Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Renfellow, Man, Level 17 Captain
Age: 27
Preferred server(s), if any: Landroval
Location: EST
Playstyle: Casual but enthusiastic player. Light to no RP. Enjoy both solo and guild play.
MMO games you’ve played: This is my first.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature and engaged, willing and excited to help other players with an unselfish attitude.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Low RP, casual kinship with helpful members and a team oriented environment.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hi! I am currently a member of a kinship, however during the past few weeks I have been only one of two players on. Most of the players who are remaining are on PST, that is 3 hours different from mine, also limiting the amount of time we can play together. I am looking for a kinship that is in the Eastern timezone, I play for a couple of hours every night and several hours on the weekends. I would love to become a part of a large kinship so I could easily find players to do fellowships with.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):two characters - Constina level 49 guardian and Lisorin Level 23 Champion
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 48
Preferred server(s), Silverload
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern
Playstyle: I am a good solo player however I love to do fellowship quests as needed. I have always been willing to help people do a quest that they need. Most quests (until end game) don't take that long to help someone out.
MMO games you’ve played:WOW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm all for helping the kinship achieve it's goals and helping lower level players feel at home and welcome.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):I'm looking for a large (but it doesn't have to be enormous) group of players who will be online a large portion of time. One of the main problems lately is that not many kinsmen have been online to help me get past some rough patches to advance my character. Since I am only on a few hours every evening, I don't want to spend my entire time "yelling" in hopes of getting a group together.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race:
Silla, Man, Level 19 Hunter
Age: 30
Preferred server(s), if any: Elendilmir
Location: GMT+8
Playstyle: Casual
MMO games you’ve played: UO, EQ2
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Love to help other players, and loyal to kinship.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Team work, helpful and casual.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
hi everybody.
ive got a lv13 hobbit ministrel on landroval and i would like to join a kinship. im a casual gamer who enjoys light roleplaying. i love to work in fellowships. i am currently on book1 chapter 11 but would love to help people who are on earlier quests get up to mine. I will avoid grinding at all costs! i also have experience in groups and can heal competently.
give me a tell or send a letter to baladin if im not there, (il pay you back the coppers.)
lv13 hobbit ministrel Baladin
playstyle: casual
pros: easygoing, willing to roleplay,
positive, friendly.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Here are a few things about myself:
Your name, or character name and race: My guy is a Man Minstrel, lvl 10
Age: 20
Preferred server: Silverlode
Location: I am in Colorado, so Mountain Standard Time
Playstyle:I am more of a casual gamer anymore since my job takes a lot of my time. But I like to play whenever I can...usually in the evenings or on weekends. I like to solo, but am also big on parties, especially on end game raids and stuff.
MMO games you’ve played:WoW, SWG, DAoC, CoH, Fury, EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard, and a few others....yea, I like MMO's ;)
Why kinships should be interested in you: I am someone who is easy to get along with, I take whatever advice someone can give, and I would rather have a good time than anything.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:Just a casual guild as I only really play on nights and weekends. One where people are willing to help others, and were we can just have a good time. I am not too concerned about language or anything like that, just want a good bunch of people to play with.
Look forward to hearing from someone soon ^_^
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello "recruiters", I'm looking for a kinship and I haven't found anything in the forums that really seems to suit me. I am willing to move servers (as long as the server isn't deserted or anything) and I'm willing to re-roll as a different class if it would suit the kinship better. Here are my vitals that were suggested at the beginning of the thread.
Your name, or character name and race: Larytia (currently 15, Captain), Race of Man
Age: Thirtysomething
Preferred server(s), if any: Brandywine, but again, willing to move
Location: Arizona, so Mountain Standard (no DST)
Playstyle: My playstyle is varied. I'm currently time limited, but I have been a hardcore. I can play at the hardcore level and my time may become more available. I like some RP, but I really don't want to stuck in a kinship that is hardcore RP.
MMO games you’ve played: Asheron's Call, World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online (and many others both in betas and just for a month or so)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I think I'm pretty fun to have around, my guildmates have always though so at least :). I am very good at the playing MMOs (meaning that I pick up on the advanced skills in addition to the average skills, things like keeping enemies facing you, protecting weaker classes etc). I like to participate on forums, but I'm not one of those people that has to post 30 times a day. And I'm not high maintenance, I may need people's help with certain quests, but I won't be harassing guildmates for help with everything I do.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a kinship that first of all has an active board and website. A kinship that doesn't get mad at some RP in-game and on the boards, but at the same time this isn't an expectation (don't laugh, I've been in both types before in other games). I am not interested in a group that requires in-game voice chat (ventrilo, teamspeak or built-in) for everything, that's fine for raiding, but I won't be on voice chat when I'm wandering through a zone doing quests. Also, I'd like a kinship that raids or is at least associated with a group that raids. While I don't really have the time for raiding right now (and of course I'm too low a level), I will eventually be interested in this.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my post, I hope there is a group out there that I will fit in.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Motho (Hobbit Minstrel (level 38 at time)
Age: 20
Preferred server(s): Firefoot
Location: USA (Mountain timezone but that generally means I can play later ;) )
Playstyle: I really enjoy being with a good group where people work together. After all, I chose a teamplay class anyway. So far I've just done PvE and a bit of PvP as a creep and might be interested in more. I really want to get a good group that can actually do conjunctions well :roll:
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm a minstrel! But otherwise I enjoy playing as part of a group and I like performing various minstrel rolls and adapting myself to various situations.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Probably one that does PvE but I'd still be interested in PvP.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race: Eadric LVL 43 GRD
Age: 20
Preferred server(s): Nimrodel
Location: Canada
Playstyle: I like to solo but I enjoy group play with easy going gamers.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO
What kind of kinship you are looking for:Never been in a kinship before. I would prefer a kinship with a lot of members, that I don't need to be too extremely active in, but that's into PVP, Creafting, and Questing.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hello there, I'm relatively new to LOTRO so I don't know a whole lot about the game. Hopefully there is some kinship out there that doesn't mind new players
Your name, or character name and race:
Khalvynnov, Man, Level 10 Champion| Khamm, man, Level 12 Captain (probably use Khamm more often then Khalvynnov)
Age: 30+
Preferred server(s), if any: Elendilmir
Location: Canada; PST
Playstyle: Casual
MMO games you’ve played: UO, EQ, EQ2 EQOA (PS2), AC, AC2, CoV/CoE, Guildwars, SWG, WoW, and others
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Like to help other players (when I am able to), and loyal to kinship.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Team work, helpful and casual. One that does not mind a new player.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Cleitanious (Havn't made the character, still debating on if I should play on this server permenantly)
Age: 20
Location. EST USA
Solo most of the time,
group for instances,
PvE all of the time,
PvP rarely,
RAIDs only when absolutely nothing else to do,
casual pretty much,
hardcore when I have days off , e
nd-game I usually avoid,
RP not in RP sessions or anything but my characters arn't named Smackdaddy,
no RP can be expected,
time limited on work days,
crafter but not craft-farmer.
MMO games you’ve played:Zelda-Online, DaoC Beta, WoW, EQ 2, SWG Beta
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Loyal, experience player who has been kinship leader in other games including LOTRO.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
A casual, family-type kinship who is willing to contact me via PM on forums.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Granthir(Elven Hunter)(Forester)
Age: 28
Location: EST, Silverdale Server
Playstyle: Typically Solo, especially when seeking crafting materials(I like Crafting)
MMOs: Everquest I and II, Lineage II, WOW, Planetside, Guild Wars, Runescape, Battlefield 1 and 2, City of Heroes/Vilians, NWN, Star Wars Galaxies...need I go on?
Why Kinships should be interested you? I am a hunter...although there seem to be a lot of those. Notably I am concentrating a lot of effort on crafting, so that I can make those truly desirable wooden weapons...plus, I can grow pipe-weed :)
What kind of Kinship am I looking for? One that is easy to get along with. I don't like being told that since I am in the kinship, and a raid is forming, that I have to join the raid. I don't have a lot of time to play at one sitting, so I need to be able to get on, get some enjoyment, and log out satisfied that I accomplished something or helped someone else accomplish something.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Looking for a kinship on any server. I don't have a character at this point. I played the free trial on Silverlode. But I now have founder pricing so I have to restart. So I can play on any server. I am waiting on picking a server until I find the right group.
A little about me. I played AC2 (my first MMO and my first love). I played until they announced the shutdown. I played on TD. Had a level 69 enchanter, was itching to hit 70. But the shutdown ended that hope. I played in the guild started by Confluxus. Hg, Ludacris, Hadorak were some of my mates ....maybe you know some of them, maybe you don't. They were a great bunch of guys, always helpful.
After AC2 I went to EVE. It was cool for a bit, but never really grabbed me. Anyway I have been MMO-less since I stopped playing EVE in April.
I am 41 years old, married with children. I live in Connecticut. I play odd hours. Sometimes at night, sometimes in the morning, weekends, weekdays. Doesn't matter. I am self employed so I have a somewhat flexible schedule. I rarely play on Friday and Saturday nights, except maybe late after 11PM Eastern.
I am looking for a decently populated server. I don't role play. I don't like to use microphones and headsets when I play.
I am going to be a loremaster once I pick a server.
I was a high level spellbinder (crafter) in AC2. Pretty sure I would continue my crafting ways in LOTR.
I would like a helpful group, and i am always willing to help. If i had a $1 for every time I ran people through the Soulbound weapon quest in AC2 I would be a very rich man. I miss that game...fun times.
As of 11/01/2007 at 1:00PM EST I have not made any choices. i have received some PM's that I am investigating. Thanks for the replies. So, I am still open to new selections.
Let me know.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Lakerace as of 11-01-07 LV37 Champion, Alt Killagin LV32 Hunter
Age: 35
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location:Eastern Timezone
Playstyle:Weaponsmith Tier 3, Group, Solo
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: On Mornings Mainly, Like Grouping with Lower Level Players to help them out, Crafting Weapons for others makes my day. Play about 3 hours a day. I could be relied upon to "work the morning shift for the kinship" whatever that entails.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a large Kinship who is willing to help each other out, helping lower levels, crafting for kinship, Raids now and then when I get to a high enough level. Mail me an in game letter if you are interested in having me in your Kinship. Let me know your Kinship name, a brief description of your Kinship and a website address so I can learn more about your Kinship. And a name of a recruiter I can send an in game letter asking to be added to Kinship.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Carnelian, hobbit
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)27
Preferred server(s), if any. :Meneldor
Location. : I'm in the Northeast US
Playstyle. : I guess group, want to do quests.
MMO games you’ve played: just this one.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm a level 17 female hobbit minstrel, I'm a team player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm currently in a kinship where all the members are high levels and I can't fellow with any of them...I have quests that I really need to fellow to complete...I have the full amount of quests and need to finish alot of them. I'd also enjoy a kinship that is either hobbit focused or with a fair amount of hobbits in it.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
I am looking for an all Elven kinship to join. I prefer for it not to be a heavy role playing type kinship. I am not one that usually role plays, but here and there is fine.
If anyone has a kinship they think I might like, please send me a tell. I would be willing to re-roll on another server.
Age: 33
Server: Looking to re-roll
Location: Upstate, NY
Playstyle: Solo/Casual/Group when needed/Raid when able too
MMO's played: EQ, SWG, WoW, Horizons, Lineage II and of course LOTRO. I have been playing MMO's since EQ came out.
Ideal Kinship: Casual/Friendly
My Traits: Quick learner, easy going, get along with pretty much everyone.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character name and race: Beraca, Human, only had the game for a few days so i am currently a level 16 Captain
Real Life Age: 18
Server: Landroval
Timezone: Eastern
Playstyle: I’m new to this game.
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, EQ2, WoW, DAOC, SWG, CoH, PS, D2, Lineage II
Why kinships should be interested in you: I may be new to the game but I have experience with guilds in other games/raid experience and I'm a nice guy :)
What kind of kinship are you are looking for: I'm looking for nice people to teach me the game and help me along. Eventually I hope to get to end game which is where I have the most fun :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Hey there Landroval!
Here's a nice, fun, medium-casual player looking for a kinship that treats each other with respect and brotherly (or sisterly, as the case may be) love. Though considerate kinmates are a must, I'm not looking for an RP-heavy or serious guild; this is just a game, and I want to treat it like one. So if you see your kin as more of a group of mature friends than an impersonal army or a part of the mythology, send me a PM!
Name: Bill
Location: CA
Age: 19
Main Char: 33 Burg
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
name: Bluecat, level 19 woman minstrel.
Age: 40+
Preferred server: Elendilmir.
Location. I'm in Pacific Northwest, on Pacific Time. I tend to play evenings, weekends, and Mondays, very casually, maybe 3-15 hours a week. Okay, maybe 15 hours isn't so casual.
Playstyle. I’ve mostly been solo up to now, but I’m running out of quests I can accomplish alone. More than two attacking me, I run. I thought I’d like the crafting stuff, being new to killing. But actually I’m finding the crafting stuff kinda dull. Except prospecting. Exploring the landscape is fun.
MMO games you’ve played: This is my first. I used to play Myst. Stop laughing. I like pretty pictures.
I want to learn to fellowship, and how to function as a minstrel in a fellowship. I’m happy to support other players to accomplish their quests, and to share what scant knowledge I have. I’m kind, cooperative, and a team player once I know the rules.
I'm also thinking it might be fun to develop some friends in the game to hang out and explore.
What kind of kinship you are looking for? Hopefully one with players near my level that I can fellowship with to help complete each other’s quests. A sense of humor and fun is good.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Mirru, lvl 35 Human Captain (I am a male, by the way, so there's no confusion.)
Age: 25
Preferred server(s): Don't really have a preference, but my highest lvl (the 35 cap) is on Gladden.
Location: Texas
Playstyle: I'm mostly a casual player, just looking for people to quest with when I'm not doing other stuff. I don't like the pressure of feeling that I should be logging on because I have to go do an instance. I'm also open to RP, but I'm not really experienced with it.
MMO games I’ve played: WoW (highest lvl 41 hunter) and City of Heroes (highest lvl 9). I'm not a huge MMO guy because I've never actively looked for a clan, so I've been at the mercy of my friends, who usually all find something else to do.
The Rundown: Basically, I love Tolkien's works, and I bought a lifetime subscription to this game, so I figured I'd make it worth my while. All of my other friends bailed out when they learned PVP wouldn't be in the game much. I'm really just looking to make a few new online friends, and play when I have some free time. I'm not opposed to setting dates for quests and such ahead of time, but I don't want to get thirty lashes if life intercedes. :)
In-game, I really like the captain class, so I'd like to stick with that if possible, or at least take a role that isn't pure support. I find if I try to do pure support or debuff, I usually can't juggle all the spells very well. That said, I like fulfilling a secondary healing role and lending support when I'm not whomping on a monster.
I'd love to find a casual, mature kinship that doesn't feel the need to powerlevel to have fun. I bought a beautiful game, so there are times where I might want to just enjoy it for what it is. :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
More folks from Texas is always a good thing. Check your PM :)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name: Skuldwise - presently lvl 45 Hobbit Burglar - Master Artisan Jeweler
Preferred server(s): Landroval
Location: U.S. - Midwest (Central Time)
Playstyle: I tend to try and get on for at least an hour or two a night (but can go longer if things are getting interesting). I consider myself an experienced MMORPG player - been playing for years. I'm not into heavy RP, but can handle a light RP kin with no problem. However, if the heavy RP group were kind and patient I would most likely be willing to learn - at the very least I am respectful. I am all for helping people out with quests if they are courteous about it, but reserve the right to say no - and will have no part of power leveling. I enjoy kin gatherings and what not, but what I really need is a group from which to draw groups from. I am finding that it is getting harder and harder to find groups. Incidentally, I would really be interested in a kin that has a house (presently, I have a house in the dwarf neighborhood - near my Superior workbench).
The Rundown: Basically, I am looking for a mature kin that will not fizzle out (I am presently an officer in a kin that has died) for myself and a friend of mine (his play habits are very similar to my own - and he has several alts - dwarf, hobbit, and man) which has an active membership. Most of my playtime is in the evening during the week - I am rarely online on Friday and Saturday evenings. I am happy to help out where I can, and enjoy playing with people that are comfortable with their characters and understand their role in the game (believe it or not, I've had to convince more than one guardian that they shouldn't be the primary DPS in a group, and that neither should I).
I would be very interested in a kin that was primarily Hobbits (which accepts dwarfs as well), but have a very open mind for all groups. Websites are fine and all, but I'd rather interact with my kin in game and do things rather than talk about them.
If you are interested in taking on two more members - please send an in game message (either mail or tell) to Skuldwise (Landroval), and I will be happy to discuss your kin and what we have to offer eachother.
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Character names: Indo (level 9 hobbit burglar) and Patagonia (Level 8 hobbit minstrel) are both on Elendilmir
Age: 44
Preferred servers:Elendilmir or Brandywine (but still a noob so can move servers)
Location: Central US Timezone
Playstyle: Casual Player, I try to play every evening for a little while, more on weekends
MMO games you’ve played: Planetside, Eve Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I am a nice person, who plays well and cooperates with others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Here is the most important thing for me--I usually play Lord of the Rings Online with my 13-year-old daughter with her sitting right next to me on another computer. We would like a kinship that would accept a father-daughter team. My daughter only plays when I play. We would not mind some role-playing since we tend to do this when we play already. We would also like a relaxed kinship that would teach us the ropes and give us support as we learn about the game world. Please send me a tell or in-game mail, we would like hear from you.
Looking for MY perfect Fit
Name or character name: I have a few characters, willing to start over with right fit.
39 (and holding)
USA - Connecticut
Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups of similar level people.
MMO games you’ve played:
I have played most of them, but the ones I most fond of are EQ, EQ2, and LotRo
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I am tall, dark and handsome, what is not to love? Seriously, I am a total team player, I am NOT a leader, more of a follower in my play styles. I am not about the loot, but about the experience in the quest. I am a quest-a-holic so even when they are grey'd out, I still have this unyielding urge to finish them. I am friendly, never involved in drama or conflict, and an honest player with a moderate sense of humor.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
I have been in LARGE ones (I always seem to feel lost in the crowd). I have been in a few startups (They never seem to get off the ground) SO, I think a medium sized, very active, RP guild would be best. I would prefer to be in a very active RP kinship, but that seems a tall order.
My playtimes are generally in the evening hours and random times on the weekend. I also have a lifetime membership to the lands of Middle Earth,
I look forward to any and all replies (if any.)
Re: Looking for a Kinship? Post here.
Name/Race: Shanky, Hobbit
Level: 42 Burglar
Age: 29
Server: Gladden
Location: Minnesota, so Central timezone I think and we are on daylight savings time.
Playstyle: Solo, a lot of it too but it does get boring after awhile
MMO's: I've played EQ, WoW, FFXII, dabbled around with AO online, EQ2 and DAoC, so I've
been around and think I'm a competent player.
Looking for a laid back Kinship with friendly people, don't really have to raid or anything like
that just looking for some other people to hang out with and do whatever, get some group
quests accomplished and the like. I'm easy to get along with and always willing to help out
anyone with whatever they need.