Okay here it goes.
I start with the letter e, I end with the letter e.
I contain only one letter, Yet I am not the letter e!
What am I?
Okay here it goes.
I start with the letter e, I end with the letter e.
I contain only one letter, Yet I am not the letter e!
What am I?
An Envelope.
(I really like that one.)
Easy one:
I have feathers
and yet, no wings.
Still, I fly straight
as anything.
Last edited by Valinus; Jul 31 2007 at 04:22 AM.
Haknit -- War Leader, Founder of PUG Ugly
"I like to think you killed a man; it's the romantic in me."
I guess I should read the Tolkien forum a bit more, just found this thread. Last winner is on 25 hours now, hope ya'll don't mind if I give this a go...
If you can see me I have a tail
If you can't see me I don't
My home may near, or it may be remote
You may see me by day or even by night
Either way I'm a spectacular sight
What am I?
Last edited by Kwinn; Aug 01 2007 at 05:05 PM.
"Mortal danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas"...Erwin Rommel
Dog: The other white meat
Ok, here is another.
No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.
What am I?
I don't think water does all those.
Primary: Tirigifu of Rohan, female human burglar/yeoman; Alt 1: Tiriadoc Brandybuck, male hobbit minstrel/historian; Alt 2: Tirialataire, female elf lore master/explorer .
Hearing Crickets, I chime in...
Born in Fire
Set in Water
Baptized in Battle
My head will guide
My shoulders will guard
My arm will kill
Server: Elendilmir
Illiena, 65 Burglar -- Wharton, 65 Warden -- Ulrandir, 65 Captain -- Sinfiladan, 65 Hunter
Iorana, 65 Loremaster -- Roin, 65 Minstrel -- Gibbo, 55 Guardian -- Khazin, 51 RK -- Khazat, 34 Champion
A sword or weapon?
[b]It's all about the X[/b]
Sword, right-oh.
Server: Elendilmir
Illiena, 65 Burglar -- Wharton, 65 Warden -- Ulrandir, 65 Captain -- Sinfiladan, 65 Hunter
Iorana, 65 Loremaster -- Roin, 65 Minstrel -- Gibbo, 55 Guardian -- Khazin, 51 RK -- Khazat, 34 Champion
im not very good at these i defer to someone more clever then I
[b]It's all about the X[/b]
Ok, I'll try one, I'll warn you though, I'm not very good at these so it's an easy one:
I soar without wings, I see without eyes.
I've traveled the universe to and fro.
I've conquered the world,
Yet I've never left home.
Who am I?
[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="4"]Whistle, whistle, where is that darn horse!?![[/SIZE][/COLOR]COLOR="Teal"][/COLOR]
Your imagination?
Good Job!! Exactly right, now it's your turn......![]()
[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="4"]Whistle, whistle, where is that darn horse!?![[/SIZE][/COLOR]COLOR="Teal"][/COLOR]
OK, so my first time writing a riddle so we'll see how it goes...
The Sun and Moon command me
But I cannot see them,
I hide and I reveal,
I bring you hither
And I take you back again.
What am I?
NOTE: That may be too difficult or ambiguous, if so I can add a line or two to make it clearer.
Is the correct answer shadow?
Primary: Tirigifu of Rohan, female human burglar/yeoman; Alt 1: Tiriadoc Brandybuck, male hobbit minstrel/historian; Alt 2: Tirialataire, female elf lore master/explorer .
Nope, sorry.
Is it the tide?
[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="4"]Whistle, whistle, where is that darn horse!?![[/SIZE][/COLOR]COLOR="Teal"][/COLOR]
Sorry about the slow response, just saw your guess now.
Yea!! I got one! Ok, here goes......
What blankets but never warms,
What shifts but is not solid,
What mutes but makes no sound?
[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="4"]Whistle, whistle, where is that darn horse!?![[/SIZE][/COLOR]COLOR="Teal"][/COLOR]
My guess is snow. I'll try to be better about posting a new one if I'm right.
Primary: Tirigifu of Rohan, female human burglar/yeoman; Alt 1: Tiriadoc Brandybuck, male hobbit minstrel/historian; Alt 2: Tirialataire, female elf lore master/explorer .