I made some solo tunes to play in game an few have Lyrics i wrote myself for Middle earth so thought I'd share my tunes, enjoy!
Music file 3.26.23
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I made some solo tunes to play in game an few have Lyrics i wrote myself for Middle earth so thought I'd share my tunes, enjoy!
Music file 3.26.23
Thank you Pontin, that's very generous of you.
Aww you sweety! Thanks so much :-)
Thrandili of The Rolling Kegs
Bump! folder is updated again and posted to google drive :)
Nice, can't wait to try them!
Updated folder again as i made few more tunes.
And again updated Music folder :)
And once more I updated file in first post, a few more songs.
this is awesome mate , do u think u could do some eminem stuff like real slim shady or even others ... dont know but i think those would work well with lotro instruments but still keep the good work mate *thumbs up*
Updated again, 7 new tunes have been added, I recommend doing the Harvest festival and getting a Lonely Mountain Bassoon to play the title "Vampire hunters"
Updated again, see OP, have fun!
Once more it is updated!, I redid 'Into the West' making small adjustments, and many other new tunes.
Thanks so much Pontin.
No Problem! also updated music folder with some new tunes, I also completely redid my abc file of "To be with you" much better version imo, anyway have fun all!
And again updated folder at the top! If your new to music on lotro highly recommend on getting/finding fancy Fiddles/bassoons at festivals or if any friend has extra, and learn other instruments from a minstrel player (if your not one) some ABC tunes are made for certain instruments to get full effect.
Updated folder see OP and enjoy. Also if any request, I or others can make ABC file, but cannot promise request will be made, not all songs work or sound good on a solo instrument or if there a good midi file of it. :)
Updated July 2022, have fun and enjoy!
Folder updated November 2022, enjoy.
Updated March 2023.