Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Sometimes images just suggest their own captions:
Now, I dunno if they're gonna change stealth, but sometimes, a burg just feels like his butt is exposed...
And nobody, freep or creep, likes downtime..
And of course, looking for a raid can be quite taxing....
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I laughed out loud at that one :D
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Waz supuur long weekund in Aust. for Easter, nao I is dead tyred from too mush alcomohol; should have hung out with dis guy:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Some bonehead teacher in CA wanted to make Ebonics a part of her English class. Just because someone does it does not make it right, reality or intelligent.
I understand it is cute and fun. Sadly, people are using it in every day life. I love the fact that some teachers are good and smart enough to start failing people in English for writing like this. With no punctuation, question marks thrown wherever they might look pretty, words mixed up, too, two and to confused, and phonetic spelling of everything...I can't understand half of what people say in OOC anymore. And if someone asks me what dat is, I tell them it is Digital Audio Tape. I happen to like English and it pains me to see it being killed by people taking 'fun' seriously.
Besides, it was Norman who begged me to say something in his honor. I won't let him use my PC and he's not old enough to get a job and earn the money for his own.
I feel exactly the same way. And... uhmmmm.... pretending to be mature with "I'm the head of marketing blah blah...". Give me a break. :rolleyes:
It really cracks me up how people associate their positions in life, or "education" as a basis of maturity.
Being stationed in Japan for 4.5 years once upon a time, nothing was funnier than some idiot goober walking up to a Japanese person and say "Excuse. You speaka engrish?", to hear them say (with rolled eyes) "Why yes. Do you?".
This post is not aimed at anyone, so don't take it personally. It is aimed at the concept of this 'TardSpeak... which I fail to see the need to sticky this. If it is fun, then take it where it belongs; Off-Topic.
Mods, please move this thread to Off-Topic... as it has absolutely NOTHING to do with LOTRO discussion.
p.s. taoteron - My RL name is Norman also. :D
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Mods, please move this thread to Off-Topic... as it has absolutely NOTHING to do with LOTRO discussion.
p.s. taoteron - My RL name is Norman also. :D
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
This post is not aimed at anyone, so don't take it personally. It is aimed at the concept of this 'TardSpeak... which I fail to see the need to sticky this. If it is fun, then take it where it belongs; Off-Topic.
tho not post specifically at anyone, u pretty much scratch everyone that happens to love this thread.
and by calling it 'TardSpeak, i bet u, u did more than just scratch.
still trying to play innocent, smartass?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I feel exactly the same way. And... uhmmmm.... pretending to be mature with "I'm the head of marketing blah blah...". Give me a break. :rolleyes:
It really cracks me up how people associate their positions in life, or "education" as a basis of maturity.
Being stationed in Japan for 4.5 years once upon a time, nothing was funnier than some idiot goober walking up to a Japanese person and say "Excuse. You speaka engrish?", to hear them say (with rolled eyes) "Why yes. Do you?".
This post is not aimed at anyone, so don't take it personally. It is aimed at the concept of this 'TardSpeak... which I fail to see the need to sticky this. If it is fun, then take it where it belongs; Off-Topic.
Mods, please move this thread to Off-Topic... as it has absolutely NOTHING to do with LOTRO discussion.
p.s. taoteron - My RL name is Norman also. :D
I feel one of the biggest sins you can commit in this world is to take the smile from some ones face.
What do you gain from taking away other peoples joy?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
tho not post specifically at anyone, u pretty much scratch everyone that happens to love this thread.
and by calling it 'TardSpeak, i bet u, u did more than just scratch.
still trying to play innocent, smartass?
Hey, if people think this is fun. That's ok. Some people don't. I find it disgusting. To each their own. That's not what we're talking about though...
I'm simply protesting this [thread] being "stickied" in General Discussion. There's NOTHING general about it... it belongs in Off-Topic.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
What do you gain from taking away other peoples joy?
More space to read threads that intrest me, which are in-line with this sub-forum. LOTRO General Discussion.
I don't want to take anything away... I just want it moved to where it belongs.
I'm not protesting this thread. I'm protesting it's location.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Hey, if people think this is fun. That's ok. Some people don't. I find it disgusting. To each their own. That's not what we're talking about though...
I'm simply protesting this [thread] being "stickied" in General Discussion. There's NOTHING general about it... it belongs in Off-Topic.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Hey, if people think this is fun. That's ok. Some people don't. I find it disgusting. To each their own. That's not what we're talking about though...
I'm simply protesting this [thread] being "stickied" in General Discussion. There's NOTHING general about it... it belongs in Off-Topic.
Looking back through your posts- They are 90% negative. It seems that if everyone doesn't see things your way that they are wrong. So far it's looking like your the only one protesting this thread being stickied.
Do me a favor and go play on the freeway and then protest the vehicle that flattens you to a bloody pulp......while your at it, go to the WoW forums and protest everyone that uses your so-called "tard speak"
Get a life man! there are far greater things to be concerned about than some thread on a forum.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
More space to read threads that intrest me, which are in-line with this sub-forum. LOTRO General Discussion.
1) It is a Forums summary in a "Kitteh Format" to lighten the mood. So it belongs in the General Discussion
2) You might not have noticed the numbers at the bottum of the page.
The ones that say "Page 1 of 629 1 2 3 4 5 11 51 101 501 > Last ยป"
Click on one of these numbers. Shazam! More threads that intreast you.
So you would not gain more space by taking this thread from us.
I think you just need a hug.
Here's one from me.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Um, by all accounts, I think it's pretty much too late to avoid that "generation of idiots" thing, so we might as well all just enjoy it.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Hey, if people think this is fun. That's ok. Some people don't. I find it disgusting. To each their own. That's not what we're talking about though...
I'm simply protesting this [thread] being "stickied" in General Discussion. There's NOTHING general about it... it belongs in Off-Topic.
to each their own, oh yes please.
but to call other's "disgusting"? why cant u simply post in a more "less-negative manner" regarding the location? by all means, if u dont like the location, complain about it. bring ur theories and evidences to support ur complain. please do. i, personally, have no issue about that, and yes, i even agree to some point that the location may not be the most suitable for this thread.
but, personally, IMHO, its ur "somewhat rude" way of "sugar-coating" ur complaints that irks me..... why did u find it necessary to call it 'disgusting', or 'speaktard', or 'foolish', or anything to the likes of *looking down* others' opinnion? u couldve just say "i dont agree".
thats the issue we have with people these days :( inability to speak their mind without hurting others.
my apologies too for calling u a smartass. i just needed some sugar. now i had lunch. me nao full. :3
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
still trying to make this thread warm ' fuzzy again... anyone else anxiously awaiting book 13?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I feel exactly the same way. And... uhmmmm.... pretending to be mature with "I'm the head of marketing blah blah...". Give me a break.
It really cracks me up how people associate their positions in life, or "education" as a basis of maturity.
I never said I was mature, just that I was fully capable of using correct grammar and punctuation. :p By not quoting me in context, (or quoting me correctly at all) you are at once referring to me (while claiming not to be aiming your comments at anyone in particular) and twisting the meaning of my statement. I have never and will never claim to be mature. In fact, I suck my thumb. I am doing so now, at work in my huge office with windows facing the call center floor seating about 65 agents. So, neeener neener neener!
Originally Posted by
Being stationed in Japan for 4.5 years once upon a time, nothing was funnier than some idiot goober walking up to a Japanese person and say "Excuse. You speaka engrish?", to hear them say (with rolled eyes) "Why yes. Do you?".
This has to do with what?!? For someone who is offended by the questionably off topic nature of this thread, you good sir, do not seem able to stay on topic yourself.
Originally Posted by
This post is not aimed at anyone, so don't take it personally. It is aimed at the concept of this 'TardSpeak... which I fail to see the need to sticky this. If it is fun, then take it where it belongs; Off-Topic.
Mods, please move this thread to Off-Topic... as it has absolutely NOTHING to do with LOTRO discussion.
p.s. taoteron - My RL name is Norman also. :D
Well I am glad your not a moderator then, but I must concede one small point. This thread is supposed to be a summary of the forums in a fun and immature yet harmless way. I have been remiss and a little neglectful of that duty and I will try to be more attentive. I will admit that I have been feeling a little defeated because the content here* is sometimes uninspiring. (edit * here: as in on the forums as a whole)
To each poster that has stuck up for the thread... ::BIG HUG:: I love you guys *sniff sniff*
I think its time for a reminder:
Negative Normans DO NOT WANT!!!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I feel exactly the same way. And... uhmmmm.... pretending to be mature with "I'm the head of marketing blah blah...". Give me a break. :rolleyes:
It really cracks me up how people associate their positions in life, or "education" as a basis of maturity.
Being stationed in Japan for 4.5 years once upon a time, nothing was funnier than some idiot goober walking up to a Japanese person and say "Excuse. You speaka engrish?", to hear them say (with rolled eyes) "Why yes. Do you?".
This post is not aimed at anyone, so don't take it personally. It is aimed at the concept of this 'TardSpeak... which I fail to see the need to sticky this. If it is fun, then take it where it belongs; Off-Topic.
Mods, please move this thread to Off-Topic... as it has absolutely NOTHING to do with LOTRO discussion.
p.s. taoteron - My RL name is Norman also. :D
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I was about to post this exact same pic, but as I saw that this thread was getting back onto its warm and fuzzy track, I didn't want to disturb it.
Nonetheless, it's highly applicable... :rolleyes:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
LoL... I love the constructive feedback pic.. all I came up with is this..
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
still trying to make this thread warm ' fuzzy again... anyone else anxiously awaiting book 13?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
So hay everbuddy! U guys seed teh threads about sumbuddy gets into Forochel earlies? I fink teh video gotz deleted, but yep sumbuddy founded teh bakdoor! wewt! Dey thawt dey so cool huh? Dey all uber en stuff fur finding it... I fink i would be askeered if I evah got off teh map. I luve teh map it has a red arrow/flag dat shews me wear I am. I need dat, or Iz get losts! I even gets lost when I haz dat. I gets losts a lot en teh caves. Fur sum reason I dun see too gud dere. I guess mah kitteh eyesight dunt work when I r playin as an elf.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat