I miss this game... the magic of it all. LOTRO was my first MMO, I had no clue how to play... but play it, I did. From launch and for 10 solid years, perhaps a few more off and on. I met so many friends; and even more foes
. I feel like I grew up with this game. I bought my first house the year this released, my first character, a captain named Koltan, would eventually become the name of my first born, just a couple years later.
I started my own Kinship, Upon the Edge, and joined many others along the way... Middle Earth Warriors, Insurrection, Vice of Death, LeafWalkers, The Meaning of Haste, to name a few. I grouped up daily with guys and gals like Rahbrigul (Munny), Lokinari, Daec, Heregwyn, Quickfeet, Tyronetheone, Rohankumar, Davaron, Easy, Aelvain, Tharros, Stumplie, Flaky, Rastlan, Bobion, and so so many more to do battle on these hallowed grounds, against guys and gals like Epcot, Ijustpassedgas, Archne, Battor and countless others.
I made real life friends from kinships, guys I still talk to some 16 years later... Phoebus, Bruun, Deathgranter, Kalbrem, Benny.
"It's just a game..." yeah, but it was more than that at one time. I lived for it, as sad as that might sound. It was an escape from the battles and struggles of real life... and I very much looked forward to it.
Should any of you old timers happen to see this... please stop and say hello... It would mean a lot.
I miss this game... the magic of it all; but I miss all of you, much more.
- Kolt (sorry to necro this thread... but posting in an @Ettenmoors thread just felt right!)