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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Unfair Advantage

    In the beginning of the Warden/Captain revamp, I was reading through some of the Captain's patch notes and ran across this:

    "Brother’s Keeper: When the 7 seconds of protection from Song-brother’s Call expire, 20% of that player’s threat is transferred to you."

    I meant to post about this but got busy w/ real life and forgot until I saw it again in todays update patch notes. I wanted to point this out because I feel this will create an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE for the Captain and PROBLEMS FOR THE GROUP. For example:

    1) As you all know, all other tanks have 1 aoe taunt w/ a cd of 30 secs. "Brother's Keeper" will act as a 2nd aoe aggro skill for the Captain giving them an unfair advantage over other tanks. This skill will be used in many different situations, specially in raids like Hiddenhoard where there is a large amount of adds involved and normal tank will not have the advantage of a potential 2nd aoe aggro skill. I can specially see this advantage in Boss 2 of Hiddenhoard where healers get healing aggro on the mobs and other tank will only have 1 aoe taunt or in the last boss on higher tiers of Hiddenhoard where 3 or 4 tanks are required for that fight to get aggro on all the different adds.

    2) It can also be potential problem in situations where for example the Captain uses "Brother's Keeper" in Boss 1/2/3 of Hiddenhoard to protect the boss tank or another ally (from the bleeds or the red eye in boss 2) and draws the aggro away from the Boss tank or from the tank that needs to have the adds on him.

    The DEVs need to rethink this cause its will potentially cause problems and give the Captain an advantage !!!
    Last edited by Technician46; Mar 22 2023 at 01:04 PM.



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