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Forum: Servers

Sub-Forums: Servers

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  1. A place to talk specifically about the Legendary servers!

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      • Threads: 112
      • Posts: 618
    2. Forum Actions:

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      • Threads: 73
      • Posts: 352
    3. The home of the Shadowfax server on the LOTRO Forums.

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      • Threads: 14
      • Posts: 85

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    4. The home of the Treebeard community on the LOTRO Forums

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      • Threads: 105
      • Posts: 521
  2. This server is named for the white jewel that was the greatest treasure of the Kings of Erebor. For over 150 years, Smaug kept it as part of his hoard, until Bilbo Baggins found it. It now lies entombed at the Lonely Mountain with the remains of Thorin Oakenshield.

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    • Threads: 2,173
    • Posts: 35,932
    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Arkenstone server.

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      • Threads: 1,118
      • Posts: 27,003
  3. This server gets its name from two well-known things in Middle-earth, the Brandywine Bridge and the Brandywine River (also known as the Baranduin). The Brandywine River acts as a border on the east of the Shire, except for Buckland.

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    • Posts: 95,531
    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Brandywine server.

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      • Threads: 2,513
      • Posts: 64,853
  4. This server is named after the home Frodo Baggins purchased in Buckland from which he began his journey with the Ring.

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    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Crickhollow server.

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      • Threads: 1,328
      • Posts: 16,915
  5. A dark, shadow-filled region in the Great Sea that appears in one of Bilbo's songs called "Song of Eärendil".

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    • Threads: 798
    • Posts: 16,733
    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Evernight server.

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      • Threads: 286
      • Posts: 12,994
  6. This server has the name of two important places in Middle-earth, Gladden Fields and Gladden River. Gladden Fields was once a place where hobbits lived and the place where Sméagol (or Gollum), and Déagol came from. Gladden River was the river where Isildur was ambushed and killed by Orcs.

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    • Threads: 2,470
    • Posts: 35,655
    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Gladden server.

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      • Threads: 1,706
      • Posts: 30,515
  7. This server shares its name with one of the Great Eagles. Landroval was the brother of Gwaihir, the Lord of the Eagles during the War of the Ring, and was one of the Eagles who saved Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom. Gandalf also claimed that he was fastest of the Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

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    • Threads: 7,675
    • Posts: 141,341
    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Landroval server.

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      • Threads: 2,874
      • Posts: 68,222
  8. One of the two trees the Valar planted atop a high hill, which cast a golden light over the realm.

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    1. This forum is for discussion of PvMP on the Laurelin server.

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      • Threads: 80
      • Posts: 8,181
  9. Das Trennende Meer, ein mächtiger Ozean, der zwischen Mittelerde im Osten und Aman im Westen liegt.

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    • Posts: 5,470
    1. Jäger oder Beute, oder auch unschuldige Zuschauer, bitte nutzt dieses Forum für alle Diskussionen übers PvP.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 35
      • Posts: 1,795
  10. Der Windfürst ist der erste aller Adler des Nebelgebirges und immer zur Stelle, wenn Gandalf und seine Gefährten Hilfe in der Not brauchen.

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    • Threads: 239
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    1. Jäger oder Beute, oder auch unschuldige Zuschauer, bitte nutzt dieses Forum für alle Diskussionen übers PvP.

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      • Threads: 34
      • Posts: 1,946
  11. Une rivière de l'Eriador, également connue sous le nom de "Rivière de la Porte", coulait hors des portes de la Moria. Elle fut par la suite endiguée, isolant les Portes de Durin des terres environnantes.

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    • Threads: 205
    • Posts: 661
    1. Tueurs, victimes, ou innocents passants, veuillez utiliser ce forum pour TOUTES les discussions concernant le JcJ, merci.

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      • Threads: 6
      • Posts: 66
  12. Bullroarer is a public test server which will be opened periodically to test new content, performance enhancements or hardware changes still in development, before they are completed and approved for the live servers. Everything here is subject to change before reaching the live servers.

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    • Threads: 3,861
    • Posts: 71,361
    1. Please use this forum for focused class feedback from Bullroarer.

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      • Threads: 77
      • Posts: 4,964
  13. Historical Servers - These servers are no longer available, but folks can chat about history here.

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    1. This server uses the Northern name for Moria during the time it was held by the dwarves.


      1. Dwarrowdelf - PvMP

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    2. An Elven people whose name literally means "People of the Stars". Oromë gave them this name when he found them and later summoned them to make the Great Journey.


      1. Eldar - PvMP

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      • Threads: 332
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    3. This server's name is also known as the Star of Elendil, which was the name given to two white precious jewels. The first jewel was attached to a jacket of mithril and was worn by Elendil and his heirs instead of a crown. It was later lost and a second was made, which was worn by the Kings.


      1. Elendilmir - PvMP

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      • Threads: 3,574
      • Posts: 67,270
    4. This server is named for the steed of Éomer, the Third Marshal of the Riddermark. One of Rohan’s finest horses, Firefoot bore both Éomer and Gimli to Helm’s Deep, and later led the charge against the mûmakil at the Pelennor Fields.


      1. Firefoot - PvMP

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      • Threads: 1,889
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    5. Flowing south out of the White Mountains this long river is a tributary of the river Serni. It is said that Nimrodel once walked along its banks as she left the White Mountains.


      1. Gilrain - PvMP

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    6. This server is named after the realm of Elrond Halfelven. Imladris is the proper Elvish name for Rivendell.


      1. Imladris - PvMP

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      • Threads: 1,174
      • Posts: 10,008
    7. This server also has the name of one of the Great Eagles during the War of the Ring. Meneldor was one of the Eagles who helped at the fight at the Black Gate and who helped rescue Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom.


      1. Meneldor - PvMP

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      • Threads: 1,664
      • Posts: 30,079
    8. This server bears the name of a cold, shallow stream that flows from the Misty Mountains into the River Silverlode on the western borders of Lórien. It is also the name of an Elf-maid of Lórien, whose love for the Elf-king Amroth ended in tragedy.


      1. Nimrodel - PvMP

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    9. This server is named after the name the Rohirrim use for Rohan. It basically means Land of the Riders.


      1. Riddermark - PvMP

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      • Threads: 1,878
      • Posts: 32,588
    10. This server is the name of what Men call the River Celebrant and, contrary to popular belief, doesn't have very much to do with Dwarves. Silverlode River runs from Mirrormere in the Dimrill Dale, through Lorien, and into the Anduin River.


      1. Silverlode - PvMP

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    11. A river of Rohan that flows from the foot Starkhorn in the northern White Mountains, down Harrowdale and past the courts of Edoras, continuing across the plains of Rohan to meet the River Entwash.


      1. Snowbourn - PvMP

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    12. This server is named after the Ring of Air, the mightiest of the Three Rings of the Elves, owned first by Gil-galad, who later gave it to Elrond. Made of gold and set with a large sapphire, it helps Elrond preserve the beauty of Rivendell.


      1. Vilya - PvMP

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      • Threads: 1,914
      • Posts: 26,203
    13. This server shares its name with Eowyn's grey horse. Windfola was the horse who carried Eowyn and Merry into the Battle of Pelennor Fields, but when scared by the fell beast, the horse ran away.


      1. Windfola - PvMP

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    14. A river that flows through the Old Forest and joins into the Brandywine River. Old Man Willow grew on the banks of this river.


      1. Withywindle - PvMP

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    15. Der Große Fluss fließt von seiner Quelle im Norden südwärts durch Mittelerde bis zur Bucht von Belfalas. Im Anduin verlor Isildur einst sein Leben und den Einen Ring.

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      • Threads: 154
      • Posts: 1,153
    16. Die Maiar waren mächtige Geister, die den Valar einst halfen, Arda zu formen. Der Legende nach gab es viele von ihnen, doch die wenigsten sind mit ihrem Namen bekannt.

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      • Threads: 196
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    17. Der zweite der sieben Flüsse von Gondor. Der Morthond entspringt in den Tiefen des Weißen Gebirges und windet sich gen Süden durch das Reich Gondor.

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      • Threads: 131
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    18. Die Vanyar sind die größten der Hochelben und waren die ersten Elben, welche die Große Reise von Cuiviénen nach Valinor unternahmen, wo sie sich schließlich niederließen.

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      • Threads: 197
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    19. En Sindarin, le mot Estel veut dire Espoir, ou Confiance. Gilraen, la mère d'Aragorn, lui donna ce nom lorsqu'elle l'emmena à Fondcombe alors qu'il était encore un enfant.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 149
      • Posts: 489

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