Looking for a Kinship on Brandywine
Character name and race (if known): Ringhir, Level 29 Champ, Race of Men, Brandywine Server
Personal Info: Male Aged 21, New South Wales, Australia, AEST... American server time - early hours of the morning, i believe.
Play Times: 1 - 3 hours in the late evening most weekdays, weekends 3+ hours a day on the weekends.
Play style: Solo play, unless questing with 3-man or 6-man. Concentrating on leveling, crafting (Weaponsmith)
History of MMO's - WOW, Aion, WAR(warhammer age of reckoning), Conquer, Tibia.
LOTRO history, beta closed player, on arkenstone with 9 alts, main being a guardian at level 65 max (mines of moria/ mirkwood expansion). haven't played for over a year, finally returning, wasn't happy with the population on arkenstone hence why i decided to move to brandywine.
Why kinships should be interested in you: lots of knowledge, generally a solo player but prefer questing in groups, but always able to assist members in 3-mans, 6-mans, or raids, take my crafting seriously, would be able to farm resource or create anything a kin member needs, very active player try to maintain a minimum of 8 - 16 hours a week.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): active members, always will to assist in 3-mans, 6-mans, raids, END GAME raiding is a must. haven't experienced PVP but wouldn't mind a kinship active in the Moors.
Looking for a Kinship 80+ (firefoot server)
Hi all im 24. Been playing for coming up to a year now and i think its time for me to join a proper kin to help me get the most of of the game. Im currently in a kin but mostly low levels and loads and loads of ppls alts lol. Im currnetly a lvl 81 hunter. With basic experiance in the Ettenmoors. I try to play as much skirmishes and raids, instances as i can but as their is only 3 lvl 80(close friends) in the kin its mostly us 3 thet jst try do everything together. (Friends my wish to jump ship aswell as they are getting board aswell)
My charactors name is: RIKONITUS
Own expanshions: Moria, Isingard and Rohan at the end of the week!
Im in the Firefoot server.
Live in the United Kingdom
I would ideally be looking for a Kin 18+years and or around lvl 80+
Please pm me if you need more info
Looking to join Active Kingship
I'm new to the game, bought the 60 day game time and I'm at level 15 now,
really just need people to chat and have fun with, I'm already actively playing other
online games..
Live in UK so on most nights and sometimes lose days in the game..
Character Name is Melimion
Im 27 so looking for 18+ guild..
Also be active on FB..
Mail me here or in the game..
Hello all! I'm 21 years old and my character is based on Meneldor. I'm looking for an active Kinship with various player levels. I left my previous kinship because there was barely anyone online. I was in that kinship for over a year and so far it's the only one I've been in, so I'm not a kin-hopper. Currently I'm a VIP subscriber. My timezone is GMT +2. Anyway, my main characters stats are below:
Race: Elf
Class: Guardian
Profession: Weaponsmith
Level: 51
I'm looking for a kinship to do instances/skirmishes on a regular basis. :)
New Player looking for Kinship
Midwest United States
Name: Ryan B. – Finithir (Elf Hunter) level 11
Age: 22
Preferred Server: None yet
Location: Grand Rapids, MI (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Playstyle: Casual player. Just started playing, interested in group, raids, etc…
This is my first MMO unless you count Runescape
I am a team player with a great attitude who wants a fun and enjoyable experience with other players. I am reliable, have a short learning curve, and follow orders well.
I am looking for a kinship made primarily of elves or a combination of elves, men, and hobbits would be fine. I would prefer a kinship which has a community feel and works well together.
Returning and looking for a kinship.
Due to moving into a new house (that needed some work) and starting a new job, I took a break from LOTRO and am happy to be coming back.
Character Name: Tythalin
Race: Elf
Age: 28
Server: Landroval
Location: Ohio,USA
Playtimes: (All times in EST timezone.) I am usually on weekdays between 3pm - 6pm, except for Monday when I am usually on all day. On Saturdays I am usually on from 9am - 6pm and Sundays varies depending on what I have going on.
Playstyle: I am up for most things. I tend to play solo since I dont know many people who still play, but I am looking to change that. I enjoy grouping up, especially if there is RP involved, and while I havent raided in LOTRO, I have raided in other MMOs and enjoyed it very much.
I am looking for a Medium to Heavy RP focused kinship. A group that meets on a regular basis as well as hold RP events for kin memebers and others to attend. I have a lot of MMO experience. I was an avid WoW player for 6 years, as well as a raider in SWTOR and Rift. I am been RPing for over 10 years both in MMOs as well as table top games. I am not an expert on LOTR lore by any means, but I know enough to get by.
Experienced Dwarven Champion looking for Pacific Time Zone Kinship
Name: Vingain Armripper
Level, Race, Class: Level 85 Dwarven Champion (Windfola, Pacific Time Zone)
Current gear: Fully geared, Rohan Hytbold armour (all 3 sets) and jewellry, Lvl 85 2nd age axe.
Current gear goals: 2nd Tarnished Symbol of Celebrimbor for my Champ rune, Crafted relic for axe.
Kin goals: Join a Windfola raiding kinship with raids scheduled mainly in the Pacific Time Zone,
between 7pm and 12midnight. Late afternoon is good, too.
Former Kin: The D'Haran Empire. You may ask any member of that kin about me.
Server: Windfola
Location: Pacific Time Zone, Northern California, USA
Preferred raiding hours: 7pm to 12midnight. Late afternoon good too.
Playstyle: Raiding, any size group, solo. I like to group/raid for end-game content.
My playtime goals are to:
(1) Have a blast raiding and slaughtering the enemy!
(2) Meet fellow kin members and raiders.
(3) Upgrade weapons, armour, jewellry, gear.
(4) Progress along the Epic LOTRO story line.
Game History: I have been a LOTRO VIP since 2007. I have a high Warden alt and 4 lower alts.
MMO games played: Everquest I & II, Camelot, LOTRO.
Other history: I started my RPG playing nearly 30 years ago in the original Dungeons & Dragons
boardgame by Gary Gygax. A number of game modules I played are now
collector's items. Vingain has been battling the forces of evil as
a warrior/fighter since that time.
Looking for a Kinship to share adventures with
Hello my name is Jacob, Also known as Seldion in game.
I am 24 years old, I play as a Human Captain and some times as a dwarf guardian or human minstrel.
I am looking for a mid-core type kinship on SnowBourn, By mid-core I mean I am looking fora kinship that is active, has some events going but isn't at the hard-core level, but isn't casual either as I do want to get into the game a bit and have some fun while doing it, I played the game back when I came out but I am completely new to the game.
I was a long term wow player but left the game around cata. , also i play eve online and have tried almost every mmo out there save for the Korean based ones and i am a quick learner.
If i am invited to a kinship i will do my best to be apart of the community and help when and where i can as well as trying to build a lasting experience.
Well tats all the info i think i need to add so i look forward to the responds to this, i think a private message would be best so i can keep track of em, and look forward to getting into the game and having some fun!
Looking for an active kinship
Character name: Magnas
Race: Man
Preferred server: Withywindle
Location: UK
Playstyle: Mid-core (Not Hard-core, not casual.. A happy medium? haha)
MMO games you’ve played: The Old Republic, EVE and WoW.
I've just returned after a year break due to pressures from school, and my old kinship is dead, so I'm looking for a new one! I'm fairly active, have a few characters (with Magnas being the main) and am looking to have some fun, whilst not going hard-core.
I've played the Old Republic, EVE and WoW, but I love the Lord of the Rings universe, so am looking to return to bath myself in it's lovely-ness. I tried to be quite involved with my last Kinship, so hope i can find a new one to get involved in!
Looking for mature age (21+) kinship
Character name: Dandar
Race: Hobbit
Class Guardian
Preferred server: Any (peak play times in Euro zone)
Location: Europe
Playstyle: Casual and Raiding.
RL Age: Old
MMO games you’ve played: Ultima Online, Neocron, WOW, Guildwars 2 to name a few.
I am returning to the game after a break and I am looking for an adult kinship that is active during peak play times in Europe. I have played the game almost continuously since closed beta with the exception of 2 relatively short breaks. I enjoy all aspects of the game from casual solo pottering about to endgame raiding. I have multiple toons capped or near cap but my focus toon is my Guardian, and he is looking for a new home. So if you have a spot free in a casual/raiding mature age kinship I would be happy to chat.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): My character name in game is Eurylochous and the race is Elf.
Age: I just turned 23 on Monday. So a little older than some I figure.
Preferred server(s), if any: I don't have any preference, right now my elf is on Brandywine though. I just started so it should be easy enough to go somewhere else.
Location: I'm in the central time zone in the US. So any CST times for doing things would be where I am.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I mostly like doing PvE group stuff. I can do hardcore and I like doing raids and things like that. I don't have all the expansions yet because I'm not sure if I'll stay interested long enough to warrant it. However, I think a kinship that is into the stuff I am and does group events and is helpful would help me decide.
MMO games you’ve played: I've played WoW, GW1, Dragon's Nest, Spiral Knights, and currently I'm playing GW2. However, LOTRO seems to have some story and sound design that most MMO's today lack.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I can offer my time and my helpfulness. I love doing raids and dungeons and I'm extremely in to group play. If I found a kinship that was good and motivated me to keep playing my character I would definitely pick up the rest of the expansions and continue to play LOTRO until the end of time! I just really like the LOTRO universe seeing as I'm a fan of the original trilogy and they kept the Story and sound in the game very epic which I like.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a mainly PvE kinship. Hardcore in the sense of Raids and instances and casual in everything else. If this is you, let me know!
Looking for a friendly RP laid back kin on Brandywine
Character name: Adeltodo (mini/Hobbit)
Age: real life age 27
Preferred server:Brandywine
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern time (weekends best)
Playstyle: Casual, laid back,
MMO games you’ve played: Just this one
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am out going, trusting and laid back. I have a developed back story and would like to use it. I am also an artist and have started to enjoy drawing the epic tales my little characters go on. I wouldnt mind if a kin needed an artist touch to any thing like a website or just a fan art of the kin. I enjoy being apart of the groups I am in and if my talent is need I am always willing to help any way.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: Casual, laid back, rp one that will fit my character.
For more informatin please conact me in game by mail or IM.
Adeltoldo Lightfoot
Looking for a casual kinship in Crickhollow
Character name: Souls
My name: Kyla
Age: 20
Location: Canada ( Pacific time )
I'm semi newer to this game, so I'm looking for something a little more laid back and casual with friendly people. I like to do some things solo, but it would be nice to actually have a group of people to play with. I'm a level 42 Loremaster, so it would be nice to have everyone around the 40-60 level range.
I have a mic and some in game voice chat would be much preferred with group events.
Please either IM me or preferably send me a message in the game and I will respond via IM as soon as I can. Thanks. =)
EDIT, I play on the Crickhollow server.
Im quite new player...started like 5 weeks ago. My main character is 41 Champion ending Evendim quests and deeds.
Im not VIP just premium for now....I might go VIP in month or two. My time zone is GMT 0 [UK time]
Im quite active player. Dwarrowdelf server.
The question are:
- Do you still recruit?
- What are requirements [if there are any?]
- What is the range of lvls....[Im planning to get Forochel OR Angmar...Angmar if there will be some ppl willing to do it with me]
Any questions? Contac Dezzah in game [might be also Dezziah as its my alt champ]
Looking for Oceanic Kinship
Character name: Anything
Race: Prefer Dwarves
Class: thinking RuneKeeper or Minstrel
Preferred server: US/NA
Location: Japan
Playstyle: Casual and Raiding.
RL Age: 30+
MMO games you’ve played: Currently playing World of Tanks. Not currently playing: WoW (4yrs), EveOnline (3yrs), SWTOR (1yr), Global Agenda (2yrs).
I am returning to the game after a break and I am looking for an adult kinship that is active during peak play times in Australia/Japan timezones. I have been a huge Tolkien fan and looking for a more PvE/story based game that I can feel apart of. I'm very much considering playing RuneKeeper and I enjoy range with option to heal and dps. I'm willing to start on a server that has a very active guild/kinship and is active in TS3/Vent/Mumble/etc.
85 Elf Warden (Brandywine)
Your name, or character name and race: Tangohesten, 85 Elf Warden
Age: 24
Location. Europe, Norway, GMT. Doesn't bother to play on different timezones.
Playstyle: Mostly anything, although i will gladly play with Role-Players, i don't think i will be doing any Roleplaying myself. Other than that i prefer End-game.
MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR, AoC, Lotro
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well uhm... I have a lot of experience leading Raids in Helegrod and Rift (Although i haven't done it for a couple of years, had a big break from Lotro), im also a very social person, and as i am a student, i also have an abundance of time playing during late hours.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: At this point i would prefer an End-game/raiding/skraiding Kinship. And of course some degree of maturity where kinmates are able to behave as somewhat normal people would be cool.
Need a good kin
Class- Warden
Current lvl- 42
Race- Man
Name- Verdon
Looking for a good active kin who like to do group content and don't take themselves too seriously. I play 3-4 nights a week (US central) and have never seen fornot, Garth argawen, tomb of elendil, or many other places because there never seem to be pick up games for those areas.
Please lemme know if you've got a nice guild and a place for me on it.
Re: Looking for kinship
Name Jimmy, Character name Darzagon : Man
Age: 18
Server: Brandywine
Location: New York
Playstyle: Little bit of everything, PvP when It comes to endgame, but im currently looking for a Brandywine kin for leveling my new toon
MMO games i've played: Gosh... Alot. Some of my favs have to be Global agenda and Face of Mankind
I'm an experienced mature player who enjoys group settings and playing with a guild. Ive played to 65 on Windfola and got to r4. I have left the game for a bit but decided to return to my hunter (28). I'm a pretty laid back player but am serious when it comes to instances. Thanks for any interest.
New Player Looking for a Kinship
Hi I'm an experienced MMO player in his mid 20's in the PST timezone from Los Angeles. I was an avid hardcore player of FFXI for 7 years on and off since NA release and tried WoW for 3 years since WotLK, spending many hours a day on endgame/raiding. This was all when I was still in high school/college but now that time has passed and I dont have as much time to devote into MMos so I am looking for a casual kinship to play mostly solo or the occasional group. However, since I am new to Lord of the Rings Online, I would like a group that is newbie-friendly and could show me the ropes to get me stated :) I dont have a preference for server really, since I dont really know which server is good or heavily populated etc.
Looking for Kinship.....
Hello Kin Leaders,
Dwarrowdelf server
I/We (4 lvl 85s with alts) and one almost 85
RL ages all 30+
There are 5 of us who come from various MMORPGs most of us from a very PVP intense game.
Currently in a Kin but it does not offer us what we need.
Here is what the 5 of us are looking for.....
Active Skraids, Conversations, PvMP.
We know how to play our characters.
4 lvl 85 RK
1 lvl 85 Guardian
1 soon to be 85 Guardian
3 located overseas
2 located in the states
All over 30+ years of age
We are a tight nit group utilizing skype or ventrillo and are all team players.
We do need to upgrade our gears
We have all crafting abilities among our group and enjoy helping out.
I am the spokes person for our group of players so please either message me in game (Skybringer) or send me a message in forums on (Orikal).
Thank you for taking your time in considering us.
My boyfriend & I have been playing together on and off for a few months and have recently gotten into the game more seriously. We're at Moria now, and getting a bit frustrated of missing out on all the instance/raid content.
Names: Taravith, lvl 56 hunter elf & Khuzdbuzd, lvl 55 guardian dwarf [both Premium]
Age: 29 & 25
Server: Gladden
Location/Timezone: Netherlands/GMT +1 (I'm French, he's Dutch, we both speak english fluently given it's the language we use at home :P)
Yeah, unfortunately we checked the server localization too late...
Playstyle: rather casual-minded; boyfriend's a light RPer at times and I've had my competitive PvP moments but I discovered a passion for crafting somehow. Right now we're just trying to move forward into the game, enjoying the epic quest and discovering new areas.
MMO games you’ve played: Lineage 2, Planeshift (no srsly), Star Strek Online (NO SRSLY) - also we're worked as devs/artists on some amateur ones
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Why this is just like a cover letter, without the prospects of a salary :P
More seriously, we're nice people, easy-going, helpful (and at times a bit silly). We're playing to relax, not for competition or drama so we make sure every minute we spend ingame is enjoyable.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Easy-going, mature but not taking themselves too seriously (Khuzdbuzd - "Dwarf Foot" - is a dwarf in a pink dress for example). We're big Tolkien fans and love intellectual pursuits, so I guess we'd fit better with older people.
Originally Posted by
Hi I'm an experienced MMO player in his mid 20's in the PST timezone from Los Angeles. I was an avid hardcore player of FFXI for 7 years on and off since NA release and tried WoW for 3 years since WotLK, spending many hours a day on endgame/raiding. This was all when I was still in high school/college but now that time has passed and I dont have as much time to devote into MMos so I am looking for a casual kinship to play mostly solo or the occasional group. However, since I am new to Lord of the Rings Online, I would like a group that is newbie-friendly and could show me the ropes to get me stated :) I dont have a preference for server really, since I dont really know which server is good or heavily populated etc.
Please consider Wardens of the Grey Gate. We have quite a few casual players, and most of the time we go solo. Any one is really welcome, even though we are looking for some more active players to be more balanced.If you would like more information, I posted a thread in the Withywindle-kinship section .
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Neogentiel
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 29
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Whithywindle
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Canada (MTN)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to
this kind of game”, etc.): Been soloing, casual. Who knows where it'll end up.
MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Nothing really lol. Im relaxed and play casual. Help out where I can. If Im not having fun theres no point in playing.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual for the most part because Im new. Id like to learn how to play a role in a raid n such.
Finally coming back onto LOTRO with a brand new computer!
I'll be really active in the game and I'm a subscriber.
I love LOTR a lot so playing an online game is a huge plus for me.
All I'm looking for is to make lots of friends to keep me entertained and motivated... would love to make parties with people for skirmishes, dungeons, and etc.
I want this kinship to be active and friendly and very dedicated to reaching the end of the game and continuing on afterwards. I'm looking for a long-term kinship. Do not message me if your kinship isn't to active/lots of people not online within a month, a dying kinship and just don't care anymore, bunch of inactive people you don't kick... etc. Sorry to say but I've seen a lot of kinships/guilds/etc. who just don't care and I'm trying to find the perfect one for me XD
I'm still a newbie to LOTRO however, so I won't have a character.. once this game gets installed however, I'll make a character tonight and play that through for an hour or so before I gotta go to bed.
I'm a 24 year old guy as well, so I'd appreciate being in a mature and drama-free kinship.
Oh, forgot to add, please mention the server your on
And PLEASE tell me whether this server is active or not for new players
I don't really want to be a player soloing my way up to max and find no one to dungeon/skirmish with... jeezes no :P
Lookinf for Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Dunafred, Hobbit Burglar
Age: 30
Preferred server(s), if any: Withywindle
Location: US, Central Standard
Playstyle: To my best knowledge, the following apply: Solo, group, casual, time limited, crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an honest loyal guy who really enjoys the story. Also, teams are just great. Real life, and game-life.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I like to play 2 or 3 hours 1 or 2 times a week. I'd love to have a group of people to go through quests with, and maybe craft together...sharing in what we make to compliment each other.
Hi, im 34 and just started playing LORTO again after a 3 year break, im looking for a guild that is very active. I would really like to join a guild that raids at least once a week. I will start a new character if need be because im really interested in meeting new people and experience end game content. I have a lvl 45 hunter on gladden right now named mythshot, hit me up anytime in game or email. looking forward to hearing from you!
New to the game...Looking for Adult EST Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Rich
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 31
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Does not matter.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): New York
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I like raiding and dungeons mainly buy i also enjoy group pvp
MMO games you’ve played: I have been playing MMO's for 11 years. I have played many at an end game level.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I am a team player. I enjoy being in a helpful and friendly atmosphere. I do not tolerate racism sexism or any other ism that ignorantly offends. I enjoy the lore but i am not an RPer.
I am looking to play a melee Dps/supprt or Tank role. Tank preferred.
I do not have any high level toons. Once I find a good Kin I will dedicate myself to lvling the needed class.
You can contact me through the lotro forum mail.
Hobbit Hunter looking for Kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Ankushhunter (lvl 23) call me Ankush
Age: 28
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):Elendilmir
Location: I m from India.
Playtime: GMT 1 pm to 8 pm weekdays. all day weekends while i m not asleep.
Playstyle:love raiding. I am hardcore gamer.
MMO games you’ve played:WoW for 4 years till cata. This is my first char in lotro.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I play seriously while raiding for all other times I like to have fun.
With my wow exp I am sure that I can catch up fast on whatever lotro has to offer. So far liked this game and looking forward to kin who are looking for long term association.
I am altoholic and would like to have more alts in same guild (obviously constraint to 2 slots :(, wish guild has more branches on other realms)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
For me Kin is place whr you help each other in terms of guidance, trading mats, helping craft and most importantly have FUN.
Hello there folks!
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Meneldor, Nimrodel, and most preferred Snowbourn
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
Well, when I had first started playing LOTRO, I played with a group of friends where it was 4 of us. We had established a clan and then eventually we all stopped playing. My playstyle currently is Solo, a bit of casual and a bit of hardcore. I definitely do not mind group play at all since I'm trying to get into a kinship :) Since I'm not exactly at endgame level (at least I don't consider myself on that level yet), but give me some time and I'll get there! I'm pretty much cool with any playstyle though I'm not sure what is meant by time limited. Also, I crafted a LOT back when I played back then so I definitely don't mind crafting for a few people (or getting there). I suppose you could say that I'm a jack of all trades =P
MMO games you’ve played:
The ones that I can remember are WOW, and the one from kill3r combo. I forget lol.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm on LOTRO now pretty often, almost every day for a good period of time. I also like helping people do quests and depending on the character that I'm on, I can craft for kinship fellows. Also, once I like the place and I'm comfortable with it, I'm doubtful to leave.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
The kinship that I'm looking for is a kinship in which I can become an asset to. One that I can help and be helped by, whether it means to have some help getting a weapon or armor or something (and giving in return of course). The most important part to me is to just have fun and to hang out while kicking monster butt. To be in a kinship that's laid back, fun, friendly, and is awesome, like me 8)
Oh! Last thing! I will be extremely easy to reach on Snowbourn with my Asduilbeth character in case anyone has a question or anything :p
Name: Willameena, Woman, Lore Mistress
Age: Nearly 50
Preferred server: Landroval
Location. : UK, so any TZ range GMT to GMT +/- 3
Playstyle. : RP, solo, group and some crafting.
MMO games you’ve played: Guild wars, Eve online, NWN on a few PWs.
Why kinships should be interested in you. I like to think I'm a serious minded player with a wicked sense of humour.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: a kin of mature roleplayers
Looking for a kin
Hello, my character name is Panthan and I am a human minstrel and I have just hit level 69.
Age: I am 29 years old and play on the Gladden server only.
I am from the UK and am on most evenings and through the days at weekends.
My play style is solo at the moment but I want that to change as even though I am up to level 69, I have done very very little group playing and I chose a minstrel to do just that! I would like to take part in many raids and experience as much content as possible. I'm not really into farming as that gets very boring very quickly but will always be happy to do a couple of runs of the same instance before switching to another.
So I'm looking for a kinship that does some lower level instances that I can participate in to get my healing skills up to speed and then take part in the more challenging instances that have nice juicy rewards. I'm also a tailor and happy to do any crafting for other members.
Champion LF Kinship - willing to transfer
I am a VIP subscriber and play a level 50 Champion. An MMO vet of 14 years, I am looking for a kinship that would be considered hardcore, but works around working professionals. I am currently on Withywindle but would be happy to transfer for the right kinship. Ideally one where not every player is at end-game and waiting for me to get to 85; but has either alts or a few other players leveling up as well. I am also a huge Tolkien fan and like to follow the story of the game.
Must have a website and willing to use VOIP. Scheduled events for end game is a must (or planned if we are not all at end game yet) and earned spots in raid is a plus. Things I would look for would be active forums, and low membership turnover. Things I would offer is: a longterm member (in 14 years I've been in 3 hardcore guilds), skilled player (not that I am the perfect champion, but I don't wipe raids and I study instances and boss fights).
Please PM me if interested, and thank you for your consideration.
LF Kinship- Withywindle
Active player with 7 characters looking for a good sized guild on Withywindle. Characters are as follows:
Diramod- Man Guardian currently level 31. Crafting Vocation: Armorer.
Tohirin- Elf Hunter currently level 30. Crafting Vocation: Woodsman.
Lorhirin- Elf Warden currently level 28. Crafting Vocation: Armsman.
Taramod- Man Captain currently level 26. Crafting Vocation: Historian.
Tarhirin- Elf Guardian currently level 21. Crafting Vocation: Armorer.
Dannod- Man champion currently level 24. Crafting Vocation: Explorer.
Aranmod- Man Captain currently level 12. Crafting Vocation: Tinker.
Any Kinship representatives interested can send in-game mail to Diramod.
Lodhonir Elf Hunter (Level 27 currently but on regularly)
43 years old
BrandyWine Server
Thailand so looking for Oceanic timezone server.
No Limit to Playstyle will play all when at relevant level. Willing to help all.
MMO games you’ve played:Lotro(when it was codemasters but was unable to transfer toon). Legends of Mir, Path of Exiles,BF3.
I am looking for an active and mature kinship that helps each other. Aiming to be the best i can and help others in anyway i can.
I find being in a Kin encourages ppl more to level together and progress further in the Game.
Message me ingame if you have spaces and i fit your Kin Criteria.
Adult player looking for Mature Kin on Gladden
As the title says, I'm an adult player looking for a kin that is mature in age and game knowledge.
I've been playing the game with great enthusiasm for a little more than a year (started approx 2011 Yule Fest). I have 1 player at the level cap, 2 @ 75, and 2 mid level characters (one I'm building now, the other is stagnant and just for crafting).
I am active in chat and very active assisting my kinnies with whatever they need: quest assistance, gear, craft materials, kin events, etc. I like & respect my current kin leadership immensely, but would really appreciate running with an older age group with more experience to share.
I play mostly during the day (EDT) and occasionally late in the evening.
I spend most of my time soloing, for several reasons: 1. the game is more challenging, 2. fellowing with kids (most of my current kinnies) can be chaotic & wearisome, and 3. I play mostly during the day, but not always without distraction.
I haven't done too much in the Moors, but plan on exploring that more now that I'm at level cap.
Name: Gingamir/lvl35Champion
Age: 20
Location: USA,EST Timezone, CricketHollow server.
MMO Games: RS, WOW,
PlayStyle: Solo, Group or many people. I love playing with other people because it makes the game a lot more entertaining and fun to play with.=]
Why Kinships Should be Interested In me: I am an active player who will contribute his best to make the kin better. I am mature and love to just play and have a good time. I have played Lotro 2 years ago and am going to start continuing playing again so I thought, I should join a Kin.
What Kind of Kinship am i Looking for? Well, a Kinship that is active, has members that can help when needed and just a fun bunch of guys who can be mature and erratic at the same time. A kinship that helps its members and we all grow as a result is the best kinship.
Thank you =]
Wife and I are looking
Character name & race (if known): Idhremben, Level 25, Elf Guardian, Wythwindle, Armsmen just started in weaponsmith guild
Character name & race (if known): Glamordis, Level 26 Elf Hunter, Wythwindle, Explorer, just started Tailor guild
Personal info: Married couple mid 30's, Minnesota USA, usually play together for 30 mins to 3 hours late evenings.
Play Style: Solo, we fellowships with each other very frequently, don't know many other people online. crafting.
History of MMO's, just this one, this is our first time through, but having a blast.
The current kinship we're in has 20+ people, and we never seem to be online at the same time, would really love a kinship to share things we've crafted, and more importantly to join instances. Didn't realize how important until we started attempting to tackle the Great Barrow maze together.
Natalysa on Crickhollow
Casual kinship in Europe
Main character name and race: Gamnild(25) hobbit ministrel on Vilya, Gerdbi(25) dwarf rune-keeper on Snowbourn
Age: 32, male
Preferred server(s): Vilya, Snowbourn
Location: Hungary, Europe, playing usually after 20:00 CET weekdays, sometimes on weekends (speaking Hungarian, English and German)
Playstyle: Casual, group preferred, no RP, PvE, relaxed
MMO games you’ve played: WoW - from BC until summer 2012, WotLK endgame content healer / DPS as shaman.
About me / what kind of kinship I would like to join:
I am looking for a casual kinship with active players, who can help me in leveling / being a good healer in LOTRO, have fun and chat. As an experienced healer in WoW, I hope I can support the kinship whenever healing is needed. As VIP player I have access to most content, I have expansion packs Moria, Mirkwood, RoR currently.
New to Game, looking for kinship - Landroval server
I have been playing LotRo for 2 weeks, and so far am enjoying the game. The only thing missing for me now is being part of a kinship.
I am looking for a kinship where role playing is optional, and who welcomes new players. I am an experienced MMO player, and for most of the last 6 years have played Everquest 2, with a short break for SWTOR. In this time I have played all different play styles from casual fluffiness to hardcore raiding.
I am mature, sociable and drama free, and would like a kinship which is active and would have players online for most of the day in the euro time zone.
Returning after 4 years - looking for an RP Kinship
Server: Gladden
Main Character: 41 Guardian
I'm looking for a friendly and kind kinship that is at a minimum RP friendly and adult/mature oriented.
I'm a casual player now (used to play this for hours/days on end) and just looking to enjoy the gameworld now, have some fun, make new friends.
I can't promise I'll play everyday. It's more like, I may play for a few months, then focus on other things and then return again to play some more. I can say for sure that I will keep playing my character for the lifetime of the game.
I'd like to focus more on having casual fun and social interaction than on hardcore gameplay. I don't care for players who take the game so seriously they freak out if you don't do something the way they like.
My long-term intention is to play through the entire main storyline as new expansions come out even if takes years to do so.
I will probably always have this account until the game finally shuts down.
My ideal RP kinship would have a website and some kind of creative storyline going on that I can dovetail into. My minimum would simply be an RP friendly kinship populated by thoughtful kind people.
Friendly, casual kinship?
Hey everyone,
I'm looking for a kinship that is casual and is full of cool, level headed folks. I really enjoy MMO's, but my experience is that WoW and SWG have been overrun by rude, impatient and petulant people. This does not make for fun gaming.
I shall follow the format of the OP, if it please you.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Gabriel. Character = Aeryndas, Level 23 Hobbit Burglar. (First LoTRO toon)
Age: 27
Preferred server(s): Only the one toon on Silverlode, am open to suggestions though.
Location: Manitoba, Canada. Timezone is CST. Though I should mention that my work requires that I work evenings some days, and day hours at other times. I am usually free 3-4 days a week though, so I will be around to contribute often enough.
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE. I'm not hardcore into stat math or flawless raid performance. While I would love to learn about these subjects, I am weary of a kinship which requires that you are already top notch or has little patience. Rather I am looking for one with cool people who will help me become a better player and a contributing member to their kinship. I am interested in bringing my character to endgame, and would enjoy some good company in that process. I can go either way on RP, it's always fun, but so is just gaming out.
MMO's I've played: Asheron's Call (back in the day!), FFXI, SWG, WoW. Always as a casual player though.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
-I am dedicated to finding and creating an awesome playing experience with some other gamers. I am not possessed of a terrible ego or prone to frustration. Pretty even keel in that sense.
-I LOVE to game out. For hours. I also like to help, meaning I will craft, farm, dance or anything else I can do to make the experience a better one.
-I will take advice when given, and offer it when sought.
-I am a friendly dude. I pretty much like people. Even distant, unknown interwebz people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
-Casual in the sense of little pressure. I can and will be hardcore IF I know how. If I don't know how and catch flak for it, I won't be having any fun, and then there is zero point in playing.
-Educational, meaning willing to help me with stats, questions, offer advice on rotations or skills, etc.
-Full of cool people with cool personalities, or people with something to offer that is more than just the game grind. Talk to me of Tolkein or Star Wars or whatever else, even IRL stuffs! Srsly. Anything is an open forum with me, and it would be cool to find some others like that.
So to sum up, I would like to find a mature, open kinship which emphasizes fun, cooperation, good gaming and is willing to help a LoTRO semi-n00b get his bearings.
RP Kinship
Character's name and race
Maegliriel - Elf
I honestly don't know much about at what age does an elf transits to the next 'stage', as in adolescent to adulthood for example. She's an adult, but a very young one in elven terms.
Preferred server
Landroval is the server I'm in.
GMT(Portugal) I'm capable of staying up till the very early hours of the morning, 2-3 AM tops(9-10pm EST).
I'm mostly a solo RPer but I will gladly help in dungeons and other events should I be able to do so(time, level, etc.) with the exception of PvP, never been a fan of it. Role-playing is my passion and one of the main reasons why I joined Lotro, although I'm aware of my limited knowledge in Tolkien's lore.
MMO games you’ve played
More like which MMO I -didn't- played that came out lately!
Let's see, all the MMOs I played so far that I can pull from the top of my head... WoW, Aion, Runes of Magic, Allods, Guild Wars 2, Dungeon and Dragons + DnD: Neverwinter, Vindictus, Age of Conan: Unchained, Perfect World, and many, many others but that I didn't really dedicated any serious time with... and yes, I have no life.
About myself
Well, for starters I like to help people, its one of the main reasons why I picked a Minstrel as my main.
As far as my English grammar goes I -know- that I'm not terrible but I try to type fast and sometimes... ok, many times, I press Enter before checking for any misspells. I would use the excuse that I'm not a native speaker but to be honest I've seen plenty of non-native people who write and speak English quite well.
As far as behavior goes, I like to leave a good impression. Its rare to happen but if some hiccups happen from my part, I'm capable of admitting it and apologizing.
As I mentioned before, I'm limited in my knowledge on Tolkien's lore but I know enough to get by. Tips are always welcome as I want to make my RP good for myself and others.
What kind of kinship am I looking for
I'm looking for a kinship who focus mostly on medium-heavy RP. However, this doesn't excludes other events such as dungeons, crafting and just chatting with people in guild chat or maybe even help their toons OOCly. Another important thing for me is its activity - In the past, I've joined certain guilds in MMOs, only to find them dead during most of the day and bursting with life later at night, right on top of my bed-time. It wasn't thrilling. That being said, I'm aware that people have lives and that my time-zone can be a slight issue.
I should say that my character is -not- a heroine or military type of sorts, she seeks to lead a simple life... as far as 'simple' goes on Middle-Earth.
Lv 51 Hunter
Looking for an active, dependable Kinship on Nimrodel.
Will give and expect help when needed.
Online at random times during 9am-1am GMT.
PM Arigatou :)
Hi all!
First, thanks kindly to all the active kinship recruiters who peruse this thread. I appreciate your time in offering us homeless vagabonds a chance at refuge in this (virtual) wilderland. :D
Okay, so using the template in the OP...
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Dyjia, Man, Captain, 75
(I have more alts, but this is my primary)
Age: 30something
Preferred server(s), if any.: Landroval (only)
Location.: EST/GMT-5
I am 'casual' and pretty much play when whim and time allows. I love social interaction and enjoy the creative endeavors of the community on online games. I can load up Skyrim if I want to solo and be alone, so I definitely prefer a kin who gets together every so often.
MMO games you’ve played:
I am an avid Steam gamer and have accounts with several MMOs I visit from time to time. My husband is also a gamer and plays Lotro.
Why kinships should be interested in you.:
I am a Lifetime VIP who stopped playing Lotro regularly a couple years ago. I enrolled in a free online course this summer about literature & online games via Coursera, which uses Lotro as a study tool. Figured this would be a great time to jump back into the saddle before my class begins!
I am a married homemaker currently expecting our first child's arrival in a few months (so hardcore gaming is out the window). I'm happy to buddy up with a *social, casual, family style* kinship and can offer myself as another cool person to hang out with online. I'm open to dabbling in all in-game activities - RP, group/raid, PvMP, crafting, deeding, etc. ;)
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Smallish/medium sized, family style, very friendly to casual play but not barren of people to chat to, has an event night now and then, has an online presence somewhere (forums/blog/whatever), embraces a variety of in-game activities, and it would be extra cool to be kinned with other mommies and/or multigamers!
Thanks for checking me out. Please shoot me a PM if I sound like a good fit. Hope you have a great day~
Looking for kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Grenaxo, Elft, Rune keeper, 9
Beeney, Man, champion, 38
Pickolas, Man, Guardian 53
Age: 29
Preferred server(s), if any.: Eldar
Location.: England so GMT
I am 'casual'. I love social interaction and enjoy the creative endeavors of the community on online games. Laid back but likes to progress in games aswell
MMO games you’ve played:
Star wars old republic since launch have 7 toons at max level 3 fully end game geared
Lotro played couple years ago hence the level 53 toon but have now resubbed for 12months looking to play lots
Why kinships should be interested in you.:
I'm happy to join up with a *social, casual, family style* kinship. I'm open to helping in all in-game activities - RP, group/raid, PvMP, crafting, deeding, etc.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
family style, very friendly,causal with end game interest. fun people to be around helpfull etc
LOTRO and I go way back yet I never stuck around due to lack of interest. I think it's because I never had that true feeling of 'kinship' with anyone. There wasn't really anything keeping me here.
I'm hoping to do a clean start, hopefully with a kinship that helps me get more involved in the world.
What I'm looking for in a kinship:
A social friendly place where you can just chat casually, hopefully with some people that are ocassionally willing to party up. I was an avid roleplayer some years ago, but I don't think I have the dedication to do that now. I wouldn't mind light RP though. I have a full-time job, and a busy schedule around that, so I won't be able to play for long or many hours. At best 2 hours on mon/wed evening, and depending on my social life friday and the weekends...
What I can offer:
Fun and friendly with casual talk and light RP. Always willing to help out or support others. Just looking for a good time. Other games I play are Dota2 (also team-based) and L4D (shooter, team-based). LOTRO is the only MMO I've consistently played, but I have tried out many others. WoW, Maplestory, Ragnarok and a bunch of others I forgot already.
Age and location
I'm 25, female and live in Netherlands, GMT+1. My main play time will be in the evenings, from 20-23~ish on monday/wednesday. Friday if I have no plans and probably more time during the weekends.
I've convinced a buddy of mine to come play along, his profile fits mine too. So you'll be getting two for the price of one. 8-)
Hoping there's a fun kinship out there that is willing to take me/us on!
Mature, Active, Kid Friendly Guild on Crickhollow
I use to play but quit for GW2. However, my 10 year old daughter wanted to play so I got back into it. I work from home as a graphic artist so I have free time throughout the day usually. She will play with me in the evenings EST for a couple of hours. I'd like to find a kin that is ok with her age. I limit her chat features in general but would still like something kid friendly.
Slipikins :D
looking for...The Kinship
Hi everyone,
I am thinking of a new Kinship.
in so-called real life (not confirmed by Canon texts): 42
Preferred server
Lithuania. Playing (mostly) 18-22 o'clock Lithuanian time on working days; some 15-23 o'clock on holidays...with breaks for some things like eating or taking a bath...
Mostly - solo player that is still learning how to live in the Lore. One who may ask lots of things, like "which status is better on this weapon?" or "how do I get to Allmighty Chicken if I see no road to it?". Never took part in any PvP and not intending to do it. Also, I am not roleplayer: could not write "my 6000 years old family history" like some Tolkien fan wrote in our forums.
I may require help with regions I feel kind of bad while in: Angmar and Moria and in fellowship quests.
Instances, skirmishes: knowledge is very poor and I mostly feel myself lost there.
Since I am weaponsmith, I would gladly craft any type of weapon I can to anybody in the kin. I also do enjoy situations when I can defend somebody, be it Eregion (had superb time with one Dwarf: he crafted, I protected him) or grumpy Angmar.
My downside is that sometimes I may feel lost and make too radical decisions like "I will never, never never ever visit ANgmar unless I am lvl.99!". I do dislike Angmar and Moria. Since I am free player, I am limited to purchases I have made (and yes, I do love to make alts).
MMO games you’ve played
Runescape, Istaria.
About myself
Champion who made female champion clones in Withywindle. One who loves to craft and has few regions (Evendim, Eregion) where I could relax just gathering metal. A person that is not into big challenges: a quest for me is better than a skirmish.Since I live in Lithuania - English is not my native. if I type fast, I can make some typos and mistakes. And I do love writing my experiences in my own blog.
What kind of kinship am I looking for
I would prefer little to medium one (having 1500 members of which 100 are online and no one answers simple question is not too good) where every member knows another. I would prefer Kinship that had existed for some time...and not over-expanded (quality over quantity). If joining Kinship requires to do something – I may do it.
I do hope Kinship would be active in Angmar/Moria regions and be able to help me (as well as others) with fellowship quests or instances there.
That ends my introduction. Hope somebody will respond...
Name: Vaerlyn
Level, Race, Class: New player only been playing this last week, just subbed am a level 21 minstrel.
Kin goals: Join a Brandywine raiding kinship (open to raiding Kinships on other servers, have no problems with a reroll)
Former Kin: N/A
Server: Brandywin
Location: Pacific Time Zone, Northern California, USA
Preferred raiding hours: Early Afternoon is the best, but I can make most anytime work
Playstyle: Raiding, any size group, solo. I like to group/raid for end-game content.
My playtime goals are to:
(1) Have a blast raiding and slaughtering the enemy!
(2) Meet fellow kin members and raiders.
(3) Upgrade weapons, armour, jewellry, gear.
(4) Progress along the Epic LOTRO story line.
Game History:I just started playing but will likely level through content fairly quickly, just due to the amount I intend on playing
MMO games played: EQ2, WoW, Swtor, WaR, GW, GW2
Looking for kinship
I am brand spanking new to LOTRO and just looking for a nice Kinship to call home while I learn the game and level up.
Name: Helyon, lvl 5(currently) Elf Hunter
Age: 31 years young
Server: Brandywine
Location: Ohio, EST
Playstyle: Casual player that likes to group and raid when able.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, EQ2, Aion, Warhammer, Rift.
What do you offer kinships?: Very down to earth and easy to get along with, I enjoy helping others when I am able to do so.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Newb friendly, helpful, fun and laid back kinship that is also organized and running instances/raids or is planning to do so in the future.
Kinship in vilya
Server: Vilya
Character: Biorien (Loremaster, level 41)
Location: Australia (although im spanish)
I am not a usual player, as i have uni and work. I play when i can, once or twice a week.
I love doing quests, exploring and crafting. I also like doing skirmishes or instances in a group.
I am interested in a not too big kinship. Something friendly, where there is enough people, but not too big that you dont get to know anyone really well. I put a big emphasis on crafting, so i like when there are more people like me, to whom i can give the stuff i craft if i have spare or find recipes, and who can help me if i need something.
In the game i have the rise of isengard expansion pack and some other places like moria or evendim.
Lotro is the only mmo i've played s far (although im looking foward for the elder scrolls online).
I have to say that i used to be in a kinship, looong time ago, but i got really pissed off in the way they treated me and i've been playing solo ever since [ http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...hip&highlight= ]
If you are interested, just PM me in here or at the game :)
Edit: to add the link to the forum message that explains what happened with my previous kinship
Looking for a kin that groups up a lot
Hey everyone. I am looking to join a kin that does a lot of group content together. I consider myself a well rounded player, having played nearly every class to level cap. I love doing raid content on challenge mode, but I probably can't be counted on to be hardcore raiding all the time due to a crazy work schedule. That being said, I also enjoy non-challenge-mode content as well. Really what I am trying to be a part of is kin who would rather play the game together instead of separately.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Please PM Kidron or send me a message through mylotro.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 33
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I am currently on Landroval, but would either transfer or reroll provided the kin is a good fit.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle: Group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, hardcore, end-game, light RP,
MMO games you’ve played: Too many to count. Some of my favs have been: Everquest, Shadowbane, Dark Age of Camelot.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am a lighthearted guy who knows when to have fun and when to be serious. I am patient with people, and would rather help someone out who might be struggling in a group instead of belittling them. People say I am easy to get along with, and I make friends easily.
LF: Kin on Imladris
Brioche (Hobbit Minstrel), Level 42, Eastemnet Jeweller
Age: 27
Preferred server: Imladris
Location: USA, EST/GMT-5
Play-style: Group, PvE, Casual, Crafting.
MMORPG's I have played: DDO, Neverwinter, Fiesta, Runescape, Runes of Magic, WOW, Project of Planets, FF:XIV CB.
I am F2P, been playing 5+ years. I have purchased the Isengard expansion and some of the individual packs. I have the Eastern Rohan quest pack, but do not have the Erebor Instances.
I am looking for a kinship with a Family Friendly atmosphere. Specifically I'd like a kin that refrains from using mature language in game and on voice chat. I believe the game can be fully enjoyed without bringing offensive language or hate speech into the environment.
Thanks in Advance...
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Echie, Hobbit, Hunter, 66
Zinshiraz, Man, Warden, 35
Cerebella, Elf, Lore-Master 33
Age: 40something
Preferred server(s), if any.: Brandywine (only)
Location.: CST
Casual, enjoy game content and lore. Looking to do more than solo gameplay
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW, Rift, Conan, Skyrim, Diablo, Everquest
Why kinships should be interested in you.:
Social, fellowships, helping get storybook quests done, raiding
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Casual, friendly
Name, class: I've a Human lvl 15 lore master on Brandywine (Ulrosul) I'm trying out but am certainly willing to roll a new character on another server.
Age: 30+
Location: Pacific time/GMT -8
Playstyle: Light RP, Questing, PvE, Solo and small groups, very interested in Crafting
Other details: I'm a fan of the LoTR series (anyone who actually read the Silmarillion in one go deserves a medal, I can tell you) and joined the game hoping to have fun and craft while giving the Servants of the Eye what-for. I consider myself a mature player and am just looking to have fun and perhaps help others out when I'm capable of doing so.
I'm not an experienced MMO player though I've played a good deal of single player RPGs (from the original Diablo to Skyrim and plenty in-between). I did play LoTRO a year or so ago but life got in the way and I'm coming back to it.
I'm hoping to find a casual, friendly and mature kinship to be in, to be helped and to help leveling and crafting. I like the idea of helping newer players too.
On the timing front, there aren't any guarantees. My time is hardly my own most days; though the breaks are generally short, I may have to jump out of the game with no notice. Voice chat is also a no-go for the start because of the light sleeper (I can use headphones, I can't speak without possibly waking the sprog). This will be the situation for a few months at least. I'm generally available most days of the week in the evenings my time (GMT -8).
If you're okay with an MMO newbie who's looking to play with others at his own level (it's no fun running with a lvl 75 if I'm at 5!) and to craft items, do send me a message on the forums here, or send a PM to Ulrosul on Brandywine.
I'm lvl 68 guardian on Windfola. Also have a lvl 29 Hunter alt, and recently started a cappy.
I am looking for a kinship with a sizable, active base of mature, helpful and respectful players. I do not have alot of group experience, so I am looking for people who are helpful and willing to tolerate/train someone who is new to instances, but I catch on quickly. I love to group, so I am social in that sense, but I am not chatty at all, and I refuse to do VC.
I am mature, but I am playing through the game for fun. I play fairly frequently, if not for overly long, usually at night (US Central Time). I am willing to help lower lvl kinnies, in the same way that I would expect to be helped. If interested send and IN GAME LETTER to Haltholir with any questions and/or further information.
Character: Athiel, 28 Elf Hunter
Age: 38
Server: Laurelin (EN-RP)
Location: Czech Republic (GMT +1), although originally from the UK.
Playstyle: Solo, Group, PVE, Raids, Casual, Crafting, Light RP
MMOs played: EQ1, EQ2, SWG, WoW (longest periods), many others for a few weeks/months
What can I offer a kinship?: I am an "old school" player so I believe MMOs should be social games where people do stuff together, are helpful and polite and want to enjoy the game together. Ths is the attitude I bring to the game and any kinship.
What am I looking for in a kinship?: Most of all active and social. I like to have people to chat to while playing and also the opportunity to do stuff together. Ideally a kin that is mature, fun and friendly. I play quite a lot but am quite casual, so nothing too hardcore as I just can't fit that around RL any more.
I played a lot of LOTRO in the past and stopped around the time SoM launched. Now I am back and starting over since my main was a guardian (on Evernight) and I don't want to play him any more.
Hope to find a great kin!
our name, or character name and race (if known): Guthrolf, dwarf champion. Currently level 14
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 21
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I'm currently in Laurelin
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Bahrain (GMT +3 but I play within GMT/EST timezone)
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I'm new to the game but I can see myself later on grouping, soloing, raiding, end-game, crafting and just experiencing pretty much everything.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Neverwinter
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm the kind of person who is friendly, helpful and relaxed. I can offer a kinship an active player who will participate in its events, help out whenever needed, active in its community and so forth.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: Looking for an ACTIVE (INGAME AND SOCIALLY) kinship with a decent player size who is friendly towards newer players and also serious about the game.
Your name: Shadowziel
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location. Cincinnati, Ohio
Playstyle: I'm kinda new to this game. Been soloing but like to group and do quests and raids when I can.
MMO games you’ve played: Just about every one. Big Ones are UO, EQ, WOW, FFII
Why kinships should be interested in you. I'm a above average casual player but when I play I play for fun. I know when to be serious when the the time calls for it.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. I am looking for a Kinship that knows this is JUST a game and is laid back and relaxed but likes to do raids too. I am not looking to join any new or small kinships either.
Your name, or character name and race: Maeflower (Hobbit)
Age: 23, approaching 24
Preferred server(s), if any: Withywindle
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US, EST (GMT -5) I'm on Saturday, Monday, most mornings, and pretty much any day after 8:30pm EST.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Primarily PvE, and I prefer to quest solo, but I loooooooove doing group content, from duoing skirms all the way on up to full-group raids. This toon is still low-leveled, so I won't be up for end-game anytime soon, but once I get there, I'll certainly be willing to join end-game raids.
MMO games you’ve played: Runescape, Star Wars: the Old Republic, LotRO (just back after a year's break)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm very active most of the time, and I'm perfectly willing to lead groups as long as I've been through an instance before a time or two. Plus, I'm a healer, which always seem to be in demand. I can't guarantee that I'll always be the best or most efficient healer, but I follow directions and do my best every time out.
Hope to hear from someone soon!
Looking for Kinship in Crickhollow
Character name: Kalglodril Psarianos, Champion of the Lone-Lands, Level 32 Elven hunter ( alts: Ecthil, Friend Of The Mark, Level 16 Human Warden)
Play Style: I mainly solo, but enjoy group skirmish's and instances.
I play a few MMO's (LoL, DCU, Neverwinter etc) and know how to work well with my characters. I know who to attack at what times and what combos to use both playing solo and with a group. I have a good working knowledge of how Lotro works so can help those who are stuck.
I would like the Kinship to be disciplined and helpful, but still remain lively and with good banter. I would like the Kinship to be large and have a large number of members that converse and play a lot.
Noob Looking For Kinship
Hail and well met! I just started playing last night and I am enjoying it so far.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Dwelameer (Pronounced: Dwell-uh-meer), Gondor, Captain Level 14
Age: 26
Location.: Northeast Florida, USA, EST. My hours of operation vary due to school, work, and insomnia.
Playstyle.: Solo, Group, Raid, and anything else I can get in to.
MMO games you’ve played: Aion, Guild Wars 2, Champions Online, DC Universe, Rift, Star Wars: KOTOR
Why kinships should be interested in you.: I enjoy playing video games and I have tons of free time that I can invest in increasing my skill and participating in events.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.: I just want a kinship that is respectful and active.
Looking for a kinship
Hello, I am looking for an active kinship with people whom are willing to help a new person to this kind of game.I am retired, so I play a few times a day, usually evenings and late night. I am on the ease coast of USA, in the green mountains of Vermont. I am in a kinship now with 2 friends, but that is all there is, just us 3. The head guy has taught me how to fight, use trap, etc. I am now lvl 32, elf, hunter. I have permission to go find a kinship that has players that are there to help with quests if need, etc. I am on the Withywindle server, name is Stormfall, and Golallorn, whom is lvl 28 now. Thank you, Rose
Your name, or character name and race Five active Characters, one hobbit Citlo, two elves Joelas, and Joeran, one dwarf Joromur and one man, Pembert.
Age: over 50.
Preferred server(s), Brandywine
Location. Southwest of Boston Mass - Eastern US Time Zone
Playstyle. I have been doing nothing but playing solo. That has worked well up until now, but now I can see that there are quests that I will be unable to use the reward if I have to wait until I am strong enough to complete the instance solo.
MMO games you’ve played: None
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am willing to help others. I have not applied to a kin before now because I am not very consistent when I sign on...so it can be tough for me to help others, or join raids etc all the time. All my characters are lvl 45 - 50. I have no problem helping others out when I am online, and hope to get aid fro others in taking care of some of the more difficult quests for my level.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for an adult group, that is not completely hard core gaming. I am looking for a group that will help members when needed, not demand certain participation to be a member.
Please contact Citlo, or Pembert in the game and let me know if you have room for us.
Thank you ,
character name and race: Agrimmar/Dwarf
Age: 20
Preferred server(s), if any.:Landroval
Location. :eastern USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):PvE/RP
MMO games you’ve played: EverQuest, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?:Well there is really nothing I can offer because I am new but I am a great listener and once I am able to, a great helper.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: One that isn't ashamed of helping out a newbie. I love to have fun and enjoy games as much as possible.
Either contact me in game or leave me a message on here and we can work out a meeting in game.
Looking for a kinship
I’m looking for a kinship for one (or more) of these characters
Dwarrowdelf: Tilulilu 85 elf hunter, Huromil 85 elf lore-master, Anwarion 25 elf warden
Landroval: Dilmund 12 dwarf champion (just started in Landroval)
Laurelin: Corch 12 human burglar (just started in Laurelin)
AGE: 40
LOCATION: I live in Finland so my timezone is GMT+2.
Playstyle: I’m an experienced pve soloer and crafter. I like the questing and character leveling/tuning, but I’m not too busy to take a breather and admire the scenery or have a friendly conversation. I play a lot daily at different times of the day and I include all my caharacters in my playtime, so none of them is “retired”. I have been playing in non-rp to light-rp mode thus far, but the roleplaying aspect has begun to interest me more. That’s why I have started playing also in Landroval and Laurelin. I’m going to take it very slow though until I get more experience and confidence in rp.
I haven’t played much in groups, but that is something I might be willing to learn. I don’t rule out pvp content either in the future, if I get interested in that.
OTHER MMOs: None. I am wholly concentrating on Lotro although I’m waiting for trying ESO when it comes available. Tolkien context makes Lotro THE MMO for me though.
WHAT DO I OFFER FOR KINSHIPS: I offer a mature, active and friendly player, relaxed and polite. I can be serious or join in the fun and joking as the situation requires. I’m easy to get along with and I don’t like needless drama. I might be a bit reserved and quiet until I get to know people better. I’m willing to be generous and a dedicated member if and when I feel that I’m fully part of the kinship. I’m also more than happy to help kinspeople with crafting and questing (and with group content when I get more exp at it)
WHAT KIND OF KINSHIP I AM LOOKING FOR: Friendly, mature and respectful kin, one that has the same qualities I’m willing to bring in (see above). It does not matter that much whether you are established or new and growing, but I’m looking for a kinship that is active. Roleplaying aspect can vary from non-existent to ligth/medium. I will be doing my own “thing” (questing, leveling, crafting) and also participate and modify my activities according to my kinship interests.
Contact me in game or leave a message if your kin is interested.
Hi all :)
i'm looking for Kinship (in Meneldor server)
my pg is Morir captain lvl 18 (human), i'm 23 yo, i speak italian and english (sometimes, when i'm drunk russian too :P)
first experience in lotronline, i've played for years to lineageII:P
How do you play
Originally Posted by
Perhaps we can get this thread set up as a sticky to prevent it from falling down the line?
how do you play this game
Good morning/afternoon/evening all!
Your name, or character name and race: Chudzilla, level 26 Captain
Age: 27
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location. (Timezone preference: I'm in the UK, so GMT or BST or whatever we're using at the minute...but could be on any time of day or night! Because of my job I might not be on for weeks at a time but then on every day for a month, strange I know.
Playstyle: Loving the Epic questline, so currently just soloing but as more fellowship quests and skirmishes come up I'm finding the need for other players to team up with. I kind of have a habit of trying to complete every quest in an area (regardless of tedium factor) before moving on... OCD much? Might as well get the most out of a game! Up for anything really, except PvP and PvMP (unless they take my fancy at a later date).
MMO games you’ve played: First and only so far!
Why kinships should be interested in you: Well despite the fact I'm mainly soloing at the minute I see the potential my character has to play a support role so I'm looking to offer this out and develop it alongside others.
I'm a sociable and outgoing person who can get on with anyone. Never any grief with me!
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm not a hardcore gamer so that sort of kinship wouldn't appeal to me much. Just keeping it casual, yet with still enough peeps to play with and chat with most of the time. I'd rather a kinship with more mature players as well because of my age.
Looking forward to hearing from ya! (Hopefully, ha)
Server: Riddermark
Character: Kondo - Lv39 Hobbit Burglar - Explorer
Age: 24
Location: Vietnam. I know English good enough to communicate with people.
Playtime: As my time zone is +7 GMT, I often log in when it is morning at where server locates.
Other MMOs: I used to play Lineage 2 for about 3 years, then jumped from game to game until I stop at LOTRO 2 years ago. Now I play Grand Chase together with LOTRO
I'm what you called a casual grinder, as long as the grind is good enough to motivate me. I like to grind gears (as long as it doesn't not rely on luck), enjoy the lore, collect outfist and talk to people with sense of humour. However, my playstyle is being threatened as the grind becomes something tiresome and my old Vietnamese kin is inactive. Now I'm pretty much alone all time in the game
Why do I want to join a kinship?
Because I want to have people to talk to and have fun with. I need to remind myself that I'm playing a MMORPG, not a solo game with some multiplayer.
What do I expect from a kinship?
I want to join a light raiding kinship who often do group content together. However, I don't mind about a casual kin where I can chit chat and leisurely enjoy my time in game. I know that I'm a nighter in the server time, so it would be nice if I can join a nighter kin too.
My love for LOTRO is currently dying. I really need a good kinship environment in Riddermark to be my Beacon of Hope
Kinship, Maybe?
Character: Kynthia Lvl 45 Guardian Elf
Age: 21, 22 in September for those who are curious.
Server: Brandywine
Location: Central Standard Time, USA
Playstyle: Solo preferably, unless fellowship is required or if people just need someone to tag along.
MMO Game History: Conan Unchained, Arcane Saga, Tera, League of Legends, Fiesta, Perfect World, ECT.. But trust me nothing compares to Lotro.
Why kinships should be interested in you? What do you offer kinships?: Well to be honest I am not gonna sit here and bull&&&& you or tell you that I'm some sort of "hot &&&&". Cause I'm really not all that different from any other average gamer. A few good traits though; I am friendly and I can be helpful to those in need. Almost 9 times out of 10 I would be willing to trade or give stuff I do not need away that someone else may find useful. I am an active player so I most likely will be on sometime of the day unless work prevents that. I maybe one of the few people online these days that enjoys the simple conversation of others. Also, I find that I can get along with pretty much anyone.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: Personally I want an active kinship who is kind and friendly. One that doesn't mind just conversing, or isn't always worried about skirmishes and raids. A kinship that allows people to trade freely, help others, make friends and doesn't require you to join every fellowship asked of you. A mature kinship with a diverse range of player levels and classes. A group that has a sense of humor. Over all any group that would appreciate having someone new join their kin.
Also note: I have been invited to quite a few kinships but for some reason most of the ones people refer to me, die within a week if not the same day. So I really would like a kinship that as been active for quite sometime and people really enjoy being a part of, I don't care about the member count.
I hope I don't sound to picky. :3
Character: Celollost - Level 18 Minstrel (Man)
Age: 22
Server: Withywindle
Location: Eastern Standard Time, USA
Playstyle: Depends on my mood. I prefer small groups most of the time.
MMO Game History: Wow, EverQuest
Why kinships should be interested in you? What do you offer kinships?: I don't mind helping others out with quests, crafting, etc., even if it's not giving me any benefit. I enjoy having others to work with and talk to while playing LOTRO.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: An active kinship where there is a good social vibe, but also one where people are willing to help with Quests and Instances occasionally.
Hey guys
Hey guys whats up, my names Cal and im from the UK. I recentley started playing LOTRO after waiting 4 years for a proper LOTR game..but under my nose I had no idea of this game haha! Im looking for just a group of people to quest, adventure and just have fun with? I dont have a headset because I use Skype so either pm me in game (Boromide) or skype me (cdanielsxxx)
Server: Vilya
Toons: Lvl 35 Champ/Lvl 16 Hunter
Just looking for a very casual kin with friendly people to talk about Lotro and share advice. :)
Hello there, I'm Picaresque, a Human Captain on the Brandywine server. I'm only a few hours from being lvl 85 and I was looking for an active guild and to partake in end game raids and other group events.
I've been in a few other kins on brandywine but frankly they have all been very inactive. I have tons of experience playing mmos and I'm confident I'd be an asset to any kin, just looking for an active one! Please PM me here or on Picaresque in game, thanks.
Looking for a fun kinship on Windfola
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Primary is Durindeathless
Age: 36
Preferred server(s), if any. :Windfola
Location:KS, US Central Time
Playstyle: Solo, PvE, near daily casual, small group, time limited, metalsmith on primary, VIP
MMO games you’ve played: FFXI, WoW, and this one
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a support person. I like to craft. small groups are more fun than raids. I'm not hardcore by any means. I like to have fun more than getting the latest/greatest and maxing stats.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):One that is fun, Rank level 7 at least, fairly drama-free, has a good mix of casual/hardcore and who's leadership and members understand this is a game I play, not a Life I live.
I am Synnorha, elf, runemaster and experiencing now in level 51 that my list with uncompleted quests grow because I did fight alone until now. I need a kinskip and fellows to fight along with.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Bellaria- Woman, Loremaster, level 40
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
I'm CST but doesn't really matter if it's not too far off from that
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I like to solo a lot but I've really been wanting to get into instance groups and what not
MMO games you’ve played:
I've played WoW, SWTOR, Allods, Runes of Magic, that's about it
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I love to help others out, I don't have a character at cap but if anyone needs help 50 or below, I'm there :) I'm very respectful of others and friendly.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I'm looking for an actve kin that is very active in kin chat as I'm a chatty person lol A couple of kins that I have been in are semi active but kin chat just isn't there :( Like I said I would love to be able to run instances and skirms with kin groups things like that. When I do hit cap I would love to raid as well. Thanks so much for everyone's time!
I'm looking for a Kinship on Gilrain
Brief character biography:
Name: Psyker
Race: Elf
Class: Hunter
Level: 83 (Nearly 84, correct on 17/07/2013)
Profession: Woodsman (I have almost reached Eastemnet mastery)
Server: Gilrain
Location: England; UK (GMT)
Hi all,
I'm looking to join a friendly kinship interested in frequent raids and helping each other out. I've reached my 3rd year tenure early this year, and am a VIP.
I currently enjoy playing though the Epic Quest/Story, building my own weapons, improving my equipment, leveling up and "Monster Play". I really do enjoy participating in raids/skirmishes/instances, although this is quite difficult to do by myself!!
I could bring to your Kinship my large array of crafting abilities, my willingness to help others and work as part of a team, and a large number of sharp, pointy arrows for our enemies!!
I look forward to gaming with you!
Brandywine kins??
My name is Anthony, I'm 16. I'm new to the brandywine server and am looking for a kin, I have a Elf Rune-Keeper. I'm from the east side of the U.S. I like to do anything and everything in lotro, as long as im with people, i dislike playing solo. I'm looking forward to any kinship, but you must have a vent that is usually used (hate typing).
Looking for Laurelin RP Kin
Character Names: As yet undecided
Age: 24
Location: New York (EST)
Playstyle: I usually play on my own, but I'm looking to change that. I enjoy engaging in (and contributing to) a healthy RP environment; what I lack in lore familiarity, I like to think I compensate for with creativity and energy.
MMO Experience: WoW, SWG, EVE, SW:ToR, DDO, Rift, GW 1&2
What I bring to the table:
1. A fair amount of gameplay and system experience from a large and well-rounded sampling of MMOs
2. A working knowledge of and respect for proper RP conduct
3. An open mind with which I hope to help craft wonderful stories :)
What I want in a Kinship: Ideally a dedicated group of players and friends who take pleasure in immersion. I am not a Tolkien scholar by any stretch, but I'd love to meet some people who are and expand upon the universe. I would, however, be satisfied with any group who participates in regular, quality RP. Roster size is not a significant issue, though I imagine a smaller group would be more manageable.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if our ideologies jive, I hope you shoot me a PM.
Looking for Late Night Kinship in Laurelin.
I often play solo, but it is not my deepest preference to do so. I am looking for a friendly, helpful, mature Kinship that has a sizeable player contingent at either all hours, or late in hours, to early hours Eastern Time. I like RP very much, and honestly I would prefer a kinship that had some lore appreciation behind it, though I cannot be overly picky. Ideal time zones might be the opportunity to play with folks in Australia/New Zealand. On days that I work, I can generally play between 7:00AM-12:00PM, on days off, 22:00-12:00'ish, or later depending on what's going on, and whether I have work that evening.
Looking for a kinship on Silverlode
Aves, Elf hunter (70 currently)
Looking for a fun, easy going kinship on Silverlode to get in on more raids, group questing, crafting trading, etc. I'd love to have a fairly regular group of people to play with. It gets lonely questing out there all alone :)
Play mostly in the evenings and weekends on the EST.
Played Everquest, WoW, Rift, Gemstone, and a decent amount of LOTRO.
Let me know!
Looking for small, friendly kin in Snowbourn.
Character Name/Name: Kaliah/Katie
Age: 22
Server: Snowbourn
Location: UK (GMT)
Playstyle: Solo, Group, Casual
MMO games you’ve played: WoW
I'm relatively new to the game, and quite a relaxed player focusing on enjoying the game through levelling, exploring, questing and chatting with other players. I'm currently a Hunter approaching level 40, also love crafting, i'm a Miner, Prospector and Tailor, and levelling those skills quickly so I can provide in any way I can :) So just looking to join a small, very friendly and chatty group of people, that I can enjoy the game with.
Thanks for your time! :)
Kinship in Dwarrowdelf
character name: Mallore, Elf rune-keeper
Age: 18
Playstyle: i usually play solo - i have a lvl 78 hunter - but i want to find someone to play with. it gets lonely playing solo all the time;)
english is my second language which means that i'm a slow typer/ I am also shy so i find it difficult to find someone to play with.
MMO games you've played:lotro is the only MMo i've ever played.
Why kinships should be interested in you:I like helping people and crafting:)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: i'm not looking for something specific. just people i can have fun with^^
My details - Badreth, Man Warden
Age - 27
Server - Laurelin
Location - Scotland
Playstyle - Solo at the moment although I'm looking for group PvE content along with some RP. I'm a relativly casual player having a wife and life and what not but I do generally get a few hours throughout the week and more at weekends.
MMO Experience - Played this from pre-F2P til just pre-Rohan and played SWTOR from launch til now.
Why Me/Why You - I'm a fairly relaxed responsible player who is just looking to enjoy the game with a like minded group of people and not race to max lvl. The most important thing I'm looking for tbh is a kin that is not totally full of 85's and thus does next to no content at lower levels.
If that makes sense to anyone let me know!
Looking for a Bulgarian kinship in LOTRO. If such exist in any server please notify me. Want to join
Eldar server
Hello guys,
I'm quit new to lotro and the forums but i managed to get a lvl 25 champion in a week (On the Eldar server).
Unfortunaly i died at lvl 25 because i tried a fellowship quest in my own.
Now i'm searching for a kinship with some characters around lvl 24-27 to do some quests (Because i can't do the fellowship quests atm.).
I'm quit active (At least playing every day like 3/4 hours).
And i like to lvl a bit faster with people from the same lvl.
If some one wants to contact me i'm online about 3 hours. So around 20.15.
My charactername is bellong.
With kind regards,
Lvl. 25 Champion @Eldar
Server : meneldor
Name(s): Terild - lvl 55 guardian
( darchillorn) -44 loremaster
Looking for a kinship with others of the same lvl who are going through moria at this time . I do help others whenever I can , crafting isn't great but am working on it :)
Any responses would be great , ( mail or IM me , thx:)).
Server : firefoot
Name(s): Parathelion- lvl 85 Warden
( Toodledoo) -34 Burglar
( Teedledee) -30 Lore Master and a bunch of other stuff
Looking for an alliance that's active but also laid back. No crafting experience, or big raids (just got a new computer after the old one couldn't handle them) but hold my own in other area. Feel free to find me in the game or to DM me. Thanks!
Looking for a Kinship to grow with
Name or character name: Unknown at this time
Age: 27
Location: USA; CST, Oklahoma
Play-style: Whatever I feel like that day, If i feel lazy I will run a support class, if I feel hyper ill run a high burst dps, if I feel like a leader I will tank that day. I can pve, pvp, raid, solo, etc.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an adult and I act like one. I don't swear every other word and I don't argue over pointless stuff for the sake of arguing. I'm open minded and will always be willing to take advice from others and follow directions in groups. I have experience in the MMO world, so I'll already know the basics like aggro, pulling, main tank, off tank, etc. I am not greedy and I often put others before my self.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship with mature people. To me, mature dose not mean a certain age, it means people who don't act like children. What I don't want to see is people or kinships with names like "1c4Mp4lLd4y" or "$$havens$$" or anything else that uses numbers/symbols in place of words/letters or alternating upper and lower case letters. Hardcore is better to me than casual. I don't mind leveling on a time line, however I do want to enjoy every aspect of the game. A functional website is a must. A kinship that will help it's members is a must.
If any further questions arrise or you would like me to take a look at your Kinship please PM me or leave a bump on this post. Thank you for your time and god bless.
Looking for kinship on Landroval
Server: Landroval
Character: Ethradior
Class: Champion (New Character)
I'm a returning player in my mid-thirties who played ages ago. I decided to re-roll on Landroval to experience a more RP-oriented environment. I'd like a relatively laid-back group that puts real life concerns first. I've got a job in RL, I don't need one in game, if you know what I mean. I'd like light RP with mature players who are interested in socializing. However, I wouldn't want kinship chat to be strictly in-character. I'd like to do some raiding, and some group pvp once this character is high enough level.
Timezone: Eastern US.
Your name, or character name and race: Bindgrim (dwarf, guardian, currently lvl 63, Imladris)
Age: 25
Preferred server(s), if any: Imladris, Snowbourn
Location: CET (currently CEST)
Playstyle: Solo, casual, time-limited
MMO games you’ve played: Ragnarok Online, Mechwarrior Online
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual, friendly
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Margiel, Elf, Rune-Keeper (currently lvl 33)
Age: 26 (almost 27)
Server: I'm American, but on the Snowbourn server. (I picked it before I knew it was mostly European. Not that I have anything against Europe, just letting you know that there's a time difference.)
Location: USA
Playstyle: I prefer solo-ing, but I'd like help with Fellowship quests. I'd say I'm casual to medium. It depends on the day. Some days I'm more hardcore. I try to do all the quests and deeds possible, so I'm a bit obsessed in that regard.
MMO games you’ve played: Atlantica, Maple Story.
Why kinships should be interested in me: No idea.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a medium sized kinship, without any politics. Organized, but friendly and laid-back. I'm still not sure what role Kinships play in this game. I was a Guild Leader in Atlantica, and because I didn't pay attention to the politics, I accidentally upset a more powerful Nation (a group of 6 Guilds), and my Guildies payed the price for my ignorance. I don't want a repeat of that experience, nor do I want to be in a Kinship that bullies others.
Looking for kinship
I am a returning player, my character is level 60 an Elf hunter by the name of Towahn. I am growing tired of soloing all the time and would like to be part of Kinship. I am 27 and live in Ohio i usually play every weeknight from 5pm-10pm, weekend hours vary. I am not looking for a kinship of strangers i would like to be part of a kinship that quest/raids together often. I am wanting to begin grinding better gear and raiding regularly and would like a kin to do it with. I play on Landroval if you are interested in having me please contact me here or in game thanks!
Looking for Kinship. Elindilmir server.
Hello folks, have taken an extended break and am wanting to start back. Looking for a kin for social or help. I play most evenings after work. Just restarted a lm im currently leveling. I live in central time zone US. Toon name is Stagnant, please feel free to message in game. Btw Im old and don't type much so voice(TS,Vent, Etc) would be preferred.
Hello me and a friend just recently rerolled to the Brandywine server and are looking for a large, helpful, social and well organized mature kin that knows how to have a laugh and has some quality control on members joining.
A website would be a bonus but Teamspeak3 is essential as the kin we join must be active and social on voice also.
Me and my friend play a Warden and Runekeeper, if you are what we seek please reply here with your char name and i shall contact you in game cheers.
P.S We are both from the UK so a kin with a focus in that timezone is important also.
Looking for kinship for instances, raids and group quests (and fun ;))
Hi there, I'll just use the example
Your character: Tybbie, elf runekeeper currently lvl 46
Age: 20
Preferred server(s): snowbourn
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Western Europe
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Well... uhm... I'll be nice? ;)
And offcourse I will help other players as well when they need help with a quest.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship with nice players who like to play in group so I'll be able to do group quests etc.
Remember When? - Looking for a Kinship
Remember when the game first came out and the land thrived with kinships that focus was on exploring, socializing, and having fun getting to know your companions? When leveling your toon and building your crafting skills was more important then end-game raids and irritating repeater quests for rep. (Why did we leave the dropped rep items idea anyways?) And the excitement of getting a house or earning your first 4 gold to buy the mount of your dreams was an accomplishment that you enjoyed because it was earned thru hard work and fellowship, not bought thru the store in a rush to be max level and ultra-powerful.
Well, I guess I've given away that Im an older, more mature player who has drifted away from the game because the Meneldor server has gone virtually dead except for a few raiders and the game has developed into a WoW wanta-be. But if there are any mature kinships left on any of the North America servers that have fun social events, actually chat about life, family and enjoy exploring the maps just to see what we can find, please respond to this link. I loved this game up until about a year ago when constant kin collapses, political games in the kinships, and then the server just dying ruined it for me. I really miss the friendships and fun this game offers but so few explore that anymore on my server. I am willing to Transfer my level 80 warden to a new server after talking with anyone and being sure its a good fit. Prefer guilds with a LOTR orientated name.
So if you want an older guy who just loves to chat, craft and be a part of a family style kinship and not a raid grinder. Let me know! Hopefully I'm not alone in this desire . . .
Send me a message thru the forums or reply to this posting (Fingers crossed)
**Update** I have found a home with the Rangers of the West on Gladden. Thank you everyone for your invitations. It was good to see that at least a few social kinships still exist in LOTRO!