What happened to Delving Mission: Courtyard of Caranost?
Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I couldn't figure out one that was better.
I don't do Delvings every day (most, not every), but I at least check them out every day. Because I've been trying to figure out where Courtyard of Caranost has gone to. It was with one group, then I saw it ONCE with a second group, and now I don't see it in ANY group. What's up with that? Did I miss an announcement of a broken mission? Or has it just fallen off the list somehow? What?
Thanks for trying, but . . .
The days that it's supposed to be there, it simply is not.
I've been to Andrath many many times when these are available:
Haunting at Dol Ernil
Steps of Caranost
The Bridge to Caranost
The Nettinglade
All the ones that are supposed to be there on the same day as Courtyard of Caranost, but it's never offered, nor in any other location.
Nor is it at any other locations on any days. My question remains: Where did it go?
And it sure is hard to figure out what day number it is. Anyone know where to find that info, or do we just have to guess as usual?