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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Bullroarer Update 25.3 - Preview #2

    Bullroarer is CLOSED.

    New Minas Morgul instances have received more polish and bug fixes. Please yell at us about any bugs, balance, or other issues you encounter!

    News and Notes:
    • Bullroarer will remain open until Thursday afternoon (01/16). Time subject to change.
    • Character Copy to Bullroarer is available, but is still failing in some cases. Shared Item transfer is currently disabled.

    • Bar Nirnaeth, The Houses of Lamentation
    • Ghashan-Kutot, The Halls of Black Lore
    • The Fallen Kings

    • Woodworker and Weaponsmith recipes available from the Reclamation of Minas Ithil reputation vendors no longer bind on acquire, making them consistent with the Jeweller, Metalsmith and Tailor recipes available for barter.
    • Minas Ithil Minstrel instrument recipes available for barter with the White Company Quartermaster no longer require Woodworker crafting guild reputation to barter or use. These recipes also no longer bind on acquire. (Known Issue: The preview of the critical success result on the recipes is not displaying the proper increase in ilevel. However, when crafted the item does create properly at a higher ilevel.)

    Quests and Adventure Areas
    • Instance: The Forgotten Lords - Instance continues to work if the player is defeated mid fight.
    • Quest: Hobbling Homeward - Malhar should hobble correctly now.
    • Quest: A Weapon of Old - Nar will properly repair the axe now.

    • An error has been corrected with the relic exchange on the Reclamation of Minas Ithil barter vendors. You can now receive 1 Relic of Minas Ithil in exchange for 50 Sigils of Imlad Ithil, instead of the inverse, once you have reached standing: The Reclamation Continues.
    • The White Company Quartermaster Reputation vendor now offers Minas Morgul housing music boxes, available for Sigils of Imlad Ithil once you have reached Ally standing.
    Last edited by LordOfTheSquids; Jan 16 2020 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Server is being restarted, should be back up in about 10-15 minutes (5:15pm eastern). I apologize for the inconvenience and will fire myself after the bounce is complete. Thanks!
    Last edited by LordOfTheSquids; Jan 14 2020 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Bounce is complete and Bullroarer is open again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    Server is being restarted, should be back up in about 10-15 minutes (5:15pm eastern). I apologize for the inconvenience and will fire myself after the bounce is complete. Thanks!
    Thank you very much for the update! Much appreciated!

    Please don't fire yourself.
    Mydiel 140 LM
    Uulanel 140 GRD

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    How do you expect people to bother testing this, when you cant even make sure the transfer work?

    We encountered an error during your transfer.

    If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us via Help.StandingStoneGames.com.

    We look forward to seeing you back in Middle-earth!
    The Lord of the Rings Online Team

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Will you fix crossbow animations while using BOW???????????????

    EDIT: AND DONT TELL ME TO BUG REPORT IT!!!! already done
    REMOVE Rohan Kingstead Homestead from the open world map it ruins the immersion and a shame for the ART.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by LotroVidz View Post
    How do you expect people to bother testing this, when you cant even make sure the transfer work?

    We encountered an error during your transfer.

    We encountered an error during your transfer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by W_T_D View Post

    We encountered an error during your transfer.
    "Thank you for your report, Citizen. All error codes are known quantities and will be addressed for happiness. Happiness is mandatory. Please report to the nearest disintegration chamber for maximum happiness. The Computer is your friend."
    - The Computer from the RPG "Paranoia"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Last boss of bar Nirnaeth :

    -The dialogue on the bridge is gone
    -The boss starts but the tree isn't targetable.
    -You can find and kill 3 Tree roots + the boss u just killed below in the bloodbath
    But after killing them nothing happens anymore

    3rd boss has no mechanics yet
    So far the 2nd boss is nice mechanics-wise would just wish a bit more dmg
    1st boss has a huge lack of mechanics, the dmg got buffed but still too low because of no mechanics

    The dmg buff on the bosses was great but i would definitely up it by a bit more

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    I can't copy my char either i get an error. When is this gonna be fixed?

    this is error i get

    Other details:
    Character Fantazia did not copy.

    We encountered an error during your transfer.
    Last edited by Fantaclaus; Jan 15 2020 at 02:14 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    Server is being restarted, should be back up in about 10-15 minutes (5:15pm eastern). I apologize for the inconvenience and will fire myself after the bounce is complete. Thanks!
    Eheh! Priceless. That made for a good start of my day with a laugh.
    Last edited by Lord.Funk; Jan 15 2020 at 04:52 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Edit: This has now been fixed.
    Last edited by Knight.; Jan 15 2020 at 06:04 PM.
    Knight | Captain | Arkenstone

  13. #13
    CaerArianrhod's Avatar
    CaerArianrhod is offline Rohirrim Scout
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    I apologize for the inconvenience and will fire myself after the bounce is complete.
    aha ...taking the easier way out? Won't help.

    But it was a good joke.

  14. #14
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
    Kehleyr_SSG is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleziana View Post
    Will you fix crossbow animations while using BOW???????????????

    EDIT: AND DONT TELL ME TO BUG REPORT IT!!!! already done
    This should have been fixed - if you are seeing a problem then that implies there are some specific items out there that are still bugged.

    If you could please provide exact names of the bows that are misbehaving I will look into it!
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
    The Lord of the Rings Online
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehleyr_SSG View Post
    This should have been fixed - if you are seeing a problem then that implies there are some specific items out there that are still bugged.

    If you could please provide exact names of the bows that are misbehaving I will look into it!
    All of the new Crafted Bows from Minas Morgul behave / animate as crossbows, despite specifically claiming they are Bows.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Character Copy to Bullroarer is available, but is still failing in some cases.

    Wouldnt call it in some cases.
    Last week 5/24 chars failed to copy (1 creep, 3 130's and lvl 60).
    This week All chars failed to copy

  17. #17
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
    Kehleyr_SSG is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    All of the new Crafted Bows from Minas Morgul behave / animate as crossbows, despite specifically claiming they are Bows.
    Absolutely, yes they are. I see the designation was corrected, but the animation was not.

    You should see a fix for this issue soon.

    Thank you for the reports!
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
    The Lord of the Rings Online
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Angry Once again, my character copy failed.

    My main would not copy AGAIN. So I tried my next up character. Also failed to copy. Thanks for absolutely NOTHING.

    I don't see how you could fail to know that this kind of incompetence is doing your company harm. I have played since Beta and (mostly) loved the game, but with all the damaged and screwed up things each update and/or preview brings, I am losing confidence in your product. Especially when the errors are not ever fixed. Add in the omnipresent laaaaaagggg, and the game quickly becomes an exercise in frustration. Why would anyone want to trade fun for frustration. Yet that is what you keep serving up. That's when customers go elsewhere. Why do you want to make your customers reluctant to even log in? This makes no sense, yet you keep on doing it.
    Linden Starfall, Leader of Mithril Crowns of Elendilmir and Arkenstone

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehleyr_SSG View Post
    Absolutely, yes they are. I see the designation was corrected, but the animation was not.

    You should see a fix for this issue soon.

    Thank you for the reports!

    Now that you are looking at your game code go just little left then little to the right yes yes EXACLY just right there.... yes turn it on.... put it higher... little more.... come on little moreeee.... there you are !!!! champions fixed.... just like that thnx for your effort now you are worth extra salary...
    REMOVE Rohan Kingstead Homestead from the open world map it ruins the immersion and a shame for the ART.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleziana View Post

    Now that you are looking at your game code go just little left then little to the right yes yes EXACLY just right there.... yes turn it on.... put it higher... little more.... come on little moreeee.... there you are !!!! champions fixed.... just like that thnx for your effort now you are worth extra salary...
    lol Alex i dont think he will understand of what you mean/saying.It was funny tho.
    Arandour Champion Rank 12-Nerien Hunter rank 11-Runendir RK Rank 7
    Kinship PRIME-Evernight Since May 2007
    Borzol R12-Mauhnakh R9-Varcolac R9-Sumnor R8-Orcapo R8 (Creep status retired)
    Discord: Arandour #1742

  21. #21
    i downloaded launcer for bullroarer today and it launches the login screen but soon as i login it goes back to desktop and wont lauch the game

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Overall alot of stuff improved from previous build, the stuff below is still things that are concerning me. It's fun to do these instances, but some of the fights really do feel like a 3-man instance or T1/T2. Please take a deep look at them again, making sure you tune them to where they should be, before they are out.

    Bar Nirnaeth, The Houses of Lamentation T3:

    Nothing changed in this 6-man, so basically all the same as previous build.
    Door at the entrance is bugged and doesn't allow you to leave instance.

    Trash to boss 1:
    - Very little damage from mobs.

    Boss 1:
    - Complete lack of mechanics on this boss fight, making it extremely dull and boring.
    - Lack of morale on boss.
    - Lack of damage on boss.
    - Platforms in middle are bugged, preventing the boss to move and reset properly.

    This fight needs a rework, to make it more challenging.

    Boss 2:

    - Complete lack of mechanics on this boss fight, making it extremely dull and boring.
    - Lack of morale on boss.
    - Lack of damage on boss.

    This fight needs a rework, to make it more challenging.

    Boss 3:

    - Fight was bugged on first Bullroarer build and couldn't be started.

    Boss 2 is in a way better shape now, there are still some things that I would address however:

    Ghashan-Kútot, The Halls of Black Lore T3:

    Door at the entrance is bugged and doesn't allow you to leave instance.

    Trash to boss 1:
    - Very little damage from mobs.
    - Theres huge amount of trash mobs upstairs and on sides, which are leading nowhere making it very weird looking.

    Boss 1 (mini bosses):
    - Lack of morale on bosses.
    - Lack of damage on bosses.
    - Needs little bit more mechanics to make the fights more challenging.
    - Right now the only well balanced ones are Skorgrím and Núrzum
    - Platforms in middle are bugged, preventing the boss to move and reset properly.

    Boss 2:
    - Lack of morale on boss.
    - Lack of damage on boss.
    - Memories that are supposed to be healed can only be healed with certain skills, please make sure you look into this and make it so all healing skills apply to them.

    The Fallen Kings T3:

    Door at the entrance is bugged and doesn't allow you to leave instance.

    - Other Nazguls could use a significant boost to damage and morale.
    - Interupts need to be more punishing.
    - It's nice that the nazgul waves are always random, keeps the instance fun and refreshing.
    - Sometimes when you kill the nazguls, it bugs and new ones don't come out and are just stuck behind the invisible wall.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    just want to point out that some bugged skills for RK still need to be fixed:

    1- rune sign of winder initial heal is bugged and does not crit at all

    2- the healing stone is bugged and does not crit all

    3- scribe a new ending skill has a long animation delay.

    how hard it can be to fix that that takes you so long to fix it.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperPowers View Post
    just want to point out that some bugged skills for RK still need to be fixed:

    1- rune sign of winder initial heal is bugged and does not crit at all

    2- the healing stone is bugged and does not crit all

    3- scribe a new ending skill has a long animation delay.

    how hard it can be to fix that that takes you so long to fix it.
    There are more pressing issues with other classes than tinkering with the RKs further. As they sit, they're pretty solid in all 3 lines, but might change how the content develops.
    For now, they should focus on Burglars and Champs and leave others alone for a bit.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by zaboch View Post
    There are more pressing issues with other classes than tinkering with the RKs further. As they sit, they're pretty solid in all 3 lines, but might change how the content develops.
    For now, they should focus on Burglars and Champs and leave others alone for a bit.
    I'm not talking about buffing or nerfing the class or making changes to it, those are bugs that should be fixed like any other bugged skill/trait asap. not talking about scaling issue or weak class that needs to be worked on.


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