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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Library and School Delvings...

    I put in a bug report that the challenge quest for Library is broken (birds cannot be avoided). I'm sure with the new update there is much on their plate already.

    I would like to ask that the loot that drops in those delvings be re-scaled. The teal drops are worse than the beginner gundabad yellow at 140.

    I also don't see the reward in doing 3 man delvings. I run a 3man and i get the same delving loot box as another delving and because the old loot that drops
    for the instance isn't scaled you get a bounty and a tracery and that's about it. Sooo...am I missing something or is the value proposition for running that stuff really that bad?

    Perhaps I'm not seeing another benefit to doing the 3man delvings...I could be wrong if so let me know and I'll continue doing them.

    A thank you though for SSG making these delvings playable without Shadow or VIP.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The delving chest from school and library has slightly better chances to drop the "good" rewards. But I'm not sure if these chances encourage running them regularly as delving missions are normally much faster to do.



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