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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    +Cord of the Rings Friday Stream Highlight Summary: Feb 25th 2022

    +Cord of the Rings February 25th 2022 Highlight Summary: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1407624473

    Note: Just a quick Highlight Summary of a few key things LOTRO Community Manager Cordovan spoke about during his Weekly +Cord of the Rings LOTRO Stream.


    - LOTRO Producer Raninia Quarterly Letter is being worked on and "soon" to be passed around Internally. More information when this will be available in the coming weeks.

    - Fate of Gundabad Expansion Raid has gone Live as of Febuary 24th, 2022. There is an Issue with the Mind of the Frost Heart that will cause the Raid to not Reset if a Raid Group is all Defeated (Wiped).

    - There will be no +Cord of the Rings Stream on Friday, March 4th, 2022 as LOTRO Community Manager Cordovan will not be around to do such.

    - Next Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 is targeted for an Update (Patch) for the Lord of the Rings Online. Release Notes will be available next week.
    Last edited by Harvain; Feb 25 2022 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Not published next week on the letter, maybe it'll be ready to further distribute internally.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Not published next week on the letter, maybe it'll be ready to further distribute internally.
    Ah, the "wording" made it sound like you guys were going to be passing it around and be ready for next week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    Did we get any news about the feasibility Cord spoke about with getting the old ILI to be moved into storage? Maybe at the live stream?

    If not if anybody is attending the stream live - could they ask the question. And if Cord reads this before the stream then could you ask the question of the team ?

    I don't want to bin something that had taken so much work but it is a royal pain in the butt keeping them in my bags..

    Did anything get mentioned about moving our legacy ILIs to a vault?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Harvain View Post
    Ah, the "wording" made it sound like you guys were going to be passing it around and be ready for next week.
    I mean that's the goal but my terminology was squishy, which I apologize for. Hopefully that could be by end of next week, but I'm thinking it is more likely for the week after.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    Did anything get mentioned about moving our legacy ILIs to a vault?
    By the fact that you were ignored I am guessing that nothing was mentioned. LMAO

    But seriously,

    Would it be feasible to make the old LI panel which is no longer of use, a holding place for our old ILI or LI, where they can be moved from our bag to that panel and withdrawn if we ever have the need.

    I mean the old ILI panel isn't going anywhere and is doing nothing really anymore, so why not utilise it as it is only like creating a very small carryall for between 6-10 items?

    That would be my idea for this problem.

    It is not very good that we have to either keep them in our bags or trash them. I mean it isn't like they don't know how much work we put into making them what they are... I still have old weapons in my vault that I fought hard for in the old SoA days - not because I couldn't probably go out and storm solo the end game raids from SoA and get the rare drops if I wanted to but because of all the hours spent doing those raids and instances back then and then running the RnG gauntlet and to finally get it was a massive achievement and I cannot bring myself to trash them....

    So, why would they expect us to the same with our ILI which for the most part have had far more hours put into them than any other single thing in game.
    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----




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