Chinese players are being abandoned by SSG and DayBreak,If the account ip is from China,then we can't buy new expansion,No the PayPal button and cant use the visa?only wait,wait,wait can buy with LP
Chinese players are being abandoned by SSG and DayBreak,If the account ip is from China,then we can't buy new expansion,No the PayPal button and cant use the visa?only wait,wait,wait can buy with LP
Nope. According to GM answer to one of players from Ukraine, they can't tell why they can't make purchase and don't know any way how make purchase if they from that region, and don't know when it can be resolved. In the past, people from Ukraine can't buy VIP or LP, now they can't buy expansion sets too because they don't have key codes.
VPN don't helps, because it looks like they don't care about your IP right now, they just checking where your account was created. My friend have account created in Ukriane, shifts to Russia in 2014, and SSG just don't allow her make any purchases with any methods.
As somebody playing from China, and who has purchased the expansion with help of VPN and who was unable to purchase it without, I call bull####. Also, interestingly, filling in a bogus ZIP code from USA works during the purchase.
I regularly play the game through different connections (based in mainland, VPN to HK / Singapore / Japan / U.S.), using landline or WiFi hotspot (2 different service providers), and see extreme differences in connectivity to LOTRO. This is in stark contrast with findings from running tracert to other US based gaming services. To play LOTRO, on every login it is a juggle between IP configurations to find the sweet spot where packet loss <10% and latency ~300ms, an absolute bummer when you want to run group instances. . Adding a double VPN connection (Phone VPN + hotspot -> PC + VPN), despite the much longer route packets have to travel, often results in lower packet loss and latency. Going to different areas in the game even makes a differences. Example, going to Ettenmoors more often than not results in a packet loss increase by 8-10% to around 20% right after porting in, and reducing again after porting out
As I'm not even remotely an IT expert, I've filed a ticket to find out how to improve connectivity. SSG staff response ultimately (much back n forth with copy/pasted generic FAQ) was "ask your service provider", further evidencing that IP does matter (?).
Freeps: R14 LM/ R8 RK / R6 WRD / MNS
Creeps: R11 WRG/ R11 SPR/ R9 RVR/ R7 WL/ R6 BA/ R5 DFL
We have seen a few changes in geographic payment issues with the launch of the new LOTRO Market, and it does indeed seem like some of it is related to requirements being placed upon U.S.-based payment processors by the current U.S. Department of Commerce. In that, we have little control over. However, in case this is related to a technical issue instead, please do get in touch with Account Support here:
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Message moondog548 here, on Steam, Twitch, and Discord as moondog548#6830
Moondog on Landroval, Isilroa on Anor, Reckless on Bombadil
Nothing to do with WH current perception of friends and enemies around the world is it and a political appointee at the Department of Commerce?
That sounds sensible.
To those that have managed to purchase where is the confirmation email coming from?
Digital River are global so will likely have the means to process payments globally. Maybe we aren't the only ones to feel the Daybreak squeeze? A couple of percent on $20m. I'd take it.
But 2% on $12m is still loosing $8m if not resolved. - Figures just guesswork.
Are you saying that purchase confirmation emails are coming from Daybreak, and have been for more than a month?
I'm left wondering for the prime mover in the breakdown of this relationship. Just another thing that's beyond SSG's control? Reminds me of the driver, proud of his clean license, talking of the many accidents he sees in his rear-view mirror.
SSG: Move along please, nothing to see here. When patently it's "everything" to see here.
Think they mean since this month. The confirmation email I received for WOTTP was, indeed, from Daybreak. Previously, for other expansions I have bought, they were from Digital River. Who I believe are based in Ireland and presumably not subject to weird US regulations about payments. (Tho' they may be subject to weird EU regulations about payments.)
As far as I can see, old expansions, etc., are still purchased through Digital River on the Market.
Last edited by Altair6; Oct 26 2020 at 01:45 PM.