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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    The Gabil'akka and their fates

    I'm sure some of you have seen the Members of the Grey Company thread, which I and others have added to over the years as the story of the Rangers developed through Volumes III, IV and V. I loved the way that characters returned and had some history with our characters – it really made the story feel more developed, and it made me care more about their fates: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...t=grey+company

    The latest character driven set of stories from SSG obviously focus on the dwarves (and specifically the Gabil’akka) – and while I’ve been really enjoying seeing familiar faces, there have been some which I’ve needed to look up, given that we met some for the first time back in Eriador, Moria or the Dwarf Holds, and we’ve since been to plenty of other places!

    I compiled a list for my own use when trying to remember who was who, and thought I would share it here:

    Afwald – first met at Hrimbarg, companion of Thorgest, healer and provisioner. Later found at Annak Khurfu, then at Zarkul-sulun, sends the player after Eyvind.

    Agatur the Boastful – Longbeard from Erebor, sent to Skarhald to keep an eye on the Zhelruka, involved in the search for Etterfang, travels south to Limlok with Ruzat and Nath to request aid for dwarves. Accompanies Hunulf, Vaskorn and Threkmoth south, fights goblins at Sundergrot to safeguard the Wells of Langflood. Gains Grimbeorn’s support for the efforts of the dwarves. Saved by Skarding and Fanglind on their return to Skarhald. Later at Annak Khurfu.

    Agnar Brokentooth – A dwarf who fought in the Sixth War of the Orcs and Dwarves and member of the Kharum-ubnar. First met in Erebor but joins Durin’s Gabil’akka. Found at Annak-Khurfu before the war begins, then commands the defences at Ifbar-athrakh, before assaulting Ushukutoz alongside our characters. Advises caution when consulted about Durin’s next steps after Hrimil’s arrival.

    Ausma – A Stout axe who was made scout leader by Durin. Sends our character on a number of missions and accompanies them on a few. Joins our character and Horin in the attempt to assassinate Gorgar in Goblin Town.

    Borghild – A scout found at Malkorlash, the Hobgoblin camp, in Elderslade. Assists our characters in dealing with Bragha Fellwinder, an Angmarim sorceress who is creating corrupted wargs.

    Bori – Son of Bosi, grandson of Bifur. Joins his father’s expedition to reclaim Moria and is first met near the Walls of Moria. After the Doors of Durin are opened, initially found in the Chamber of Command off the Chamber of the Crossroads. Plans and leads an attack against the White Hand Orcs in Moria, defeating Ashpar. Journeys to the Drowned Treasury alongside our character and rescues Broin and Zigilburk from the Watcher. Leads an assault upon Zabadgathol against Mazog, but is captured. Later rescued from the Dungeons of Dol Guldur by the Elves and our character and is found in Nothgar while he recovers. Agrees with the sealing away of Zigilburk. Survives the fall of Khazad Dum and joins the Gail’akka. Unlike his father and cousin, he is eager to join the fight. Travels with our character to Dun Traikh where they join the assault on the Bloody Threshold.

    Bosi – Son of Bifur. Unknown whether he was alive at the time that his father joined Thorin Oakenshield’s company, but it seems likely as he has an adult son. Leader of Iron Garrison alongside his cousin, Brogur. First meets the player in the Walls of Moria and later fights alongside the player on a number of occasions, including against the Watcher and discovering the Heart of Fire. Stationed at the Chamber of the Crossroads. Later travels to Lothlorien to beg the help of the Elves in dealing with the threat of Dol Guldur and to rescue his son, Bori. Agrees with Zigilburk being sealed away. After the Ring is destroyed, swears loyalty to Thorin III as the new king of the Longbeards. Forced to flee Khazad Dum, Brogur dies while they are attempting to escape. Returns to Erebor where he is anxious that Thorin will accept him back, due to the failure of the Iron Garrison. Thorin commands Bosi to follow Durin to Gundabad. Seen at Annak-Khurfu, then later on the battlefield of the War of the Three Peaks.

    Broin – son of Brogur, grandson of Bofur. Joins his father’s expedition to reclaim Moria and is first met near the Walls of Moria. Seized by the Watcher and presumed dead until being rescued in the Drowned Treasury. Sends our character to find out more about a secret path into Rushdurinul and is part of the effort to capture Mazog. Directs our character to seek our Gorothul’s relics in Nala Dum and Lumul Nar. Joins the Hidden Guard to bring Mazog to Dol Guldur and is met on the beaches of the Mirk Eaves with the Greyhammer brothers. Next found in the Bleak Cellar and sends our character to save dwarves in the Drownholt. Searches for many hours to find the flower to heal Issuriel before going to the exchange of Mazog. Fights alongside the player in the Battle for the Tower and kills Mazog. Restores Zigilburk to Oin in the Drowned Treasury. Survives the Fall of Khazad Dum and joins the Gabil’akka but is weighed down by his father’s death and decision to seal away Zigilburk. First found at Annak-Khurfu, but later found on the battlefield, then at Drenghol, during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Darfin – A scout of Gloin, found outside the Gates of Gundabad. Later found at Zarkul sulun during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Dreri – Stout Axe who is first met in Lughash in Dor Amarth. Sends the player to fight against the Order of the Eye. Later is one of the Stout Axes who refuses to become a Firehorn, and travels with Gimli, Spakorth and Nath to Erebor. Sends the player to hunt near Erebor. Dreri joins Dori in his search for Nori, then joins Horin in the assault on the Anvil (alongside Nath). Dreri is briefly found at Annak Khurfu before moving on to fight at Azgh-burzu, based at Drenghol. Accompanies Durin to assault the Bloody Threshold.

    Durin – son and heir of Thorin III, grandson of Dain Ironfoot. Sent by Thorin to shelter in Jarnfast during the War of the Ring. Our character is sent to bring him back to Erebor to learn how to be a king. Works to deal with the Easterling threat near Utterby, before encountering Zhelruka heading towards the Grey Mountains. Fails to prevent their passage so follows them to Skarhald. Helps the Zhelruka fight against Karazagar and later assumes leadership over the Gabil’akka. Travels to the Anvil of Winterstith and proclaims his quest to march on Gundabad. Commands Gloin, Imak and Venko to travel into the Wells of Langflood in search of a Gundabad raiding party. Later found at Old Sundergrot on a pilgrimage, before heading to Annak Khurfu, where he directs the war efforts of the Gail’akka. Assaults Zarkul-sulun alongside our character. Towards the conclusion of the War of the Three Peaks, leads the assault on the Bloody Threshold and nearly defeats Gorgar, before Hrimil’s arrival. Returns to Annak Khurfu and prepares for a second assault. The advice of Gloin and others leads to Durin pausing the assault to summon reinforcements. Last seen upon the arrival of Hermath Stormhammer in Annak Khurfu, where he is welcoming the old warrior.

    Einar – A scout found at Drenghol, recovering from a run-in with the Angmarim and the theft of his sword.

    Elof – bestows mission quests in Annak-Khurfu.

    Eywind – First met Vindurhal in the Misty Mountains, blew up goblin camp of Ghash-ru alongside the player. Joins the Gabilakka and found at Annak Khurfu. Takes goblin bombs and tries to use them to stop orc reinforcements near Caivad Sar during War of the Three Peaks.

    Foreman Brumbur – Foreman at Jarnfast, before heading to the Elderslade and supervising the bridge building at Rushgate.

    Garjan – Scout under Gloin’s command who can be found outside Zudramdan. Later found on the battlefield during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Gloin – son of Groin, grandson of Farin, great-grandson of Borin, great-great-grandson son of Nain II (through whom he is related to Durin). Likely born at Zudrugund, one of the youngest fighters at Azanulbizar, moved to Ered Luin following the Battle of Azanulbizar with Thrain and Thorin, had a son, Gimli. Joined Thorin’s expedition to Erebor and fought in the Battle of the Five Armies. Sent by Dain II to Rivendell to seek the wisdom of Elrond alongside Gimli. Gimli joined the quest for the Ring, while Gloin fights alongside the player in efforts against the goblins of Goblin Town (including in a camp at the Northern High Pass). After the fall of Mordor, Gloin returns to Erebor, then joins Dori in the search for Nori. Storms Thikil Gundu and saves Nori, then remains in Skarhald with Durin and becomes his advisor and commander of the Longbeard army. Travels south into the Wells of Langflood alongside Imak and Venko and saves Limlok, before travelling to High Sundergrot. Arrives at Annak Khurfu and can be found directing the efforts of the Gabil’akka as a commander. Then found at Zarkul-sulun during the War of the Three Peaks, sends player to the trenches to help Agnar. Later joins Durin for his attack on the Gates of Gundabad. After Hrimil’s arrival, asks our character to seek the wisdom of others to convince Durin to pause his advance on Gundabad.

    Gunvald – A Longbeard scout under Ausma’s command. Found inside the keep at Annak-Khurfu. Sends our character to find is brother, Laugi, as well as on a number of other tasks.

    Heilar – Longbeard and supporter of Durin at Skarhald. Travels with Durin to the Anvil. Gets into an argument with Imak, resulting in Imak being sent to the Wells of Langflood. Not seen in Elderslade or the War of the Three Peaks but seems likely to have followed Durin.

    Hermath Stormhammer – Hero of Azanulbizar, friend of Dain Ironfoot, father of Durin Stormhammer, grandfather of Hersegg. Wrote an account of Azanulbizar which our character reads. Joins the Gabil’akka at Thorin III’s request, to assist Durin. Last seen at Annak-Khurfu alongside Durin.

    Hlothi – bestows mission quests in Annak-Khurfu.

    Horin – A Zhelruka leader, involved in the discovery of the Glimmerdeep. Leads the expedition to the Anvil to defeat Karazgar and survives Hrimil. Later part of Durin’s war council and sends our character on missions. Joins our character in the attempt to assassinate Gorgar in Goblin Town.

    Horskur – A dwarf scholar found on Grytholm, who is studying the bats there.

    Imak – Stout axe who is first met at Skarhald having an argument with Heilar. Travels south into the Wells of Langflood alongside Gloin and Venko and saves Limlok, before travelling to High Sundergrot. Joins the Gabil’akka, found at Zudramdan where he directs our characters to set traps, which end up harming Slagvi.

    Ingor – Zhelruka prince and leader, son of Vekun, brother of King Otek. First met at Hammerstead, when the player sends him and his company on his way. Later met on the route to the northern path around Erebor, where the player attempts to help Ingor clear the rubble. Later met alongside Dori at the Bitter Scar. Found later at the Grey Wrack, after his companions have been killed by wights. Joins the Gabil’akka and is found at Annak Khurfu, before joining the War of the Three Peaks. Appears to have taken over the leadership of the Zhelruka, after the death of Botuz Frostblood (although not confirmed). Later joins Durin in his assault on the Bloody Threshold.

    Lagi Helmbiter – A dwarf who fought in the Sixth War of the Orcs and Dwarves and member of the Kharum-ubnar. First met in Erebor but joins Durin’s Gabil’akka. Found at Annak-Khurfu before the war begins, then found at Ifbar-athrakh with Agnar and Reithvald. Joins the assault on Ushukutoz and later found at Zarkul-sulun.

    Laugi – Brother of Gunvald. Sent to scout Zarkul-sulun and then returns to Annak Khurfu after being injured.

    Likmund – first met in the Chamber of Crossroads where he sends you after goblins and onwards to the Door to the Clouds. Later found playing dice at Annak Khurfu.

    Lossi – Captain of the Guard at Hammerstead, Iron Hills. Can be found at Annak Khurfu and sent scouts to Shakal Atrad. Asks our character to investigate their failure to return.

    Malek – Zhelruka, companion of Ingor in his attempts to reclaim Thikil Gundu. Ingor believes him to have died at the Grey Wrack but he seems to have survived! Briefly appears at Annak Khurfu, then on the battlefield at Azgh-burzu, before returning to Nain at Drenghol.

    Mother Amma – mother of Authi Gemcutter, who travelled from Esgaroth to Erebor with our character, before travelling to Jarnfast. Authi remains at home in Erebor minding the family business while his mother comes on the expedition. Can be found at Annak Khurfu investigates crystals and the Crystal Journal.

    Muta the Silent – A stout axe scout sent by Gloin to repel the Angmarim from Caivad Sar. Works with our character to track down Bandrauth Adder-fang. During the War of the Three Peaks works with the player to investigate the arrival of Brathar Crack-helm, a Dourhand who seems to remain loyal to Angmar and was at Gabilzan. Later returns to Gloin at Zarkul sulun.

    Nain – Brother of Thorin III, son of Dain II. Fought at the Battle of Five Armies and the Battle of Erebor. Leader at Jarnfast, helps the player to reclaim Utterby and works alongside the player to deal with the threat beneath Jarnfast in the Howling Pit. Travels to Annak-Khurfu, then can be found at Zarkul-sulun and Drenghol leading parts of the Gabil’akka. Advises the player to seek the advice of Agnar and co. regarding slowing down Durin’s advance.

    Nath – Stout Axe who is first met in Lughash in Dor Amarth. Later is one of the Stout Axes who refuses to become a Firehorn, and travels with Gimli, Spakorth and Nath to Erebor. Cares for the Stout Axes who had fallen ill on their journey north. Nath joins Dori in his search for Nori, then joins Horin in the assault on the Anvil (alongside Nath). Later joins Agatur the Boastful on the journey south to Limlok to request aid for the dwarves. Accompanies Hunulf, Vaskorn and Threkmoth south, fights goblins at Sundergrot to safeguard the Wells of Langflood. Gains Grimbeorn’s support for the efforts of the dwarves. Saved by Skarding and Fanglind on their return to Skarhald. Later at Zudramdan, fortifying it in preparation for the War of the Three Peaks. Accompanies Durin to assault the Bloody Threshold.

    Orug – Guard of Erebor who travelled with Nori to Skarhald and is left there to rebuild Skarhald until the Zhelruka arrive. Joins the Gabil’akka and moves to Annak Khurfu, later fighting at Drenghol during the war.

    Radek – A Zhelruka scout of Gloin, found outside the Gates of Gundabad, dealing with the Frost-tusks. Later found at Zarkul sulun during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Reithvald Red-Ember - A dwarf who fought in the Sixth War of the Orcs and Dwarves and member of the Kharum-ubnar. First met in Erebor but joins Durin’s Gabil’akka. Found at Annak-Khurfu before the war begins, then found at Ifbar-athrakh with Agnar and Reithvald. Joins the assault on Ushukutoz.

    Rekkur – Jarnfast Dwarf, befriends Aighrig and Lukhag in their fight against the Angmarim.

    Risti Graver – Foreman of the Dainlik in the Iron Hills, found at Shakal atrad during War of the Three Peaks. Sends our character against the Hobgoblins at Howler’s Notch and is joined by the Beornings at Shakal atrad.

    Runi – A loremaster from Erebor, who tells our characters the tale of Smaug the Golden. Accompanies the Longbeard expedition to Skarhald seeking old secrets. Tells our characters the tale of Borin and Etterfang and helps us to find Etterfang in Stormwall. Later joins the Gabil’akka and can be found at Zudramadan, studying the remains of dragons.

    Ruzat – Zhelruka, first found on the route into the Grey Mountains from Erebor where he convinces the player to collect supplies. Later joins Agatur the Boastful on the journey south to Limlok to request aid for the dwarves. Accompanies Hunulf, Vaskorn and Threkmoth south, fights goblins at Sundergrot to safeguard the Wells of Langflood. Gains Grimbeorn’s support for the efforts of the dwarves. Saved by Skarding and Fanglind on their return to Skarhald. Found at Rushgate and sends the player on to Annak Khurfu, later found at Zarkul Sulun during the war.

    Sigvith – A scout of Gloin, found outside the Gates of Gundabad. Later found at Zarkul sulun during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Slagvi – Leader of the Dolven View, involved in exploring the Cooling Chamber. Had returned to Jarnfast when Moria fell. Found at Annak Khurfu, later trapped by a rockfall during the war in a trap set by Imak.

    Skothi - A member of the Gabil'akka, captured by the Angmarim and about to be sacrificed in Caivad Sar. Rescued in 'the Sacrifical Tower' mission.

    Stalskeg Ironbeard – bestows mission quests in Annak-Khurfu.

    Stothkell – forge master of Moria, based in the Heart of Fire. Fought alongside us in the Battle of the Way of the Smiths. Crafted shackles for Mazog. Sealed the Heart of Fire before escaping Moria and can be found at Annak Khurfu.

    Thalfi – First met in the Chamber of the Crossroads. Asks our character to map the Winding Way to the Twenty First Hall and also sends our character to investigate the bottom of the well. Later met outside Annak Khurfu and works with our character to scout and map out Elderslade.

    Thetmarr – first met at the Silvertine Lodes, leader at Deep Descent. Later found playing dice at Annak Khurfu.

    Thorgest – first met at Hrimbarg, brother of Thorkell who he seeks to avenge in his campaign against worms, poisoned by Gauerdain and saved by our characters. Later found at Annak Khurfu.

    Thruthug – A healer found at Drenghol, caring for injured scouts (including Einar).

    Trausti – First met in the Walls of Moria, found inside Filgogan and sends you to find his friend Lofrik who was killed by the half orcs. Later joins the Gabil’akka. Found at Annak Khurfu then in trenches during the War of the Three Peaks.

    Zadokh Flint Eye – First met at Dom Goru, directs our character towards the Bitter Scar and then Skarhald. Later joins the Gabil’akka. Was involved in taking Zudramdan alongside Nath, then establishes a camp at Drenghol, where he is scouting the outer defences of Gundabad before the War of the Three Peaks begins.

    Zhudo – A scout of Gloin, found outside the Gates of Gundabad. Later found at Zarkul sulun during the War of the Three Peaks.
    Last edited by Tirian-Hammerfist; Oct 31 2021 at 09:51 AM.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Awesome work as always, Tirian! Thank you for doing this!

    1 thing you might want to consider adding, much further down the line (I know! So many Dwarves!!!): the new older Dwarves from Blood of Azog. We have Thorin III sending messengers to the other six Dwarven Houses as well as to other places we've been in the past (*the Angmar Dwarven base near the swamp; the Orthikar North Downs Dwarves; the Ered Luin Dwarves at Thorin's Hall, Gondamon, Loeglond, and of course Dwalin there).

    So, what we are likely going to see with the expansion are A- More Dwarven characters we've met before (*which we obviously won't know, Dwalin aside, until the expansion appears on beta); B- Probably either very older versions of some of the Dwarves we meet in Blood of Azog or their descendants in those Six Houses (i.e. those not of Thrain's / Thorin's / Dain's immediate lineages). This means that, when those Dwarves probably appear, there will be more convoluted back-tracking to the Azog stuff to find out who fits where and with which House and of what relation, etc.

    But if you have some sort of a post or record of a "who's who" in Blood of Azog, it'll help track what SSG is up to when Gundabad finally launches, especially when we will probably get a procession of a large reinforcement army arriving in Elderslade "at dawn on the seventh day" (*like when Forlong and Hirluin and Imrahil and company showed-up at Minas Tirith before Pelennor) My educated guess is we'll be seeing multiple generations from those particular Houses, much as we did in Azanulbizar The older generation that we actually encounter in Blood of Azog will probably be a mixture of "they died of old age" or Sauron or that mysterious calamity in Rhun killed some of them off (*didn't we learn the Zhelruka King died somewhere back when we were in Ered Mithrin, or am I confused?). But they probably have descendants, and we'll have to wait till Gundabad to find out who they are!

    After all, the Haban'akka is really just the original Gabil'akka; they are technically just different generations of the same mustering of Dwarves. The survivors of the older generation become the Kharum-ubnar; the younger generations become the new Gabil'akka. But by and large, they are the same group overall

    Last edited by Phantion; Sep 04 2021 at 11:37 PM.
    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    Awesome work as always, Tirian! Thank you for doing this!

    1 thing you might want to consider adding, much further down the line (I know! So many Dwarves!!!): the new older Dwarves from Blood of Azog. We have Thorin III sending messengers to the other six Dwarven Houses as well as to other places we've been in the past (*the Angmar Dwarven base near the swamp; the Orthikar North Downs Dwarves; the Ered Luin Dwarves at Thorin's Hall, Gondamon, Loeglond, and of course Dwalin there).

    So, what we are likely going to see with the expansion are A- More Dwarven characters we've met before (*which we obviously won't know, Dwalin aside, until the expansion appears on beta); B- Probably either very older versions of some of the Dwarves we meet in Blood of Azog or their descendants in those Six Houses (i.e. those not of Thrain's / Thorin's / Dain's immediate lineages). This means that, when those Dwarves probably appear, there will be more convoluted back-tracking to the Azog stuff to find out who fits where and with which House and of what relation, etc.

    But if you have some sort of a post or record of a "who's who" in Blood of Azog, it'll help track what SSG is up to when Gundabad finally launches, especially when we will probably get a procession of a large reinforcement army arriving in Elderslade "at dawn on the seventh day" (*like when Forlong and Hirluin and Imrahil and company showed-up at Minas Tirith before Pelennor) My educated guess is we'll be seeing multiple generations from those particular Houses, much as we did in Azanulbizar The older generation that we actually encounter in Blood of Azog will probably be a mixture of "they died of old age" or Sauron or that mysterious calamity in Rhun killed some of them off (*didn't we learn the Zhelruka King died somewhere back when we were in Ered Mithrin, or am I confused?). But they probably have descendants, and we'll have to wait till Gundabad to find out who they are!

    After all, the Haban'akka is really just the original Gabil'akka; they are technically just different generations of the same mustering of Dwarves. The survivors of the older generation become the Kharum-ubnar; the younger generations become the new Gabil'akka. But by and large, they are the same group overall

    No problem!

    The next thing I had thought to do (and hadn't yet managed to find the time to properly do so), was to compile a list of likely upcoming members of the Gabil'akka - particularly the ones from our old haunts in Eriador. However, as this felt like a fair bit of guess work at this point, I thought I might just end up listing every Longbeard in the game, which might take a while! Perhaps best to wait until Gundabad has made an appearance of beta.

    Similarly with those from the Blood of Azog - I agree that it would be great if there were connections back to the old Haban'akka and I'm sure we will see some of the key individuals or their descendants rocking up (although most of the ones that made an impression were those of the royal houses whose fates - particularly for the Longbeards - we already know more about). Vekun (who I think became king of the Zhelruka during the Blood of Azog) is the father of Otek and Ingor. Otek appears to still be remaining in the east, as of the present time - I imagine if he joins the Gabil'akka he would not be best pleased with his brother's new friendship with Durin!
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I'll probably look back at this post plenty of times as we head into Gundabad. Thanks for the write-up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I’ve started pulling together a list of dwarves of Eriador (and some of Rhovanion), not yet found in Elderslade, who it would be cool to see again in Gundabad. Who knows how many of them will actually turn up there, although given the storyline of Blood of Azog, we might assume that quite a lot of old faces would return alongside the other dwarf clans.

    I've not selected all dwarves - just those that I felt had a significant role, were an interesting character, or I could see as having potential to aid the Gabil'akka!

    Misty Mountains

    Sigrun - descendant of survivor of Helegrod, found near the Bitter Stair
    Greip - descendant of survivor of Helegrod, found near the Bitter Stair
    Vighar Roadwalker - helps Gloin at High Crag, then Goblin Town. Later found defending Gabilzan.
    Larus Sharpshard - part of Last ingot quest at High Crag
    Tralli Gemfinder - found at Gloin’s camp, then helps Gloin at Goblin Town
    Halmur Stoneshaper - guardian of the treasure at Gabilzan

    Ered Luin

    Low Lands, Haudh Lin, Rath Teraig and Falathorn

    Mathi Stouthand - leader of Gondamon
    Thrasi - Thrasi's Lodge, cares for the lynx-mother and her cub
    Askell - brother of Gellir Goldentongue, seeks vengeance for his death
    Bolli - with Longbeard expedition to Thorin's Gate, then captain of the guard at Gondamon
    Nithi - found at Glamir's Vigil, with an interest in wights
    Athal - Avorthal's friend, fought at Rath Teraig
    Tralli Hammerfist - mans the northern barricade of Rath Teraig
    Ingolfr - mans the northern barricade of Rath Teraig

    The Vale of Thrain

    Grimkell Stonebearer - leader at Noglond, has a goblin-based epiphany
    Vifill - encountered the goblins, but Grimkell doesn’t believe him
    Gisli - brought his favourite meal from his father, Ormr, but just wants to prove himself
    Rothgar - Dwalin’s trusted representative at Noglond
    Nos Grimsong - travelled with Dwalin to Thorin’s Gate, helped explore Skogrim’s tomb, later found communicating with the thrushes in the Vale of Thrain

    Thorin's Halls

    Dwalin - no introduction needed!
    Guard Captain Unnar - leader of Dwalin’s forces, but only really plays a bit part
    Halli Shimmershield - spends more time making his armour look good than actually fighting
    Vitharr - guard in the Arming Cave, surely out for a chance of redemption?
    Tandri Greyhammer (and some of his sons) - the sons joined our characters in Mirkwood with escorting Mazog

    North Downs


    Hannar - leader of Othrikar, hater of Dourhands
    Ormulf Worm-Hunter - seems the perfect person to fight some of Hrimil’s horde!
    Hornbori and Ragnarr Hornsounder - the latter lives with the Jorthykn near Esteldin, the former is his cousin, tasked with keeping an eye on him
    Regin - seeker of the Father Lode
    Runvarth - an ancient dwarf involved with the Stolen Stones quests



    Fotri - leader of the dwarves of Zigilgund
    Thorth - leads the efforts against the Dourhands


    Leitholf - calls himself a cousin of Gloin - maybe through his mother (as I think we know the whole of the main family tree?)



    Guard Captain Gisur - defender of Gabilshathur
    Guard Ansurr - defender of Gabilshathur
    Avar - leader of Gabilshathur
    Bothwar - mining lead at Gabilshathur
    Hwati - sends the player to Maethad
    Kol - quartermaster of Gabilshathur


    Eilaf - cousin of Hwati, sends player to take down Ferndur
    Birgir - opposes the Angmarim forces of Imlad Balchorth
    Gautar - leads the efforts against the spirits of Imlad Balchorth
    Olfar - tasked with cleansing the corruption of Imlad Balchorth
    Sigar - hates Imlad Balchorth and tackles to wights
    Thorod - searches for the source of the foul water, eventually leading to Helchgam

    Gath Forthnir, Tarmunn Sursa

    Throst - dwarf in Gath Forthnir, celebrates the player’s efforts to avenge Lorniel
    Tani - found at Tarmunn Sursa, sends players to deal with Barashal in Carn Dum
    Odbjorn - found at Tarmunn Sursa, tackling the wargs of Urugarth


    Foundations of Stone

    Frethi the Explorer - helps you explore the Secret of the Stones
    Klintur - studying the Globsnaga spiders
    Marus - investigator of rune stones and helps us to find the Secret of the Stones. Known to be alive post-fall of Moria.

    Nud Melek

    Svanr - crosses the Second Hall with you, makes it into the sunlight!

    Durin's Way

    Orvar Bellhammer - helps you in Rushrindul with Mazog
    Folkath - leader of the Fanged Pit expedition
    Rambi - enemy of the bats
    Uxi - organises the rebuilding of Helgi Goblinbane’s statue

    The Great Delving

    Tulk - meets you first in the Walls of Moria, then stationed at Durin’s Threshold
    Tubi Thickfist - leader of the expedition in Durin’s Threshold
    Wigfast - leads the efforts against the goblins of Gazatmur
    Sot - decoder of riddles, particularly those of Falgeirr Twistongue


    Narfi - eldest of four brothers, leads the efforts against the first set of instances in Moria
    Mogr - foreman of the Twenty First Hall, knocked out of his complacency by the death of Reinn
    Domarr - fights against the Durub near the Wide Halls
    Veulfur - responsible for combating the the threats of Skumfil, the Sixteenth Hall and the Dark Delvings
    Wili - ally of Bori in assaulting the guarded junction, and defender of the Twenty First Hall during the skirmish
    Simbi - sends us to the Rotting Cellar, also met in the Walls of Moria outside Filgogan
    Geirfast - involved in helping the player uncover the mystery of the Secret Council and the Dragonslayer axe

    The Redhorn Lodes

    Avar - the second brother of Narfi, leads the efforts at Orc Watch against the Grand Stair
    Ingifast - leads the expedition into the Redhorn Lodes from the Orc Watch
    Knakk - explores the borderlands between the Redhorn Lodes and the Foundations of Stone
    Auti - leading the efforts against the Gredbyg in the Redhorn Lodes

    The Silvertine Lodes

    Rink Stronghammer - Stothkell’s assistant in the Heart of Fire
    Ondott - explorer of the Old Silvertine City
    Thalfar - leader of the miners at Menem-Berej

    The Waterworks

    Foreman Indrith - sends the player on many quests to repair the Great Wheel
    Kaldi - Sends the player to take down the Watcher
    Ansurr - leader at Hulwul-nefekh, sends the player on quests against the Globsnaga and the fungus
    Aguti - studies the creatures of the Waterworks

    The Flaming Deeps

    Palmar - the third brother of Narfi, leads the effort against the Forges of Khazad Dum
    Teitur - the fourth brother of Narfi, leads the efforts against Fil Gashan
    Guthi - leads the efforts against orcs at Durin’s Court and the Crossroads of Ash
    Gapi - fights the forces of Mazog in the Flaming Deeps

    The Dimrill Dale
    Alrekur - leader of the dwarves at Mekhem-Bizru
    Asmund - a poacher found at Echad Andestel, encouraging the player to hunt the beasts of Lothlorien

    Gap of Rohan

    Ondor - fights alongside us in the Heathfells, then the Pit of Iron, then in Nan Curunir


    Fusi Gemcutter - met at Echad Eregion alongside the Grey Company. His father had been taken by uruks. Once his father is rescued from Minas Elendur, Fusi helps to forge fake rings of Barahir for the Grey Company.
    Funi Gemcutter - found in Minas Elendur, having been captured by uruks. Forges fake rings of Barahir for the Grey Company. Father of Fusi, Authi and Grathar, husband of Mother Ama.

    The Iron Hills

    Grami Hornhelm - master smith of Hammerstead
    Belg Thickshanks - Grami's assistant
    Alfur Smokebeard - guard of Olin's Forge
    Vilur Strayfoot - leader of a weapons convoy near Hammerstead
    Khil - Zhelruka, storyteller and finder of the Black Book of Mordor


    Spalvi Stoutheart - Friend of Bingo's
    Grotur - ally of Karazgar inside Erebor. Could be given a second chance to serve the line of Durin?
    Spall - loremaster, sent to Jarnfast with the player
    Brathi - master prospector of Erebor
    Finna Frostbeard - betrothed to Kalfi, who died in the Redhorn Lodes
    Roi - loremaster in the Scholar's Abode
    Grafar Splitstone - brother of Authi and Fusi Gemcutter
    Authi Gemcutter - first met in Laketown, then joined us in the visit to the Iron Hills to summon Durin. Left in Erebor to mind the business, so seems an unlikely, but possible, visitor to Gundabad.
    Last edited by Tirian-Hammerfist; Nov 03 2021 at 04:39 PM.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    All finished updating - now to see if any turn up in Gundabad! I've seen a few on my quick run through in the last beta, although very few from Eriador so far. Hopefully these will appear in story instances or locations I didn't discover!
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirian-Hammerfist View Post
    All finished updating - now to see if any turn up in Gundabad! I've seen a few on my quick run through in the last beta, although very few from Eriador so far. Hopefully these will appear in story instances or locations I didn't discover!
    Very cool! Thank you, Tirian!

    There's an interesting tidbit about Ondor that I really wish MoL or someone would shed some light on.

    Ondor, whom we meet in the Gap of Rohan, is an Ered Nimrais / White Mountain Dwarf, and per the 5 Dwarven heritage choices at character creation, the White Mountains is indeed mentioned. I've always assumed their delvings were in Anfalas, not far from Blackroot Vale, just given how the origins blurb associates them with fear of the Paths of the Dead / Erech. The Gemcutters were on their way north after having traded with said White Mountain Dwarves when the Nink-hoth attacked them in Eregion.

    A great hint, of course, is screamed by the character's name. Ondor! Which is one 'G' short of: G-ondor!

    Now, I'm wondering exactly what they envision, in light of Blood of Azog, for the Dwarves who dwell in the White Mountains. Are they Landorrim? A different faction? A mixture of Dwarven Houses who settled there for ample trading with the Gondorians? There's a whole untold story there they haven't quite told yet.

    That said, for now, I'm really looking forward to Gundabad and to seeing whether any of the other Houses will make an appearance in the "Epic"-equivalent (*or ominously "not show up," prompting further adventures in new zones!).

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    Very cool! Thank you, Tirian!

    There's an interesting tidbit about Ondor that I really wish MoL or someone would shed some light on.

    Ondor, whom we meet in the Gap of Rohan, is an Ered Nimrais / White Mountain Dwarf, and per the 5 Dwarven heritage choices at character creation, the White Mountains is indeed mentioned. I've always assumed their delvings were in Anfalas, not far from Blackroot Vale, just given how the origins blurb associates them with fear of the Paths of the Dead / Erech. The Gemcutters were on their way north after having traded with said White Mountain Dwarves when the Nink-hoth attacked them in Eregion.

    A great hint, of course, is screamed by the character's name. Ondor! Which is one 'G' short of: G-ondor!

    Now, I'm wondering exactly what they envision, in light of Blood of Azog, for the Dwarves who dwell in the White Mountains. Are they Landorrim? A different faction? A mixture of Dwarven Houses who settled there for ample trading with the Gondorians? There's a whole untold story there they haven't quite told yet.

    That said, for now, I'm really looking forward to Gundabad and to seeing whether any of the other Houses will make an appearance in the "Epic"-equivalent (*or ominously "not show up," prompting further adventures in new zones!).

    I’ve always wondered that about Ondor and the White Mountain Dwarves too - he’s the only white mountain dwarf that we’ve ever met (as far as I recall), although if memory serves, the Gemcutters were initially described as being from the White Mountains before being retrofitted to be from Erebor.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts



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