The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
First of all I would like to dedicate this thread to Sandiotech.
This thread is for all of those people who are tired of reading the same things repeated over and over. It is designed to give you a bit of everything the LOTRO forums have to offer in funny kitteh macros.
This thread is intended to honor my friend Sandiotech and his ever present good humor and levelheaded-ness (did I just make that word up?), anyway I hope it is enjoyable and I am looking forward to expanding upon it over time. Feel free to post your own creations or take mine for posting in this and other forums as you see fit. Please keep my tag on them though, because although I snagged the pics from all over the web, I captioned them all by myself! Weeeeeeee!
O.K. So down to business...
Recently we had a Dev chat and there have been several threads pop up discussing the chat itself as well as points which were discussed therin. I will summerize it here for you:
Turbine says they knows we lieks the 12 man raids and iz making moars!
Also sumudy asked about stuffs Turbine will add in the futures, liek nu areas and nu classes and moar character slots. Tubine said they is busy making moar areas and they dunno about nu classes really and if they made dem we would getz moar character slots. They wouldnt say what areas or if dere are nu classes because dey is afeard of the dreaded:
Now you knows that sumbudy always askes about dis:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
and then sumbudy else chimes in liek dis:
Then a whole buncha sumbudys getz angers about dem always asking, but then sumbudy else sez:
So the Dev's sez o.k. O.k. OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK u shuld be happy cuz:
dey go on to say dat dere will be even more tings to do liek dat called hobbies. Our LOTROcats sez:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Now sumbudys also always asks about nu mounts or different wayz to get around and usually dey sez:
The Devs sez yep dis is a nice ting, but we dun kno when u can haz.
Dat is all fur nao kthnxbai
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
u r mi hero!
u is da bestest LoTRocat makur evah!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
LOLCAT overload >_>
Though im sure my girlfriend will love this topic.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Dat wuz total awsum! Too funneh, yoo shuld mkae moar :D! Fanks yoo berry much!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Oh no. They're ruining Caturday on LotRO forums now! =(
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Well, nobody's let the dogs out, so its raining cats!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Wellz i gues i haz detraktors, but what dey dunnos is i r from Silverlode SEE dis kitteh faint frum dramas?
naw IDC Dese guyz dun bother me, I put all teh dogs in muzzzles and I haz spares ;) dey can haz if needed.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
O hai speaken of dramas teh forums haz much of it, but mostly in special places. You haz to kno where to look fur it. Of coarse liek I sez befour, Silverlode forums is 1 an teh creep forums is a good place to find teh dramas two! Nao teh creeps dun stay in 1 place cuz dey real jumpy liek and moves arounda whole bunch like wabbits or sumting. You find dem escape teh creep place and spread a special drama across everybudies forums... usually looks liek dis:
nao when dese creeps are outa teh fourums dey still jump around a lot and i fink dey liek to bite peoples much and pounce on dem, so maybee dey is not so much liek wabbits an moar liek young kittehs, viscious 1s two! Dey is bery competitivez and I on teh Silverlode Forum been hearing talk about freeps taking keeps and lootin. I fink sums were not happy, but i dunno becuz i thawt dey would be having moar freeps come in to be pounced on. *sigh* dis kitteh do not kno fur sure. Cuz dat thread about ettenmoors on Silverlode forums went and got closed befour I understanded it rul gud. it sarteded out ok, but den much peoples said inflamitories things 'bout so and so and who an who, but i dunno any of dem and teh hole ting got stealed and den closed.
Dat is a sad ting when a thread gets stealed. DO NOT WANT! Dis is mah thread pls, look at teh cute kittehs and listen when dey sez
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Otay, i fink i waz hasty saying dat teh dramas be in teh creep fourms mostly cuz i actually fink dat i shood have sed Monster Play forums. I hear teh freeps in teh game much times dey sey:
Nao I just looked at nu posts and sumbudy en teh Monster play Forums sez
Tyrants need nerfed! Dis nerf ting cunfused kitteh cause it maked me fink of squishy balls i fink those is called nerf two! Teh other ting they maked me fink of is smerfs, ya knows teh little blue guys who look rul gud to eat. I dunno cause i nevah gotz to eated 1 anyway, but maybee sumbudy can tell me what dis nerf drama is all about?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
I dun no aboot nerf drama, but I has Buk 12 drama! We haz fleez an we is scraching all za taim! Dis is intolur... intuler... iz got too stopp! Fleez maek peopul sik, wiz da plague and udder bad tings liek dis. We mus stopp da fleez and kleen Middul-Earf befor moar bad tings happun pls!
Halp pls??
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Duvainwen, you are amazing. I enjoyed the story about the Silverlode section of the forums :]
I'm starting to lose count on how many we have deleted/locked. Yes, we at Silverlode have had quite a few downright deleted in the past few days :rolleyes:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Nice thread =) I got some good laughs out of it
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
That reminds me of the original ZELDA on NES.
Please dont tell me that sounds old, pls....
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
OMG!!!! I WANT!!!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
That reminds me of the original ZELDA on NES.
Please dont tell me that sounds old, pls....
That *is* old.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I dun no aboot nerf drama, but I has Buk 12 drama! We haz fleez an we is scraching all za taim! Dis is intolur... intuler... iz got too stopp! Fleez maek peopul sik, wiz da plague and udder bad tings liek dis. We mus stopp da fleez and kleen Middul-Earf befor moar bad tings happun pls!
Halp pls??
Dis is also a bery good point. I haz been noticed much talks about fleas and scrachies and rashez and teh rul skerr LAZZZZY EYE. Dese tings happened afta Turbine maked teh book 12 fingy. I was rul happy dat I gotz a new shield tho. Nao I wuz finking dat a flea colar wuld b effectivez fer all duh scratchens, but duh LLLLAAAAZZZZYYY EYE ting is a medicalz condishun I fink. Mah cuzin haz it, he looks crazy
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
So I did sum researches for you awls on dese forums... I reseaches tings here much. I do dis:
Den I find tings out. I find out dat iz not a medicals condishun, dis 1 dev foop or sumthing like dat sez was cause by an old file. Dis is not quite as reassuring as I hoped cuz I personawly haz much old files laying around. I will be avoiding dems nao.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat