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Results 526 to 542 of 542
  1. #526
    I made it in! I am somebody! :3

    In all seriousness, though, thanks for keeping Gladden history alive. It's a bummer when so, so many people left when the self-fulfilling Arkenstone prophecy rolled around. I've not really had the time or heart to play my warg lately 'cause of it. But it is nice getting on every once in a while and seeing some old faces.
    lvl 105 Guardian | 105 Mini | 64 Hunter | 48 Warden | Lukiluk - r10 Warg | r6 Defiler | r6 WL

    Twitch.tv/Arathaert | Youtube.com/ArathaertTV | Guardian Guide

  2. #527
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Looking at my own grammar is horrible.. good times :O
    "...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.

  3. #528
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    This is awesome!!! I was surprised to see Ara and Eth have been around that long. Unfortunately I've forgotten far too many of the names that aren't around anymore. I do remember Ooty though! No one could forget Ooty! LOL! Was only just getting started in the Moors when I had to leave the game for a while. When I came back, everyone was gone, so I just stayed in PvE land..............till a couple weeks ago. Gladden Moors action is starting to pick back up. We need to spread the word, maybe get some of the old guard back in there along with some new blood. I've seen a few good mid-size battles, since coming back in, but would be real nice to get a few Battle Royales going like the old days.
    CAANWICK - Wardenist - Make Wardens Great Again!!! / CAANJOB - The Ettenmoors' worst Burglar / CAANJAAL - Hunter
    "If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've already lost!"
    Forged in Flames-Crickhollow

  4. #529
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Wow, happy 5 year anniversary to this thread! Special thanks to those that made contributions in preserving Gladden's rich history.

    I may add some more people soon, for personal fulfillment if anything. Amazing to see that the game seems to be reaching its close. Hoping after Mordor, they will use the little remaining resources (or so they say) they have in investing in pvp for one last hoorah. Hope everyone that is remaining are well, originals or new.

  5. Jul 26 2017, 03:36 AM

  6. #530
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Waited long enough :)

    Ok, what about Wahya? I know a lot of freeps hated my warg, but I hope it earned a spot in gladdens history. I am back after almost 2 year break, so freeps beware
    P.S. Also Rattlesnake, my long retired burg. When he was active he made a lot of wargs run
    Wahya of Gladden

  7. #531
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Negotin View Post
    Ok, what about Wahya? I know a lot of freeps hated my warg, but I hope it earned a spot in gladdens history. I am back after almost 2 year break, so freeps beware
    P.S. Also Rattlesnake, my long retired burg. When he was active he made a lot of wargs run
    Hey you!! Maly/Kat here, buddy! I've been gone about as long if not longer than you and am hoping to try and get some lotro time back in as well. Expac caught my eye and has piqued my interest but we'll see. Hope you are doing well!

    As others have said it's neat to see some Gladden folks still around keeping things alive even if by a sliver. I miss everyone and the old days quite a bit. Hell, thinking back that I really started playing my warg consistently back in post SoM, pre-RoI feels so so long ago lol. If I do start up again, I hope to see a familiar face here and there if I'm lucky haha.
    Katrariel - Lvl 95 Guardian : Rank 5 ~~ Myrawyn - Lvl 85 Burglar : Rank 7 ~~
    Malystryx - Warg : Rank 11 ~~ Larkawen - Lvl 59 Loremaster ~~ Banehollow - Defiler : Rank 6 ~~

  8. #532
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightFuryRikali View Post
    Hey you!! Maly/Kat here, buddy! I've been gone about as long if not longer than you and am hoping to try and get some lotro time back in as well. Expac caught my eye and has piqued my interest but we'll see. Hope you are doing well!

    As others have said it's neat to see some Gladden folks still around keeping things alive even if by a sliver. I miss everyone and the old days quite a bit. Hell, thinking back that I really started playing my warg consistently back in post SoM, pre-RoI feels so so long ago lol. If I do start up again, I hope to see a familiar face here and there if I'm lucky haha.
    Hi Kat, I've been playing on gladden last couple of days, and there seems to be not a lot of old players . Only name I recognized was skulkins and I just heard from others that he is still active. Old warg tribe lead by setrovi moved to arkenstone I guess but I am back on gladden now and hope to catch you in game to scare freeps with warg pack as we did long time ago Appears that there's not a lot of well geared freeps and even minnies are going down relatively easy. Hopefully more old players will be back too.
    Wahya of Gladden

  9. #533
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just figured I'd bump for nostalgia's sake for the belated 6-year anniversary. This history wiki came a long way with contributions of many and I hoped to continue, but based off what I see, the game looks as if it's dead, if not on its last legs.

    Hopefully this thread is a reminder of the good times of what this game brought us. Many names you may or may not know, but enjoy each tale as a part of its own grand history of Gladden!


  10. #534
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    O vinner, how I long to taste you again.

    Gladden moors are dead. Been out the past few nights and nothing.

    Miss you gurl

    Your friendly neighborhood Eunuch

  11. #535
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Oops wrong name bruh!


  12. #536
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SusanG View Post
    O vinner, how I long to taste you again.

    Gladden moors are dead. Been out the past few nights and nothing.

    Miss you gurl

    Your friendly neighborhood Eunuch
    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkshipOfLanterns View Post
    Oops wrong name bruh!

    I miss you too, buddy.

    Let's forget the past, get wasted and snuggle with that ol big thorn of yours that the lotro cougars yearn for mmmm!

  13. #537
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SusanG View Post
    O vinner, how I long to taste you again.

    Gladden moors are dead. Been out the past few nights and nothing.

    Miss you gurl

    Your friendly neighborhood Eunuch
    Yeah logged on a few times, always zero people on in both pvp zones. RIP
    Crusada Reaver R10*Hawkfood LM R10*Grandhustla Blackarrow R8*Belarnun Weaver R7*

  14. Feb 24 2019, 01:22 AM
    Wrong display name.

  15. #538
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Wow, that's a lot of names I remember.

    Molder - Burglar

  16. #539
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Coronavirus Reading!

    Hey everyone,

    Hope everyone is safe and doing well! Figured with the rise of the COVID, to read through our rich history while you may be limiting yourself to outdoor activities.


  17. #540
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hethyba View Post
    Grakrat/Yandros - One of my old Red Sun Rising officers. He was one of the funniest people you could hang out with, miss that guy.
    I see I got remembered as the funny guy again.
    Grakrat Grumblebelly, R9 Warg | Yandros Cabbagebane L65 Hunter

  18. #541
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Is there an updated version of this somewhere now that wikispaces shut down?
    Taylord - 65 Minstrel | Galahir - 65 Champion | Popgoestheweaver - Creep Weaver

  19. Jan 06 2022, 10:24 AM

  20. #542
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yo Vinner, where tf are you, and what happened to the Wiki page?

    Fwiw, many of us are still playing on Ark...me, Rev, Joe, Paps, Grimm, Vic, Greens, Suuds, Lob, Urd, Cass, etc...

    You (and anyone else that reads this) should re-sub, xfer, and come bang.

    Good times!

    Hope this finds you well...

    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will try to kill you. But first...they must catch you. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and you will never be destroyed...


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