Originally Posted by
Why would you ever think that?
This is a role playing game which tries to keep to a narrative not of its own. So, why would you expect to flip flop in real time to become one of these characters?
I only ever expected to see such scenes within the bounds of a flashback as being reported by someone else. This isn't a movie whose point of view can be banded around to anyone and then for no reason whatsoever.
Was the black gate and speed of the end of the epic dull and anti-climactic ? Yes, but I still prefer the purity of it over the cartoon style, Peter Jackson kind of nonsense that you obviously expected.
We're still playing through the story of the books, and that's the climax of the story. It should have happened at the climax of the story, not AFTER it. We've HAD session play before that changes our point of view. Putting the sequence we got in the bower of Cormallen in at the climax of the story would have been the better way.
Skjald of Rohan, Minstrel, Captain of Rohan
R.I.P NIDOR of Brandywine Server(1970-2012)