ANTHEMS QoL change and Motivate changes
On the Captain feedback thread, some players were asking about Motivate and its rather short duration for what it does. SSG replied:
Originally Posted by
The the duration of Motivate is going to be increased. Even without consideration for average fight duration, the need to click a skill (which essentially has no effect if you're just refreshing the buff) periodically every few minutes is a little too onerous.
Now, I wholeheartedly agree with that change. I've always felt that Motivate didn't last long enough after the changes to captains a few years back. Makes sense.
Maybe even change it back into a clickie like it used to be, but increasing the duration is also fine.
Now, as far as Anthems go, all of the above also apply.
Let's check the reasons for the Motivate increase in duration:
1- it's skill the player absolutely needs to click
2- essencially has zero effect if we're just refreshing the buff
3- Clicking it periodically every few minutes is a little too onerous.
Well, Anthems are more than one, usually 5 that need to be clicked and have zero effect if just refreshing.
Additionally if clicking on Motivate every few minutes is "too onerous" what to say about 5 Anthems on a 1 minute cooldown that need to be reapplied every 25-30ish seconds to keep all 5 up and going?
Wouldn't it be a good QoL change to Minstrel if Anthems would last longer and/or didn't have shared cooldowns?
I mean, Anthems currently more than qualify for the 3 reasons that were given for the Motivate changes.
Please consider increasing the Anthems duration back to 3 or 5 minutes and/or get rid of the shared cooldown.
It's the right thing to do.
It ticks all the boxes for the reasons for the Motivate increased duration, and thus, it's only fair and in line with the recent changes.
It makes sense for the Anthems to last longer and would allow the Mini blue playstyle to "flow" better, without changing the power-level of the Mini.
Fair is fair. Please consider it.