Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Aye...and stop bashing my uber kinnies in your kittythread that snuck into Forochel :p
No Bashings Kitteh sez twu, dey be uber en cool. I be teh losted 1! Askes ennybuddy!! I r losted all teh time. I haz my own kin so sumbuddy can hold mah hand. Dey takes me to teh 'moors so I can heals dem and since I r teh leader dey needs to tries to proteks me... liek dis when I feign death.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
I was helping my friend with some quests the other day, this reminded me of one of them...
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
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to each their own, oh yes please.
but to call other's "disgusting"? why cant u simply post in a more "less-negative manner" regarding the location? by all means, if u dont like the location, complain about it. bring ur theories and evidences to support ur complain. please do. i, personally, have no issue about that, and yes, i even agree to some point that the location may not be the most suitable for this thread.
but, personally, IMHO, its ur "somewhat rude" way of "sugar-coating" ur complaints that irks me..... why did u find it necessary to call it 'disgusting', or 'speaktard', or 'foolish', or anything to the likes of *looking down* others' opinnion? u couldve just say "i dont agree".
thats the issue we have with people these days :( inability to speak their mind without hurting others.
my apologies too for calling u a smartass. i just needed some sugar. now i had lunch. me nao full. :3
The problem is Redbeaver that this man is probably a sad depressed excuse for a human being. He plays MMOs to make him feel macho and then tries to ruin threads so he feels like he is important. He cannot find the humor in this thread because he believes life sucks and thinks everyone should be depressed like him. What he is doing is probably a cry for help that he does not deserve.
Honestly we should all just ignore him because he is getting what he wants, attention. Lets see some more kittehs and have some fun.
Vive LoTROcats!!! :D
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
jeez where r u guys finding these stuff? lol
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
The problem is Redbeaver that this man is probably a sad depressed excuse for a human being. He plays MMOs to make him feel macho and then tries to ruin threads so he feels like he is important. He cannot find the humor in this thread because he believes life sucks and thinks everyone should be depressed like him. What he is doing is probably a cry for help that he does not deserve.
And taking direct aimed pot-shots at me like this makes you what then? Eh? Want me to take a shot at "things you probably are"? I certainly don't want to. :p That's bad man. Bad.
Honestly we should all just ignore him because he is getting what he wants, attention.
Then practice what you're preaching.
You people are way too sensitive. .... and judgemental.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
You people are way too sensitive. .... and judgemental.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
OK guys, I'll leave you alone to your I R HVAN PHUN... ;)
... with this. Please don't misquote me like this.
Originally Posted by
but to call other's "disgusting"?
I haven't called anyone anything (unlike what's been aimed at myself). Well, except maybe immature... But by disgusting, I meant "the language" being created(?) in this thread.
When someone in-game talks to me like this, makes me want to PK them. :D
Carry on.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
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This one cracked me up... lol
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
... with this
You mean "wif thiz" amirite?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
OK guys, I'll leave you alone to your I R HVAN PHUN... ;)
... with this. Please don't misquote me like this.
I haven't called anyone anything (unlike what's been aimed at myself). Well, except maybe immature... But by disgusting, I meant "the language" being created(?) in this thread.
When someone in-game talks to me like this, makes me want to PK them. :D
Carry on.
i fully understand that ur calling the Language itself "disgusting", not any person in particular.
but maybe im not too clear in my reply: by calling what others find amusing, disgusting... that's almost the same as "calling our opinions disgusting", no? thus my point was, why do u have to call something that alot of people in this forums LOVE (not just like) - which is the language, among the kitty pictures - something like 'disgusting' or 'speaktard'?
i know ur not calling the persons disgusting (tho u feel like u wanna PK them if u found people who talk like that in-game), but ur calling something that "we treasure"... *disgusting*.
personally, thats close enough to call *the person* itself *disgusting*
get it?
so please....... just quitely leave. and to b quite honest, if i ever see you personally in-game, hmmmmmm yeah, if i could, i would personally PK u over n over n over again. just to drive u mad and smack your head to the wall.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
You people are way too sensitive. .... and judgemental.
YOU PEOPLE!! Dat term is offensives I believe teh kitteh correckt term is "You Hoomans" So whats we are sensitives, u is too! En also judgementil abouts mah languages en mah humors. En seyz I is not on topic in general. Is otay though cuz mah peeps luvs me en dey maked me smiles.
Originally Posted by
Please don't misquote me like this...
I haven't called anyone anything (unlike what's been aimed at myself). Well, except maybe immature... But by disgusting, I meant "the language" being created(?) in this thread.
When someone in-game talks to me like this, makes me want to PK them. :D
U Noes whut? kitteh pidgin is internetz pahnominon, wheres u live en teh real world or sumpfing?
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Okay, I think I wanted to head in for now...
I really really find it utterly disguasting when an adult woman talks to me in baby-talk. I find it very very irritating, artificial and pushing way.
However, this thread is not made for such purpose. If cat's can talk in their languages, with their cuteness, game-loving nature, they would be more like that I say... We enjoy them, we love their unexpected poses from a beast.
It's not matter of language, it is matter of fun now. Noone talks like that in their real lives or their writings. I'm not natively English speaking person as you can guess, but if people can understand me, it's fine...
Now Melissa, go ahead and give us more cats!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Iz nao nessehsary to summerize mah own thread. Teh last few pages haz been beset by teh Normanses. Dis is a nu type of hooman much likes a troll, but differs cuz dese hoomans hate teh lotrokittehs. (while I fink dat teh troll hoomans just hate everbuddy teh same.) Dis make teh kitteh peeps all sad, en a little angers.
Teh kitteh peeps defy teh Normanses who first do not want kittehs to speak dere own language. Dey insist dat kittehs shuld speaked propers englishes en use grammzors en punk-shoe-ations. We wuz ackuzed of beings responsibles for hoomans beings dumb en not maken cents on dere job applicatshuns.
We then wuz ackuzed of having a disgustin language, being un-stiky worthy en teh general forums en being teh reasons dat sum players PK udder players. We is called YOU PEOPLE, en told we iz too sensitives en also judgementil...
En short dis whut happen:
Den all teh kitteh peeps makes a buncha meowings en picktures en maked 1 of teh Normanses laugh en so:
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
Okay, I think I wanted to head in for now...
I really really find it utterly disguasting when an adult woman talks to me in baby-talk.../SNIP
What?! Mate, you can't be serious...that's utter melt your knees, no I don't need to go work, yes I'll call in sick, yes I'll do your laundry and all the cleaning, hotness. (it's disgustingly hot btw)
I can't believe the amount of pics on that site :D
EDIT: Didn't want to weight in on the normans but:
^^ Is my doggies, 3.5mths old and already 20kg
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
I think this says it all, when you really think about it. But I guess Mr. Tolkien (you know, the guy responsible for the great works of literature upon which the very game we are playing is based) gets a pass on using "Hobbitses" and other non-standard English because he was only quoting someone. Oh, sweet irony. It only makes you wonder what the kittehs would say.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Always supported the kitties! (kind of have to have 4 of the lil beasties running rampant through my house atm lol) The thread is for fun and enjoyment always has been so keep the kitties coming!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
is my doggies, 3.5mths old and already 20kg
damnit, this thread is for cats, not dogs
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
damnit, this thread is for cats, not dogs
There was a dog thread but it didn't last long..
IRL: dogs>cats
captions : cats>dogs
(coz cats dont run over to the camera and try to eat it/you)
love ma puppy.
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
The thread is fun and for enjoyment and always has been. Please do not let the Normans of the world get you down. Being a cat lover (I have 10 rescues) and a LOTRO lover, this is one of my favorite threads. Keep up the good work!
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
The thread is fun and for enjoyment and always has been. Please do not let the Normans of the world get you down. Being a cat lover (I have 10 rescues) and a LOTRO lover, this is one of my favorite threads. Keep up the good work!
10 kitties! i know what they do during the day...
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Re: The Forums: Summary via LOTROcat
Originally Posted by
The thread is fun and for enjoyment and always has been. Please do not let the Normans of the world get you down. Being a cat lover (I have 10 rescues) and a LOTRO lover, this is one of my favorite threads. Keep up the good work!
Can't stand cats IRL (highly allergic) and I still get a kick out of this thread :D
Kudos all around (even to "teh normanz" who inspired a couple of real funny pics)