup R13 Reaver / Zagpup R7 Warg / Tarlond R11 Champ / Abeeoch R7 Mini
Grats Flumpy!
Melwe - Dorfdaddy - Emibella - Aina - Floe
Boogle - Dorfgerl - Pokii - Niimu - Chunkie
Crickhollow / Landroval
Many congratses for the ranks!
~ Sincerly Sizzyyy
Fai ciò che ti rende felice.
Sizzlac - R12 Loremaster Zweisocke - R13 Warg
<3 (:3)
Congratulations on the rank!
Tilimir ~ Crickhollow
Gratz Flumpy!
Original Challenger of the Abyss
Alliance of the First Age ~ Crickhollow