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  1. #1
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    Apr 2022

    On the matter of Incentivization - for Players

    Hello again!

    Putting this up here for some feedback over the weekend. Same rules as the last large post will apply. I will do my best to discuss and respond. No guarantees that I can get to every response. Any offensive posts will be removed. We will review, and adjust as feedback dictates.

    The subject of incentivizing more play in the Ettenmoors for the players and the monster players is subject that is always under review. For this post I am putting out some initial thoughts that we have on getting some incentive out there for the players!

    First, with the inclusion of Grodris, we will be doing a few things:

    1. Grodris will allow players and monster players to complete a quest to earn rewards for defeating her in the mines. This quest rewards a large amount of commendations and pushes along a tracker for weekly Ettenmoors rewards for both sides (don't ask about the monster player rewards just yet, those are not getting discussed in this post.)
    2. Whichever side scores the killing blow on Grodris gains the quest completion and the benefits throughout the Ettenmoors.

    3. Other quests completed in the Ettenmoors contribute to the weekly reward quest that comes out of the Ettenmoors.

    4. Oh yeah, we are adding weekly quests rewards for players participating in the Ettenmoors!

    How will this work?

    Here are the thoughts we are currently mulling:

    Tiered-weekly (Specific)

    This option uses specific quest completions: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, and the Grimwood once each, 5 completions of the kill enemy player quests, and completing another 10 specific Ettenmoors quests, in a given week. You gain access to Reward Pack 2.

    This unlocks access to complete a second weekly quest to complete the same cycle again. Doing so, provides Reward Pack 3.

    Tiered-weekly (Generic)

    This option, like the Tiered-weekly (Specific), has two weekly completion sets but combines the goals in the Ettenmoors together. Such that you would need to complete any 5 marquee quests in the Ettenmoors: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, the Grimwood, and (15) other quests in the Ettenmoors in order to get the Reward Pack 2. Then repeat the same to get Reward Pack 3.

    Combined-weekly (Specific)

    This option uses specific quest completions: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, the Grimwood, twice each, combined with killing a number of enemy players quests (10,) and completing another number (20,) of Ettenmoors quests in a given week. This would unlock tier 2 of the weekly rewards and grant you access to Reward Pack 2.

    Combined-weekly (Generic)

    In this option, you complete (10) top tier quests in the Ettenmoors [see above] and (30) other quests in the Ettenmoors and get access to Reward Pack 1.

    Oh, Right, the reward tiers!

    For the reward tiers we are thinking the following:

    Reward Pack 3

    Commendations: 1500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 1000
    Legendary Item XP: ~250,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp)

    Reward Pack 2

    Commendations: 2500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 2000
    Legendary Item XP: ~420,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    Reward Pack 1

    Commendations: 4000
    Infamy/Renown: 1000
    Virtue XP: 3000
    Legendary Item XP: 675,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    What are your thoughts on these potential implementation? Concerns?
    Last edited by SSG_Orion; Feb 09 2023 at 05:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    seems legit. Now we're getting somewhere.

    if the lag doesn't shut the fights down, this could create some good circulation.
    The Black Appendage of Sauron

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hey Orion,

    Thank you for your tireless communication. It's amazing =)

    Could you put embers in there somewhere? So I can save time on other quests and go to the moors instead

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    The idea is nice. I am not sure the smaller servers will have the players to support taking keeps and the other big ticket PVE for the incentives. Maybe build some smaller server incentives into this system?

    Also, are you building something into to this so the players who will not be named don't just log on alts and kill themselves x number of times to complete quests and get rewards? An incentive as described seems perfect for abuse and misuse unfortunately.

    And, even though it is one of my less favorite parts of the game, maybe rather than tiered rewards, maybe some sort of reward track instead? The boxers will definitely ruin this system as proposed as soon as it is available.
    Last edited by Neinda; Feb 09 2023 at 05:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Degelhil View Post
    Could you put embers in there somewhere? So I can save time on other quests and go to the moors instead
    What if, Ettenmoors gear generated from loot, was disenchantable into embers?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Neinda View Post
    The idea is nice. I am not sure the smaller servers will have the players to support taking keeps and the other big ticket PVE for the incentives. Maybe build some smaller server incentives into this system?

    Also, are you building something into to this so the players who will not be named don't just log on alts and kill themselves x number of times to complete quests and get rewards? An incentive as described seems perfect for abuse and misuse unfortunately.
    It sounds like, on smaller servers, the weekly reward quests would be better served if they were generic, rather than specific.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    It sounds like, on smaller servers, the weekly reward quests would be better served if they were generic, rather than specific.
    What about both? Missions have the weekly 15 completions and another quest of 45 completions as a stretch goal. You have the generic as the Tier 2 that will reset weekly, and the specific as the Tier 1 that can reset weekly but will carry over until completed.

    What if, Ettenmoors gear generated from loot, was disenchantable into embers?
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Overall, i like the idea of the tiered weekly specific, that way you can get some rewards with a little work, and more for more work, if i'm understanding the scheme properly. If your example you only listed 2 tiers, is it safe you assume you could complete 3 times for all 3 rewards in a given week?

    The kill enemy quests are too specific to locals, consider changing the quests to the area and allow them to be picked up and turned in at GV/Grams. Ex: TR kill quest becomes coldfells,

    For consumables, is it possible to add selection boxes? Getting rewards is nice, getting stun pots 4 weeks in a row is not.

    Traceries seem fine, fits with the scheme in the rest of the game.

    Would consider adding enhancement runes to the rewards for completion as well, 20-40 (total, revised this when thinking about how many you can generate from dailies like in gundabad) would be nice depending on the tier of rewards completed?
    Last edited by Daec; Feb 10 2023 at 09:23 AM.
    Rank 15 Minstrel, Rank 12 Rune-keeper, Rank 7 Champion
    Rank 13 Weaver, Rank 11 Blackarrow, Rank 10 Reaver, Rank 10 Stalker, Rank 10 Defiler, Rank 7 Warleader

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Hello again!
    Reward Pack 3

    Commendations: 1500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 1000
    Legendary Item XP: ~250,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp)

    Reward Pack 2

    Commendations: 2500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 2000
    Legendary Item XP: ~420,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    Reward Pack 1

    Commendations: 4000
    Infamy/Renown: 1000
    Virtue XP: 3000
    Legendary Item XP: 675,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    What are your thoughts on these potential implementation? Concerns?
    I would maybe tweak the virtue XP a bit up. That could lure more ppl into the moors.
    For the treasure part, i like it. But i would maybe take out some of the rng for the part that can be used outside of the moors.
    It would be disappointing for a player to just do pvmp the first few weeks and then just pulling rare traceries. That could be highly discouraging. So if someone farmed the best reward pack, maybe make it a random legendary tracery box. As those are weekly, as i understood, its just 52 random legendary golden traceries a year. And its not like for free.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Rather than adding these weekly quests, could you perhaps just revise the token of valour chests to dispense these 3 reward packs based on which tier of quest we turn in? There's already 3 tiers of token quests, and they dispense level 105 junk currently. Seems like a no-brainer way to modernize their rewards, plus you avoid having to create new quests. Not sure how it would dispense renown, maybe just add some tyrant lashes in there. I haven't creeped in forever so I forget if there's a similar quest on creepside.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    -Increase the Virtue XP Gained from the rewards

    -Add Enhancement runes into the rewards to lvl legendary li level(Like gundabad dailies/weeklys has)

    -Let us select the tracery from purples/teals/golds , I don't want block rating for 52 weeks on a tactical class, less rng please. / Same for PVE land
    -Let us select the consumable rewards /less rng

    -Here is the opportune moment to add another TIER of reward pack strictly for VIPs = more Incentive to become a VIP for the player both creep and freep alongside more revenue for SSG to continue developing the moors and other things. This could definitely replace the removed VIP only for free peoples to enter the ettenmoors.

    Cheers for your work, have a beer
    Last edited by Hayden102; Feb 09 2023 at 07:11 PM.
    Korth - Parked At GV - Arkenstonned
    Korn - Prime-Evil-1 -Arkenstonned
    & Many Others on Crickhollow

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    It’s so cool you want to incentivize players to play on the moors! However, I think that another thing that would help is improving the scaling for lower level freeps to level cap. I wanted to try out playing as a freep on the moors, having felt that my monster player was making painstaking progression and was very weak in general and always getting squashed by single freeps just riding through while I was killing norbogs minding my own business (and the lack of players to join up with in the moors didn’t help lol). Unfortunately, as my highest character is level 47, when I first went into the moors, I was sadly introduced to the reality that the scaling to level 140 did not help at all, and I was crushed worse by the creep I met than I had ever been by genuine level 140 players coming through when I was playing my creep. I would feel more incentivized to play if I could play both my creep and my creep when I felt like it, instead of being bound to play my creep if I wanted any sort of success. So yeah, better scaling should definitely be on the list of incentives.
    Hirenthas/Deminwen on Crickhollow

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    For the reward tiers we are thinking the following:

    Reward Pack 3

    Commendations: 1500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 1000
    Legendary Item XP: ~250,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp)

    Reward Pack 2

    Commendations: 2500
    Infamy/Renown: 500
    Virtue XP: 2000
    Legendary Item XP: ~420,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    Reward Pack 1

    Commendations: 4000
    Infamy/Renown: 1000
    Virtue XP: 3000
    Legendary Item XP: 675,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)

    What are your thoughts on these potential implementation? Concerns?

    My suggestion:?

    - Reward Pack 3:
    Infamy/Renown: 1'000
    Commendations: 2'000
    Virtue XP: 1'000
    Legendary Item XP: ~250'000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 15x Enhancement Runes (Incomp)

    - Reward Pack 2:
    Infamy/Renown: 2'000
    Commendations: 4'000
    Virtue XP: 2'000
    Legendary Item XP: ~420'000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 20x Enhancement Runes (Incomp/Legendary)

    - Reward Pack 1:
    Infamy/Renown: 3'000
    Commendations: 6'000
    Virtue XP: 3'000
    Legendary Item XP: 675,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 25x Enhancement Runes (Incomp/Legendary)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    It sounds like, on smaller servers, the weekly reward quests would be better served if they were generic, rather than specific.
    On the PVE side of the world there are options for gaining rewards via both solo mission/delving/reward track and group content. Adding more PVE to the Moors is both good and bad. It is good for the reason that more freeps may visit the Moors and maybe even venture off the steps and be out and about. Creeps too need options for both large group and solo incentives just like the freeps have now, especially on servers outside of Arkenstone and Evernight.

    I still wish you would move to one central keep, probably TA, with a couple of outposts and shrink the PVP area in that way. The other locations can be buffs and bonuses. Dark Age of Camelot had smaller battlegrounds that were very busy and very popular with players. The central keep function kept things active. PVP could and did happen anywhere on the map but was mostly guaranteed in the central keep location. It would also help the balance if you threw a 3rd faction out there some day like DAoC and ESO. The residents of the Delving have been evicted from their home of many years, let them fight for their own place in the Moors too. It changes the dynamics of us vs. them because there are always 2 "thems" to consider when the "us" is conquering the zone. You are completely changing the Moors so why not go even further?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Sorry but you are not listening again ! We don’t want any more pve in a pvp zone . If you want to incentivise players then get on with creating balance . Make creep an enjoyable experience where you are not getting face rolled by some little oink that you have empowered . I’m just not interested in some drake roaming around that gives me questionable rewards and buffs . Stop nerfing creeps every single opportunity you get and deliver what you promised to deliver as did your predecessor Vastin . Balance !!

  16. #16
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    Nov 2007
    I will give a suggestion that may be exceedingly unpopular among pvmp players. But I am trying to focus on what could encourage the new players that we seem to have a good number of to jump in to pvmp.

    PvMP has, of course, a huge barrier to entry. People on either side that have been playing for many years have an enormous advantage in ranks and gear and skill. Newcomers are fairly well guaranteed to lose any one versus one fight against an experienced player and to contribute very little in mass melees. Some people do not mind this and are willing to endure months of defeats to "pay their dues" and catch up to the point where they go from almost totally useless to not very productive. But many others don't see the point - not in a game where a new and poorly geared player can do quite well in pve. How can we reduce the barrier to entry? Player skill is not something we can fiddle with - a brand new character with the crappiest of starter gear will still have an edge if run by one of the better pvmp players. But can we neutralize ranks and gear as factors? Not permanently, of course, but temporarily just to get new people involved on a "fresh start" or "fair chance" basis.

    Option 1 - probably not feasible because so many existing players will absolutely hate it. A fresh start pvmp zone. Perhaps a clone of the Moors. No existing ranks or gear allowed. Perhaps a Treebeard type of slow progress to keep it that way for a while. Maybe with rank caps going gradually up - call it a progression pvmp zone.

    Option 2 - similar concept but less likely to cannibalize the current activities in the Moors. Limited availability rather than (or in addition to) progression features. Maybe available once a week. Maybe available like festival zones are - once a month the Moors "festival" becomes active for a week.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I normally just lurk in the forums and tend not to post however I feel compelled to reply to this. I get it, I am all for getting more players into the moors on either side but how do you not see this is the wrong way. This will simply lead to farming, you will see 20+ freeps group up and flip everything blue for their weekly quest, then suddenly you will see them all go offline and amazingly you will see 20+ creeps come online and proceed to flip the whole map red for their quests. (Understand not clearly stated that it will be the same quests for creeps but really what else could it be).

    What amount of time would you expect it to take to complete these and hour or so maybe, flip it all, then get the relics and the possibly the drake. Flip spend another hour on other side, done. All that time spent with no incentive to PVMP, only PVE. And truth be told, alot of those flippers will be done with the moors for the week after that run. Back to Forges / Lofts, HH, etc.

    Sorry I believe you are trying to make it better and I am truly rooting for you but these incentives are not the way. Unfortunately you can't do it the other way either, putting weekly quests and rewards on killing x number of creeps / freeps. That will just lead to more farming.

    Maybe make the quest to take the keeps (TR / TA / Lugz / LC or whatever) and hold it for an hour. Each one with a different counter so if you lose TA, the opposing sides clock starts counting and you need to go recapture it and the clock starts over you on TA while the other keeps continue counting down.

    Just a thought, I don't claim to have the answers, I sure someone will follow this comment with something brilliant that may inspire. /s

    This, as is, not only wont achieve the desired result but as it begins to feel more like a PVE area, could be detrimental to the population.

    With respect for the difficult job you have and the efforts you put into it, for your consideration.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by istvana View Post
    I will give a suggestion that may be exceedingly unpopular among pvmp players. But I am trying to focus on what could encourage the new players that we seem to have a good number of to jump in to pvmp.

    PvMP has, of course, a huge barrier to entry. People on either side that have been playing for many years have an enormous advantage in ranks and gear and skill. Newcomers are fairly well guaranteed to lose any one versus one fight against an experienced player and to contribute very little in mass melees. Some people do not mind this and are willing to endure months of defeats to "pay their dues" and catch up to the point where they go from almost totally useless to not very productive. But many others don't see the point - not in a game where a new and poorly geared player can do quite well in pve. How can we reduce the barrier to entry? Player skill is not something we can fiddle with - a brand new character with the crappiest of starter gear will still have an edge if run by one of the better pvmp players. But can we neutralize ranks and gear as factors? Not permanently, of course, but temporarily just to get new people involved on a "fresh start" or "fair chance" basis.

    Option 1 - probably not feasible because so many existing players will absolutely hate it. A fresh start pvmp zone. Perhaps a clone of the Moors. No existing ranks or gear allowed. Perhaps a Treebeard type of slow progress to keep it that way for a while. Maybe with rank caps going gradually up - call it a progression pvmp zone.

    Option 2 - similar concept but less likely to cannibalize the current activities in the Moors. Limited availability rather than (or in addition to) progression features. Maybe available once a week. Maybe available like festival zones are - once a month the Moors "festival" becomes active for a week.
    This is a great idea. Maybe two Moors: Intro Moors for those who are just starting out and a veteran Moors area. Ability to enter the intro Moors area could be restricted to low ranks and less than level cap players. The NPCs in the intro area would be scaled down appropriate to the players. SSG could even make a bit of money selling tortoise stones to prevent people from ranking out of the intro area for those that want to PVP in the lower level areas. It might even slow down the farm groups who camp out for new players on both sides.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Please pardon me for commenting on this topic for I do not frequent the Ettenmoors and lack any measure of talent required to flourish in such a place. Yet, I do read all of Mister Orien's posts and this one caused me to ponder a curious question: How would I motivate someone such as myself to become involved in the Ettenmoors?

    During times of war, when able bodied men march off to defend their country, those who remain behind do not remain idle. It is very common for the artisans, workers, and women to supply such an army. A number of quests in The Wastes reflect this process. In World War II, the character Rosie the Riveter embodied this idea of the home front supplying the war front.

    What if player characters could supply provisions and supplies to fighters in the Ettenmoors, causing the Free Peoples to gain some advantage?

    This creates a problem, for monster players have no potential pool of non-combat player characters to supply them. Such a system would quickly grow lopsided. To balance things, perhaps the server could track the sum total of player character defeats each week. As player characters are defeated, this would embolden monster players, causing them to become more powerful. Players such as myself could then craft provisions and supplies, representing the ability to feed and heal those injured player characters, erasing the monster player advantage. Both player character defeats and provision production will naturally rise or fall based on server population, so if the right multiplicative coefficient were found, they would naturally balance.

    The suggestion above could become a part of the upcoming crafting update, giving every player on the server a reason to assist, directly or indirectly, with the Ettenmoors.

    Player characters who provide provisions and supplies for the Ettenmoors would not gain Commendations or any other currencies associated with fighting in that region. Instead, they would gain quartermaster ranks and spoils of war. Quartermaster ranks could work like Ettenmoors ranks, with 15 tiers, and go before the player character's name. With enough effort, a player character could become the Quartermaster General. I leave it to others to decide what spoils of war would look like.

    Thank you for your consideration and good luck with your efforts to revitalize the Ettenmoors. I sincerely hope those efforts ultimately succeed and bring much happiness.
    Sophie the Enchantress - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
    I wish all of you many successful and happy adventures., brave Ladies and Lords of Middle Earth!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    What if, Ettenmoors gear generated from loot, was disenchantable into embers?
    I would say: Yes.

    BUT: It would be completely inconsistent with the normal procedure, because normally the drop armour can be disenchanted into the target currency with which you can buy this exact armour.
    My suggestion would be to include the usual 500 embers within the reward package 2. Maybe you could also let the player choose? Either X commendations or 500+ embers on task completion.

    I think a true incentive can only be created when players also get things that are useful to them outside of the moors. Many players start their game week on thursday, when they start to do all the weeklys, instances, delvings ...
    However, since many players do not have infinite playing time available, they will naturally strive to maximize utility. If players now have an equivalent alternative and it makes no difference whether they complete 6 gundabad instances, 15 missions or a weekly in the Moors, then players who are up for PvMP, assuming the effort is not out of proportion, will prefer to go that route. As previous comments have mentioned, legendary item rewards would also be nice.

    It should also be reconsidered how to deal with items from the Moors. Do you want to make the gear attractive only for the moors or should it be a true alternative for PvE BiS gear?

    Not my suggestion, just a thought experiment : if you would add a BiS Armour in the Moors that is better than any other PvE gear, what would happen? Most likely, no one would do the instances anymore and everyone would be in the Moors. Since the constant desire to improve is one of the main drivers of the endgame, you can work with this. Since you certainly don't want to have a dead PvE endgame, that obviously wouldn't be the right way to go.
    It will be difficult to find the golden mean here. Your ideas are good - I like them. But I also think that itemization is a much stronger pull-factor than virtue XP oder LIXP could ever be. According to my observations, many players - not all - want the drip. Imagine, there are players who have been doing the same raid over and over and over again for a year now, although there can no longer really be any talk of fun. And why do they do that? Because of the rewards! So - use and work with your powers as a game designer! =) You already did the same thing with delvings btw...

    Maybe: a Helmet which can be improved with commendations and which is BiS and integrates with the new raid armour's set bonus ... or smoething else... many possibilities; just normal incentives = dead moors when U35 comes live

    The fundamental question must be asked whether the Moors should be understood as an integrated or segregated system in the game. If they are to be an integrated system, then they must also provide a PvE value, so every item can be worn outside the moors etc. (so that it stands btw. Crafting, Delvings, Instances). If you want it to be a segregated system (so that it stands alone), then we need generally more players (maybe possible with a good scaling system) and incentives adjusted for that purpose (moors rewards only e.g. commendations, PvMP Armour Drops etc.).

    Last edited by Degelhil; Feb 10 2023 at 05:09 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Degelhil View Post
    Maybe: a Helmet which can be improved with commendations and which is BiS and integrates with the new raid armour's set bonus ... or smoething else... many possibilities; just normal incentives = dead moors when U35 comes live

    The fundamental question must be asked whether the Moors should be understood as an integrated or segregated system in the game.
    I don't think you understand the outrage it would cause if even one BiS item required PvMP. PvMP has always been a completely standalone optional activity- many LotRO players only ever signed up for the game because there is no PVP required in any way. Taking steps to incentivize the Moors is great, but nothing in the game should ever require it.

  22. #22
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nanganark View Post
    My suggestion:?

    - Reward Pack 3:
    Infamy/Renown: 1'000
    Commendations: 2'000
    Virtue XP: 1'000
    Legendary Item XP: ~250'000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 15x Enhancement Runes (Incomp)

    - Reward Pack 2:
    Infamy/Renown: 2'000
    Commendations: 4'000
    Virtue XP: 2'000
    Legendary Item XP: ~420'000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 20x Enhancement Runes (Incomp/Legendary)

    - Reward Pack 1:
    Infamy/Renown: 3'000
    Commendations: 6'000
    Virtue XP: 3'000
    Legendary Item XP: 675,000
    Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item: 25x Enhancement Runes (Incomp/Legendary)
    I'm not sold on the infamy/renown rewards, but in the grand scheme an extra 3k/week isn't huge so its not something i would throw a fit about. The increased comms i like a lot, for max tier reward getting enough to at least buy a piece of jewelry would be nice, which is 6k comms unless i'm mistaken?
    Rank 15 Minstrel, Rank 12 Rune-keeper, Rank 7 Champion
    Rank 13 Weaver, Rank 11 Blackarrow, Rank 10 Reaver, Rank 10 Stalker, Rank 10 Defiler, Rank 7 Warleader

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowlock View Post
    What about both? Missions have the weekly 15 completions and another quest of 45 completions as a stretch goal. You have the generic as the Tier 2 that will reset weekly, and the specific as the Tier 1 that can reset weekly but will carry over until completed.
    We could do this, but on servers where the population might be more reticent or have difficulty in switching the control of towers, keeps, and the Grimwood; it makes more sense, to me, to default to a generic mix of completions over the complete these 5 specific quests.

    The reset would function in the same way that the weekly mission quests currently function.

  24. #24
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    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Daec View Post
    In(sic) your example you only listed 2 tiers, is it safe you assume you could complete 3 times for all 3 rewards in a given week?
    The goal would be 2 rounds of completion with only 2 sets of rewards.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daec View Post
    The kill enemy quests are too specific to locals, consider changing the quests to the area and allow them to be picked up and turned in at GV/Grams.
    The tasks, introduced last year, to kill players anywhere would also contribute to ensure that the specific locale kill quests were not necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daec View Post
    For consumables, is it possible to add selection boxes? Getting rewards is nice, getting stun pots 4 weeks in a row is not.
    Yes, though that might be an iterative process.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daec View Post
    Would consider adding enhancement runes to the rewards for completion as well, 20-40 (total, revised this when thinking about how many you can generate from dailies like in gundabad) would be nice depending on the tier of rewards completed?
    Possibly. That, again, would likely be an iteration on the rewards.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by MedianThrol View Post
    I would maybe tweak the virtue XP a bit up. That could lure more ppl into the moors.
    Yes, it could. It could also make the Ettenmoors the primary avenue for gaining Virtue XP - which is something that we, honestly, do not really want. Options are better than something that is markedly better than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by MedianThrol View Post
    So if someone farmed the best reward pack, maybe make it a random legendary tracery box. As those are weekly, as i understood, its just 52 random legendary golden traceries a year. And its not like for free.
    If they pulled insanely well it could be up to 104 gold traceries. From our standpoint, that is really high.


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