The Happenings List is current.
As always, if you run a Landroval Happening that is not already listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it. A list of info needed for a Happening can be found here.![]()
The Happenings List is current.
As always, if you run a Landroval Happening that is not already listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it. A list of info needed for a Happening can be found here.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
The Happenings List is current.
As always, if you run a Landroval Happening that is not already listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it. A list of info needed for a Happening can be found here.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
The Happenings List is current.
Added a new Landroval Combat Class for Wardens.
Added the new muster location for Club Eclair.
As always, if you run a Landroval Happening that is not already listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it. A list of info needed for a Happening can be found here.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
KIN ANNIVERSARY: Oh yeah! Remnant is celebrating its 10th anniversary!
We have had our ups and downs! And even now we are rebuilding our kin, once again, but we are still here... still having fun and Questing in Middle Earth! Please join us in celebrating our 10th Anniversary with a big party, and concert by our adopted band Notezauber, who themselves are celebrating their 5th anniversary!
WHEN: Saturday 27Oct18 at 3pm EST / 20:00 UK / 21:00 CET.
WHERE: Bree Festival Grounds!
All are welcome!!
MORIA ANNIVERSARY EVENT! LANDROVAL NOVEMBER 18,2018 19:00 PM The Start {GMT+2} EU. I shall be there for several hours!
Bring Ale,Lembas&Wine!
Monumental epic{epic is an modest word} to commemorate ,celebrate and honour the decade of the First and Greatest Official Mines of Moria expansion!
The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria is the first retail expansion pack for the MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online released on November 18, 2008. It was announced on March 14, 2008 at Codemasters Online Connect 2008
Fragment of the past ~
Please For the respect of game,love of Aratar ,immense work which was put in marvellous creation and our beloved Tolkien refrain from personal insults or usual Drama in world chat or forums. We have a chance to create a truly unforgettable event. Leave your hate and negativity and let us unite together and enjoy the Magic for one night! I WILL be there with my kinship members!!
The meet up spot:
Twenty First Hall as the grand meeting place
And and centre of the event. Perhaps Cordovan can join/stream and several other GM's. Streamers unite. Old veterans hop in. Share your pictures,priceless memories and if you could dig up some archaic videos or even your own Collector's Edition! {Optional}
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
Message Valainantiel in game or simply pay a visit, sing a song of the Elder days, share your stories,drink,laugh and honour the fallen and marvels of the Naugrim and as well the Greatest LOTRO expansion ever fashioned!!!
Do it for the TEAM not ME!!! WHERE IS thy passion ,love and thy will Landroval and the rest? Evaporated? Diminished? Do not make me come alone with my Ladies, Even High Elves shall honour the dwarves!
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Nov 06 2018 at 02:06 AM.
Hullo, everyone.
I am back and will begin to once again update this thread. The events I missed in my absence will be added to the appropriate past happenings.
If you know of any changes to regular events that are listed in the OP, please feel free to inform me.
If there are new additions, please reply with details, and I will add them soonish.
My hope is that I will have enough free time to have this updated to current date by this weekend if not sooner.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
The OP is as up to date as I can manage it at this point. I am still in the process of adding past happenings that occurred during my unplanned absence, primarily the Landroval Combat Classes from September on out.
If you host a Happening, I ask that you please check your listing(s) for accuracy. I may have erred in jumping months ahead with every other week dates and such. If you find an error, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as I see your note.
If you are aware that what used to be a recurring event is no longer, please let me know that as well.
I am awaiting to see when Hope will post their next concert before adding them back in. I am not yet aware of a firm return date for The Landy Lately, though I have heard rumors it may return early next year. Both are on the "hiatus" page for the meantime.
As always, if you have an upcoming Happening planned that is not already listed, feel free to tell me so I can add it. Info that is helpful for such can be found here.
I hope everyone is enjoying Yule festivities.
Oh...speaking of Yule, I still need to reach out to some folks that have events that fall upon it this year before I will know for certain if they will happen or not. I have noted such in the OP, and if I manage to speak to all parties involved in advance to get a yes or no, I will remove that notice.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
Happenings list has been updated, and one event has been moved after the holly days. I am still in the process of updating the past happenings for the LCC, and also trying to hear word on the other Happenings that will fall on Yule.
As always, if you have an upcoming Happening planned that is not already listed, feel free to tell me so I can add it. Info that is helpful for such can be found here.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
Away Shall Fade kinship runs weekly slow-level progression groups (SLOTRO), Saturday's at 9:30 AM server/eastern at level 60 presently, and Monday's at 8:30 PM server/eastern at lvl 50. We join together to run group content on-level, using a level disabler to freeze us in-place. Every few weeks, we drop the stone of the tortoise to step-up our level to match the new content.
Discord, Ventrilo and in-game chat are available.
I run Osphor, my warden in the lvl 60 group. If you are interested in joining us for SLOTRO, mail or pst me in-game, or contact someone on Away Shall Fade. Thanks!
Hullo, everyone. As Kilgore Trout would say, "I was sick, but now I'm better."
I am once again in the process of updating the Happenings after being away for a while. This will take a few days as I check what I can with Happening runners to make sure recurring events are still ongoing. There will be a notice in the OP asking for help confirming/updating until I have everything current.
If you know of anything that:
- has not changed
- has changed (different day/time/occurence rate)
- no longer happens
- needs to be added
please let me know. I'll take all the help I can get.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Sep 02 2019 at 12:07 AM.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
~~~Annual Past Happenings - 2019~~~
All event times are /servertime.
RP=Role Play; RPF= Role Play Friendly; NRP= non Role Play
OT= One time event; W=Weekly; EOW=Every Other Week; R=Recurring
- Friday the 18th - Sunday the 21st [RPF/A/: Winter(stock VI) is coming! We are still accepting bands that would like to participate in this annual event. Returning bands must still register for the event.
(find the Weatherstock post)
- Saturday the 21st at 1:00pm [RPF/A]: Everyone is welcome to join The Courserrim in celebrating their kin's 6th Anniversary at the Boar Fountain in Bree. Games, prizes, music by the Remediators, followed by a harrowing Lovers's Leap contest from the Trestlebridge!
- Saturday the 11th at 9:00pm [RP/A]: Another Annual Mushroom Day! Come take part in our traditional obstacle course while the Warders of the Weald play music at Bamfurlong!
- Sunday the 27th at 2:00pm [RP/A]: Warders Tricks n Treats will take place in Ward End.
- Saturday the 9th at 2:00pm [RP/A]: Join us for our second annual Frog Day, held in memory of Curmie. Music, stories and a chance to play the dice rolling game Frogopoly in Frogmorton. Hosted by the Warders of the Weald.
Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Feb 26 2020 at 10:16 PM.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
I realized today I managed to give three different dates to this upcoming Friday. I've fixed that and one other I had mucked up somehow.
I'm still waiting to hear from some event runners as to whether they are still ongoing or not, so if you see your event listed in the OP with a yellow date(s), please reply below to let me know if the listing is still accurate or needs to be changed/removed.
As always, if you host a Happening that is not listed or new, feel free to reply in this thread with the info asked for in this informative post.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
RPF Reoccurring Happening:
Ettenmoors, 9pm server time every Tuesday and Thursday
Creep side led by Balgbash (or contact a member of Nimrodel Exiles to join the Creep Raid), Freep side led by Frostpaws
All are welcome as long as they can hold a sword, fire a bow or cast spells
The best contacts are Balgbash <Nimrodel Exiles> (Creeps) / Frostpaws/Elaelin/Sylverlynx <Away Shall Fade> (Freeps)
Thread regarding the Happening:!!!
((I will post a more appropriate and RPF blurb for each side later. The start time has been 9pm server time for several weeks, at least))
I have added it as one event on those days, with info for both sides included. When you're ready to update it, feel free to reply here again, and I'll adjust the listing, or split it into two if you prefer. Thankies for adding your Happening!
Follow up query: Is this a change from the 8pm Moors on the same days that Skoch had posted about ages ago, or is just a different group at a slightly later time? I wrote a Quick Post to Skoch tonight, but I thought it was worth asking you in case you get back to me sooner.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
It's a different group, but also a change to the existing event - a few of us from <Away Shall Fade> started doing the scheduled respective raids on Freep/Creep at 9pm after it seemed the other group had started tapering off. I'm working with the folks who ran the 8pm event to combine it. It should be listed as 9pm, but you can keep Freyvora as an additional contact for the Freep side. I have not seen Skoch, Turine or Shilowadan out on Freep side lately, but I hope they reply to you
As for the Creep side, I think just Balgbash and in general using the Tribe <Nimrodel Exiles> as contacts would be good. I believe Tigershark is mostly playing his Freep right now and I've not seen Corwelnaak out. If anyone reading this has more info, please correct me ^_^
EDIT: Disregard changes mentioned here for now. I’ll confirm any solid changes in a week time. For now, the 9pm addition you have already should be appropriate. Thanks!
Last edited by koamarx; Sep 14 2019 at 12:44 AM.
There are still some folks I have not been able to contact to confirm if their Happening(s) are ongoing. They are still marked with yellow dates. If yours is one of them, please contact me before Sunday the 30th, or it/they will be moved to a pending list until I do hear from you.
As always, if you have a Happening to share, please let me know!![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
If your formerly listed Happening is no longer in the OP, please first check this post where I have moved Happenings I could not get confirmation on by today. Please understand I only moved them out because I try to keep the list current, so when no one got back to me here or replied to my in game Quick Post before the deadline I set, I had to assume the Happening was no longer ongoing. That's why they were moved. When you confirm the information found in the listing(s) there (minus whatever date I last had it posted) is correct, or let me know which details require an update, I will update the Happening and happily put it back in the OP. It is especially important that contact information is current.
If your formerly listed Happening is not there, or you have a new Happening to share, please reply below with information requested in this post so I can add it to the Happenings list.
As always, I thank all Happenings' hosts for helping me keep this list up to date and accurate for folks that like to know what our community offers.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
Hullo, folks! Long story short on my most recent absence is that my new apothecary took a while to find what finally seems to be the right curative for me. *fingers crossed*
I will again start updating this list within the next day or so. As always, it takes some time to catch up, and I could really use some help from all of you--in particular with recurring events. When I've dropped out of the loop, it's not easy tracking down all parties to make sure their Happening is still, in fact, happening as described in the OP.
If you run a recurring Happenings currently listed in the OP, but our paths don't often cross in Middle-earth, feel free to let me know in a reply here if all the details except possibly old dates are correct. If anything changed, please note that.
If you used to have a Happening listed that got dropped because you didn't know I was trying to confirm events were still running in September when I last was able to update, PLEASE reply below. If no details changed (as seen in the previous happenings lists), just name the event and tell me it is indeed still Happening per usual pattern. If any details changed (different cycle/location/etc.) please inform me of the changes.
If you host any new recurring or one time upcoming event you want listed, please reply below with info that helps me add your entry.
Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Feb 19 2020 at 11:44 PM.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
The Happenings list is as updated as I could make it so far. I have not yet had a chance to check with the folks I tend to bump into to ensure their listings are correct, but I did the best I could from info on and checking the few related sites I know have recent updates to their events.
I cannot stress enough that I need folks to check their Happenings if you have not spoken to me in Middle-earth before seeing this post.
I am also still hoping to hear from some folks that got bumped to the "waiting to hear word" hiatus list when I didn't hear back last fall. If your Happening is on that list, please reply as soon as you see it there to let me know if it's still ongoing or not. If it is, let me know if any details have changed or not other than whatever date is there since I do not update the dates once something is moved to that list. As soon as I see your reply, I will be more than happy to put you back in the OP, with any changes you may have alerted me to for them.
If you are a Happening host that has not been listed before, please give me details about your event (a guide for that is here), and when I see your reply, I will happily post it in the OP.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
~~~Annual Past Happenings - 2020~~~
All event times are /servertime.
RP=Role Play; RPF= Role Play Friendly; NRP= non Role Play
OT= One time event; W=Weekly; EOW=Every Other Week; R=Recurring
- Friday the 17th - Monday the 20th [RPF/A]: Winterstock VII Another fine weekend on the ice.
- Tuesday the 25th at 9:00pm [RP/A]: Fat Hobbit. A concert in celebration of the day the hobbit Marty Grass had a big party just before starting his fast where he promised to give up pies for 40 days. Who will be this year's King and Queen?
- Saturday the 29th at 2:00pm [RP/A]: Celebrate Leaps Day at Frogmorton. Come join the celebration in Frogmorton of this infrequent holly day. Hosted by the Warders of the Weald.
- Saturday the 14th at 2:00 & 7:00pm [RP/A]: Pie Day Benefit Bake Sale: Home made pies of a wide variety will be sold in the Market Area of Michel Delving. All donation proceeds are put towards upkeep of the Bounders Museum of Antiquities. Music will be provided at the 2pm sale by the lil' Bounder Band.
Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Mar 16 2020 at 05:56 AM.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
I am still confirming all Happenings listed. If you have not already spoken to me, please contact me in Middle-earth or reply below.
I added the 2020 Annual Past Happenings list tonight which is to record all Annual events that happened this year. If I missed one before coming back that is not already listed, please let me know the details and link to the thread on this forum if it exists.
I am going to start marking unconfirmed Happenings by listing them in gold. I should have all the unconfirmed Happenings marked by the end of the first week of March. If I still cannot confirm them by the end of March, they will be moved to the "On Hiatus/Pending Further Information" post.
Any Happenings that were moved to the On Hiatus/Pendings Further Information list last fall that I also do no hear from by the end of March will be moved to their respective 2019 posts, depending on their rate of occurrence.
As always, if you have a new Happening upcoming, please let me know so I can add it to the OP!![]()
Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Feb 26 2020 at 11:50 PM.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
I have stopped the process of marking unconfirmed events in gold because it seems when I do, I find confirmation in my Post Box immediately after that's been waiting for me. (Murphy's Law!) I only have a few left to confirm which I hope to do this week.
Added the Day on the Greenfields basic info. I will add the hourly band schedule per day as the event gets closer. You can view that info now in their thread on this subforum.
As always, if you have a Happening to share, please reply with the info so I can add it.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
~~~One Time Events Past Happenings- 2020~~~
All event times are /servertime.
RP=Role Play; RPF= Role Play Friendly; NRP= non Role Play
OT= One time event; W=Weekly; EOW=Every Other Week; R=Recurring
- Sunday the 15th at 2:30pm [RPF/OT]: A Tribute to Geoffroi A tribute and memorial to Geoffroi of The Andune Ensemble, Thorn & Roses, The Lonely Mountain Band and the Middle-earth Music Community will be held in Bree-town on the Prancing Pony Stage. The Andune Ensemble will open the event, with an open mic after for anyone that wishes to speak or play a song. Contact Aedon if you wish to participate in the Open Mic, as initial priority will be given to later time zones. Reminder: /servertime is currently on Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), not EST.
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.
Added relevant historical record post for One Time Events in 2020, and added an entry to lead to it in the Past Happenings Index.
As always, if you run a Landroval Happening that is not already listed, please let me know and I'll be happy to add it. A list of info needed for a Happening can be found here.![]()
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I can't fit all my Tortoise Stone Bearers in my sig anymore.