Freedom of Speech
Closing thread due to personal attacks in the OP. Feel free to start a fresh discussion without the insults. cordovan
Ok that’s fine , understood .Putting the alleged personal insults to one side , I’m starting a new thread as you suggest , can we now have you or Orion actually responding to the complaints ? Is it too tedious for you to do so ? I’m sure you have had complaints on numerous occasions so what exactly are you doing about them ?
Silence on these issues is never golden it’s always counter productive if not just plain old rude .
Looking forward to your response with bated breath
First things first.
I seems we have different opinions about 'free speech'. You see it as universal, I see it as a means to counter measures exacted by the officials of a state, and the rest being a question of the domiciliary rights of whoever invited us to their realm.
If someone is not answering you, they might have a valid cause.
1. They have already told you everything they had said, there is nothing more about it.
2. It is about interna, and what is within the company, stays in the company.
3. They cannot (over)promise an ETA, as this would end up in havoc, meaning when said ETA is about to expire and the work isn't yet finished, the outcry would be huge. Nasty customers can be nasty.
4. Patience is a virtue.
Greetings, Polymachos
Freedom with responsibility - and within the terms of use.
Freedom of speech working only for free people, not for creeps?:o
Free speech means you can say what you want and the government won't put you in jail (with few exceptions). It doesn't mean there are no consequences for what you say. Forums and other communities can still have their own rules about what sort of speech is appropriate in their own space.
this isnt the real world, we dont have freedom of speech.
we are guests here at the pleasure of SSG, its their world, their game, their rules.
the enforcement of said rules is completely arbitrary and also at their discretion.
did someone insult you? violate the ToS or CoC? all you can do is file a report.