The current benefits for VIP are reasonable, but could do with improving by introducing a few additional benefits:
- Update Hobbit Presents Especially Gold Hobbit Present Offering
Mithril coins, tomes of attack / max morale / defence, run speed, rally horns, stat tomes, rep accelerators, star-liits etc. are useful so should stay as is
Increase gold offerings so they are more relevant to current game e.g. 1g becomes 100g, 2g becomes 200g etc. for Gold (Weekly VIP) Boxes*
Replace dale man crams with “Superior Dale Man Crams” with increased stats to better suit end game & 30 minute duration
Limit Mathom hunter armour to silver boxes only (hurts getting this in your weekly gold box)
Add nicer stuff to the weekly Gold hobbit presents, Regular Key, Black Steel Key, Steed Selection Box, New Cosmetics, Housing Items, increased chance at getting Mithril Coins etc.
- Mithril Coin Allowance: (20 Mithril coins per month)
- Monthly Gift: A new housing item, cosmetic or steed exclusive to VIPs and lotro store. Additionally could even have pre-order items from past expansions such as the song bird, pesky door mouse, steed of the Hammerhand etc. These could be announced in advance every month to generate some hype and encourage people to subscribe even if it’s only for 1 month to get that particular item.
* by limiting the increased amount of gold to weekly hobbit presents (Gold/VIP) we limit impact on economy, provide VIPS with a small benefit and prevent abuse by someone creating lots of f2p accounts