Double bonus points used to be almost quarterly. What happened to them and will they return?
Double bonus points used to be almost quarterly. What happened to them and will they return?
'Ú-damdir.' Welcome to the Fourth Age of this World - The game breaking days.
Palenen - Elendilmir - The royal gem of Arnor - "May you 'Jingle Jangle' into the West." <- This was even messed up too.
'Ú-damdir.' Welcome to the Fourth Age of this World - The game breaking days.
Palenen - Elendilmir - The royal gem of Arnor - "May you 'Jingle Jangle' into the West." <- This was even messed up too.
On the Mordor Beta 4 i saw at the Summer Festival 2 new Sunflower Cloaks and 3 new Sunflower Dresses for Female Chars, which are not on the Live Servers...So Tommorow the Summer Festival ends, but i hope, it will be extended for a week to get these new Items.
Last edited by Munzel; Jul 17 2017 at 08:09 AM.
Can we get an updated schedule with weekend events???
The events schedule has been updated. Of most importance is that we're going to do a Summer Festival Encore starting on Thursday! (Also, yes, this includes the new items.)
Is there no longer any treasure hunt events?
Summer Festival encore right into the Farmer's Faire. Sweet.
Are there not going to be any Treasure Hunts for the remainder of the year?
I just noticed Ill miss most of harvest festival since I will be out of town until the 4th of September.
Can't we just switch harvest festival and fall festival around since I never do the Haunted House but love the harvest activities.
What new items can we expect? I am interested.
SO excited for the Summer encore!! I can now do this with my High ElfThank you!! <3
I think, the last Treasure Hunt was in March, so 2 Treasure Hunts a Year, the next will be in November, as every Year...,
they forgot it in the Schedule...
So Summerfest Encore is awesome, you will like it, you get 3 new Sunflower Dresses and 2 new Cloaks,,,maybe more
Wow! Nearly a month of festival events! Thanks Cordovan!Can't wait to see this year's farmers faire mount!
Any chance at all of an extension for the Farmer's Faire? At least through the weekend? Pretty please? I feel like I didn't get to participate much, what with wrapping up my end-of-summer real life activities, and this faire is one of my favorites.
I will be working to update the Events Schedule in the coming days through the end of the year, but we currently have a Buried Treasure event that began today that runs through October 4th, being turned off 3:00am Eastern on October 5th.
Adaaon (Minstrel)
The Noldor of Arkenstone -
The Events Calendar is now updated. It looks like we have just one weekend un-filled before the schedule is set for the rest of the year.
Captain-General Ughidontknow...Tripso rnk 6 burg...Izeatzfreepz rnk 8 warg....Yells rnk 10 warleader
Leader of The Hobbit Syndicate
"Everyone wants to be the hero and no one wants to be support"