Two things that need to be (or rather should be) urgently addressed before the new Legendary Servers are released.
Both of these issues/questions were raised in the recent thread and were somewhat addressed by Raninia during the Livestream, however, I don’t believe either of you really understood what it was that was being asked – especially how these questions relate to the upcoming Legendary Servers. I for one, cannot fathom your thinking to go ahead with a further two legendary servers when two fundamental problems that existed at the start of Anor and Ithil, still exist today, yes, there was a fair amount of retroactive work done as the Legendary servers moved through the content, however it was by and large, never enough…
Loot tables & Itemisation.
Prior to Helms Deep and Level 95, every ‘scaling’ instance, had their own unique loot tables that existed, loot that also only dropped from certain instance clusters etc. these instances were worth doing to some extent, especially at new level caps, it also gave us as players a much larger array of content to choose from, currently, all we have to choose from today is whatever content was released at Level 130, and, whilst I admit, the amount of instance/raid content we have had at Level 130 is by and large more content than we have received at any Level Cap since Level 65, I don’t understand why scaling instances have been left to rot, ESPECIALLY when you have two more Legendary Servers on their way that, by the time they get to Level 65 will only have ‘scaling’ instance content to play.
Do you know that neither the Ost Dunhoth or Barad Guldur raids drop ANY relevant loot (aside from a few token pieces that were added when Anor and Ithil reached 65), they don’t even drop their own raid set armours, you have to barter them for Skirmish Currency.
So I ask, seriously, how difficult would it be to reimplement the old loot tables from the lv50-85 era back into those scaling instances, AT LEAST for the purposes of the Legendary Servers?
Also on this subject, the itemisation of loot from Level 50-60 (at least) should really be looked at; just as one or two examples, why does the Guardians Heavy Shield from the Rift barter (Lv50 Raid) offer +Will as a stat? In what world is that even relevant anymore? Will offers nothing to Guardians. Similarly, the Champion swords from their relevant Rift Barter, why do they also offer +Will as a stat? This is also not just limited to the barter gear, but to quest rewards and drops from instances as well.
Tiers & Instance Difficulty.
This was covered a bit by Raninia in the Livestream however I do not believe you properly understood that Eowenes question was directly asking you to bring in these higher tiers BEFORE the new Legendary Servers opened. The Level 50 instance Cluster is just not difficult anymore, people were 2/3/4-manning the Rift on the Legendary servers within the first week of it being live, how can this be considered ok? Anything that does not currently have a tier, should be offered a tiering system up to Tier 3 (Like Carn Dum), and anything that does currently have a tiering system, should be offered tiers up to tier 5 (Like the Rift Raid). However, that being said, this alone is not enough, you then need to incentivise people to actually do the higher tiers of content, so how difficult would it be to increase the item level of the gear that drops from higher tiered content? So, for example, if something that currently drops in Carn Dum is, for example, Item Level 50, how difficult would it be to make it so that that item that drops on Tier 3 Carn Dum would be Item Level 53? (You get the idea).
Ultimately, why have these issues not been addressed, despite being brought up during the first two Legendary Servers, and now you plan to release a further two whilst these issues are still prevalent?