Bullroarer Update 24.3 - Preview #1
Bullroarer has been updated to build 2403.0061.8296.4454.
Bullroarer will be available until Friday (09/20) 5:00 PM EST. Time is subject to change!
News and Notes:
A new race, Stout-axe Dwarf, is available for preview. Meet the lost civilization of Stout-axe Dwarves, and live their story of reemergence.
- The Elevenses Emote now works more consistently, and food items will disappear if the emote is interrupted.
- Some stats have been updated on Isengard gear to be more in line with modern values.
- A new big bumblebee cosmetic pet has been added to the game and is available for Gúlmarks in the Vales of Anduin.
- A new pig cosmetic pet has been added to the game and is available for Vales - Elf Tokens.
- Fixed a locomotion issue with Stone-Giants in the Vales of Anduin - Gladdenmere.
- High Elves now drop Elf-ears.
- The Monster Play Character Selection screen has been updated with a more modern look.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Corrected an issue that could cause travel vendor mounts to lose their established travel routes.
- Class selection in the Character Creation screen now shows iconic class-specific armour appearances. The visual change is only for character generation, and does not affect the appearance of starting character armour.
- Capped Earning Virtue alerts will no longer display on login when all Virtues are capped, and clicking on the alert will open the Virtue Traits panel.
- When a player joins either a Quest or Instance Grouping Request, a new alert will show with a tooltip that shows a player is interested in grouping. Clicking on the alert will open either the Quest Grouping panel, or the Instance Finder, depending on the group that was joined. Unlike other alerts, this alert will auto-dismiss after 30 seconds.
- The OpenAL Soft DLL has been updated.
Stoutaxe class traits unavailable from Bobo in E & G
Class traits for Stout-axe characters of all classes are unavailable from the NPC Bobo in the Eyes & Guard