Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - The existing hook system offers not enough options in decorating. I would allow more free-form positioning of housing items with less pigeon-holing (big wall/little wall only etc.) More floor plans would be nice along with an extra room or two in the home. It would be nice to have a social room, trophy room, sleeping room and pantry. Reduce or delete upkeep fees. If the number of locked homes is not a database issue for Turbine then why make players sink money into them regularly ? It's not an incentive to keep your home because you never really lose it. I would move housing closer to the main centers. I would make two types of neighbourhoods in each racial area. One with all homes, another with homes plus a single kin hall. Anyone can move in the homes only area. A kinship must purchase the kin hall and only then can someone move into the kin hall neighborhood area and they must be a kin member. The kinship can maintain all homes and escrow homes belonging to players who go away, etc. This gives kin members a better chance to live near their hall.
2. LFF Tools - you should be able to mark multiple quests you are available for and make the system more intrusive (by player choice of course). In other words when you are in an area with other players flagged for the same quests as you, you get some sort of visual indicator that lets you go check out the LFF panel and decide on sending a tell to them.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
"Items Wanted" - Similar to the Auction House mechanics a player can visit the AH and place a work order with the "Items Broker" (for lack of a better title at the moment) for something they want or need, could be personal use or for a crafting quest. They submit what item they want and are prepared to pay for it and put a time frame on it, 1-7 days max. Like a bid, this money is immediately deducted. Another player can commit to supplying it, they place the Wanted Item Order on hold for 24 hours (reserving it for them to fill). They send it via the Items Broker and receive the money. You have a fixed number of Items Wanted slots so if you don't picked up your completed orders, you won't be able to post more either.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals - I don't want to pause my leveling for what is essentially fluff.
2. The Music System - similar reasons as the festivals.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Crafting: ability to modify/remove/swap stats on gear.
Fix the timers for making guild emblems for the auto crit gear. Someone making weapons only needs one or 2 emblems per 10 levels but someone making armour or jewellery needs six of seven for the same time frame. Also you need to find a way to allow a crafter to make crit gear for themselves sooner than once they have the crafting level maxed out. One of the problems with this game is that unless you are wearing good crit gear as soon as it is available while leveling you feel like a punching bag instead of a hero and that's a big turn off.
2. Housing: Be able to place anything anywhere inside and out and just have a budget. ie. outside budget is 200 and a big tree is worth 25. Also you should be able to take a room in an inn or have an apartment in town
3. Let us have access to fix the UI
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Runes and runewords to be slotted in armour and weapons ala Diablo 2.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
This question doesn't make a lot of sense. This is a game I play in my entertainment time and I do exactly what I want when I want.
If you asking what content I would like to see more of then its simple, new lands, quests, story, instances and real character progression (not deconstructable character progression)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Destiny point buffs - These have been around forever and have not really changed (rouse spirit was a nice addition thou). Adding more buffs or upgraded buffs would be nice to see
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
PVMP skirmishes
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP as a freep, progression and rewards need to be expanded
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. As many have already said, Housing!!! One thing I would like to add though is there really needs to be an ability to sell back a house, even if it's at a minor loss.
Or, in other words, the ability to move without losing a fairly large sum of gold.
2. Skirmishes. There are a lot of things that I think could be improved with the skirmish system.
- The Skirmish tutorial should give you the ability to try out all of the different soldiers while they are pretty beefed up so you can get an idea of what they are capable of before making your final decision. I know you can always use skirmish marks to level up each solider class, but it's incredibly boring and such a waste of skirmish marks when the game should give you the necessary information to make a good decision anyway.
- Soldier AI needs to be drastically improved. Nothing like watching your warrior standing 2 feet away facing the wrong direction while you get beat on by 3 mobs.
- This should go for all instances, but I would like to see automatic difficulty scaling for however many people are in your group. Or at least an option for 4 or 5 man skirmishes as well.
- Skirmish mark costs revisited. Maybe it's just me, but the costs for the Curiosities barter items seem ridiculously high. In most cases I think the cost should be reduced by at least half, if not more. Because right now it feels like way too much of a grind for any of those items that it's not even worth doing. In other words, right now I would spend MUCH less time grinding gold to buy one of the items off the auction house than I would spend grinding skirmish marks to buy it from the barter vendor.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mentor system. The ability to both temporarily lower your level to play with a friend or increase their level to play with you. CoH's sidekick system would be a good jumping off point.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I would like to spend more time crafting, but the incentive is just not there since MoM and Mirkwood have come out.
2. Gaining reputation. Bree-lands (and the other low level reputations) has a perfect balance of grind vs. reward. Most of the higher level reputations are way too much of a grind. I end up getting bored and doing something else when I don't see any real results after hours and hours of grinding mobs for reputation items.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Session play, especially session play with chickens or other creatures. I want to be able to session play in Moria, Mirkwood and Lothlorien. Combat Session Play like the "We cannot get out" instance in Volume two where you play a majorly buffed champion is also pretty fun.
2. The reputation system. I would like to see titles at every rep level for every faction and new reputation rewards especially new cosmetics, housing items, mounts or emotes.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Town sieges. A few attacks have been made as live events. I would set it up where a town would become an instance and say and players could join the instance with a panel similar to skirmish join. Have it be like a biweekly event. Also they could be setup to either be vs npcs or possible monster players.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. The music system. It seems I've been doing less and less of this lately, I still pull out my instruments every once in a while.
2. RPing with the massive grind inclusions in MoM/SoM I have less time to sit around for this
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Housing. Free form, no hooks, limit only the number of items placed (ie 20 items for a regular house room, 30 for deluxe, 50 for a kin hall, etc.).
2.Reputation. Most rep rewards stop at 50. Add or scale the rewards to better reflect the current level cap and effort involved. As it stands, you cannot attain kindred with most factions at a level to use the items they offer. A wider range of rewards would be nice. Also rep crafting items for each faction from each craft. The Rangers of Estildin probably need meals as much as they need fancy tailored items. Even giving each craft one item for each rep faction would improve things immensely.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Scaling. Instances can scale to the average level of the group/ fellowship. Old raids (Helegrod, Rift, etc) at the very least could have set ranges (50-55, 55-60, 60-65, etc). Treasure and drops should scale to the levels of the groups, even barter rewards can be scaled. Scaling things for fellowship numbers would also be a plus, for those times when you have 4 kin on, making 3-mans and 6-mans both impossible.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.Rad instances. I'm from a small kin and play off peak hours. Providing some ways to save time LFF would be helpful. Or making the instances scaleable (see above) to the number people in the fellowship. Many things would help.. better lff, bulletin boards at the local inn/tavern, etc.
2.Session play. Chicken runs, story sessions (Fall of Khazd-Dum) etc. Some are too long and boring, or solo only, others aren't re-playable. Making these more fun would be nice.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Battle Instances. Make them more fluid/epic feeling. For example instead of just defending 1 of 3 locations filled with npcs make it so you can attack/defend a keep (npcless aside from lords if defending) and have mobs in the 50s-100s (swarm level and up) per pull.
2. Skirmishes. Add more unique rewards such as epic jewelery or armor thats only gettable in skirmishes. Make these items cost 5k-20k skirmish marks.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Zone renown/infamy. As you do things that advance the free peoples plans you gain renown and after gaining a certain threshold (within a certain area like trollshaws or evendim) you get acess to different rewards like a special recipe or cool piece of equipment.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.Combat system. The current live combat system in live is the same as before. In Beta the new melee combat was fast and fun. What you brought to Live flat out sucks. Its no different.
2. Crafting. Make it relevant again.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
New class that is focused on hand to hand combat.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1.12 man raids
2. Helegrod
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The damage/resistance system is too confusing. There are no clear explanations for why player damage should hit below the tooltip listed damage when a Knowledge of the Lore Master scan shows a feeble resistance to a certain damage type. There is way too much mystery to how damage is calculated, how -resistance traits and tools function, and why the combat is shifting more towards luck than skill. The new "range of damage" and "numbers instead of percentages" needs to be explained much more clearer than it is currently.
2. There needs to be more gear coin drops in raids. Waiting a year for a complete raid set is...painful. The current paltry coin drop chance discourages team participation and encourages selfishness. Make raiding more rewarding by giving out more goodies.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Offline crafting. It would be nice to be able to craft on my PDA, cell phone, or Facebook account without having to be logged in the actual game! :D
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
I can't think of one activity that I don't have time to do....
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
1) housing : either expand the already existing neighborhood or let us upgrade our houses (too few houses available to buy) , it s kind of frustrating to have all the houses locked due to upkeep in the neighborhood where our kinhouse is located (also where bunch of my kinmates have theirs) to have 0 houses available , well there was one deluxe house left ,was on my way to buy it and someone bought it during the night, let us pay the ammount it would take to buy a deluxe house to have the small houses upgraded to a deluxe one (i already own a small one in there)
edit: the hooks as bunch of people mentioned is dumb, also from the housing quest you get a bear rug but you cant even put it in a small one ,you expect people to keep their rug untill they can afford a deluxe one?
and to the question of whats missing and would be nice more hobbies , i ve read in a thread somewhere (not sure if it was mentioned in this one) sculptures either from plants or rocks
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. It's just an additonal chest right now since no one has a reason to stroll by and see all the pretty items. Plus, most houses are locked due to lacking upkeep so no fun going around trying to see them. Sorry no ideas as to how improve it.
2. Music. Too difficult to get a group together, share the same song, type the commands, find the right part and get it all going. However, the rewards are excellent but most people don't try it since it is too hard. Why can't the leader assign the song, without others having it, and get it all going? Maybe too easy.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
- IN GAME CALENDARS!!!! The game should include the tools you need in a kin to schedule instance runs.
- Underwater swimming. Gollum did it to get the ring, according to the movie.
- Random generated instances. Diablo did it.
- Aggro/Threat monitor. As a tank I can never tell just how well I'm doing with threat generation compare to the rest of the fellowship.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Levelling, it happens too fast.
2. More areas to explore. The rate at which the expansions come out takes away from the urgency of the Ring's journey. I don't wish to see the game end too fast, so I would rather see more land to explore.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - I would love to see a revamp of the item placement in housing so that we could fit more items in the house. I would also like to see more reasons for people to want to own a house or visit the neighborhoods (I haven't seen another player in my neighborhood in FOREVER). One idea would be Superior Crafting facilities somewhere in the neigborhood. Another idea would be to implement some sort of "yardsale" type of ability to sell items at your house. You would need to have some way in-game to advertise that you're having one and also your location so people could find you. This would keep people from spamming the global channels.
2. Skirmish System - It was a great idea and a lot of people do like it, but it seems like a huge grindfest to me with level capped characters. There are only a few things I would even barter for if I did have the skirmish marks. Everything just seems expensive to me and not worth the time. Give level capped characters (or characters that have SM crafters to create gear for them) a reason to run skirmishes. I like that you've added some cosmetic items, keep adding these, but don't make it take me three full days of grinding to get them, it just bores me to death.
3. I know you said two, but I just can't limit it to 2. Revamp the deeds and virtues. It really bites for me to go back and kill 360 of the same mob in some area on multiple characters. Give me a way to share the load between the characters or allow me to "purchase" a copy of the deed if another character has done this using in-game money, not RL money.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
This probably doesn't qualify since it has to do with LI's, but give us another "Bounties" mechanic so that we can level these LI's up without having to grind Sword Hall 400 times. The old Bounties in Esteldin were really worth it and TONS of people participated in it. I grouped up more doing these than any other time in the game and it was fun to run it daily because it was worth it. You killed the bounties when you nerfed it into oblivion with the SOM release. I know you felt it was OP, but obviously most people didn't feel that way since grinding LI's became MUCH less of a burden when these came out.
I would also love to see a way to change the race of a character. I have an Elf guardian and would love to change him to a Dwarf. My likes and dislikes have changed since I first started playing the game and created this guy. It would be great if we could do this, I would grind the race traits over again with no problem if I could just change the race.
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing - it just doesn't seem worth it to me, there are other things that always draw my attention away.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing - Right now my deluxe house mostly feels like a storage shed with a fancy bed and some stuffed animals. I want it to feel like something *I* did, not just a place to stash stuff.
There are a lot of ways you could go here, and some of them would require major overhauls. I'm not sure it's time for that yet, but I'd like to see some real improvements. First, give people a reason to spend time in houses, and a reason to check out how other people live. SWG had an excellent system where you could basically place any in-game item anywhere in your house, in any position. People made some really excellent displays using captured armor sets, furniture, art, etc.
I really like the trophy system in LotRo, but in SWG there were many more artistic things you could get. Some kinhouses looked like an art gallery! I don't expect you to completely trash the hook system for something as versatile as SWG had, because I doubt the engine would support it. But more options on what I can place, and much finer control over where I can place it would lend to more creative and much more satisfying decorating.
2. The economy / auction house is in serious need of improvement and upgrading. WoW's AH was pretty lame in the beginning, but since they allowed plugins, people came up with tools to read and track markets that really improved the system for crafters and buyers alike. Since LotRo doesn't have that option, you guys need to build it into the game. You can't have a real market without information. Currently your information is limited to what's on sale this minute for what price. There's no history, there's no record of what anything actually sold for, and there's no memory. LotRo's "market" is just a simple "spigot/drain" model, which takes all the fun and interest out of being a crafter.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
More hobbies - Fishing is boring! I've seen some excellent suggestions elsewhere, like card playing, that could add some fun social aspects to the game. Notice how popular casual gaming has become in the Facebook age. I don't want Farmville in Middle Earth, but more casual things to do would be fun. The festival events are a good start. Things like the hedge maze and horse races really add something. But they get old after awhile, there's no advancement, and they aren't always around.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)[/QUOTE]
1. The Epic storyline - I'm a social gamer, but an inveterate solo quester. My game time is intermittent and at odd hours, so it's really hard for me to find groups for instanced quests. I basically skipped the second half of Volume 1 and went to Moria. At lvl 59 I went back because you'd made it soloable. I was thrilled to complete Vol 1. I hope you do something like it with Vol II (maybe a little more sophisticated then the god buff, but I'd be happy with that even). BTW - there are still some small fellowship quests in the Trollshaws for Vol 1 that are not soloable by an even-level toon. If the mobs in some instances hadn't been gray to me, I never could have soloed them.
2. I can't think of another one.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised?
1. Character creation options
2. Housing- No hooks make them free form (& add on a side-room "stable" for mounts)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Random Encounters- much like the wandering Rare Signature's in the game: Bandits ambushing you on the road, small moving enemy "patrols," wandering Dwarf/Elf trade caravans. These should be extremely random & wide ranging paths so players can't camp an area or know where they pop up / duration in game or to rez. Like "Hayoo" he has some great ideas.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1. Definately NOT skirmishes they are worthless, Doing "off questing time" expand "Festival" type actions into Inn's & towns so they are alive and not static boring places.
2. Doing more quests, we have to waste alot of time doing endless boring grinding for deeds, traits etc. And I'd rather do new quests to rescue captured kids / save a homestead specifically just to get deed credit rather than kill 60 bunnies, sparrows and kittens then another 120 kittens, sparrow and bunnies.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I would like to see Kinship get a revamp
2. Housing neighborhoods for kins / ability to work as a community to build neighborhoods up (superior crafting stations, decor, whatever) / Housing neighborhoods over the mountains (Dale for Men / Erebor for Dwarves / N. Mirkwood for Elves...just a thought)
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be? Super Farming, or Animal Husbandry that one must collect in periods of time, preferably in their new kin neighborhood =)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. I have time, but thanks for asking =)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. The LFF tool. I have never successfully used this tool. I believe this is due in large part to it only looking for a single quest when I may have a dozen or more quests I need a fellowship to complete.
And, I may be wrong with this next part but I bet that it doesn't take into account chain quests. By doing so it could expand the pool of potential fellows considerably.
2. While not an existing system, I believe an in-game calendar would be of great use. Through this system, official events could be advertised but more importantly, it would allow for the organization of player-created events.
I imagine it would work by anyone creating an event with date, time, location, description, roles necessary, etc. They then share this event with their friendlist (or a subset thereof) and/or their kin. When a friend or kin accepts the event it shows up on their calendar and a roster of all those participating is visible.
A simple and powerful tool for organizing quests, raids, rp events, and whatever else a group can do.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I don't have an idea for a brand new game mechanic, but I would like to see an existing mechanic expanded: Hobbies. I admit that I don't have a ready example of what would fit here, especially when lore constraints are considered but perhaps some kind of tavern game which could involve multiple people.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Two activities I've not done as much with I would like is music and housing. I've learned musical skills and I have decorations filling up my bank, but these two systems just don't command my attention when I log in. I don't think this reflects poorly on these systems it's just that my time is taken with leveling and deeding.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised?
1) Cosmetic Weapons and shields. I love the look of certain weapons and shields (especially the Dwarven Shields, being primaraly a Dwarf player) and really don't like the look of others (like my current guild shield which looks like a big set of wings, very undwarven).
2) Economy. I'd like to see more selling slots and longer selling times. 30 slots doesn't seem like a lot when your selling looted recipes which I hate to just sell when someone might need them and 2 days isn't very long at all. Maybe raise the price a bit and offer 7 days. Also maybe put in a system for wanted items. Since I solo most of the time it took me like 2 weeks to lvl up my bow because no one had posted one.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
I would love to see mounted combat before or at release of gameplay in Rohan. Also would like to see characters being able to equip their horses with barding for combat, etc.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in.
1) PvMP. I haven't really explored much with this becuase it seems like I'm always tied up leveling up my characters. Maybe someday.
2) Fishing. Just kind of boring. Not sure how to make it exciting though as I don't really care for fishing in real life.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Deeds, especially as they are tied to Virtues. With the revisions that have occurred to 'expedite' leveling and shove players into the endgame content/areas quicker it is completely unreasonable to expect that players will have to kill (for example) 450 Angmarim in Angmar to raise 1 rank of Justice per character. This problem becomes even more acute with the possibility to have 9 characters on a single account and the benefits that Virtues provide being not only demanded by fellows for group content, but even to effectively play solo with a character. Clearly exploration deeds can/should be done per character, however the slayer deeds could desperately use some sort of accountwide system. Even if it were to autogrant the base slayer deed (after initial completion on one character) and still require each character to seperately finish the Advanced section (thereby reducing the total number to be killed by 1/3) would be of immense help. Also the sheer number for certain mobs should be revisted. Killing 450 of any one type of mob should be a thing of the past if it is not coupled with accountwide credit for the kills. As a tack onto this, rank 10 cap on Virtues coupled well with a Level 50 character level cap, at this rate we should have a rank 13 cap on Virtues now, they just aren't providing a meaningful impact during end-game/grouping content at the current level cap.
2. For crafting, keep the Multiple-Output system coming! The idea behind the Malledhrim recipes and the recent Jeweller recipe changes were great, keep it up and expand it out to the other professions as well. Also, if Turbine's going to keep the same pathetic Book release rates that we had during Mines of Moria (every 4 months compared to the bimonthly Shadows of Angmar rate), then make these Multiple-Output recipe revamps come out more frequently than just with Book releases (a la the II.8.1 patch).
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Kinship based accomplishments/rewards. There are already a lot of kinships that specialize in raiding, but many of the rewards go to a specific member in terms of gear. It's clear which kinships are raiding kinships based upon how many trophy items they have in their front lawn, but what about kinships that can't/don't focus on raiding? What if you have a kinship which has it's accomplishments resting in crafing instead? Many well equipped raiders out there got their gear from some of the most proficient crafters on their respective servers, maybe a reward in the form of a crafting facility that would take up a housing decoration slot is in order It would serve a two-fold function of rewarding some of the best aspects in the game, namely the wide diversity of things a player (or group of players) can choose to do in the game, and provide some real incentive for players to visit their kinship house other than to use the storage boxes or to get that repair discount at the local vendors.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Fishing. The idea is great and I actually enjoyed leveling my first angler, but without new/top tier/max level recipe productions for the fish I catch, there isn't much incentive for me to keep fishing or to level the hobby on any additional characters.
2. With the amount of time required to invest in Virtue farming, gear farming, radiance gating, ixp farming, the Legacy lottery, I really don't feel like I have enough time to experience all the game has to offer in terms of perspective from each of the different classes. I am about as self sufficient as a player can possibly be, but the time involved in getting a character up to snuff for even solo content, not to mention group activities, really limits a player to having to choose a rather small number of characters to play with on a regular basis. I'm not saying I want to have 9 main characters, but if the other systems had a little bit of the grind taken out of them, I know I could better appreciate all the details that have been put into making the game enjoyable for all character classes.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing. Definitely housing. Considering that peoples unhappiness with the incredibly restrictive nature of the hook system began within a couple weeks of Housing being introduced, it's fair to say this is something that should have been redressed further than allowing rotation of objects. I don't see any need to make any suggestions, there are more than enough in the sub-forum and many of them seem (to me) to be far superior in concept than what we currently have.
2. Although it's not what you'd call "a system" and it probably wanders into the same territory occupied by LIs and Radiance G(ating)ear, my second suggestion would be to do something about Itemisation in the game. I remember in the halcyon days of LotRO the fact that you could get cool armour and weapons from pretty much anywhere, Instances, Barter, Crafting as well as the barely known and even then poorly implemented World Drops. As it stand now, if you somehow get a weapon drop from a mob, it is invariably going to be yellow and completely, utterly and stomach turningly USELESS. Nowadays, LI and Radiance aside, the weapons and armour that you can get from Instances is far and away the best you can get, even though it doesn't change in anything other than appearance (different weapons having the same names, and exact same stat bonuses? please try harder) depending on where you get it from (3 mans). Give people more options in what they can use, have some unique world drops (Purple or better) with low probability (0.3% or smaller) that would actually be considered for use by anyone other than a Mentally deficient Chimp post massive brain haemorrhage. And don't make them only drop inside instances.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
It's already an existing system, but the changes i'd suggest would require the complete breakdown and reconstruction of the system that already exists. Kinships. Make them appealing. Make them fun. Reward people for participating with their kinmates in EVERYTHING. More XP, increased drops, more SM for in-kin Skirmishes. Reward Kins uniquely for working together. Give us a kinship levelling system that could easily have been included from the start, and incorporate access to those special rewards as part of the levelling process (Did I just suggest a content gate? Oh yes I did!). What about special Skirmishes/instance only accessible in kinship groups, and only after your kinship has levelled to a certain point? The rewards and motiviation they can tie into the kinship system are massive, and very easily incorporated into the current state of the game (ie as the war across Middle Earth deepens, kinships become more important, cooperation, family and teamwork are what allows the Free People of Middle Earth to push back against the forces of Sauron).
*(Now i know a lot of people are going to be insulted by that, because they feel they shouldn't have to be in a kinship to do content, but the fact is everyone should want be in a kinship, because otherwise you are wasting your money playing a single player game in a persistent player populated world.)
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Music. Too technical for me to learn, especially with all the other goals im striving for in the game.
2. Fishing. I want to, but again there are soooo many other things I want to do in the game other than sit wathcing a float bob for 30 minutes every day.
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Housing, housing, housing. The hook system needs to go away, we need more flexibility as far as where we can put our items. Actually we need more housing items/patterns too. And more space... additional or larger chests, working "closets" for cosmetic items, a stable for mounts. The neighborhoods feel empty, especially with all the closed houses... there's got to be some way to improve this.
2. Music. We need new instruments. A fiddle and cello for stringed instruments with sustain would be wonderful. A way to for players to transfer .abcs in-game would be great too, then we cold more easily get files to other players for group playing, like an item that you can assign an abc file to, then trade or mail it to other players.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
An in-game calendar. Our kin was just talking earlier today about the hassle of getting people to sign up for events on our kin forums/calendar. An in-game calendar with a mechanism for players to set up events and invite other players (see the WoW-version) would be fantastic. You could even set up a server calendar that players could add events to... concerts, open RP opportunities, PUG raids, etc. That way if a player is bored he can check the calendar to see if anything major is going on that night.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Hobbies. Fishing is great, but it doesn't really grab me. Some new hobbies would be appreciated... gardening, card games, something nifty that doesn't necessarily improve your character stats-wise but offers fun "perks". Could even tie them into the housing neighborhoods somehow.
2. I don't have a second. :)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I like the housing comments about hooks or more hooks
2. Another housing issue; I would like to be able to have my Elves have the option to be able to have houses within their respective cultures (Lorien and Mirkwood). Later game housing instances would be nice
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what
would it be?
I think that one or two special legendaries be allowed/char that would stay exactly the same level as the player. The catch being that the weapons themselves would get their own deeds (in addition to scrolls). Deeds could then allow for substitution of Legacies, provide bonuses, etc. Maybe there would even be unique skills. But players could only have a limited number of deeds per weapon/item.
Maybe Rep from other areas like say Ettenmoors could unlock some of the legacy/deed options?
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Activities? PvMP stuff in general, I like Creeps/PVP but Creep content vs. Freep... one sided.
2. Chicken Runs
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1.An updated UI or releasing more robust (useful) UI APIs to allow for UI mods. Most of my greivances with the UI lie with equipment and inventory management. It would be great if the shared bank UI was applied to the standard bank UI, there is no way to quickly spot one stack of items from the sea of small icons nor is there a way to automatically stack items between bank and bags without having to drag and drop an item onto its coresponding stack. The selling interface makes no sense to me, the order that items are listed have little to no correlation to the way they're sorted in my bags. I would also like the ability to keep track of my items across alts, similar to the Altaholic UI mod for WoW: http://www.wowinterface.com/download...Altoholic.html
2. Improved skirmish AI. This is pretty self explainatory. My soldiers are constantly: getting stuck on things which results in both of us getting killed, never heal me inbetween fights when they're at full power (maybe a powerful out of combat regen aura could solve this?), or not moving out of damage zones.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Mounted combat for Rohan?
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1."Non-standard" Skirmishes: There are no compelling reasons to do the higher tier or group skirmishes because they take ~50+% longer to do yet only yield 10-20% more marks. It just feels like a boring grind that's only worth doing for my class legendary trophies because no one does Carn Dum anymore and the ones that drop from elites have an abysmally low drop rate.
2.Grouping: It just feels like no one really groups anymore which is a shame because it makes it so much easier to just tear through quests in a group especially if you're playing a class that isn't very solo friendly
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1....... really? you have to ask? Okay. Housing, please Turbin, for the love of all that is Tolkien and holy! - My current stand on housing has removed the need to say "Do it my way!" :p But the frustration is that the house is too limited. I want to showcase what you have given me and I have obtained! That is the long and the short of it. Find a way to make that happen and you will have a happy Bandit.
2. hobbies - more of them would be great and fluff stuff that you could do with them (eg: whittling - make housing statuettes) <~ not that I am suggesting you include whittling as a hobby, just that you should couple a hobby with fluff stuff.
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
Entirely new? I guess Mounted combat is the hot topic right now that is actually "new" PvMP skirmishes wouldn't really be new since skirmishes and PvMP are neither new, combining them would be... innovative.
Anyway, Mounted Combat would be nice.
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. PvMP - Mostly, there isn't enough to do out there to make it a priority. But I wish I had more reason to be out there.
2. Fluff stuff, I tend to feel as though I need to grind far too much. (So I am saying you have too much gear grinding) ;)
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
[/COLOR][/COLOR]Question 2
[COLOR=Orange]If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
[COLOR=White]Offline crafting. It would be nice to be able to craft on my PDA, cell phone, or Facebook account without having to be logged in the actual game! :D
Now that is a brilliant idea. I'd definitely love to have an app for that! :D
Re: Tell the Community Team - New and Revamped Systems - 4/8/10
Originally Posted by
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. I would love to add more ;variables to emotes and tweek the system a bit.
Xhiu: /emoteto would love to smack ;target around and see ;possessive eyes fall out.
print to you: You would love to smack Frodo around and see his eyes fall out.
print to target: Xhiu would love to smack you around and see your eyes fall out.
print to room: Xhiu would love to smack Frodo around and see his eyes fall out.
Xhiu: /hail waves in greeting as ;pronoun says 'Mae govannen, ;target.'
print to room: [color emote] Xhiu waves in greetings as she says, '[color say]Mae govannen, Frodo.'
Xhiu: /echo Sweating profusely ;me takes a moment to wipe her brow.
this puts my name inside the emote for variety.
I would like to add a /aliasmake command or something of that sort to allow aliases to print to users/aliases the actuall alias and not what the alias is suppose to be. (vocabulary went south for a moment) so that I can make an alias to add aliases without them being (oh yeah) parsed.
2.I would like to see pathing for player owned horses. I type a command that starts my horse path then start autorun and when I'm there I stop the path. Next time I am close to a startpath I can just send my horse on the long trek. This would not be like taxi horses in that if you run into something that aggos you they could attack and knock you off your horse. pather beware.
Originally Posted by
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
ffs please no flying mounts. I want to be able to drop items on the ground and pick them up. or make items droppable for other people to pick up. (not up to me to make this work so gl with this idea) Gardening is a hobby. Farming is a profession. Parsely, thyme, mint are growing in my GARDEN as we speak. I dont find it in logs. Moss maybe. Flowers should be like fish imo. Plant them anywhere, pick them and [/color=green]arrange[/color] them. Trade them, put them on tables, make them into other obj for cooks or farmers (dont get me started on seed naming). Give them a life time of an hr or 30 mins and max number for an area (gl with that).
Originally Posted by
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
1. Festivals. I try to make time. But sometimes getting 3 or 4 toons through races, or walking fences while drunk, can wear on me. I'd also like to be able to have more opportunity to use those fireworks, or festival items. I guess thats what makes them special.
2. /music