On the matter of Incentivization - for Players
Hello again!
Putting this up here for some feedback over the weekend. Same rules as the last large post will apply. I will do my best to discuss and respond. No guarantees that I can get to every response. Any offensive posts will be removed. We will review, and adjust as feedback dictates.
The subject of incentivizing more play in the Ettenmoors for the players and the monster players is subject that is always under review. For this post I am putting out some initial thoughts that we have on getting some incentive out there for the players!
First, with the inclusion of Grodris, we will be doing a few things:
1. Grodris will allow players and monster players to complete a quest to earn rewards for defeating her in the mines. This quest rewards a large amount of commendations and pushes along a tracker for weekly Ettenmoors rewards for both sides (don't ask about the monster player rewards just yet, those are not getting discussed in this post.)
2. Whichever side scores the killing blow on Grodris gains the quest completion and the benefits throughout the Ettenmoors.
3. Other quests completed in the Ettenmoors contribute to the weekly reward quest that comes out of the Ettenmoors.
4. Oh yeah, we are adding weekly quests rewards for players participating in the Ettenmoors!
How will this work?
Here are the thoughts we are currently mulling:
Tiered-weekly (Specific)
This option uses specific quest completions: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, and the Grimwood once each, 5 completions of the kill enemy player quests, and completing another 10 specific Ettenmoors quests, in a given week. You gain access to Reward Pack 2.
This unlocks access to complete a second weekly quest to complete the same cycle again. Doing so, provides Reward Pack 3.
Tiered-weekly (Generic)
This option, like the Tiered-weekly (Specific), has two weekly completion sets but combines the goals in the Ettenmoors together. Such that you would need to complete any 5 marquee quests in the Ettenmoors: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, the Grimwood, and (15) other quests in the Ettenmoors in order to get the Reward Pack 2. Then repeat the same to get Reward Pack 3.
Combined-weekly (Specific)
This option uses specific quest completions: Killing Grodris, Capturing Tirith Rhaw, Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen, the Grimwood, twice each, combined with killing a number of enemy players quests (10,) and completing another number (20,) of Ettenmoors quests in a given week. This would unlock tier 2 of the weekly rewards and grant you access to Reward Pack 2.
Combined-weekly (Generic)
In this option, you complete (10) top tier quests in the Ettenmoors [see above] and (30) other quests in the Ettenmoors and get access to Reward Pack 1.
Oh, Right, the reward tiers!
For the reward tiers we are thinking the following:
Reward Pack 3
Commendations: 1500
Infamy/Renown: 500
Virtue XP: 1000
Legendary Item XP: ~250,000
Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp)
Reward Pack 2
Commendations: 2500
Infamy/Renown: 500
Virtue XP: 2000
Legendary Item XP: ~420,000
Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)
Reward Pack 1
Commendations: 4000
Infamy/Renown: 1000
Virtue XP: 3000
Legendary Item XP: 675,000
Treasure: 1 Pull from Ettenmoors gear, 1 stack of Ettenmoors consumables, 1 pull from Legendary Item traceries (Rare/Incomp/Legendary)
What are your thoughts on these potential implementation? Concerns?