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  1. #151
    Scenario's Avatar
    Scenario is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    Great to hear, these odd "dead" trees were pretty apparent on the horizon. That's interesting, makes me wonder... are there other such hard-coded limits within the game? At least as far as landscape design is concerned
    Software, in general, is all about hard coded limits heh

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Post update 35 errors

    1. New/re-added smooth water edges don't have the same reflective properties as the standard water-probably how it always was I don't really remember.
    As seen below as I move my camera the reflectiveness of the waters edge changes so that it is transparent but the rest of the water does not.

    2.Not a landscape error but a long standing animation error where the full size horse (not pony) will after jumping and being in the air for about a second cut from the jumping animation to the falling one with out a seamless transition.

    3.Moonbows in LOTRO at least in my experience.
    I don't think they spawn when its full/mostly full moon as they would as there would be the most light
    They also don't seem to corollate to rain
    They also seem much to bright as usually moonbows are much fainter and harder to see.

    4.Lhan Garran floating hay
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 66 at r1 lx1196 ly691 ox99.31 oy68.89 oz348.78 h125.2. Game timestamp 497787756.359.

    5.Slightly floating stable
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 36 at r1 lx1225 ly627 ox26.67 oy65.56 oz627.31 h80.2. Game timestamp 497788188.083.

    6.I know it would be a lot of effort but would it be possible to create Stoor versions of some of the lingering Shire elements in Swanfleet e.g. the above stable and the watermill?

    7.A rock with no physics
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 58 at r1 lx1194 ly687 ox50.24 oy159.88 oz375.54 h5.6. Game timestamp 497787697.107.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    8.Gaps/weird triangles in the water at the edges of these cliffs
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 36 at r1 lx1210 ly613 ox48.62 oy103.53 oz449.56 h80.2. Game timestamp 497788964.187.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 36 at r1 lx1211 ly612 ox65.95 oy94.93 oz449.56 h75.9. Game timestamp 497788980.529.

    9.Water directly below the water fall is not visible through the water fall but is if you swim into it.(easier to see in game)
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 36 at r1 lx1214 ly611 ox123.23 oy65.84 oz449.56 h80.2. Game timestamp 497789103.871.

    10.Many different rocks with no physics (basically this whole area around the water fall)
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 66 at r1 lx1174 ly664 ox131.22 oy1.12 oz346.02 h278.4. Game timestamp 497789724.217.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 58 at r1 lx1174 ly663 ox120.58 oy159.28 oz335.83 h260.2. Game timestamp 497789802.682.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 58 at r1 lx1173 ly663 ox102.17 oy159.79 oz335.83 h288.3. Game timestamp 497789820.422.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 66 at r1 lx1171 ly665 ox75.15 oy38.32 oz338.17 h199.7. Game timestamp 497789852.132.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 58 at r1 lx1176 ly676 ox4.65 oy86.32 oz415.55 h250.3. Game timestamp 497790184.926.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 66 at r1 lx1175 ly670 ox154.85 oy121.02 oz387.17 h22.5. Game timestamp 497790243.528.
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 58 at r1 lx1176 ly668 ox4.18 oy92.26 oz375.05 h253.1. Game timestamp 497790288.609.

    11.Area below the rocks with no rock texture(only base grass texture) and water also flows here through the rocks
    You are on [EN] Evernight server 66 at r1 lx1174 ly669 ox133.16 oy114.45 oz346.25 h99.8. Game timestamp 497789988.433.

    12.Water flows through this rock weirdly at the water fall
    forgot to get a loc but obviously the river near the rocks


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